require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'spec_helper') require File.join(FIXTURE_PATH, 'more', 'card') require File.join(FIXTURE_PATH, 'more', 'invoice') require File.join(FIXTURE_PATH, 'more', 'service') require File.join(FIXTURE_PATH, 'more', 'event') describe "ExtendedDocument properties" do before(:each) do @card = => "matt") end it "should be accessible from the object" do be_an_instance_of(Array){|p|}.should include("first_name") end it "should let you access a property value (getter)" do @card.first_name.should == "matt" end it "should let you set a property value (setter)" do @card.last_name = "Aimonetti" @card.last_name.should == "Aimonetti" end it "should not let you set a property value if it's read only" do lambda{@card.read_only_value = "test"}.should raise_error end it "should let you use an alias for an attribute" do @card.last_name = "Aimonetti" @card.family_name.should == "Aimonetti" @card.family_name.should == @card.last_name end it "should be auto timestamped" do @card.created_at.should be_nil @card.updated_at.should be_nil be_true @card.created_at.should_not be_nil @card.updated_at.should_not be_nil end describe "validation" do before(:each) do @invoice = => "matt", :employee_name => "Chris", :location => "San Diego, CA") end it "should be able to be validated" do @card.valid?.should == true end it "should let you validate the presence of an attribute" do @card.first_name = nil @card.should_not be_valid @card.errors.should_not be_empty @card.errors.on(:first_name).should == ["First name must not be blank"] end it "should validate the presence of 2 attributes" do @invoice.clear @invoice.should_not be_valid @invoice.errors.should_not be_empty @invoice.errors.on(:client_name).first.should == "Client name must not be blank" @invoice.errors.on(:employee_name).should_not be_empty end it "should let you set an error message" do @invoice.location = nil @invoice.valid? @invoice.errors.on(:location).should == ["Hey stupid!, you forgot the location"] end it "should validate before saving" do @invoice.location = nil @invoice.should_not be_valid be_false @invoice.should be_new_document end end describe "autovalidation" do before(:each) do @service = => "Coumpound analysis", :price => 3_000) end it "should be valid" do @service.should be_valid end it "should not respond to properties not setup" do @service.respond_to?(:client_name).should be_false end describe "property :name, :length => 4...20" do it "should autovalidate the presence when length is set" do = nil @service.should_not be_valid @service.errors.should_not be_nil @service.errors.on(:name).first.should == "Name must be between 4 and 19 characters long" end it "should autovalidate the correct length" do = "a" @service.should_not be_valid @service.errors.should_not be_nil @service.errors.on(:name).first.should == "Name must be between 4 and 19 characters long" end end end describe "casting" do describe "cast keys to any type" do before(:all) do event_doc = { :subject => "Some event", :occurs_at => } e = Event.database.save_doc event_doc @event = Event.get e['id'] end it "should cast created_at to Time" do @event['occurs_at'].should be_an_instance_of(Time) end end end end