Use npm modules for the build chain so we can concat multiple files for dependencies. Break SelectParser into it's own file. Commit updates to the actual Javascripts to reflect the new builds.
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 255 additions and 297 deletions
@ -1,38 +1,62 @@
# Building Chosen requires coffee-script and uglify-js. For
# help installing, try:
# `npm -g install coffee-script uglify-js`
fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
{spawn, exec} = require 'child_process'
CoffeeScript = require 'coffee-script'
{parser, uglify} = require 'uglify-js'
javascripts = [
'chosen/chosen.jquery.js', 'chosen/chosen.proto.js'
javascripts = {
'chosen/chosen.jquery.js': [
'chosen/chosen.proto.js': [
# Run a command
Array::unique = ->
output = {}
output[@[key]] = @[key] for key in [0...@length]
value for key, value of output
# Gather a list of unique source files.
run = (cmd, args, cb) ->
proc = spawn cmd, args
proc.stderr.on 'data', (buffer) -> console.log buffer.toString()
proc.on 'exit', (status) ->
process.exit(1) if status != 0
cb() if typeof cb is 'function'
source_files = ->
all_sources = []
for javascript, sources of javascripts
for source in sources
all_sources.push source
coffescript_files = ->
'coffee/' + file for file in (fs.readdirSync 'coffee') when file.match(/\.coffee$/)
# Build Chosen. Requires `coffee` and `uglifyjs`.
# Build Chosen.
task 'build', 'build Chosen from source', build = (cb) ->
run 'coffee', ['-c', '-o', 'chosen'].concat(coffescript_files()), ->
cb() if typeof cb is 'function'
for javascript, sources of javascripts
code = ''
for source in sources
code += CoffeeScript.compile "\n#{fs.readFileSync source}"
fs.writeFileSync javascript, code
unless process.env.MINIFY is 'false'
for javascript in javascripts
uglified = javascript.replace /\.js$/, '.min.js'
run 'uglifyjs', ['-o', uglified, javascript], cb
fs.writeFileSync javascript.replace(/\.js$/,'.min.js'), (
uglify.gen_code uglify.ast_squeeze uglify.ast_mangle parser.parse code
cb() if typeof cb is 'function'
task 'watch', 'watch coffee/ for changes and build Chosen', ->
console.log "Watching for changes in coffee/"
for file in coffescript_files()
fs.watchFile file, (curr, prev) ->
if +curr.mtime isnt +prev.mtime
console.log "Saw change in #{file}"
invoke 'build'
for file in source_files()
# Coffeescript wasn't scoping file correctly-
# without this closure the file name displayed
# is incorrect.
((file) ->
fs.watchFile file, (curr, prev) ->
if +curr.mtime isnt +prev.mtime
console.log "Saw change in #{file}"
invoke 'build'
@ -1,3 +1,75 @@
(function() {
var SelectParser;
SelectParser = (function() {
function SelectParser() {
this.options_index = 0;
this.parsed = [];
SelectParser.prototype.add_node = function(child) {
if (child.nodeName === "OPTGROUP") {
return this.add_group(child);
} else {
return this.add_option(child);
SelectParser.prototype.add_group = function(group) {
var group_position, option, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
group_position = this.parsed.length;
array_index: group_position,
group: true,
label: group.label,
children: 0,
disabled: group.disabled
_ref = group.childNodes;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
option = _ref[_i];
_results.push(this.add_option(option, group_position, group.disabled));
return _results;
SelectParser.prototype.add_option = function(option, group_position, group_disabled) {
if (option.nodeName === "OPTION") {
if (option.text !== "") {
if (group_position != null) {
this.parsed[group_position].children += 1;
array_index: this.parsed.length,
options_index: this.options_index,
value: option.value,
text: option.text,
html: option.innerHTML,
selected: option.selected,
disabled: group_disabled === true ? group_disabled : option.disabled,
group_array_index: group_position
} else {
array_index: this.parsed.length,
options_index: this.options_index,
empty: true
return this.options_index += 1;
return SelectParser;
SelectParser.select_to_array = function(select) {
var child, parser, _i, _len, _ref;
parser = new SelectParser();
_ref = select.childNodes;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
child = _ref[_i];
return parser.parsed;
this.SelectParser = SelectParser;
(function() {
Chosen, a Select Box Enhancer for jQuery and Protoype
@ -6,9 +78,9 @@
Available for use under the MIT License,
Copyright (c) 2011 by Harvest
*/ var $, Chosen, SelectParser, get_side_border_padding, root;
*/ var $, Chosen, get_side_border_padding, root;
var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };
root = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? exports : this;
root = this;
$ = jQuery;
chosen: function(data, options) {
@ -210,7 +282,7 @@
var content, data, startTime, _i, _len, _ref;
startTime = new Date();
this.parsing = true;
this.results_data = SelectParser.select_to_array(this.form_field);
this.results_data = root.SelectParser.select_to_array(this.form_field);
if (this.is_multiple && this.choices > 0) {
this.choices = 0;
@ -705,73 +777,4 @@
return side_border_padding = elmt.outerWidth() - elmt.width();
root.get_side_border_padding = get_side_border_padding;
SelectParser = (function() {
function SelectParser() {
this.options_index = 0;
this.parsed = [];
SelectParser.prototype.add_node = function(child) {
