require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/couch_rest' describe CouchRest::Database do before(:each) do @cr ="") begin @db = @cr.create_db('couchrest-test') rescue RestClient::Request::RequestFailed end end after(:each) do begin @db.delete! rescue RestClient::Request::RequestFailed end end describe "query with _temp_view in Javascript" do before(:each) do @db.bulk_save([ {"wild" => "and random"}, {"mild" => "yet local"}, {"another" => ["set","of","keys"]} ]) end it "should return the result of the temporary function" do rs = @db.temp_view("function(doc){for(var w in doc){ if(!w.match(/^_/))map(w,doc[w])}}") rs['rows'].select{|r|r['key'] == 'wild' && r['value'] == 'and random'}.length.should == 1 end end describe "select from an existing view" do before(:each) do r ={"_id" => "_design/first", "views" => {"test" => "function(doc){for(var w in doc){ if(!w.match(/^_/))map(w,doc[w])}}"}}) @db.bulk_save([ {"wild" => "and random"}, {"mild" => "yet local"}, {"another" => ["set","of","keys"]} ]) end it "should have the view" do @db.get('_design/first')['views']['test'].should == "function(doc){for(var w in doc){ if(!w.match(/^_/))map(w,doc[w])}}" end it "should list from the view" do rs = @db.view('first/test') rs['rows'].select{|r|r['key'] == 'wild' && r['value'] == 'and random'}.length.should == 1 end end describe "GET (document by id) when the doc exists" do before(:each) do @r ={'lemons' => 'from texas', 'and' => 'spain'}) @docid = ""{'_id' => @docid, 'will-exist' => 'here'}) end it "should get the document" do doc = @db.get(@r['id']) doc['lemons'].should == 'from texas' end it "should work with a funky id" do @db.get(@docid)['will-exist'].should == 'here' end end describe "POST (adding bulk documents)" do it "should add them without ids" do rs = @db.bulk_save([ {"wild" => "and random"}, {"mild" => "yet local"}, {"another" => ["set","of","keys"]} ]) rs['new_revs'].each do |r| @db.get(r['id']) end end it "should add them with uniq ids" do rs = @db.bulk_save([ {"_id" => "oneB", "wild" => "and random"}, {"_id" => "twoB", "mild" => "yet local"}, {"another" => ["set","of","keys"]} ]) rs['new_revs'].each do |r| @db.get(r['id']) end end it "in the case of an id conflict should not insert anything" do @r ={'lemons' => 'from texas', 'and' => 'how', "_id" => "oneB"}) lambda do rs = @db.bulk_save([ {"_id" => "oneB", "wild" => "and random"}, {"_id" => "twoB", "mild" => "yet local"}, {"another" => ["set","of","keys"]} ]) end.should raise_error(RestClient::Request::RequestFailed) lambda do @db.get('twoB') end.should raise_error(RestClient::Request::RequestFailed) end end describe "POST (new document without an id)" do it "should start without the document" do @db.documents.should_not include({'_id' => 'my-doc'}) # this needs to be a loop over docs on content with the post # or instead make it return something with a fancy <=> method end it "should create the document and return the id" do r ={'lemons' => 'from texas', 'and' => 'spain'}) # @db.documents.should include(r) lambda{{'_id' => r['id']})}.should raise_error(RestClient::Request::RequestFailed) end end describe "PUT (new document with url id)" do it "should create the document" do @docid = ""{'_id' => @docid, 'will-exist' => 'here'}) lambda{{'_id' => @docid})}.should raise_error(RestClient::Request::RequestFailed) @db.get(@docid)['will-exist'].should == 'here' end end describe "PUT (new document with id)" do it "should start without the document" do # r ={'lemons' => 'from texas', 'and' => 'spain'}) @db.documents['rows'].each do |doc| doc['id'].should_not == 'my-doc' end # should_not include({'_id' => 'my-doc'}) # this needs to be a loop over docs on content with the post # or instead make it return something with a fancy <=> method end it "should create the document" do{'_id' => 'my-doc', 'will-exist' => 'here'}) lambda{{'_id' => 'my-doc'})}.should raise_error(RestClient::Request::RequestFailed) end end describe "PUT (existing document with rev)" do before(:each) do{'_id' => 'my-doc', 'will-exist' => 'here'}) @doc = @db.get('my-doc') @docid = ""{'_id' => @docid, 'now' => 'save'}) end it "should start with the document" do @doc['will-exist'].should == 'here' @db.get(@docid)['now'].should == 'save' end it "should save with url id" do doc = @db.get(@docid) doc['yaml'] = ['json', 'word.'] doc @db.get(@docid)['yaml'].should == ['json', 'word.'] end it "should update the document" do @doc['them-keys'] = 'huge' now = @db.get('my-doc') now['them-keys'].should == 'huge' end end describe "DELETE existing document" do before(:each) do @r ={'lemons' => 'from texas', 'and' => 'spain'}) @docid = ""{'_id' => @docid, 'will-exist' => 'here'}) end it "should work" do doc = @db.get(@r['id']) doc['and'].should == 'spain' @db.delete doc lambda{@db.get @r['id']}.should raise_error end it "should work with uri id" do doc = @db.get(@docid) @db.delete doc lambda{@db.get @docid}.should raise_error end end it "should list documents" do 5.times do{'another' => 'doc', 'will-exist' => 'anywhere'}) end ds = @db.documents ds['rows'].should be_an_instance_of(Array) ds['rows'][0]['id'].should_not be_nil ds['total_rows'].should == 5 # should I use a View class? # ds.should be_an_instance_of(CouchRest::View) # ds.rows = [] # ds.rows.include?(...) # ds.total_rows end describe "deleting a database" do it "should start with the test database" do @cr.databases.should include('couchrest-test') end it "should delete the database" do db = @cr.database('couchrest-test') # r = db.delete! # r['ok'].should == true @cr.databases.should_not include('couchrest-test') end end end