module CouchRest module Model class Base < Document extend ActiveModel::Naming include CouchRest::Model::Configuration include CouchRest::Model::Persistence include CouchRest::Model::Callbacks include CouchRest::Model::DocumentQueries include CouchRest::Model::Views include CouchRest::Model::DesignDoc include CouchRest::Model::ExtendedAttachments include CouchRest::Model::ClassProxy include CouchRest::Model::Collection include CouchRest::Model::AttributeProtection include CouchRest::Model::Attributes include CouchRest::Model::Associations include CouchRest::Model::Validations def self.subclasses @subclasses ||= [] end def self.inherited(subklass) super subklass.send(:include, CouchRest::Model::Properties) subklass.class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def self.inherited(subklass) super = # This is nasty: subklass._validators = self._validators.dup end EOS subclasses << subklass end # Accessors attr_accessor :casted_by # Instantiate a new CouchRest::Model::Base by preparing all properties # using the provided document hash. # # Options supported: # # * :directly_set_attributes: true when data comes directly from database # def initialize(doc = {}, options = {}) prepare_all_attributes(doc, options) super(doc) unless self['_id'] && self['_rev'] self[self.model_type_key] = self.class.to_s end after_initialize if respond_to?(:after_initialize) end # Temp solution to make the view_by methods available def self.method_missing(m, *args, &block) if has_view?(m) query = args.shift || {} return view(m, query, *args, &block) elsif m.to_s =~ /^find_(by_.+)/ view_name = $1 if has_view?(view_name) return first_from_view(view_name, *args) end end super end ### instance methods # Gets a reference to the actual document in the DB # Calls up to the next document if there is one, # Otherwise we're at the top and we return self def base_doc return self if base_doc? @casted_by.base_doc end # Checks if we're the top document def base_doc? !@casted_by end ## Compatibility with ActiveSupport and older frameworks # Hack so that CouchRest::Document, which descends from Hash, # doesn't appear to Rails routing as a Hash of options def is_a?(klass) return false if klass == Hash super end alias :kind_of? :is_a? def persisted? !new? end def to_key new? ? nil : [id] end alias :to_param :id alias :new_record? :new? alias :new_document? :new? end end end