
262 lines
9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
path = "./results/"
import json
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
import os
cipherstats = defaultdict(int)
pfsstats = defaultdict(int)
protocolstats = defaultdict(int)
handshakestats = defaultdict(int)
keysize = defaultdict(int)
sigalg = defaultdict(int)
dsarsastack = 0
total = 0
for r,d,flist in os.walk(path):
for f in flist:
""" initialize variables for stats of the current site """
temppfsstats = {}
tempkeystats = {}
tempecckeystats = {}
tempdsakeystats = {}
tempsigstats = {}
ciphertypes = 0
AESGCM = False
AES = False
DES3 = False
RC4 = False
DHE = False
ECDHE = False
RSA = False
SSL2 = False
SSL3 = False
TLS1 = False
TLS1_1 = False
TLS1_2 = False
dualstack = False
ECDSA = False
trusted = False
""" process the file """
f_abs = os.path.join(r,f)
with open(f_abs) as json_file:
""" discard files that fail to load """
results = json.load(json_file)
except ValueError:
""" discard files with empty results """
if len(results['ciphersuite']) < 1:
""" loop over list of ciphers """
for entry in results['ciphersuite']:
if 'True' in entry['trusted']:
trusted = True
""" store the ciphers supported """
if 'AES-GCM' in entry['cipher']:
if not AESGCM:
ciphertypes += 1
elif 'AES' in entry['cipher']:
if not AES:
AES = True
ciphertypes += 1
elif 'DES-CBC3' in entry['cipher']:
if not DES3:
DES3 = True
ciphertypes += 1
elif 'CAMELLIA' in entry['cipher']:
if not CAMELLIA:
ciphertypes += 1
elif 'RC4' in entry['cipher']:
if not RC4:
ciphertypes += 1
RC4 = True
ciphertypes += 1
name = "z:" + entry['cipher']
cipherstats[name] += 1
""" store key handshake methods """
if 'ECDHE' in entry['cipher']:
ECDHE = True
temppfsstats[entry['pfs']] = 1
elif 'DHE' in entry['cipher']:
DHE = True
temppfsstats[entry['pfs']] = 1
""" save the key size """
if 'ECDSA' in entry['cipher']:
ECDSA = True
tempecckeystats[entry['pubkey'][0]] = 1
elif 'DSS' in entry['cipher']:
tempdsakeystats[entry['pubkey'][0]] = 1
elif 'AECDH' in entry['cipher'] or 'ADH' in entry['cipher']:
""" skip """
tempkeystats[entry['pubkey'][0]] = 1
dualstack = True
""" save key signatures size """
tempsigstats[entry['sigalg'][0]] = 1
""" store the versions of TLS supported """
for protocol in entry['protocols']:
if protocol == 'SSLv2':
SSL2 = True
elif protocol == 'SSLv3':
SSL3 = True
elif protocol == 'TLSv1':
TLS1 = True
elif protocol == 'TLSv1.1':
TLS1_1 = True
elif protocol == 'TLSv1.2':
TLS1_2 = True
""" don't store stats from unusued servers """
if report_untrused == False and trusted == False:
total += 1
""" done with this file, storing the stats """
if DHE or ECDHE:
pfsstats['Support PFS'] += 1
if 'DHE-' in results['ciphersuite'][0]['cipher']:
pfsstats['Prefer PFS'] += 1
for s in temppfsstats:
pfsstats[s] += 1
for s in tempkeystats:
keysize['RSA ' + s] += 1
for s in tempecckeystats:
keysize['ECDSA ' + s] += 1
for s in tempdsakeystats:
keysize['DSA ' + s] += 1
if dualstack:
dsarsastack += 1
for s in tempsigstats:
sigalg[s] += 1
""" store cipher stats """
cipherstats['AES-GCM'] += 1
if ciphertypes == 1:
cipherstats['AES-GCM Only'] += 1
if AES:
cipherstats['AES'] += 1
if ciphertypes == 1:
cipherstats['AES Only'] += 1
if DES3:
cipherstats['3DES'] += 1
if ciphertypes == 1:
cipherstats['3DES Only'] += 1
cipherstats['CAMELLIA'] += 1
if ciphertypes == 1:
cipherstats['CAMELLIA Only'] += 1
if RC4:
cipherstats['RC4'] += 1
if ciphertypes == 1:
cipherstats['RC4 Only'] += 1
""" store handshake stats """
handshakestats['ECDHE'] += 1
if DHE:
handshakestats['DHE'] += 1
if RSA:
handshakestats['RSA'] += 1
""" store protocol stats """
if SSL2:
protocolstats['SSL2'] += 1
if not SSL3 and not TLS1 and not TLS1_1 and not TLS1_2:
protocolstats['SSL2 Only'] += 1
if SSL3:
protocolstats['SSL3'] += 1
if not SSL2 and not TLS1 and not TLS1_1 and not TLS1_2:
protocolstats['SSL3 Only'] += 1
if TLS1:
protocolstats['TLS1'] += 1
if not SSL2 and not SSL3 and not TLS1_1 and not TLS1_2:
protocolstats['TLS1 Only'] += 1
if TLS1_1:
protocolstats['TLS1.1'] += 1
if not SSL2 and not SSL3 and not TLS1 and not TLS1_2:
protocolstats['TLS1_1 Only'] += 1
if TLS1_2:
protocolstats['TLS1.2'] += 1
if not SSL2 and not SSL3 and not TLS1 and not TLS1_1:
protocolstats['TLS1.2 Only'] += 1
if TLS1_2 and not TLS1_1:
protocolstats['TLS1.2 but not 1.1'] += 1
# for testing, break early
#if total % 1999 == 0:
# break
print("SSL/TLS survey of %i websites from Alexa's top 1 million" % total)
""" Display stats """
print("\nSupported Ciphers Count Percent")
for stat in sorted(cipherstats):
percent = round(cipherstats[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(25) + " " + str(cipherstats[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(4) + "\n")
print("\nSupported Handshakes Count Percent")
for stat in sorted(handshakestats):
percent = round(handshakestats[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(25) + " " + str(handshakestats[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(4) + "\n")
print("\nSupported PFS Count Percent PFS Percent")
for stat in sorted(pfsstats):
percent = round(pfsstats[stat] / total * 100, 4)
pfspercent = 0
if "ECDH," in stat:
pfspercent = round(pfsstats[stat] / handshakestats['ECDHE'] * 100, 4)
elif "DH," in stat:
pfspercent = round(pfsstats[stat] / handshakestats['DHE'] * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(25) + " " + str(pfsstats[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(9) + str(pfspercent) + "\n")
print("\nCertificate sig alg Count Percent ")
for stat in sorted(sigalg):
percent = round(sigalg[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(25) + " " + str(sigalg[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(9) + "\n")
print("\nCertificate key size Count Percent ")
for stat in sorted(keysize):
percent = round(keysize[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(25) + " " + str(keysize[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(9) + "\n")
sys.stdout.write("RSA/ECDSA Dual Stack".ljust(25) + " " + str(dsarsastack).ljust(10) + str(round(dsarsastack/total * 100, 4)) + "\n")
print("\nSupported Protocols Count Percent")
for stat in sorted(protocolstats):
percent = round(protocolstats[stat] / total * 100, 4)
sys.stdout.write(stat.ljust(25) + " " + str(protocolstats[stat]).ljust(10) + str(percent).ljust(4) + "\n")