if (child.nodeName === "OPTGROUP") {
return this.add_group(child);
} else {
return this.add_option(child);
SelectParser.prototype.add_group = function(group) {
var group_position, option, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
group_position = this.parsed.length;
array_index: group_position,
group: true,
label: group.label,
children: 0,
disabled: group.disabled
_ref = group.childNodes;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
option = _ref[_i];
_results.push(this.add_option(option, group_position, group.disabled));
return _results;
SelectParser.prototype.add_option = function(option, group_position, group_disabled) {
if (option.nodeName === "OPTION") {
if (option.text !== "") {
if (group_position != null) {
this.parsed[group_position].children += 1;
array_index: this.parsed.length,
options_index: this.options_index,
value: option.value,
text: option.text,
html: option.innerHTML,
selected: option.selected,
disabled: group_disabled === true ? group_disabled : option.disabled,
group_array_index: group_position
} else {
array_index: this.parsed.length,
options_index: this.options_index,
empty: true
return this.options_index += 1;
return SelectParser;
SelectParser.select_to_array = function(select) {
var child, parser, _i, _len, _ref;
parser = new SelectParser();
_ref = select.childNodes;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
child = _ref[_i];
return parser.parsed;
root.SelectParser = SelectParser;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,3 +1,75 @@
(function() {
var SelectParser;
SelectParser = (function() {
function SelectParser() {
this.options_index = 0;
this.parsed = [];
SelectParser.prototype.add_node = function(child) {
if (child.nodeName === "OPTGROUP") {
return this.add_group(child);
} else {
return this.add_option(child);
SelectParser.prototype.add_group = function(group) {
var group_position, option, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
group_position = this.parsed.length;
array_index: group_position,
group: true,
label: group.label,
children: 0,
disabled: group.disabled
_ref = group.childNodes;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
option = _ref[_i];
_results.push(this.add_option(option, group_position, group.disabled));
return _results;
SelectParser.prototype.add_option = function(option, group_position, group_disabled) {
if (option.nodeName === "OPTION") {
if (option.text !== "") {
if (group_position != null) {
this.parsed[group_position].children += 1;
array_index: this.parsed.length,
options_index: this.options_index,
value: option.value,
text: option.text,
html: option.innerHTML,
selected: option.selected,
disabled: group_disabled === true ? group_disabled : option.disabled,
group_array_index: group_position
} else {
array_index: this.parsed.length,
options_index: this.options_index,
empty: true
return this.options_index += 1;
return SelectParser;
SelectParser.select_to_array = function(select) {
var child, parser, _i, _len, _ref;
parser = new SelectParser();
_ref = select.childNodes;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
child = _ref[_i];
return parser.parsed;
this.SelectParser = SelectParser;
(function() {
Chosen, a Select Box Enhancer for jQuery and Protoype
@ -6,9 +78,9 @@
Available for use under the MIT License,
Copyright (c) 2011 by Harvest
*/ var Chosen, SelectParser, get_side_border_padding, root;
*/ var Chosen, get_side_border_padding, root;
var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; };
root = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? exports : this;
root = this;
Chosen = (function() {
function Chosen(elmn) {
@ -198,7 +270,7 @@
var content, data, startTime, _i, _len, _ref;
startTime = new Date();
this.parsing = true;
this.results_data = SelectParser.select_to_array(this.form_field);
this.results_data = root.SelectParser.select_to_array(this.form_field);
if (this.is_multiple && this.choices > 0) {
this.choices = 0;
@ -676,7 +748,7 @@
return Chosen;
root.Chosen = Chosen;
this.Chosen = Chosen;
document.observe('dom:loaded', function(evt) {
var select, selects, _i, _len, _results;
selects = $$(".chzn-select");
@ -693,74 +765,4 @@
return side_border_padding = layout.get("border-left") + layout.get("border-right") + layout.get("padding-left") + layout.get("padding-right");
root.get_side_border_padding = get_side_border_padding;
root = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? exports : this;
SelectParser = (function() {
function SelectParser() {
this.options_index = 0;
this.parsed = [];
SelectParser.prototype.add_node = function(child) {
if (child.nodeName === "OPTGROUP") {
return this.add_group(child);
} else {
return this.add_option(child);
SelectParser.prototype.add_group = function(group) {
var group_position, option, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
group_position = this.parsed.length;
array_index: group_position,
group: true,
label: group.label,
children: 0,
disabled: group.disabled
_ref = group.childNodes;
_results = [];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
option = _ref[_i];
_results.push(this.add_option(option, group_position, group.disabled));
return _results;
SelectParser.prototype.add_option = function(option, group_position, group_disabled) {
if (option.nodeName === "OPTION") {
if (option.text !== "") {
