module CouchRest class Streamer attr_accessor :db def initialize db @db = db end # Stream a view, yielding one row at a time. Shells out to <tt>curl</tt> to keep RAM usage low when you have millions of rows. def view name, params = nil, &block urlst = /^_/.match(name) ? "#{@db.root}/#{name}" : "#{@db.root}/_view/#{name}" url = CouchRest.paramify_url urlst, params # puts "stream #{url}" first = nil IO.popen("curl --silent #{url}") do |view| first = view.gets # discard header while line = view.gets row = parse_line(line) row end end parse_first(first) end private def parse_line line return nil unless line if /(\{.*\}),?/.match(line.chomp) JSON.parse($1) end end def parse_first first return nil unless first parts = first.split(',') parts.pop line = parts.join(',') JSON.parse("#{line}}") rescue nil end end end