Please visit the documentation project at []( You're [contributions]( to the documentation would be greatly appreciated!
General API: [](
See the [update history]( for an up to date list of all the changes we've been working on recently.
*WARNING:* As of April 2011 and the release of version 1.1.0, the default model type key is 'type' instead of 'couchrest-type'. Simply updating your project will not work unless you migrate your data or set the configuration option in your initializers:
This is because CouchRest Model's are not couchrest specific and may be used in any other systems such as Javascript, the model type should reflect this. Also, we're all used to `type` being a reserved word in ActiveRecord.
CouchRest Model is configured to work out the box with no configuration as long as your CouchDB instance is running on the default port (5984) on localhost. The default name of the database is either the name of your application as provided by the `Rails.application.class.to_s` call (with /application removed) or just 'couchrest' if none is available.
The library will try to detect a configuration file at `config/couchdb.yml` from the Rails root or `Dir.pwd`. Here you can configuration your database connection in a Rails-like way:
Note that the name of the database is either just the prefix and suffix combined or the prefix plus any text you specifify using `use_database` method in your models with the suffix on the end.
The most complete documentation is the spec/ directory. To validate your CouchRest install, from the project root directory run `bundle install` to ensure all the development dependencies are available and then `rspec spec` or `bundle exec rspec spec`.
Please post bugs, suggestions and patches to the bug tracker at [](