require 'rubygems' require 'couchrest' couch ="") db = couch.database('word-count-example') db.delete! rescue nil db = couch.create_db('word-count-example') books = { 'outline-of-science.txt' => '', 'ulysses.txt' => '', 'america.txt' => '', 'da-vinci.txt' => '' } books.each do |file, url| pathfile = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),file) `curl #{url} > #{pathfile}` unless File.exists?(pathfile) end books.keys.each do |book| title = book.split('.')[0] puts title,book),'r') do |file| lines = [] chunk = 0 while line = file.gets lines << line if lines.length > 10{ :title => title, :chunk => chunk, :text => lines.join('') }) chunk += 1 puts chunk lines = [] end end end end # puts "The books have been stored in your CouchDB. To initiate the MapReduce process, visit in your browser and click 'word-count-example', then select view 'words' or 'count'. The process could take about 15 minutes on an average MacBook."