require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'spec_helper') require File.join(FIXTURE_PATH, 'more', 'card') class Car < CouchRest::ExtendedDocument use_database TEST_SERVER.default_database property :name property :driver, :cast_as => 'Driver' end class Driver < CouchRest::ExtendedDocument use_database TEST_SERVER.default_database # You have to add a casted_by accessor if you want to reach a casted extended doc parent attr_accessor :casted_by property :name end describe "casting an extended document" do before(:each) do @car = => 'Renault 306') @driver = => 'Matt') end # it "should not create an empty casted object" do # @car.driver.should be_nil # end it "should let you assign the casted attribute after instantializing an object" do @car.driver = @driver == 'Matt' end it "should let the casted document who casted it" do => 'Renault 306', :driver => @driver) @car.driver.casted_by.should == @car end end