/* JS Beautifier --------------- $Date: 2008-05-26 06:34:52 +0300 (Mon, 26 May 2008) $ $Revision: 55 $ Written by Einars "elfz" Lielmanis, http://elfz.laacz.lv/beautify/ Originally converted to javascript by Vital, http://my.opera.com/Vital/blog/2007/11/21/javascript-beautify-on-javascript-translated You are free to use this in any way you want, in case you find this useful or working for you. Usage: js_beautify(js_source_text); */ function js_beautify(js_source_text, indent_size, indent_character) { var input, output, token_text, last_type, last_text, last_word, current_mode, modes, indent_level, indent_string; var whitespace, wordchar, punct, parser_pos, line_starters, in_case; var prefix, token_type, do_block_just_closed, var_line, var_line_tainted; function trim_output() { while (output.length && (output[output.length - 1] === ' ' || output[output.length - 1] === indent_string)) { output.pop(); } } function print_newline(ignore_repeated) { ignore_repeated = typeof ignore_repeated === 'undefined' ? true: ignore_repeated; trim_output(); if (!output.length) { return; // no newline on start of file } if (output[output.length - 1] !== "\n" || !ignore_repeated) { output.push("\n"); } for (var i = 0; i < indent_level; i++) { output.push(indent_string); } } function print_space() { var last_output = output.length ? output[output.length - 1] : ' '; if (last_output !== ' ' && last_output !== '\n' && last_output !== indent_string) { // prevent occassional duplicate space output.push(' '); } } function print_token() { output.push(token_text); } function indent() { indent_level++; } function unindent() { if (indent_level) { indent_level--; } } function remove_indent() { if (output.length && output[output.length - 1] === indent_string) { output.pop(); } } function set_mode(mode) { modes.push(current_mode); current_mode = mode; } function restore_mode() { do_block_just_closed = current_mode === 'DO_BLOCK'; current_mode = modes.pop(); } function in_array(what, arr) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] === what) { return true; } } return false; } function get_next_token() { var n_newlines = 0; var c = ''; do { if (parser_pos >= input.length) { return ['', 'TK_EOF']; } c = input.charAt(parser_pos); parser_pos += 1; if (c === "\n") { n_newlines += 1; } } while (in_array(c, whitespace)); if (n_newlines > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { print_newline(i === 0); } } var wanted_newline = (n_newlines === 1); if (in_array(c, wordchar)) { if (parser_pos < input.length) { while (in_array(input.charAt(parser_pos), wordchar)) { c += input.charAt(parser_pos); parser_pos += 1; if (parser_pos === input.length) { break; } } } // small and surprisingly unugly hack for 1E-10 representation if (parser_pos !== input.length && c.match(/^[0-9]+[Ee]$/) && input.charAt(parser_pos) === '-') { parser_pos += 1; var t = get_next_token(parser_pos); c += '-' + t[0]; return [c, 'TK_WORD']; } if (c === 'in') { // hack for 'in' operator return [c, 'TK_OPERATOR']; } return [c, 'TK_WORD']; } if (c === '(' || c === '[') { return [c, 'TK_START_EXPR']; } if (c === ')' || c === ']') { return [c, 'TK_END_EXPR']; } if (c === '{') { return [c, 'TK_START_BLOCK']; } if (c === '}') { return [c, 'TK_END_BLOCK']; } if (c === ';') { return [c, 'TK_END_COMMAND']; } if (c === '/') { var comment = ''; // peek for comment /* ... */ if (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '*') { parser_pos += 1; if (parser_pos < input.length) { while (! (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '*' && input.charAt(parser_pos + 1) && input.charAt(parser_pos + 1) === '/') && parser_pos < input.length) { comment += input.charAt(parser_pos); parser_pos += 1; if (parser_pos >= input.length) { break; } } } parser_pos += 2; return ['/*' + comment + '*/', 'TK_BLOCK_COMMENT']; } // peek for comment // ... if (input.charAt(parser_pos) === '/') { comment = c; while (input.charAt(parser_pos) !