require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'support', 'class') require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'support', 'blank') # This file must be loaded after the JSON gem and any other library that beats up the Time class. class Time # This date format sorts lexicographically # and is compatible with Javascript's new Date(time_string) constructor. # Note this this format stores all dates in UTC so that collation # order is preserved. (There's no longer a need to set ENV['TZ'] = 'UTC' # in your application.) def to_json(options = nil) u = self.utc %("#{u.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S +0000")}") end # Decodes the JSON time format to a UTC time. # Based on Time.parse from ActiveSupport. ActiveSupport's version # is more complete, returning a time in your current timezone, # rather than keeping the time in UTC. YMMV. # def self.parse string, fallback=nil # d = DateTime.parse(string).new_offset # self.utc(d.year, d.month,, d.hour, d.min, d.sec) # rescue # fallback # end end # Monkey patch for faster net/http io if RUBY_VERSION.to_f < 1.9 class Net::BufferedIO #:nodoc: alias :old_rbuf_fill :rbuf_fill def rbuf_fill begin @rbuf << @io.read_nonblock(65536) rescue Errno::EWOULDBLOCK if[@io], nil, nil, @read_timeout) @rbuf << @io.read_nonblock(65536) else raise Timeout::TimeoutError end end end end end module RestClient def self.copy(url, headers={}) Request.execute(:method => :copy, :url => url, :headers => headers) end def self.move(url, headers={}) Request.execute(:method => :move, :url => url, :headers => headers) end class Request def transmit(uri, req, payload) setup_credentials(req) Thread.current[:host] ||= Thread.current[:port] ||= uri.port net =, uri.port) if Thread.current[:connection].nil? || Thread.current[:host] != Thread.current[:connection].finish if (Thread.current[:connection] && Thread.current[:connection].started?) net.use_ssl = uri.is_a?(URI::HTTPS) net.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE Thread.current[:connection] = net Thread.current[:connection].start end display_log request_log http = Thread.current[:connection] http.read_timeout = @timeout if @timeout begin res = http.request(req, payload) rescue # p "Net::HTTP connection failed, reconnecting" Thread.current[:connection].finish http = Thread.current[:connection] = net Thread.current[:connection].start res = http.request(req, payload) display_log response_log(res) process_result res else display_log response_log(res) process_result res end rescue EOFError raise RestClient::ServerBrokeConnection rescue Timeout::Error raise RestClient::RequestTimeout end end end