# encoding: utf-8 require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require File.join(FIXTURE_PATH, 'more', 'sale_invoice') describe "Assocations" do describe "of type belongs to" do before :each do @invoice = SaleInvoice.create(:price => 2000) @client = Client.create(:name => "Sam Lown") end it "should create a foreign key property with setter and getter" do @invoice.properties.find{|p| p.name == 'client_id'}.should_not be_nil @invoice.respond_to?(:client_id).should be_true @invoice.respond_to?("client_id=").should be_true end it "should set the property and provide object when set" do @invoice.client = @client @invoice.client_id.should eql(@client.id) @invoice.client.should eql(@client) end it "should set the attribute, save and return" do @invoice.client = @client @invoice.save @invoice = SaleInvoice.get(@invoice.id) @invoice.client.id.should eql(@client.id) end it "should remove the association if nil is provided" do @invoice.client = @client @invoice.client = nil @invoice.client_id.should be_nil end it "should not try to search for association if foreign_key is nil" do @invoice.client_id = nil Client.should_not_receive(:get) @invoice.client end it "should raise error if class name does not exist" do lambda { class TestBadAssoc < CouchRest::Model::Base belongs_to :test_bad_item end }.should raise_error end it "should allow override of foreign key" do @invoice.respond_to?(:alternate_client).should be_true @invoice.respond_to?("alternate_client=").should be_true @invoice.properties.find{|p| p.name == 'alt_client_id'}.should_not be_nil end it "should allow override of foreign key and save" do @invoice.alternate_client = @client @invoice.save @invoice = SaleInvoice.get(@invoice.id) @invoice.alternate_client.id.should eql(@client.id) end end describe "of type collection_of" do before(:each) do @invoice = SaleInvoice.create(:price => 2000) @entries = [ SaleEntry.create(:description => 'test line 1', :price => 500), SaleEntry.create(:description => 'test line 2', :price => 500), SaleEntry.create(:description => 'test line 3', :price => 1000) ] end it "should create an associated property and collection proxy" do @invoice.respond_to?('entry_ids') @invoice.respond_to?('entry_ids=') @invoice.entries.class.should eql(::CouchRest::CollectionOfProxy) end it "should allow replacement of objects" do @invoice.entries = @entries @invoice.entries.length.should eql(3) @invoice.entry_ids.length.should eql(3) @invoice.entries.first.should eql(@entries.first) @invoice.entry_ids.first.should eql(@entries.first.id) end it "should allow ids to be set directly and load entries" do @invoice.entry_ids = @entries.collect{|i| i.id} @invoice.entries.length.should eql(3) @invoice.entries.first.should eql(@entries.first) end it "should replace collection if ids replaced" do @invoice.entry_ids = @entries.collect{|i| i.id} @invoice.entries.length.should eql(3) # load once @invoice.entry_ids = @entries[0..1].collect{|i| i.id} @invoice.entries.length.should eql(2) end it "should allow forced collection update if ids changed" do @invoice.entry_ids = @entries[0..1].collect{|i| i.id} @invoice.entries.length.should eql(2) # load once @invoice.entry_ids << @entries[2].id @invoice.entry_ids.length.should eql(3) @invoice.entries.length.should eql(2) # cached! @invoice.entries(true).length.should eql(3) end it "should empty arrays when nil collection provided" do @invoice.entries = @entries @invoice.entries = nil @invoice.entry_ids.should be_empty @invoice.entries.should be_empty end it "should empty arrays when nil ids array provided" do @invoice.entries = @entries @invoice.entry_ids = nil @invoice.entry_ids.should be_empty @invoice.entries.should be_empty end it "should ignore nil entries" do @invoice.entries = [ nil ] @invoice.entry_ids.should be_empty @invoice.entries.should be_empty end describe "proxy" do it "should ensure new entries to proxy are matched" do @invoice.entries << @entries.first @invoice.entry_ids.first.should eql(@entries.first.id) @invoice.entries.first.should eql(@entries.first) @invoice.entries << @entries[1] @invoice.entries.count.should eql(2) @invoice.entry_ids.count.should eql(2) @invoice.entry_ids.last.should eql(@entries[1].id) @invoice.entries.last.should eql(@entries[1]) end it "should support push method" do @invoice.entries.push(@entries.first) @invoice.entry_ids.first.should eql(@entries.first.id) end it "should support []= method" do @invoice.entries[0] = @entries.first @invoice.entry_ids.first.should eql(@entries.first.id) end it "should support unshift method" do @invoice.entries.unshift(@entries.first) @invoice.entry_ids.first.should eql(@entries.first.id) @invoice.entries.unshift(@entries[1]) @invoice.entry_ids.first.should eql(@entries[1].id) end it "should support pop method" do @invoice.entries.push(@entries.first) @invoice.entries.pop.should eql(@entries.first) @invoice.entries.empty?.should be_true @invoice.entry_ids.empty?.should be_true end it "should support shift method" do @invoice.entries.push(@entries[0]) @invoice.entries.push(@entries[1]) @invoice.entries.shift.should eql(@entries[0]) @invoice.entries.first.should eql(@entries[1]) @invoice.entry_ids.first.should eql(@entries[1].id) end it "should raise error when adding un-persisted entries" do SaleEntry.find_by_description('test entry').should be_nil entry = SaleEntry.new(:description => 'test entry', :price => 500) lambda { @invoice.entries << entry }.should raise_error # In the future maybe? # @invoice.save.should be_true # SaleEntry.find_by_description('test entry').should_not be_nil end end end end