# encoding: utf-8 module CouchRest module Model module Properties extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do extlib_inheritable_accessor(:properties) unless self.respond_to?(:properties) self.properties ||= [] raise "You can only mixin Properties in a class responding to [] and []=, if you tried to mixin CastedModel, make sure your class inherits from Hash or responds to the proper methods" unless (method_defined?(:[]) && method_defined?(:[]=)) end # Returns the Class properties # # ==== Returns # Array:: the list of properties for model's class def properties self.class.properties end # Returns the Class properties with their values # # ==== Returns # Array:: the list of properties with their values def properties_with_values props = {} properties.each { |property| props[property.name] = read_attribute(property.name) } props end # Read the casted value of an attribute defined with a property. # # ==== Returns # Object:: the casted attibutes value. def read_attribute(property) self[find_property!(property).to_s] end # Store a casted value in the current instance of an attribute defined # with a property. def write_attribute(property, value) prop = find_property!(property) self[prop.to_s] = prop.is_a?(String) ? value : prop.cast(self, value) end # Takes a hash as argument, and applies the values by using writer methods # for each key. It doesn't save the document at the end. Raises a NoMethodError if the corresponding methods are # missing. In case of error, no attributes are changed. def update_attributes_without_saving(hash) # Remove any protected and update all the rest. Any attributes # which do not have a property will simply be ignored. attrs = remove_protected_attributes(hash) directly_set_attributes(attrs) end alias :attributes= :update_attributes_without_saving private # The following methods should be accessable by the Model::Base Class, but not by anything else! def apply_all_property_defaults return if self.respond_to?(:new?) && (new? == false) # TODO: cache the default object self.class.properties.each do |property| write_attribute(property, property.default_value) end end def prepare_all_attributes(doc = {}, options = {}) apply_all_property_defaults if options[:directly_set_attributes] directly_set_read_only_attributes(doc) else doc = remove_protected_attributes(doc) end directly_set_attributes(doc) unless doc.nil? end def find_property!(property) prop = property.is_a?(Property) ? property : self.class.properties.detect {|p| p.to_s == property.to_s} raise ArgumentError, "Missing property definition for #{property.to_s}" if prop.nil? prop end # Set all the attributes and return a hash with the attributes # that have not been accepted. def directly_set_attributes(hash) hash.reject do |attribute_name, attribute_value| if self.respond_to?("#{attribute_name}=") self.send("#{attribute_name}=", attribute_value) true elsif mass_assign_any_attribute # config option self[attribute_name] = attribute_value true else false end end end def directly_set_read_only_attributes(hash) property_list = self.properties.map{|p| p.name} hash.each do |attribute_name, attribute_value| next if self.respond_to?("#{attribute_name}=") if property_list.include?(attribute_name) write_attribute(attribute_name, hash.delete(attribute_name)) end end end def set_attributes(hash) attrs = remove_protected_attributes(hash) directly_set_attributes(attrs) end module ClassMethods def property(name, *options, &block) opts = { } type = options.shift if type.class != Hash opts[:type] = type opts.merge!(options.shift || {}) else opts.update(type) end existing_property = self.properties.find{|p| p.name == name.to_s} if existing_property.nil? || (existing_property.default != opts[:default]) define_property(name, opts, &block) end end # Automatically set updated_at and created_at fields # on the document whenever saving occurs. CouchRest uses a pretty # decent time format by default. See Time#to_json def timestamps! class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ property(:updated_at, Time, :read_only => true, :protected => true, :auto_validation => false) property(:created_at, Time, :read_only => true, :protected => true, :auto_validation => false) set_callback :save, :before do |object| write_attribute('updated_at', Time.now) write_attribute('created_at', Time.now) if object.new? end EOS end protected # This is not a thread safe operation, if you have to set new properties at runtime # make sure a mutex is used. def define_property(name, options={}, &block) # check if this property is going to casted type = options.delete(:type) || options.delete(:cast_as) if block_given? type = Class.new(Hash) do include CastedModel end type.class_eval { yield type } type = [type] # inject as an array end property = Property.new(name, type, options) create_property_getter(property) create_property_setter(property) unless property.read_only == true if property.type_class.respond_to?(:validates_casted_model) validates_casted_model property.name end properties << property property end # defines the getter for the property (and optional aliases) def create_property_getter(property) # meth = property.name class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{property.name} read_attribute('#{property.name}') end EOS if ['boolean', TrueClass.to_s.downcase].include?(property.type.to_s.downcase) class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{property.name}? value = read_attribute('#{property.name}') !(value.nil? || value == false) end EOS end if property.alias class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 alias #{property.alias.to_sym} #{property.name.to_sym} EOS end end # defines the setter for the property (and optional aliases) def create_property_setter(property) property_name = property.name class_eval <<-EOS def #{property_name}=(value) write_attribute('#{property_name}', value) end EOS if property.alias class_eval <<-EOS alias #{property.alias.to_sym}= #{property_name.to_sym}= EOS end end end # module ClassMethods end end end