module CouchRest module Model module Design # # ### NOTE Work in progress! Not yet used! ### # # A proxy class that allows view queries to be created using # chained method calls. After each call a new instance of the method # is created based on the original in a similar fashion to ruby's sequel # library, or Rails 3's Arel. # # CouchDB views have inherent limitations, so joins and filters as used in # a normal relational database are not possible. At least not yet! # # # class View attr_accessor :query, :design, :database, :name # Initialize a new View object. This method should not be called from outside CouchRest Model. def initialize(parent, new_query = {}, name = nil) if parent.is_a? Base raise "Name must be provided for view to be initialized" if name.nil? @name = name @database = parent.database @query = { :reduce => false } elsif parent.is_a? View @database = parent.database @query = parent.query.dup else raise "View cannot be initialized without a parent Model or View" end @query.update(new_query) super end # == View Execution Methods # # Send a request to the CouchDB database using the current query values. # Inmediatly send a request to the database for all documents provided by the query. # def all(&block) args = include_docs.query end # Inmediatly send a request for the first result of the dataset. This will override # any limit set in the view previously. def first(&block) args = limit(1).include_docs.query end def info end def offset end def total_rows end def rows end # == View Filter Methods # # View filters return an copy of the view instance with the query # modified appropriatly. Errors will be raised if the methods # are combined in an incorrect fashion. # # Find all entries in the index whose key matches the value provided. # # Cannot be used when the +#startkey+ or +#endkey+ have been set. def key(value) raise "View#key cannot be used when startkey or endkey have been set" unless query[:startkey].nil? && query[:endkey].nil? update_query(:key => value) end # Find all index keys that start with the value provided. May or may not be used in # conjunction with the +endkey+ option. # # When the +#descending+ option is used (not the default), the start and end keys should # be reversed. # # Cannot be used if the key has been set. def startkey(value) raise "View#startkey cannot be used when key has been set" unless query[:key].nil? update_query(:startkey => value) end # The result set should start from the position of the provided document. # The value may be provided as an object that responds to the +#id+ call # or a string. def startkey_doc(value) update_query(:startkey_docid => value.is_a?(String) ? value : end # The opposite of +#startkey+, finds all index entries whose key is before the value specified. # # See the +#startkey+ method for more details and the +#inclusive_end+ option. def endkey(value) raise "View#endkey cannot be used when key has been set" unless query[:key].nil? update_query(:endkey => value) end # The result set should end at the position of the provided document. # The value may be provided as an object that responds to the +#id+ call # or a string. def endkey_doc(value) update_query(:endkey_docid => value.is_a?(String) ? value : end # The results should be provided in descending order. # # Descending is false by default, this method will enable it and cannot be undone. def descending update_query(:descending => true) end # Limit the result set to the value supplied. def limit(value) update_query(:limit => value) end # Skip the number of entries in the index specified by value. This would be # the equivilent of an offset in SQL. # # The CouchDB documentation states that the skip option should not be used # with large data sets as it is inefficient. Use the +startkey_doc+ method # instead to skip ranges efficiently. def skip(value = 0) update_query(:skip => value) end # Use the reduce function on the view. If none is available this method will fail. def reduce update_query(:reduce => true) end # Control whether the reduce function reduces to a set of distinct keys or to a single # result row. # # By default the value is false, and can only be set when the view's +#reduce+ option # has been set. def group raise "View#reduce must have been set before grouping is permitted" unless query[:reduce] update_query(:group => true) end def group_level(value) raise "View#reduce and View#group must have been set before group_level is called" unless query[:reduce] && query[:group] update_query(:group_level => value.to_i) end protected def update_query(new_query = {}), new_query) end # Used internally to ensure that docs are provided. Should not be used outside of # the view class under normal circumstances. def include_docs raise "Documents cannot be returned from a view that is prepared for a reduce" if query[:reduce] update_query(:include_docs => true) end def execute(&block) end end end end end