2009-01-12 23:46:21 -08:00
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
2008-06-20 14:19:34 -07:00
Gem :: Specification . new do | s |
2009-01-12 23:46:21 -08:00
s . name = %q{ couchrest }
s . version = " 0.9.12 "
s . required_rubygems_version = Gem :: Requirement . new ( " >= 0 " ) if s . respond_to? :required_rubygems_version =
2008-09-12 15:47:05 -04:00
s . authors = [ " J. Chris Anderson " ]
2009-01-12 23:46:21 -08:00
s . date = %q{ 2008-10-14 }
s . description = %q{ CouchRest provides a simple interface on top of CouchDB's RESTful HTTP API, as well as including some utility scripts for managing views and attachments. }
s . email = %q{ jchris@grabb.it }
s . executables = [ " couchview " , " couchdir " , " couchapp " ]
s . extra_rdoc_files = [ " README.rdoc " , " LICENSE " , " THANKS " ]
s . files = [ " LICENSE " , " README.rdoc " , " Rakefile " , " THANKS " , " bin/couchapp " , " bin/couchdir " , " bin/couchview " , " examples/model " , " examples/model/example.rb " , " examples/word_count " , " examples/word_count/markov " , " examples/word_count/views " , " examples/word_count/views/books " , " examples/word_count/views/books/chunked-map.js " , " examples/word_count/views/books/united-map.js " , " examples/word_count/views/markov " , " examples/word_count/views/markov/chain-map.js " , " examples/word_count/views/markov/chain-reduce.js " , " examples/word_count/views/word_count " , " examples/word_count/views/word_count/count-map.js " , " examples/word_count/views/word_count/count-reduce.js " , " examples/word_count/word_count.rb " , " examples/word_count/word_count_query.rb " , " lib/couchrest " , " lib/couchrest/commands " , " lib/couchrest/commands/generate.rb " , " lib/couchrest/commands/push.rb " , " lib/couchrest/core " , " lib/couchrest/core/database.rb " , " lib/couchrest/core/model.rb " , " lib/couchrest/core/server.rb " , " lib/couchrest/helper " , " lib/couchrest/helper/file_manager.rb " , " lib/couchrest/helper/pager.rb " , " lib/couchrest/helper/streamer.rb " , " lib/couchrest/helper/templates " , " lib/couchrest/helper/templates/example-map.js " , " lib/couchrest/helper/templates/example-reduce.js " , " lib/couchrest/helper/templates/index.html " , " lib/couchrest/monkeypatches.rb " , " lib/couchrest.rb " , " spec/couchapp_spec.rb " , " spec/couchrest " , " spec/couchrest/core " , " spec/couchrest/core/couchrest_spec.rb " , " spec/couchrest/core/database_spec.rb " , " spec/couchrest/core/model_spec.rb " , " spec/couchrest/helpers " , " spec/couchrest/helpers/file_manager_spec.rb " , " spec/couchrest/helpers/pager_spec.rb " , " spec/couchrest/helpers/streamer_spec.rb " , " spec/fixtures " , " spec/fixtures/attachments " , " spec/fixtures/attachments/couchdb.png " , " spec/fixtures/attachments/test.html " , " spec/fixtures/couchapp " , " spec/fixtures/couchapp/attachments " , " spec/fixtures/couchapp/attachments/index.html " , " spec/fixtures/couchapp/views " , " spec/fixtures/couchapp/views/example-map.js " , " spec/fixtures/couchapp/views/example-reduce.js " , " spec/fixtures/couchapp-test " , " spec/fixtures/couchapp-test/my-app " , " spec/fixtures/couchapp-test/my-app/attachments " , " spec/fixtures/couchapp-test/my-app/attachments/index.html " , " spec/fixtures/couchapp-test/my-app/views " , " spec/fixtures/couchapp-test/my-app/views/example-map.js " , " spec/fixtures/couchapp-test/my-app/views/example-reduce.js " , " spec/fixtures/views " , " spec/fixtures/views/lib.js " , " spec/fixtures/views/test_view " , " spec/fixtures/views/test_view/lib.js " , " spec/fixtures/views/test_view/only-map.js " , " spec/fixtures/views/test_view/test-map.js " , " spec/fixtures/views/test_view/test-reduce.js " , " spec/spec.opts " , " spec/spec_helper.rb " , " utils/remap.rb " , " utils/subset.rb " ]
s . has_rdoc = true
s . homepage = %q{ http://github.com/jchris/couchrest }
2009-01-08 22:22:34 -08:00
s . require_paths = [ " lib " ]
2009-01-12 23:46:21 -08:00
s . rubygems_version = %q{ 1.3.1 }
s . summary = %q{ Lean and RESTful interface to CouchDB. }
if s . respond_to? :specification_version then
current_version = Gem :: Specification :: CURRENT_SPECIFICATION_VERSION
s . specification_version = 2
if Gem :: Version . new ( Gem :: RubyGemsVersion ) > = Gem :: Version . new ( '1.2.0' ) then
s . add_runtime_dependency ( %q< json > , [ " >= 1.1.2 " ] )
s . add_runtime_dependency ( %q< rest-client > , [ " >= 0.5 " ] )
s . add_runtime_dependency ( %q< extlib > , [ " >= 0.9.6 " ] )
s . add_dependency ( %q< json > , [ " >= 1.1.2 " ] )
s . add_dependency ( %q< rest-client > , [ " >= 0.5 " ] )
s . add_dependency ( %q< extlib > , [ " >= 0.9.6 " ] )
s . add_dependency ( %q< json > , [ " >= 1.1.2 " ] )
s . add_dependency ( %q< rest-client > , [ " >= 0.5 " ] )
s . add_dependency ( %q< extlib > , [ " >= 0.9.6 " ] )