(function() { /* Chosen for Protoype.js by Patrick Filler for Harvest Copyright (c) 2011 Harvest Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ var $, Chosen, OptionsParser, get_side_border_padding, root; var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }; root = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? exports : this; $ = jQuery; $.fn.extend({ chosen: function(data, options) { return $(this).each(function(input_field) { return new Chosen(this, data, options); }); } }); Chosen = (function() { function Chosen(elmn) { this.set_default_values(); this.form_field = elmn; this.is_multiple = this.form_field.multiple; this.default_text_default = this.form_field.multiple ? "Select Some Options" : "Select an Option"; this.set_up_html(); this.register_observers(); } Chosen.prototype.set_default_values = function() { this.click_test_action = __bind(function(evt) { return this.test_active_click(evt); }, this); this.active_field = false; this.mouse_on_container = false; this.results_showing = false; this.result_highlighted = null; this.result_single_selected = null; return this.choices = 0; }; Chosen.prototype.set_up_html = function() { var container_div, dd_top, dd_width, sf_width; this.container_id = this.form_field.id + "_chzn"; this.f_width = ($(this.form_field)).width(); this.default_text = ($(this.form_field)).attr('title') ? ($(this.form_field)).attr('title') : this.default_text_default; container_div = $("
", { id: this.container_id, "class": 'chzn-container', style: 'width: ' + this.f_width + 'px;' }); if (this.is_multiple) { container_div.html('
'); } else { container_div.html('' + this.default_text + '
'); } ($(this.form_field)).hide().after(container_div); this.container = $('#' + this.container_id); this.container.addClass("chzn-container-" + (this.is_multiple ? "multi" : "single")); this.dropdown = this.container.find('div.chzn-drop').first(); dd_top = this.container.height(); dd_width = this.f_width - get_side_border_padding(this.dropdown); this.dropdown.css({ "width": dd_width + "px", "top": dd_top + "px" }); this.search_field = this.container.find('input').first(); this.search_results = this.container.find('ul.chzn-results').first(); this.search_field_scale(); this.search_no_results = this.container.find('li.no-results').first(); if (this.is_multiple) { this.search_choices = this.container.find('ul.chzn-choices').first(); this.search_container = this.container.find('li.search-field').first(); } else { this.search_container = this.container.find('div.chzn-search').first(); this.selected_item = this.container.find('.chzn-single').first(); sf_width = dd_width - get_side_border_padding(this.search_container) - get_side_border_padding(this.search_field); this.search_field.css({ "width": sf_width + "px" }); } this.results_build(); return this.set_tab_index(); }; Chosen.prototype.register_observers = function() { this.container.click(__bind(function(evt) { return this.container_click(evt); }, this)); this.container.mouseenter(__bind(function(evt) { return this.mouse_enter(evt); }, this)); this.container.mouseleave(__bind(function(evt) { return this.mouse_leave(evt); }, this)); this.search_results.click(__bind(function(evt) { return this.search_results_click(evt); }, this)); this.search_results.mouseover(__bind(function(evt) { return this.search_results_mouseover(evt); }, this)); this.search_results.mouseout(__bind(function(evt) { return this.search_results_mouseout(evt); }, this)); ($(this.form_field)).bind("liszt:updated", __bind(function(evt) { return this.results_update_field(evt); }, this)); this.search_field.blur(__bind(function(evt) { return this.input_blur(evt); }, this)); this.search_field.keyup(__bind(function(evt) { return this.keyup_checker(evt); }, this)); this.search_field.keydown(__bind(function(evt) { return this.keydown_checker(evt); }, this)); if (this.is_multiple) { this.search_choices.click(__bind(function(evt) { return this.choices_click(evt); }, this)); return this.search_field.focus(__bind(function(evt) { return this.input_focus(evt); }, this)); } else { return this.selected_item.focus(__bind(function(evt) { return this.activate_field(evt); }, this)); } }; Chosen.prototype.container_click = function(evt) { if (evt && evt.type === "click") { evt.stopPropagation(); } if (!this.pending_destroy_click) { if (!this.active_field) { if (this.is_multiple) { this.search_field.val(""); } $(document).click(this.click_test_action); this.results_show(); } else if (!this.is_multiple && evt && ($(evt.target) === this.selected_item || $(evt.target).parents("a.chzn-single").length)) { this.results_show(); } return this.activate_field(); } else { return this.pending_destroy_click = false; } }; Chosen.prototype.mouse_enter = function() { return this.mouse_on_container = true; }; Chosen.prototype.mouse_leave = function() { return this.mouse_on_container = false; }; Chosen.prototype.input_focus = function(evt) { if (!this.active_field) { return setTimeout(this.container_click.bind(this), 50); } }; Chosen.prototype.input_blur = function(evt) { if (!this.mouse_on_container) { this.active_field = false; return setTimeout(this.blur_test.bind(this), 100); } }; Chosen.prototype.blur_test = function(evt) { if (!this.active_field && this.container.hasClass("chzn-container-active")) { return this.close_field(); } }; Chosen.prototype.close_field = function() { $(document).unbind("click", this.click_test_action); if (!this.is_multiple) { this.selected_item.attr("tabIndex", this.search_field.attr("tabIndex")); this.search_field.attr("tabIndex", -1); } this.active_field = false; this.results_hide(); this.container.removeClass("chzn-container-active"); this.winnow_results_clear(); this.clear_backstroke(); this.show_search_field_default(); return this.search_field_scale(); }; Chosen.prototype.activate_field = function() { if (!this.is_multiple && !this.active_field) { this.search_field.attr("tabIndex", this.selected_item.attr("tabIndex")); this.selected_item.attr("tabIndex", -1); } this.container.addClass("chzn-container-active"); this.active_field = true; this.search_field.val(this.search_field.val()); return this.search_field.focus(); }; Chosen.prototype.test_active_click = function(evt) { if ($(evt.target).parents('#' + this.container.id).length) { return this.active_field = true; } else { return this.close_field(); } }; Chosen.prototype.results_build = function() { var content, data, startTime, _i, _len, _ref; startTime = new Date(); this.parsing = true; this.results_data = OptionsParser.select_to_array(this.form_field); if (this.is_multiple && this.choices > 0) { this.search_choices.find("li.search-choice").remove(); this.choices = 0; } else if (!this.is_multiple) { this.selected_item.find("span").text(this.default_text); } content = ''; _ref = this.results_data; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { data = _ref[_i]; if (data.group) { content += this.result_add_group(data); } else { content += this.result_add_option(data); if (data.selected && this.is_multiple) { this.choice_build(data); } else if (data.selected && !this.is_multiple) { this.selected_item.find("span").text(data.text); } } } this.show_search_field_default(); this.search_results.html(content); return this.parsing = false; }; Chosen.prototype.result_add_group = function(group) { if (!group.disabled) { group.dom_id = this.form_field.id + "chzn_g_" + group.id; return '
  • ' + $("
    ").text(group.label).html() + '
  • '; } else { return ""; } }; Chosen.prototype.result_add_option = function(option) { var classes; if (!option.disabled) { option.dom_id = this.form_field.id + "chzn_o_" + option.id; classes = option.selected && this.is_multiple ? [] : ["active-result"]; if (option.selected) { classes.push("result-selected"); } if (option.group_id >= 0) { classes.push("group-option"); } return '
  • ' + $("
    ").text(option.text).html() + '
  • '; } else { return ""; } }; Chosen.prototype.results_update_field = function() { this.result_clear_highlight(); this.result_single_selected = null; return this.results_build(); }; Chosen.prototype.result_do_highlight = function(el) { var high_bottom, high_top, maxHeight, visible_bottom, visible_top; if (el) { this.result_clear_highlight(); this.result_highlight = el; this.result_highlight.addClass("highlighted"); maxHeight = parseInt(this.search_results.css("maxHeight"), 10); visible_top = this.search_results.scrollTop(); visible_bottom = maxHeight + visible_top; high_top = this.result_highlight.position().top; high_bottom = high_top + this.result_highlight.outerHeight(); if (high_bottom >= visible_bottom) { return this.search_results.scrollTop((high_bottom - maxHeight) > 0 ? high_bottom - maxHeight : 0); } else if (high_top < visible_top) { return