require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "property") require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "validation") require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'mixins') module CouchRest # Same as CouchRest::Document but with properties and validations class ExtendedDocument < Document VERSION = "1.0.0.beta6" include CouchRest::Mixins::Callbacks include CouchRest::Mixins::DocumentQueries include CouchRest::Mixins::Views include CouchRest::Mixins::DesignDoc include CouchRest::Mixins::ExtendedAttachments include CouchRest::Mixins::ClassProxy include CouchRest::Mixins::Collection include CouchRest::Mixins::AttributeProtection include CouchRest::Mixins::Attributes include CouchRest::Mixins::Associations # Including validation here does not work due to the way inheritance is handled. #include CouchRest::Validation def self.subclasses @subclasses ||= [] end def self.inherited(subklass) super subklass.send(:include, CouchRest::Mixins::Properties) subklass.class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def self.inherited(subklass) super = end EOS subclasses << subklass end # Accessors attr_accessor :casted_by # Callbacks define_callbacks :create, "result == :halt" define_callbacks :save, "result == :halt" define_callbacks :update, "result == :halt" define_callbacks :destroy, "result == :halt" # Creates a new instance, bypassing attribute protection # # # ==== Returns # a document instance def self.create_from_database(doc = {}) base = (doc['couchrest-type'].blank? || doc['couchrest-type'] == self.to_s) ? self : doc['couchrest-type'].constantize, :directly_set_attributes => true) end # Instantiate a new ExtendedDocument by preparing all properties # using the provided document hash. # # Options supported: # # * :directly_set_attributes: true when data comes directly from database # def initialize(doc = {}, options = {}) prepare_all_attributes(doc, options) # defined in CouchRest::Mixins::Attributes super(doc) unless self['_id'] && self['_rev'] self['couchrest-type'] = self.class.to_s end after_initialize if respond_to?(:after_initialize) end # Defines an instance and save it directly to the database # # ==== Returns # returns the reloaded document def self.create(options) instance = new(options) instance.create instance end # Defines an instance and save it directly to the database # # ==== Returns # returns the reloaded document or raises an exception def self.create!(options) instance = new(options) instance.create! instance end # Automatically set updated_at and created_at fields # on the document whenever saving occurs. CouchRest uses a pretty # decent time format by default. See Time#to_json def self.timestamps! class_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ property(:updated_at, Time, :read_only => true, :protected => true, :auto_validation => false) property(:created_at, Time, :read_only => true, :protected => true, :auto_validation => false) set_callback :save, :before do |object| write_attribute('updated_at', write_attribute('created_at', if end EOS end # Name a method that will be called before the document is first saved, # which returns a string to be used for the document's _id. # Because CouchDB enforces a constraint that each id must be unique, # this can be used to enforce eg: uniq usernames. Note that this id # must be globally unique across all document types which share a # database, so if you'd like to scope uniqueness to this class, you # should use the class name as part of the unique id. def self.unique_id method = nil, &block if method define_method :set_unique_id do self['_id'] ||= self.send(method) end elsif block define_method :set_unique_id do uniqid = raise ArgumentError, "unique_id block must not return nil" if uniqid.nil? self['_id'] ||= uniqid end end end # Temp solution to make the view_by methods available def self.method_missing(m, *args, &block) if has_view?(m) query = args.shift || {} return view(m, query, *args, &block) elsif m.to_s =~ /^find_(by_.+)/ view_name = $1 if has_view?(view_name) return find_first_from_view(view_name, *args) end end super end ### instance methods # Gets a reference to the actual document in the DB # Calls up to the next document if there is one, # Otherwise we're at the top and we return self def base_doc return self if base_doc? @casted_by.base_doc end # Checks if we're the top document def base_doc? !@casted_by end # for compatibility with old-school frameworks alias :new_record? :new? alias :new_document? :new? # Trigger the callbacks (before, after, around) # and create the document # It's important to have a create callback since you can't check if a document # was new after you saved it # # When creating a document, both the create and the save callbacks will be triggered. def create(bulk = false) caught = catch(:halt) do _run_create_callbacks do _run_save_callbacks do create_without_callbacks(bulk) end end end end # unlike save, create returns the newly created document def create_without_callbacks(bulk =false) raise ArgumentError, "a document requires a database to be created to (The document or the #{self.class} default database were not set)" unless database set_unique_id if new? && self.respond_to?(:set_unique_id) result = database.save_doc(self, bulk) (result["ok"] == true) ? self : false end # Creates the document in the db. Raises an exception # if the document is not created properly. def create! raise "#{self.inspect} failed to save" unless self.create end # Trigger the callbacks (before, after, around) # only if the document isn't new def update(bulk = false) caught = catch(:halt) do if save(bulk) else _run_update_callbacks do _run_save_callbacks do save_without_callbacks(bulk) end end end end end # Trigger the callbacks (before, after, around) # and save the document def save(bulk = false) caught = catch(:halt) do if _run_save_callbacks do save_without_callbacks(bulk) end else update(bulk) end end end # Overridden to set the unique ID. # Returns a boolean value def save_without_callbacks(bulk = false) raise ArgumentError, "a document requires a database to be saved to (The document or the #{self.class} default database were not set)" unless database set_unique_id if new? && self.respond_to?(:set_unique_id) result = database.save_doc(self, bulk) result["ok"] == true end # Saves the document to the db using save. Raises an exception # if the document is not saved properly. def save! raise "#{self.inspect} failed to save" unless true end # Deletes the document from the database. Runs the :destroy callbacks. # Removes the _id and _rev fields, preparing the # document to be saved to a new _id. def destroy(bulk=false) caught = catch(:halt) do _run_destroy_callbacks do result = database.delete_doc(self, bulk) if result['ok'] self.delete('_rev') self.delete('_id') end result['ok'] end end end end end