require 'time' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'more', 'property') class Time # returns a local time value much faster than Time.parse def self.mktime_with_offset(string) string =~ /(\d{4})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}) ([\+\-])(\d{2})/ # $1 = year # $2 = month # $3 = day # $4 = hours # $5 = minutes # $6 = seconds # $7 = time zone direction # $8 = tz difference # utc time with wrong TZ info: time = mktime($1, RFC2822_MONTH_NAME[$2.to_i - 1], $3, $4, $5, $6, $7) tz_difference = ("#{$7 == '-' ? '+' : '-'}#{$8}".to_i * 3600) time + tz_difference + zone_offset( end end module CouchRest module Mixins module Properties class IncludeError < StandardError; end def self.included(base) base.class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ extlib_inheritable_accessor(:properties) unless self.respond_to?(:properties) ||= [] EOS base.extend(ClassMethods) raise CouchRest::Mixins::Properties::IncludeError, "You can only mixin Properties in a class responding to [] and []=, if you tried to mixin CastedModel, make sure your class inherits from Hash or responds to the proper methods" unless ([]) &&[]=)) end def apply_defaults return if self.respond_to?(:new_document?) && (new_document? == false) return unless self.class.respond_to?(:properties) return if # TODO: cache the default object do |property| key = # let's make sure we have a default unless property.default.nil? if property.default.class == Proc self[key] = else self[key] = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(property.default)) end end end end def cast_keys return unless do |property| next unless property.casted key = self.has_key?( ? : # Don't cast the property unless it has a value next unless self[key] target = property.type if target.is_a?(Array) klass = ::CouchRest.constantize(target[0]) self[] = self[key].collect do |value| # Auto parse Time objects obj = ( (property.init_method == 'new') && klass == Time) ? Time.parse(value) : klass.send(property.init_method, value) obj.casted_by = self if obj.respond_to?(:casted_by) obj end else # Auto parse Time objects self[] = if ((property.init_method == 'new') && target == 'Time') # Using custom time parsing method because Ruby's default method is toooo slow self[key].is_a?(String) ? Time.mktime_with_offset(self[key].dup) : self[key] # Float instances don't get initialized with #new elsif ((property.init_method == 'new') && target == 'Float') cast_float(self[key]) # 'boolean' type is simply used to generate a property? accessor method elsif ((property.init_method == 'new') && target == 'boolean') self[key] else # Let people use :send as a Time parse arg klass = ::CouchRest.constantize(target) klass.send(property.init_method, self[key].dup) end self[].casted_by = self if self[].respond_to?(:casted_by) end end def cast_float(value) begin Float(value) rescue value end end end module ClassMethods def property(name, options={}) existing_property ={|p| == name.to_s} if existing_property.nil? || (existing_property.default != options[:default]) define_property(name, options) end end protected # This is not a thread safe operation, if you have to set new properties at runtime # make sure to use a mutex. def define_property(name, options={}) # check if this property is going to casted options[:casted] = options[:cast_as] ? options[:cast_as] : false property =, (options.delete(:cast_as) || options.delete(:type)), options) create_property_getter(property) create_property_setter(property) unless property.read_only == true properties << property end # defines the getter for the property (and optional aliases) def create_property_getter(property) # meth = class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{} self['#{}'] end EOS if property.type == 'boolean' class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{}? if self['#{}'].nil? || self['#{}'] == false || self['#{}'].to_s.downcase == 'false' false else true end end EOS end if property.alias class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ alias #{property.alias.to_sym} #{} EOS end end # defines the setter for the property (and optional aliases) def create_property_setter(property) meth = class_eval <<-EOS def #{meth}=(value) self['#{meth}'] = value end EOS if property.alias class_eval <<-EOS alias #{property.alias.to_sym}= #{meth.to_sym}= EOS end end end # module ClassMethods end end end