#!/usr/bin/env bash DOBENCHMARK=0 BENCHMARKITER=30 OPENSSLBIN="./openssl" #OPENSSLBIN="/usr/bin/openssl" TIMEOUT=10 CIPHERSUITE="ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL" TARGET=$1 VERBOSE=0 ALLCIPHERS=0 OUTPUTFORMAT="terminal" REQUEST="GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: $TARGET Connection: close " usage() { echo -e "usage: $0 $0 attempts to connect to a target site using all the ciphersuites it knowns. Julien Vehent [:ulfr] - https://github.com/jvehent/cipherscan example: $ $0 www.google.com:443 Use only one of the options below: -v increase verbosity -a test all known ciphers individually at the end -json output results in json format OpenSSL path can be changed in the OPENSSLBIN variable Benchmarking can be enabled in the DOBENCHMARK variable " exit 1 } verbose() { if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ];then echo $@ fi } # Connect to a target host with the selected ciphersuite test_cipher_on_target() { local sslcommand=$@ cipher="" protocols="" pfs="" for tls_version in "-ssl2" "-ssl3" "-tls1" "-tls1_1" "-tls1_2" do local tmp=$(mktemp) $sslcommand $tls_version 1>"$tmp" 2>/dev/null << EOF $REQUEST EOF current_cipher=$(grep "New, " $tmp|awk '{print $5}') current_pfs=$(grep 'Server Temp Key' $tmp|awk '{print $4$5$6$7}') current_protocol=$(grep -E "^\s+Protocol\s+:" $tmp|awk '{print $3}') if [[ -z "$current_protocol" || "$current_cipher" == '(NONE)' ]]; then # connection failed, try again with next TLS version continue fi # connection succeeded, add TLS version to positive results if [ -z "$protocols" ]; then protocols=$current_protocol else protocols="$protocols,$current_protocol" fi cipher=$current_cipher pfs=$current_pfs # grab the cipher and PFS key size rm "$tmp" done # if cipher is empty, that means none of the TLS version worked with # the current cipher if [ -z "$cipher" ]; then verbose "handshake failed, no ciphersuite was returned" result='ConnectionFailure' return 2 # if cipher contains NONE, the cipher wasn't accepted elif [ "$cipher" == '(NONE) ' ]; then result="$cipher $protocols $pfs" verbose "handshake failed, server returned ciphersuite '$result'" return 1 # the connection succeeded else result="$cipher $protocols $pfs" verbose "handshake succeeded, server returned ciphersuite '$result'" return 0 fi } # Calculate the average handshake time for a specific ciphersuite bench_cipher() { local ciphersuite="$1" local sslcommand="timeout $TIMEOUT $OPENSSLBIN s_client -connect $TARGET -cipher $ciphersuite" local t="$(date +%s%N)" verbose "Benchmarking handshake on '$TARGET' with ciphersuite '$ciphersuite'" for i in $(seq 1 $BENCHMARKITER); do $sslcommand 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null << EOF $REQUEST EOF if [ $? -gt 0 ]; then break fi done # Time interval in nanoseconds local t="$(($(date +%s%N) - t))" verbose "Benchmarking done in $t nanoseconds" # Microseconds cipherbenchms="$((t/1000/$BENCHMARKITER))" } # Connect to the target and retrieve the chosen cipher # recursively until the connection fails get_cipher_pref() { [ "$OUTPUTFORMAT" == "terminal" ] && echo -n '.' local ciphersuite="$1" local sslcommand="timeout $TIMEOUT $OPENSSLBIN s_client -connect $TARGET -cipher $ciphersuite" verbose "Connecting to '$TARGET' with ciphersuite '$ciphersuite'" test_cipher_on_target "$sslcommand" local success=$? # If the connection succeeded with the current cipher, benchmark and store if [ $success -eq 0 ]; then cipherspref=("${cipherspref[@]}" "$result") pciph=$(echo $result|awk '{print $1}') get_cipher_pref "!$pciph:$ciphersuite" return 0 fi } display_results_in_terminal() { # Display the results ctr=1 for cipher in "${cipherspref[@]}"; do pciph=$(echo $cipher|awk '{print $1}') if [ $DOBENCHMARK -eq 1 ]; then bench_cipher "$pciph" r="$ctr $cipher $cipherbenchms" else r="$ctr $cipher" fi results=("${results[@]}" "$r") ctr=$((ctr+1)) done if [ $DOBENCHMARK -eq 1 ]; then header="prio ciphersuite protocols pfs_keysize avg_handshake_microsec" else header="prio ciphersuite protocols pfs_keysize" fi ctr=0 for result in "${results[@]}"; do if [ $ctr -eq 0 ]; then echo $header ctr=$((ctr+1)) fi echo $result|grep -v '(NONE)' done|column -t } display_results_in_json() { # Display the results in json ctr=0 echo -n "{\"target\":\"$TARGET\",\"date\":\"$(date -R)\",\"ciphersuite\": [" for cipher in "${cipherspref[@]}"; do [ $ctr -gt 0 ] && echo -n ',' echo -n "{\"cipher\":\"$(echo $cipher|awk '{print $1}')\"," echo -n "\"protocols\":[\"$(echo $cipher|awk '{print $2}'|sed 's/,/","/g')\"]," pfs=$(echo $cipher|awk '{print $3}') [ "$pfs" == "" ] && pfs="None" echo -n "\"pfs\":\"$pfs\"}" ctr=$((ctr+1)) done echo ']}' } [[ -z $1 || "$1" == "-h" || "$1" == "--help" ]] && usage if [ ! -z $2 ]; then if [ "$2" == "-v" ]; then VERBOSE=1 echo "Loading $($OPENSSLBIN ciphers -v $CIPHERSUITE 2>/dev/null|grep Kx|wc -l) ciphersuites from $(echo -n $($OPENSSLBIN version 2>/dev/null))" $OPENSSLBIN ciphers ALL 2>/dev/null elif [ "$2" == "-a" ]; then ALLCIPHERS=1 elif [ "$2" == "-json" ]; then OUTPUTFORMAT="json" else echo "ERROR: unknown option '$2'"; echo usage fi fi cipherspref=(); results=() # Call to the recursive loop that retrieves the cipher preferences get_cipher_pref $CIPHERSUITE if [ "$OUTPUTFORMAT" == "json" ]; then display_results_in_json else echo display_results_in_terminal fi # If asked, test every single cipher individually if [ $ALLCIPHERS -gt 0 ]; then echo; echo "All accepted ciphersuites" for c in $($OPENSSLBIN ciphers -v ALL:COMPLEMENTOFALL 2>/dev/null |awk '{print $1}'|sort|uniq); do r="fail" osslcommand="timeout $TIMEOUT $OPENSSLBIN s_client -connect $TARGET -cipher $c" test_cipher_on_target "$osslcommand" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then r="pass" fi echo "$c $r"|awk '{printf "%-35s %s\n",$1,$2}' done fi