# encoding: utf-8 require "couchrest/model/validations/casted_model" require "couchrest/model/validations/uniqueness" I18n.load_path << File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), "validations", "locale", "en.yml" ) module CouchRest module Model # Validations may be applied to both Model::Base and Model::CastedModel module Validations extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include ActiveModel::Validations end module ClassMethods # Validates the associated casted model. This method should not be # used within your code as it is automatically included when a CastedModel # is used inside the model. # def validates_casted_model(*args) validates_with(CastedModelValidator, _merge_attributes(args)) end # Validates if the field is unique for this type of document. Automatically creates # a view if one does not already exist and performs a search for all matching # documents. # # Example: # # class Person < CouchRest::Model::Base # property :title, String # # validates_uniqueness_of :title # end # # Asside from the standard options, a +:proxy+ parameter is also accepted if you would # like to call a method on the document on which the view should be performed. # # Examples: # # # Same as not including proxy: # validates_uniqueness_of :title, :proxy => 'class' # # # Person#company.people provides a proxy object for people # validates_uniqueness_of :title, :proxy => 'company.people' # def validates_uniqueness_of(*args) validates_with(UniquenessValidator, _merge_attributes(args)) end end end end end