require 'time' require 'bigdecimal' require 'bigdecimal/util' module CouchRest # Basic attribute support for adding getter/setter + validation class Property attr_reader :name, :type, :read_only, :alias, :default, :casted, :init_method, :options # attribute to define def initialize(name, type = nil, options = {}) @name = name.to_s parse_type(type) parse_options(options) self end def typecast(value) do_typecast(value, type, init_method) end protected def do_typecast(value, target, init_method) return nil if value.nil? if target == 'String' then typecast_to_string(value) elsif target == 'Boolean' then typecast_to_boolean(value) elsif target == 'Integer' then typecast_to_integer(value) elsif target == 'Float' then typecast_to_float(value) elsif target == 'BigDecimal' then typecast_to_bigdecimal(value) elsif target == 'DateTime' then typecast_to_datetime(value) elsif target == 'Time' then typecast_to_time(value) elsif target == 'Date' then typecast_to_date(value) elsif target == 'Class' then typecast_to_class(value) elsif target.is_a?(Array) then typecast_array(value, target, init_method) else @klass ||= ::CouchRest.constantize(target) value.kind_of?(@klass) ? value : @klass.send(init_method, value.dup) end end def typecast_array(value, target, init_method) { |v| do_typecast(v, target[0], init_method) } end # Typecast a value to an Integer def typecast_to_integer(value) value.kind_of?(Integer) ? value : typecast_to_numeric(value, :to_i) end # Typecast a value to a String def typecast_to_string(value) value.to_s end # Typecast a value to a true or false def typecast_to_boolean(value) return value if value == true || value == false if value.kind_of?(Integer) return true if value == 1 return false if value == 0 elsif value.respond_to?(:to_str) return true if %w[ true 1 t ].include?(value.to_str.downcase) return false if %w[ false 0 f ].include?(value.to_str.downcase) end value end # Typecast a value to a BigDecimal def typecast_to_bigdecimal(value) return value if value.kind_of?(BigDecimal) if value.kind_of?(Integer) value.to_s.to_d else typecast_to_numeric(value, :to_d) end end # Typecast a value to a Float def typecast_to_float(value) return value if value.kind_of?(Float) typecast_to_numeric(value, :to_f) end # Match numeric string def typecast_to_numeric(value, method) if value.respond_to?(:to_str) if value.to_str =~ /\A(-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?|(?:\.\d+))\z/ $1.send(method) else value end elsif value.respond_to?(method) value.send(method) else value end end # Typecasts an arbitrary value to a DateTime. # Handles both Hashes and DateTime instances. def typecast_to_datetime(value) return value if value.kind_of?(DateTime) if value.is_a?(Hash) typecast_hash_to_datetime(value) else DateTime.parse(value.to_s) end rescue ArgumentError value end # Typecasts an arbitrary value to a Date # Handles both Hashes and Date instances. def typecast_to_date(value) return value if value.kind_of?(Date) if value.is_a?(Hash) typecast_hash_to_date(value) else Date.parse(value.to_s) end rescue ArgumentError value end # Typecasts an arbitrary value to a Time # Handles both Hashes and Time instances. def typecast_to_time(value) return value if value.kind_of?(Time) if value.is_a?(Hash) typecast_hash_to_time(value) else Time.mktime_with_offset(value.to_s) end rescue ArgumentError value rescue TypeError value end # Creates a DateTime instance from a Hash with keys :year, :month, :day, # :hour, :min, :sec def typecast_hash_to_datetime(value)*extract_time(value)) end # Creates a Date instance from a Hash with keys :year, :month, :day def typecast_hash_to_date(value)*extract_time(value)[0, 3]) end # Creates a Time instance from a Hash with keys :year, :month, :day, # :hour, :min, :sec def typecast_hash_to_time(value) Time.local(*extract_time(value)) end # Extracts the given args from the hash. If a value does not exist, it # uses the value of def extract_time(value) now = [:year, :month, :day, :hour, :min, :sec].map do |segment| typecast_to_numeric(value.fetch(segment, now.send(segment)), :to_i) end end # Typecast a value to a Class def typecast_to_class(value) return value if value.kind_of?(Class) ::CouchRest.constantize(value.to_s) rescue NameError value end private def parse_type(type) if type.nil? @type = 'String' elsif type.is_a?(Array) && type.empty? @type = ['Object'] else @type = type.is_a?(Array) ? [type.first.to_s] : type.to_s end end def parse_options(options) return if options.empty? @validation_format = options.delete(:format) if options[:format] @read_only = options.delete(:read_only) if options[:read_only] @alias = options.delete(:alias) if options[:alias] @default = options.delete(:default) unless options[:default].nil? @casted = options[:casted] ? true : false @init_method = options[:send] ? options.delete(:send) : 'new' @options = options end end end