Fixes bug where documents recreated from the database were
being stripped of their protected attributes when instantiated
Signed-off-by: Marcos Tapajos <tapajos@Tapajos-MacBook.local>
Public Facing
* through either :protected or :accessible8 flags
* prevents protected attributes from being set in mass assignment
Developer Facing
* refactors #initialize and #update_attribute_without_saving
to use same private methods to set attributes on ExtendedDocument
* adds new mixin to do protection
Signed-off-by: Tapajós <>
- document#save expects to receive {"ok" => true} even with bulk mode
- ExtendedDocument#save_without_callbacks reverted to previous code
(expecting result["ok"] as in create_without_callbacks)
The Collection mixin adds support for executing a view, and passing
back the view results as an Array of the given ExtendedDocument instance.
It also supports will_paginate like pagination methods (paginate, paginated_each),
which will only fetch the given set of documents from CouchDB.
db =
articles = Article.on(db)
articles.all { ... }
articles.by_title { ... }
u = articles.get("someid")
u = => "I like plankton") # saved on the correct database
New optional parameters are available to select the database:
* get <id>, <db>
* all :database => <db>
* first :database => <db>
* view <name>, :database => <db>
* all_design_doc_versions <db>
* cleanup_design_docs! <db>
* refresh_design_doc now only updates the design_doc _id and removes _rev
* call save_design_doc to save and update the design_doc
* call save_design_doc_on <db> to save the design doc on a given
database without modifying the model's design_doc object
Design (core/design.rb)
* new method view_on <db>, ...
Bug fixes:
* design_doc_slug in mixins/design_doc.rb was using an empty document
to calculate the slug each time
* method_missing in core/extended_document.rb now passes a block through
property :casted_attribute, :cast_as => 'WithCastedModelMixin'
A casted attribute now knows about its parent. (#casted_by to retrieve the parent's object)