# encoding: utf-8 module CouchRest::Model class Property include ::CouchRest::Model::Typecast attr_reader :name, :type, :type_class, :read_only, :alias, :default, :casted, :init_method, :options # Attribute to define. # All Properties are assumed casted unless the type is nil. def initialize(name, type = nil, options = {}) @name = name.to_s @casted = true parse_type(type) parse_options(options) self end def to_s name end # Cast the provided value using the properties details. def cast(parent, value) return value unless casted if type.is_a?(Array) if value.nil? value = [] elsif [Hash, HashWithIndifferentAccess].include?(value.class) # Assume provided as a Hash where key is index! data = value value = [ ] data.keys.sort.each do |k| value << data[k] end elsif !value.is_a?(Array) raise "Expecting an array or keyed hash for property #{parent.class.name}##{self.name}" end arr = value.collect { |data| cast_value(parent, data) } # allow casted_by calls to be passed up chain by wrapping in CastedArray value = type_class != String ? CastedArray.new(arr, self) : arr value.casted_by = parent if value.respond_to?(:casted_by) elsif !value.nil? value = cast_value(parent, value) end value end # Cast an individual value, not an array def cast_value(parent, value) raise "An array inside an array cannot be casted, use CastedModel" if value.is_a?(Array) value = typecast_value(value, self) associate_casted_value_to_parent(parent, value) end def default_value return if default.nil? if default.class == Proc default.call else Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(default)) end end private def associate_casted_value_to_parent(parent, value) value.casted_by = parent if value.respond_to?(:casted_by) value end def parse_type(type) if type.nil? @casted = false @type = nil @type_class = nil else base = type.is_a?(Array) ? type.first : type base = Object if base.nil? raise "Defining a property type as a #{type.class.name.humanize} is not supported in CouchRest Model!" if base.class != Class @type_class = base @type = type end end def parse_options(options) @validation_format = options.delete(:format) if options[:format] @read_only = options.delete(:read_only) if options[:read_only] @alias = options.delete(:alias) if options[:alias] @default = options.delete(:default) unless options[:default].nil? @init_method = options[:init_method] ? options.delete(:init_method) : 'new' @options = options end end end