if (group_position != null) {
this.parsed[group_position].children += 1;
array_index: this.parsed.length,
options_index: this.options_index,
value: option.value,
text: option.text,
html: option.innerHTML,
selected: option.selected,
disabled: group_disabled === true ? group_disabled : option.disabled,
group_array_index: group_position
} else {
array_index: this.parsed.length,
options_index: this.options_index,
empty: true
return this.options_index += 1;
return SelectParser;
SelectParser.select_to_array = function(select) {
var child, parser, _i, _len, _ref;
parser = new SelectParser();
_ref = select.childNodes;
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
child = _ref[_i];
return parser.parsed;
root.SelectParser = SelectParser;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ Available for use under the MIT License,
Copyright (c) 2011 by Harvest
root = exports ? this
root = this
$ = jQuery
@ -179,7 +178,7 @@ class Chosen
results_build: ->
startTime = new Date()
@parsing = true
@results_data = SelectParser.select_to_array @form_field
@results_data = root.SelectParser.select_to_array @form_field
if @is_multiple and @choices > 0
@ -599,53 +598,3 @@ get_side_border_padding = (elmt) ->
side_border_padding = elmt.outerWidth() - elmt.width()
root.get_side_border_padding = get_side_border_padding
class SelectParser
constructor: ->
@options_index = 0
@parsed = []
add_node: (child) ->
if child.nodeName is "OPTGROUP"
this.add_group child
this.add_option child
add_group: (group) ->
group_position = @parsed.length
array_index: group_position
group: true
label: group.label
children: 0
disabled: group.disabled
this.add_option( option, group_position, group.disabled ) for option in group.childNodes
add_option: (option, group_position, group_disabled) ->
if option.nodeName is "OPTION"
if option.text != ""
if group_position?
@parsed[group_position].children += 1
array_index: @parsed.length
options_index: @options_index
value: option.value
text: option.text
html: option.innerHTML
selected: option.selected
disabled: if group_disabled is true then group_disabled else option.disabled
group_array_index: group_position
array_index: @parsed.length
options_index: @options_index
empty: true
@options_index += 1
SelectParser.select_to_array = (select) ->
parser = new SelectParser()
parser.add_node( child ) for child in select.childNodes
root.SelectParser = SelectParser
@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ Available for use under the MIT License,
Copyright (c) 2011 by Harvest
root = exports ? this
root = this
class Chosen
@ -172,7 +171,7 @@ class Chosen
results_build: ->
startTime = new Date()
@parsing = true
@results_data = SelectParser.select_to_array @form_field
@results_data = root.SelectParser.select_to_array @form_field
if @is_multiple and @choices > 0
@ -580,55 +579,3 @@ get_side_border_padding = (elmt) ->
side_border_padding = layout.get("border-left") + layout.get("border-right") + layout.get("padding-left") + layout.get("padding-right")
root.get_side_border_padding = get_side_border_padding
root = exports ? this
class SelectParser
constructor: ->
@options_index = 0
@parsed = []
add_node: (child) ->
if child.nodeName is "OPTGROUP"
this.add_group child
this.add_option child
add_group: (group) ->
group_position = @parsed.length
array_index: group_position
group: true
label: group.label
children: 0
disabled: group.disabled
this.add_option( option, group_position, group.disabled ) for option in group.childNodes
add_option: (option, group_position, group_disabled) ->
if option.nodeName is "OPTION"
if option.text != ""
if group_position?
@parsed[group_position].children += 1
array_index: @parsed.length
options_index: @options_index
value: option.value
text: option.text
html: option.innerHTML
selected: option.selected
disabled: if group_disabled is true then group_disabled else option.disabled
group_array_index: group_position
array_index: @parsed.length
options_index: @options_index
empty: true
@options_index += 1
SelectParser.select_to_array = (select) ->
parser = new SelectParser()
parser.add_node( child ) for child in select.childNodes
root.SelectParser = SelectParser
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
class SelectParser
constructor: ->
@options_index = 0
@parsed = []
add_node: (child) ->
if child.nodeName is "OPTGROUP"
this.add_group child
this.add_option child
add_group: (group) ->
group_position = @parsed.length
array_index: group_position
group: true
label: group.label
children: 0
disabled: group.disabled
this.add_option( option, group_position, group.disabled ) for option in group.childNodes
add_option: (option, group_position, group_disabled) ->
if option.nodeName is "OPTION"
if option.text != ""
if group_position?
@parsed[group_position].children += 1
array_index: @parsed.length
options_index: @options_index
value: option.value
text: option.text
html: option.innerHTML
selected: option.selected
disabled: if group_disabled is true then group_disabled else option.disabled
group_array_index: group_position
array_index: @parsed.length
options_index: @options_index
empty: true
@options_index += 1
SelectParser.select_to_array = (select) ->
parser = new SelectParser()
parser.add_node( child ) for child in select.childNodes
this.SelectParser = SelectParser
Add table
Reference in a new issue