require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe "couchapp" do before(:all) do @fixdir = FIXTURE_PATH + '/couchapp-test' @couchapp = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) + '/../bin/couchapp' `rm -rf #{@fixdir}` `mkdir -p #{@fixdir}` @run = "cd #{@fixdir} && #{@couchapp}" end describe "--help" do it "should output the opts" do `#{@run} --help`.should match(/Usage/) end end describe "generate my-app" do before(:all) do `#{@run} generate my-app`.should match(/generating/i) end it "should create an app directory" do Dir["#{@fixdir}/*"].select{|x|x =~ /my-app/}.length.should == 1 end it "should create a views directory" do Dir["#{@fixdir}/my-app/*"].select{|x|x =~ /views/}.length.should == 1 end it "should create an _attachments directory" do Dir["#{@fixdir}/my-app/*"].select{|x|x =~ /_attachments/}.length.should == 1 Dir["#{@fixdir}/my-app/_attachments/*"].select{|x|x =~ /index.html/}.length.should == 1 end it "should create a forms directory" do Dir["#{@fixdir}/my-app/*"].select{|x|x =~ /forms/}.length.should == 1 end it "should create a forms and libs" do Dir["#{@fixdir}/my-app/forms/*"].select{|x|x =~ /example-form.js/}.length.should == 1 Dir["#{@fixdir}/my-app/forms/lib/*"].select{|x|x =~ /example-template.html/}.length.should == 1 end end describe "push my-app #{TESTDB}" do before(:all) do @cr = @db = @cr.database(TESTDB) @db.delete! rescue nil @db = @cr.create_db(TESTDB) rescue nil `#{@run} generate my-app` `#{@run} push my-app #{TESTDB}` @doc = @db.get("_design/my-app") end it "should create the design document with the app name" do lambda{@db.get("_design/my-app")}.should_not raise_error end it "should create the views" do @doc['views']['example']['map'].should match(/function/) end it "should create view for all the views" do `mkdir -p #{@fixdir}/my-app/views/more` `echo 'moremap' > #{@fixdir}/my-app/views/more/map.js` `#{@run} push my-app #{TESTDB}` doc = @db.get("_design/my-app") doc['views']['more']['map'].should match(/moremap/) end it "should create the index" do @doc['_attachments']['index.html']["content_type"].should == 'text/html' end it "should push the forms" do @doc['forms']['example-form'].should match(/Generated CouchApp Form Template/) end end describe "push . #{TESTDB}" do before(:all) do @cr = @db = @cr.database(TESTDB) @db.delete! rescue nil @db = @cr.create_db(TESTDB) rescue nil `#{@run} generate my-app` end it "should create the design document" do `cd #{@fixdir}/my-app && #{@couchapp} push . #{TESTDB}` lambda{@db.get("_design/my-app")}.should_not raise_error end end describe "push my-app my-design #{TESTDB}" do before(:all) do @cr = @db = @cr.database(TESTDB) @db.delete! rescue nil @db = @cr.create_db(TESTDB) rescue nil `#{@run} generate my-app` end it "should create the design document" do `#{@run} push my-app my-design #{TESTDB}` lambda{@db.get("_design/my-design")}.should_not raise_error end end end