module CouchRest module Model module AttributeProtection # Attribute protection from mass assignment to CouchRest::Model properties # # Protected methods will be removed from # * new # * update_attributes # * upate_attributes_without_saving # * attributes= # # There are two modes of protection # 1) Declare accessible poperties, and assume all unspecified properties are protected # property :name, :accessible => true # property :admin # this will be automatically protected # # 2) Declare protected properties, and assume all unspecified properties are accessible # property :name # this will not be protected # property :admin, :protected => true # # 3) Mix and match, and assume all unspecified properties are protected. # property :name, :accessible => true # property :admin, :protected => true # property :phone # this will be automatically protected # # Note: the timestamps! method protectes the created_at and updated_at properties def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def accessible_properties { |prop| prop.options[:accessible] } end def protected_properties { |prop| prop.options[:protected] } end end def accessible_properties self.class.accessible_properties end def protected_properties self.class.protected_properties end def remove_protected_attributes(attributes) protected_names = { |prop| } return attributes if protected_names.empty? attributes.reject! do |property_name, property_value| protected_names.include?(property_name.to_s) end if attributes attributes || {} end private def properties_to_remove_from_mass_assignment to_remove = protected_properties unless accessible_properties.empty? to_remove += properties.reject { |prop| prop.options[:accessible] } end to_remove end end end end