== "\x0d" && input.charAt(parser_pos) !== "\x0a") { comment += input.charAt(parser_pos); parser_pos += 1; if (parser_pos >= input.length) { break; } } parser_pos += 1; if (wanted_newline) { print_newline(); } return [comment, 'TK_COMMENT']; } } if (c === "'" || // string c === '"' || // string (c === '/' && ((last_type === 'TK_WORD' && last_text === 'return') || (last_type === 'TK_START_EXPR' || last_type === 'TK_END_BLOCK' || last_type === 'TK_OPERATOR' || last_type === 'TK_EOF' || last_type === 'TK_END_COMMAND')))) { // regexp var sep = c; var esc = false; c = ''; if (parser_pos < input.length) { while (esc || input.charAt(parser_pos) !== sep) { c += input.charAt(parser_pos); if (!esc) { esc = input.charAt(parser_pos) === '\\'; } else { esc = false; } parser_pos += 1; if (parser_pos >= input.length) { break; } } } parser_pos += 1; if (last_type === 'TK_END_COMMAND') { print_newline(); } return [sep + c + sep, 'TK_STRING']; } if (in_array(c, punct)) { while (parser_pos < input.length && in_array(c + input.charAt(parser_pos), punct)) { c += input.charAt(parser_pos); parser_pos += 1; if (parser_pos >= input.length) { break; } } return [c, 'TK_OPERATOR']; } return [c, 'TK_UNKNOWN']; } //---------------------------------- indent_character = indent_character || ' '; indent_size = indent_size || 4; indent_string = ''; while (indent_size--) { indent_string += indent_character; } input = js_source_text; last_word = ''; // last 'TK_WORD' passed last_type = 'TK_START_EXPR'; // last token type last_text = ''; // last token text output = []; do_block_just_closed = false; var_line = false; var_line_tainted = false; whitespace = "\n\r\t ".split(''); wordchar = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_$'.split(''); punct = '+ - * / % & ++ -- = += -= *= /= %= == === != !== > < >= <= >> << >>> >>>= >>= <<= && &= | || ! !! , : ? ^ ^= |='.split(' '); // words which should always start on new line. line_starters = 'continue,try,throw,return,var,if,switch,case,default,for,while,break,function'.split(','); // states showing if we are currently in expression (i.e. "if" case) - 'EXPRESSION', or in usual block (like, procedure), 'BLOCK'. // some formatting depends on that. current_mode = 'BLOCK'; modes = [current_mode]; indent_level = 0; parser_pos = 0; // parser position in_case = false; // flag for parser that case/default has been processed, and next colon needs special attention while (true) { var t = get_next_token(parser_pos); token_text = t[0]; token_type = t[1]; if (token_type === 'TK_EOF') { break; } switch (token_type) { case 'TK_START_EXPR': var_line = false; set_mode('EXPRESSION'); if (last_type === 'TK_END_EXPR' || last_type === 'TK_START_EXPR') { // do nothing on (( and )( and ][ and ]( .. } else if (last_type !== 'TK_WORD' && last_type !== 'TK_OPERATOR') { print_space(); } else if (in_array(last_word, line_starters) && last_word !== 'function') { print_space(); } print_token(); break; case 'TK_END_EXPR': print_token(); restore_mode(); break; case 'TK_START_BLOCK': if (last_word === 'do') { set_mode('DO_BLOCK'); } else { set_mode('BLOCK'); } if (last_type !== 'TK_OPERATOR' && last_type !== 'TK_START_EXPR') { if (last_type === 'TK_START_BLOCK') { print_newline(); } else { print_space(); } } print_token(); indent(); break; case 'TK_END_BLOCK': if (last_type === 'TK_START_BLOCK') { // nothing trim_output(); unindent(); } else { unindent(); print_newline(); } print_token(); restore_mode(); break; case 'TK_WORD': if (do_block_just_closed) { print_space(); print_token(); print_space(); break; } if (token_text === 'case' || token_text === 'default') { if (last_text === ':') { // switch cases following one another remove_indent(); } else { // case statement starts in the same line where switch unindent(); print_newline(); indent(); } print_token(); in_case = true; break; } prefix = 'NONE'; if (last_type === 'TK_END_BLOCK') { if (!in_array(token_text.toLowerCase(), ['else', 'catch', 'finally'])) { prefix = 'NEWLINE'; } else { prefix = 'SPACE'; print_space(); } } else if (last_type === 'TK_END_COMMAND' && (current_mode === 'BLOCK' || current_mode === 'DO_BLOCK')) { prefix = 'NEWLINE'; } else if (last_type === 'TK_END_COMMAND' && current_mode === 'EXPRESSION') { prefix = 'SPACE'; } else if (last_type === 'TK_WORD') { prefix = 'SPACE'; } else if (last_type === 'TK_START_BLOCK') { prefix = 'NEWLINE'; } else if (last_type === 'TK_END_EXPR') { print_space(); prefix = 'NEWLINE'; } if (last_type !== 'TK_END_BLOCK' && in_array(token_text.toLowerCase(), ['else', 'catch', 'finally'])) { print_newline(); } else if (in_array(token_text, line_starters) || prefix === 'NEWLINE') { if (last_text === 'else') { // no need to force newline on else break print_space(); } else if ((last_type === 'TK_START_EXPR' || last_text === '=') && token_text === 'function') { // no need to force newline on 'function': (function // DONOTHING } else if (last_type === 'TK_WORD' && (last_text === 'return' || last_text === 'throw')) { // no newline between 'return nnn' print_space(); } else if (last_type !== 'TK_END_EXPR') { if ((last_type !== 'TK_START_EXPR' || token_text !== 'var') && last_text !== ':') { // no need to force newline on 'var': for (var x = 0...) if (token_text === 'if' && last_type === 'TK_WORD' && last_word === 'else') { // no newline for } else if { print_space(); } else { print_newline(); } } } } else if (prefix === 'SPACE') { print_space(); } print_token(); last_word = token_text; if (token_text === 'var') { var_line = true; var_line_tainted = false; } break; case 'TK_END_COMMAND': print_token(); var_line = false; break; case 'TK_STRING': if (last_type === 'TK_START_BLOCK' || last_type === 'TK_END_BLOCK') { print_newline(); } else if (last_type === 'TK_WORD') { print_space(); } print_token(); break; case 'TK_OPERATOR': var start_delim = true; var end_delim = true; if (var_line && token_text !== ',') { var_line_tainted = true; if (token_text === ':') { var_line = false; } } if (token_text === ':' && in_case) { print_token(); // colon really asks for separate treatment print_newline(); break; } in_case = false; if (token_text === ',') { if (var_line) { if (var_line_tainted) { print_token(); print_newline(); var_line_tainted = false; } else { print_token(); print_space(); } } else if (last_type === 'TK_END_BLOCK') { print_token(); print_newline(); } else { if (current_mode === 'BLOCK') { print_token(); print_newline(); } else { // EXPR od DO_BLOCK print_token(); print_space(); } } break; } else if (token_text === '--' || token_text === '++') { // unary operators special case if (last_text === ';') { // space for (;; ++i) start_delim = true; end_delim = false; } else { start_delim = false; end_delim = false; } } else if (token_text === '!' && last_type === 'TK_START_EXPR') { // special case handling: if (!a) start_delim = false; end_delim = false; } else if (last_type === 'TK_OPERATOR') { start_delim = false; end_delim = false; } else if (last_type === 'TK_END_EXPR') { start_delim = true; end_delim = true; } else if (token_text === '.') { // decimal digits or object.property start_delim = false; end_delim = false; } else if (token_text === ':') { // zz: xx // can't differentiate ternary op, so for now it's a ? b: c; without space before colon if (last_text.match(/^\d+$/)) { // a little help for ternary a ? 1 : 0; start_delim = true; } else { start_delim = false; } } if (start_delim) { print_space(); } print_token(); if (end_delim) { print_space(); } break; case 'TK_BLOCK_COMMENT': print_newline(); print_token(); print_newline(); break; case 'TK_COMMENT': // print_newline(); print_space(); print_token(); print_newline(); break; case 'TK_UNKNOWN': print_token(); break; } last_type = token_type; last_text = token_text; } return output.join(''); }