require 'digest/md5' module CouchRest class FileManager attr_reader :db attr_accessor :loud LANGS = {"rb" => "ruby", "js" => "javascript"} MIMES = { "html" => "text/html", "htm" => "text/html", "png" => "image/png", "gif" => "image/gif", "css" => "text/css", "js" => "test/javascript", "txt" => "text/plain" } def initialize(dbname, host="") @db = end def push_app(appdir, appname) libs = [] viewdir = File.join(appdir,"views") attachdir = File.join(appdir,"_attachments") @doc = dir_to_fields(appdir) package_forms(@doc["forms"]) package_views(@doc["views"]) docid = "_design/#{appname}" design = @db.get(docid) rescue {} design.merge!(@doc) design['_id'] = docid # design['language'] = lang if lang push_directory(attachdir, docid) end def dir_to_fields(dir) fields = {} (Dir["#{dir}/**/*.*"] - Dir["#{dir}/_attachments/**/*.*"]).each do |file| farray = file.sub(dir, '').sub(/^\//,'').split('/') myfield = fields while farray.length > 1 front = farray.shift myfield[front] ||= {} myfield = myfield[front] end fname, fext = farray.shift.split('.') fguts = if fext == 'json' myfield[fname] = JSON.parse(fguts) else myfield[fname] = fguts end end return fields end # Generate an application in the given directory. # This is a class method because it doesn't depend on # specifying a database. def self.generate_app(app_dir) templatedir = File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), 'template-app') FileUtils.cp_r(templatedir, app_dir) end def push_directory(push_dir, docid=nil) docid ||= push_dir.split('/').reverse.find{|part|!part.empty?} pushfiles = Dir["#{push_dir}/**/*.*"].collect do |f| {f.split("#{push_dir}/").last => open(f).read} end return if pushfiles.empty? @attachments = {} @signatures = {} pushfiles.each do |file| name = file.keys.first value = file.values.first @signatures[name] = md5(value) @attachments[name] = { "data" => value, "content_type" => MIMES[name.split('.').last] } end doc = @db.get(docid) rescue nil unless doc say "creating #{docid}"{"_id" => docid, "_attachments" => @attachments, "signatures" => @signatures}) return end doc["signatures"] ||= {} doc["_attachments"] ||= {} # remove deleted docs to_be_removed = doc["signatures"] do |d| !pushfiles.collect{|p| p.keys.first}.include?(d) end to_be_removed.each do |p| say "deleting #{p}" doc["signatures"].delete(p) doc["_attachments"].delete(p) end # update existing docs: doc["signatures"].each do |path, sig| if (@signatures[path] == sig) say "no change to #{path}. skipping..." else say "replacing #{path}" doc["signatures"][path] = md5(@attachments[path]["data"]) doc["_attachments"][path].delete("stub") doc["_attachments"][path].delete("length") doc["_attachments"][path]["data"] = @attachments[path]["data"] doc["_attachments"][path].merge!({"data" => @attachments[path]["data"]} ) end end # add in new files new_files ={|d| !doc["signatures"].keys.include?( d.keys.first) } new_files.each do |f| say "creating #{f}" path = f.keys.first content = f.values.first doc["signatures"][path] = md5(content) doc["_attachments"][path] = { "data" => content, "content_type" => MIMES[path.split('.').last] } end begin rescue Exception => e say e.message end end private def package_forms(funcs) apply_lib(funcs) end def package_views(views) views.each do |view, funcs| apply_lib(funcs) end end def apply_lib(funcs) funcs.each do |k,v| next unless v.is_a?(String) funcs[k] = preprocess_func(v) end end def preprocess_func(f_string) # process includes included = {} f_string.gsub /(\/\/|#)\ ?!include (.*)/ do fields = $2.split('.') library = @doc include_to = included count = fields.length fields.each_with_index do |field, i| break unless library[field] library = library[field] # normal case if i+1 < count include_to[field] = include_to[field] || {} include_to = include_to[field] else # last one include_to[field] = library end end end # puts included.inspect if included == {} return f_string else # process requires puts "\n\n\n\nBEFORE" puts f_string puts "\nAFTER" # puts f_string varstrings = included.collect do |k, v| "var #{k} = #{v.to_json};" end rst = f_string.sub /(\/\/|#)\ ?!include (.*)/, varstrings.join("\n") puts rst return rst end end def say words puts words if @loud end def md5 string Digest::MD5.hexdigest(string) end end end