# encoding: utf-8 module CouchRest module Model module Validations # Validates if a field is unique class UniquenessValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator # Ensure we have a class available so we can check for a usable view # or add one if necessary. def setup(model) @model = model end def validate_each(document, attribute, value) keys = [attribute] unless options[:scope].nil? keys = (options[:scope].is_a?(Array) ? options[:scope] : [options[:scope]]) + keys end values = keys.map{|k| document.send(k)} values = values.first if values.length == 1 view_name = options[:view].nil? ? "by_#{keys.join('_and_')}" : options[:view] model = (document.respond_to?(:model_proxy) && document.model_proxy ? document.model_proxy : @model) # Determine the base of the search base = options[:proxy].nil? ? model : document.instance_eval(options[:proxy]) if base.respond_to?(:has_view?) && !base.has_view?(view_name) raise "View #{document.class.name}.#{options[:view]} does not exist!" unless options[:view].nil? keys << {:allow_nil => true} model.view_by(*keys) end rows = base.view(view_name, :key => values, :limit => 2, :include_docs => false)['rows'] return if rows.empty? unless document.new? return if rows.find{|row| row['id'] == document.id} end if rows.length > 0 opts = options.merge(:value => value) opts.delete(:scope) # Has meaning with I18n! document.errors.add(attribute, :taken, opts) end end end end end end