this.search_results.scrollTop(high_top); } } }; Chosen.prototype.result_clear_highlight = function() { if (this.result_highlight) { this.result_highlight.removeClass("highlighted"); } return this.result_highlight = null; }; Chosen.prototype.results_show = function() { var dd_top; if (!this.is_multiple) { this.selected_item.addClass("chzn-single-with-drop"); if (this.result_single_selected) { this.result_do_highlight(this.result_single_selected); } } dd_top = this.is_multiple ? this.container.height() : this.container.height() - 1; this.dropdown.css({ "top": dd_top + "px", "left": 0 }); this.results_showing = true; this.search_field.focus(); this.search_field.val(this.search_field.val()); return this.winnow_results(); }; Chosen.prototype.results_hide = function() { if (!this.is_multiple) { this.selected_item.removeClass("chzn-single-with-drop"); } this.result_clear_highlight(); this.dropdown.css({ "left": "-9000px" }); return this.results_showing = false; }; Chosen.prototype.set_tab_index = function(el) { var ti; if (($(this.form_field)).attr("tabIndex")) { ti = ($(this.form_field)).attr("tabIndex"); ($(this.form_field)).attr("tabIndex", -1); if (this.is_multiple) { return this.search_field.attr("tabIndex", ti); } else { this.selected_item.attr("tabIndex", ti); return this.search_field.attr("tabIndex", -1); } } }; Chosen.prototype.show_search_field_default = function() { if (this.is_multiple && this.choices < 1 && !this.active_field) { this.search_field.val(this.default_text); return this.search_field.addClass("default"); } else { this.search_field.val(""); return this.search_field.removeClass("default"); } }; Chosen.prototype.search_results_click = function(evt) { var target; target = $(evt.target).hasClass("active-result") ? $(evt.target) : $(evt.target).parents(".active-result").first(); if (target) { this.result_highlight = target; return this.result_select(); } }; Chosen.prototype.search_results_mouseover = function(evt) { var target; target = $(evt.target).hasClass("active-result") ? $(evt.target) : $(evt.target).parents(".active-result").first(); if (target) { return this.result_do_highlight(target); } }; Chosen.prototype.search_results_mouseout = function(evt) { if ($(evt.target).hasClass("active-result" || $(evt.target).parents('.active-result').first())) { return this.result_clear_highlight(); } }; Chosen.prototype.choices_click = function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); if (this.active_field && !($(evt.target).hasClass("search-choice" || $(evt.target).parents('.search-choice').first)) && !this.results_showing) { return this.results_show(); } }; Chosen.prototype.choice_build = function(item) { var choice_id, link; choice_id = this.form_field.id + "_chzn_c_" + item.id; this.choices += 1; this.search_container.before('
  • ' + item.text + '
  • '); link = $('#' + choice_id).find("a").first(); return link.click(__bind(function(evt) { return this.choice_destroy_link_click(evt); }, this)); }; Chosen.prototype.choice_destroy_link_click = function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); this.pending_destroy_click = true; return this.choice_destroy($(evt.target)); }; Chosen.prototype.choice_destroy = function(link) { this.choices -= 1; this.show_search_field_default(); if (this.is_multiple && this.choices > 0 && this.search_field.val().length < 1) { this.results_hide(); } this.result_deselect(link.attr("rel")); return link.parents('li').first().remove(); }; Chosen.prototype.result_select = function() { var high, high_id, item, position; if (this.result_highlight) { high = this.result_highlight; high_id = high.attr("id"); this.result_clear_highlight(); high.addClass("result-selected"); if (this.is_multiple) { this.result_deactivate(high); } else { this.result_single_selected = high; } position = high_id.substr(high_id.lastIndexOf("_") + 1); item = this.results_data[position]; item.selected = true; this.form_field.options[item.select_index].selected = true; if (this.is_multiple) { this.choice_build(item); } else { this.selected_item.find("span").first().text(item.text); } this.results_hide(); this.search_field.val(""); return this.search_field_scale(); } }; Chosen.prototype.result_activate = function(el) { return el.addClass("active-result").show(); }; Chosen.prototype.result_deactivate = function(el) { return el.removeClass("active-result").hide(); }; Chosen.prototype.result_deselect = function(pos) { var result, result_data; result_data = this.results_data[pos]; result_data.selected = false; this.form_field.options[result_data.select_index].selected = false; result = $(this.form_field.id + "chzn_o_" + pos); result.removeClass("result-selected").addClass("active-result").show(); this.result_clear_highlight(); this.winnow_results(); if (typeof Event.simulate === 'function') { this.form_field.simulate("change"); } return this.search_field_scale(); }; Chosen.prototype.results_search = function(evt) { if (this.results_showing) { return this.winnow_results(); } else { return this.results_show(); } }; Chosen.prototype.winnow_results = function() { var found, option, part, parts, regex, result_id, results, searchText, startTime, startpos, text, zregex, _i, _j, _len, _len2, _ref; startTime = new Date(); this.no_results_clear(); results = 0; searchText = this.search_field.val() === this.default_text ? "" : $.trim(this.search_field.val()); regex = new RegExp('^' + searchText.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"), 'i'); zregex = new RegExp(searchText.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"), 'i'); _ref = this.results_data; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { option = _ref[_i]; if (!option.disabled) { if (option.group) { $(option.dom_id).hide(); } else if (!(this.is_multiple && option.selected)) { found = false; result_id = this.form_field.id + "chzn_o_" + option.id; if (regex.test(option.text)) { found = true; results += 1; } else if (option.text.indexOf(" ") >= 0 || option.text.indexOf("[") === 0) { parts = option.text.replace(/\[|\]/g, "").split(" "); if (parts.length) { for (_j = 0, _len2 = parts.length; _j < _len2; _j++) { part = parts[_j]; if (regex.test(part)) { found = true; results += 1; } } } } if (found) { if (searchText.length) { startpos = option.text.search(zregex); text = option.text.substr(0, startpos + searchText.length) + '' + option.text.substr(startpos + searchText.length); text = text.substr(0, startpos) + '' + text.substr(startpos); } else { text = option.text; } if ($("#" + result_id).html !== text) { $("#" + result_id).html(text); } this.result_activate($("#" + result_id)); if (option.group_id != null) { $("#" + this.results_data[option.group_id].dom_id).show(); } } else { if (this.result_highlight && result_id === this.result_highlight.attr('id')) { this.result_clear_highlight(); } this.result_deactivate($("#" + result_id)); } } } } if (results < 1 && searchText.length) { return this.no_results(searchText); } else { return this.winnow_results_set_highlight(); } }; Chosen.prototype.winnow_results_clear = function() { var li, lis, _i, _len, _results; this.search_field.val(""); lis = this.search_results.find("li"); _results = []; for (_i = 0, _len = lis.length; _i < _len; _i++) { li = lis[_i]; li = $(li); _results.push(li.hasClass("group-result") ? li.show() : !this.is_multiple || !li.hasClass("result-selected") ? this.result_activate(li) : void 0); } return _results; }; Chosen.prototype.winnow_results_set_highlight = function() { var do_high; if (!this.result_highlight) { do_high = this.search_results.find(".active-result").first(); if (do_high) { return this.result_do_highlight(do_high); } } }; Chosen.prototype.no_results = function(terms) { var no_results_html; no_results_html = $('
  • No results match ""
  • '); no_results_html.find("span").first().text(terms); return this.search_results.append(no_results_html); }; Chosen.prototype.no_results_clear = function() { return this.search_results.find(".no-results").remove(); }; Chosen.prototype.keydown_arrow = function() { var first_active, next_sib; if (!this.result_highlight) { first_active = this.search_results.find("li.active-result").first(); if (first_active) { this.result_do_highlight($(first_active)); } } else if (this.results_showing) { next_sib = this.result_highlight.nextAll("li.active-result").first(); if (next_sib) { this.result_do_highlight(next_sib); } } if (!this.results_showing) { return this.results_show(); } }; Chosen.prototype.keyup_arrow = function() { var prev_sibs; if (!this.results_showing && !this.is_multiple) { return this.results_show(); } else if (this.result_highlight) { prev_sibs = this.result_highlight.prevAll("li.active-result"); if (prev_sibs.length) { return this.result_do_highlight(prev_sibs.first()); } else { if (this.choices > 0) { this.results_hide(); } return this.result_clear_highlight(); } } }; Chosen.prototype.keydown_backstroke = function() { if (this.pending_backstroke) { this.choice_destroy(this.pending_backstroke.find("a").first()); return this.clear_backstroke(); } else { this.pending_backstroke = this.search_container.siblings("li.search-choice").last(); return this.pending_backstroke.addClass("search-choice-focus"); } }; Chosen.prototype.clear_backstroke = function() { if (this.pending_backstroke) { this.pending_backstroke.removeClass("search-choice-focus"); } return this.pending_backstroke = null; }; Chosen.prototype.keyup_checker = function(evt) { var stroke, _ref; stroke = (_ref = evt.which) != null ? _ref : evt.keyCode; this.search_field_scale(); switch (stroke) { case 8: if (this.is_multiple && this.backstroke_length < 1 && this.choices > 0) { return this.keydown_backstroke(); } else if (!this.pending_backstroke) { this.result_clear_highlight(); return this.results_search(); } break; case 13: evt.preventDefault(); if (this.results_showing) { return this.result_select(); } break; case 9: case 13: case 38: case 40: case 16: break; default: return this.results_search(); } }; Chosen.prototype.keydown_checker = function(evt) { var stroke, _ref; stroke = (_ref = evt.which) != null ? _ref : evt.keyCode; this.search_field_scale(); if (stroke !== 8 && this.pending_backstroke) { this.clear_backstroke(); } switch (stroke) { case 8: return this.backstroke_length = this.search_field.val().length; case 9: return this.mouse_on_container = false; case 13: return evt.preventDefault(); case 38: evt.preventDefault(); return this.keyup_arrow(); case 40: return this.keydown_arrow(); } }; Chosen.prototype.search_field_scale = function() { var dd_top, div, h, style, style_block, styles, w, _i, _len; if (this.is_multiple) { h = 0; w = 0; style_block = "position:absolute; left: -1000px; top: -1000px; display:none;"; styles = ['font-size', 'font-style', 'font-weight', 'font-family', 'line-height', 'text-transform', 'letter-spacing']; for (_i = 0, _len = styles.length; _i < _len; _i++) { style = styles[_i]; style_block += style + ":" + this.search_field.css(style) + ";"; } div = $('
    ', { 'style': style_block }).text(this.search_field.val()); $('body').append(div); w = div.width() + 25; div.remove(); if (w > this.f_width - 10) { w = this.f_width - 10; } this.search_field.css({ 'width': w + 'px' }); dd_top = this.container.height(); return this.dropdown.css({ "top": dd_top + "px" }); } }; return Chosen; })(); get_side_border_padding = function(elmt) { var side_border_padding; return side_border_padding = elmt.outerWidth() - elmt.width(); }; root.get_side_border_padding = get_side_border_padding; OptionsParser = (function() { function OptionsParser() { this.group_index = 0; this.sel_index = 0; this.parsed = []; } OptionsParser.prototype.add_node = function(child) { if (child.nodeName === "OPTGROUP") { return this.add_group(child); } else { return this.add_option(child); } }; OptionsParser.prototype.add_group = function(group) { var group_id, option, _i, _len, _ref; group_id = this.sel_index + this.group_index; this.parsed.push({ id: group_id, group: true, label: group.label, position: this.group_index, children: 0, disabled: group.disabled }); _ref = group.childNodes; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { option = _ref[_i]; this.add_option(option, group_id, group.disabled); } return this.group_index += 1; }; OptionsParser.prototype.add_option = function(option, group_id, group_disabled) { var _ref; if (option.nodeName === "OPTION" && (this.sel_index > 0 || option.text !== "")) { if (group_id || group_id === 0) { this.parsed[group_id].children += 1; } this.parsed.push({ id: this.sel_index + this.group_index, select_index: this.sel_index, value: option.value, text: option.text, selected: option.selected, disabled: (_ref = group_disabled === true) != null ? _ref : { group_disabled: option.disabled }, group_id: group_id }); return this.sel_index += 1; } }; return OptionsParser; })(); OptionsParser.select_to_array = function(select) { var child, parser, _i, _len, _ref; parser = new OptionsParser(); _ref = select.childNodes; for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { child = _ref[_i]; parser.add_node(child); } return parser.parsed; }; root.OptionsParser = OptionsParser; }).call(this);