module CouchRest module Model class << self # this is the CouchRest::Database that model classes will use unless they override it with use_database attr_accessor :default_database end # instance methods on the model classes module InstanceMethods attr_accessor :doc def initialize keys = {} self.doc = {} keys.each do |k,v| doc[k.to_s] = v end unless doc['_id'] && doc['_rev'] init_doc end end # returns the database used by this model's class def database self.class.database end # alias for doc['_id'] def id doc['_id'] end # alias for doc['_rev'] def rev doc['_rev'] end # returns true if the doc has never been saved def new_record? !doc['_rev'] end # save the doc to the db using create or update def save if new_record? create else update end end protected def create set_unique_id if respond_to?(:set_unique_id) # hack save_doc end def update save_doc end private def save_doc result = doc if result['ok'] doc['_id'] = result['id'] doc['_rev'] = result['rev'] end result['ok'] end def init_doc doc['type'] = self.class.to_s end end # module InstanceMethods # these show up as class methods on models that include CouchRest::Model module ClassMethods # override the CouchRest::Model-wide default_database def use_database db @database = db end # returns the CouchRest::Database instance that this class uses def database @database || CouchRest::Model.default_database end # load a document from the database def get id doc = database.get id new(doc) end # Defines methods for reading and writing from fields in the document. Uses key_writer and key_reader internally. def key_accessor *keys key_writer *keys key_reader *keys end # For each argument key, define a method key= that sets the corresponding field on the CouchDB document. def key_writer *keys keys.each do |method| key = method.to_s define_method "#{method}=" do |value| doc[key] = value end end end # For each argument key, define a method key that reads the corresponding field on the CouchDB document. def key_reader *keys keys.each do |method| key = method.to_s define_method method do doc[key] end end end # Automatically set updated_at and created_at fields on the document whenever saving occurs. CouchRest uses a pretty decent time format by default. See Time#to_json def timestamps! before(:create) do doc['updated_at'] = doc['created_at'] = end before(:update) do doc['updated_at'] = end end # Name a method that will be called before the document is first saved, which returns a string to be used for the document's _id. Because CouchDB enforces a constraint that each id must be unique, this can be used to enforce eg: uniq usernames. Note that this id must be globally unique across all document types which share a database, so if you'd like to scope uniqueness to this class, you should use the class name as part of the unique id. def unique_id method define_method :set_unique_id do doc['_id'] ||= self.send(method) end end end # module ClassMethods module MagicViews # Define a CouchDB view. The name of the view will be the concatenation of by and the keys joined by _and_ # # ==== Example: basic view # class Post # view_by :date # end # # This will create a view defined by this Javascript function: # # function(doc) { # if (doc.type == 'Post' && { # emit(, null); # } # } # # It can be queried by calling Post.by_date which accepts all valid options for CouchRest::Database#view def view_by *keys opts = keys.pop if keys.last.is_a?(Hash) opts ||= {} type = self.to_s method_name = "by_#{keys.join('_and_')}" @@design_doc ||= default_design_doc if opts[:map] view = {} view['map'] = opts.delete(:map) if opts[:reduce] view['reduce'] = opts.delete(:reduce) opts[:reduce] = false end @@design_doc['views'][method_name] = view else doc_keys = keys.collect{|k|"doc['#{k}']"} key_protection = doc_keys.join(' && ') key_emit = doc_keys.length == 1 ? "#{doc_keys.first}" : "[#{doc_keys.join(', ')}]" map_function = <<-JAVASCRIPT function(doc) { if (doc.type == '#{type}' && #{key_protection}) { emit(#{key_emit}, null); } } JAVASCRIPT @@design_doc['views'][method_name] = { 'map' => map_function } end @@design_doc_fresh = false self.meta_class.instance_eval do define_method method_name do |*args| query = opts.merge(args[0] || {}) query[:raw] = true if query[:reduce] unless @@design_doc_fresh refresh_design_doc end raw = query.delete(:raw) view_name = "#{type}/#{method_name}" view = fetch_view(view_name, query) if raw view else # TODO this can be optimized once the include-docs patch is applied view['rows'].collect{|r|new(database.get(r['id']))} end end end end private def fetch_view view_name, opts retryable = true begin database.view(view_name, opts) # the design doc could have been deleted by a rouge process rescue RestClient::ResourceNotFound => e if retryable refresh_design_doc retryable = false retry else raise e end end end def design_doc_id "_design/#{self.to_s}" end def default_design_doc { "_id" => design_doc_id, "language" => "javascript", "views" => {} } end def refresh_design_doc saved = database.get(design_doc_id) rescue nil if saved @@design_doc['views'].each do |name, view| saved['views'][name] = view end else end @@design_doc_fresh = true end end # module MagicViews module Callbacks def self.included(model) model.class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ include Extlib::Hook register_instance_hooks :save, :create, :update #, :destroy EOS end end # module Callbacks # bookkeeping section # load the code into the model class def self.included(model) model.send(:include, InstanceMethods) model.extend ClassMethods model.extend MagicViews model.send(:include, Callbacks) end end # module Model end # module CouchRest