module CouchRest module Model # :nodoc: Because I like inventing words module Proxyable extend ActiveSupport::Concern def proxy_database raise StandardError, "Please set the #proxy_database_method" if self.class.proxy_database_method.nil? @proxy_database ||= self.class.prepare_database(self.send(self.class.proxy_database_method)) end module ClassMethods # Define a collection that will use the base model for the database connection # details. def proxy_for(assoc_name, options = {}) db_method = options[:database_method] || "proxy_database" options[:class_name] ||= assoc_name.to_s.singularize.camelize class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{assoc_name} @#{assoc_name} ||={options[:class_name]}, self, self.class.to_s.underscore, #{db_method}) end EOS end # Tell this model which other model to use a base for the database # connection to use. def proxied_by(model_name, options = {}) raise "Model can only be proxied once or ##{model_name} already defined" if method_defined?(model_name) || !proxy_owner_method.nil? self.proxy_owner_method = model_name attr_accessor :model_proxy attr_accessor model_name overwrite_database_reader(model_name) end # Define an a class variable accessor ready to be inherited and unique # for each Class using the base. # Perhaps there is a shorter way of writing this. def proxy_owner_method=(name); @proxy_owner_method = name; end def proxy_owner_method; @proxy_owner_method; end # Define the name of a method to call to determine the name of # the database to use as a proxy. def proxy_database_method(name = nil) @proxy_database_method = name if name @proxy_database_method end private # Ensure that no attempt is made to autoload a database connection # by overwriting it to provide a basic accessor. def overwrite_database_reader(model_name) class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def self.database raise StandardError, "#{self.to_s} database must be accessed via '#{model_name}' proxy" end EOS end end class ModelProxy attr_reader :model, :owner, :owner_name, :database def initialize(model, owner, owner_name, database) @model = model @owner = owner @owner_name = owner_name @database = database end # Base def new(attrs = {}, options = {}, &block) proxy_block_update(:new, attrs, options, &block) end def build_from_database(attrs = {}, options = {}, &block) proxy_block_update(:build_from_database, attrs, options, &block) end def method_missing(m, *args, &block) if has_view?(m) if model.respond_to?(m) return model.send(m, *args).proxy(self) else query = args.shift || {} return view(m, query, *args, &block) end elsif m.to_s =~ /^find_(by_.+)/ view_name = $1 if has_view?(view_name) return first_from_view(view_name, *args) end end super end # DocumentQueries def all(opts = {}, &block) proxy_update_all(@model.all({:database => @database}.merge(opts), &block)) end def count(opts = {}) @model.count({:database => @database}.merge(opts)) end def first(opts = {}) proxy_update(@model.first({:database => @database}.merge(opts))) end def last(opts = {}) proxy_update(@model.last({:database => @database}.merge(opts))) end def get(id) proxy_update(@model.get(id, @database)) end alias :find :get # Views def has_view?(view) @model.has_view?(view) end def view_by(*args) @model.view_by(*args) end def view(name, query={}, &block) proxy_update_all(@model.view(name, {:database => @database}.merge(query), &block)) end def first_from_view(name, *args) # add to first hash available, or add to end (args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.last : (args << {}).last)[:database] = @database proxy_update(@model.first_from_view(name, *args)) end # DesignDoc def design_doc @model.design_doc end def save_design_doc(db = nil) @model.save_design_doc(db || @database) end protected # Update the document's proxy details, specifically, the fields that # link back to the original document. def proxy_update(doc) if doc && doc.is_a?(model) doc.database = @database doc.model_proxy = self doc.send("#{owner_name}=", owner) end doc end def proxy_update_all(docs) docs.each do |doc| proxy_update(doc) end end def proxy_block_update(method, *args, &block) model.send(method, *args) do |doc| proxy_update(doc) yield doc if block_given? end end end end end end