From 6659b47b756602f9dc7fc51a389e493dcfbf3301 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Patrick Filler Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 16:23:29 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Always use the latest version of prototype. --- chosen/chosen.proto.js | 763 ----------------------------------------- index.html | 2 +- 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 764 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 chosen/chosen.proto.js diff --git a/chosen/chosen.proto.js b/chosen/chosen.proto.js deleted file mode 100644 index 8f8d9e1..0000000 --- a/chosen/chosen.proto.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,763 +0,0 @@ -(function() { - /* - Chosen, a Select Box Enhancer for jQuery and Protoype - by Patrick Filler for Harvest, - - Available for use under the MIT License, - - Copyright (c) 2011 by Harvest - */ var Chosen, SelectParser, get_side_border_padding, root; - var __bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; }; - root = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? exports : this; - Chosen = (function() { - function Chosen(elmn) { - this.set_default_values(); - this.form_field = elmn; - this.is_multiple = this.form_field.multiple; - this.default_text_default = this.form_field.multiple ? "Select Some Options" : "Select an Option"; - this.set_up_html(); - this.register_observers(); - } - Chosen.prototype.set_default_values = function() { - this.click_test_action = __bind(function(evt) { - return this.test_active_click(evt); - }, this); - this.active_field = false; - this.mouse_on_container = false; - this.results_showing = false; - this.result_highlighted = null; - this.result_single_selected = null; - this.choices = 0; - this.single_temp = new Template('#{default}
'); - this.multi_temp = new Template('
'); - this.choice_temp = new Template('
  • #{choice}
  • '); - return this.no_results_temp = new Template('
  • No results match "#{terms}"
  • '); - }; - Chosen.prototype.set_up_html = function() { - var base_template, container_props, dd_top, dd_width, sf_width; - this.container_id = + "_chzn"; - this.f_width = this.form_field.getStyle("width") ? parseInt(this.form_field.getStyle("width"), 10) : this.form_field.getWidth(); - container_props = { - 'id': this.container_id, - 'class': 'chzn-container', - 'style': 'width: ' + this.f_width + 'px' - }; - this.default_text = this.form_field.readAttribute('title') ? this.form_field.readAttribute('title') : this.default_text_default; - base_template = this.is_multiple ? new Element('div', container_props).update(this.multi_temp.evaluate({ - "default": this.default_text - })) : new Element('div', container_props).update(this.single_temp.evaluate({ - "default": this.default_text - })); - this.form_field.hide().insert({ - after: base_template - }); - this.container = $(this.container_id); - this.container.addClassName("chzn-container-" + (this.is_multiple ? "multi" : "single")); - this.dropdown = this.container.down('div.chzn-drop'); - dd_top = this.container.getHeight(); - dd_width = this.f_width - get_side_border_padding(this.dropdown); - this.dropdown.setStyle({ - "width": dd_width + "px", - "top": dd_top + "px" - }); - this.search_field = this.container.down('input'); - this.search_results = this.container.down('ul.chzn-results'); - this.search_field_scale(); - this.search_no_results = this.container.down(''); - if (this.is_multiple) { - this.search_choices = this.container.down('ul.chzn-choices'); - this.search_container = this.container.down(''); - } else { - this.search_container = this.container.down('div.chzn-search'); - this.selected_item = this.container.down('.chzn-single'); - sf_width = dd_width - get_side_border_padding(this.search_container) - get_side_border_padding(this.search_field); - this.search_field.setStyle({ - "width": sf_width + "px" - }); - } - this.results_build(); - return this.set_tab_index(); - }; - Chosen.prototype.register_observers = function() { - this.container.observe("click", __bind(function(evt) { - return this.container_click(evt); - }, this)); - this.container.observe("mouseenter", __bind(function(evt) { - return this.mouse_enter(evt); - }, this)); - this.container.observe("mouseleave", __bind(function(evt) { - return this.mouse_leave(evt); - }, this)); - this.search_results.observe("click", __bind(function(evt) { - return this.search_results_click(evt); - }, this)); - this.search_results.observe("mouseover", __bind(function(evt) { - return this.search_results_mouseover(evt); - }, this)); - this.search_results.observe("mouseout", __bind(function(evt) { - return this.search_results_mouseout(evt); - }, this)); - this.form_field.observe("liszt:updated", __bind(function(evt) { - return this.results_update_field(evt); - }, this)); - this.search_field.observe("blur", __bind(function(evt) { - return this.input_blur(evt); - }, this)); - this.search_field.observe("keyup", __bind(function(evt) { - return this.keyup_checker(evt); - }, this)); - this.search_field.observe("keydown", __bind(function(evt) { - return this.keydown_checker(evt); - }, this)); - if (this.is_multiple) { - this.search_choices.observe("click", __bind(function(evt) { - return this.choices_click(evt); - }, this)); - return this.search_field.observe("focus", __bind(function(evt) { - return this.input_focus(evt); - }, this)); - } else { - return this.selected_item.observe("focus", __bind(function(evt) { - return this.activate_field(evt); - }, this)); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.container_click = function(evt) { - if (evt && evt.type === "click") { - evt.stop(); - } - if (!this.pending_destroy_click) { - if (!this.active_field) { - if (this.is_multiple) { - this.search_field.clear(); - } - document.observe("click", this.click_test_action); - this.results_show(); - } else if (!this.is_multiple && evt && ( === this.selected_item ||"a.chzn-single"))) { - this.results_toggle(); - } - return this.activate_field(); - } else { - return this.pending_destroy_click = false; - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.mouse_enter = function() { - return this.mouse_on_container = true; - }; - Chosen.prototype.mouse_leave = function() { - return this.mouse_on_container = false; - }; - Chosen.prototype.input_focus = function(evt) { - if (!this.active_field) { - return setTimeout(this.container_click.bind(this), 50); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.input_blur = function(evt) { - if (!this.mouse_on_container) { - this.active_field = false; - return setTimeout(this.blur_test.bind(this), 100); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.blur_test = function(evt) { - if (!this.active_field && this.container.hasClassName("chzn-container-active")) { - return this.close_field(); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.close_field = function() { - document.stopObserving("click", this.click_test_action); - if (!this.is_multiple) { - this.selected_item.tabIndex = this.search_field.tabIndex; - this.search_field.tabIndex = -1; - } - this.active_field = false; - this.results_hide(); - this.container.removeClassName("chzn-container-active"); - this.winnow_results_clear(); - this.clear_backstroke(); - this.show_search_field_default(); - return this.search_field_scale(); - }; - Chosen.prototype.activate_field = function() { - if (!this.is_multiple && !this.active_field) { - this.search_field.tabIndex = this.selected_item.tabIndex; - this.selected_item.tabIndex = -1; - } - this.container.addClassName("chzn-container-active"); - this.active_field = true; - this.search_field.value = this.search_field.value; - return this.search_field.focus(); - }; - Chosen.prototype.test_active_click = function(evt) { - if ('#' + { - return this.active_field = true; - } else { - return this.close_field(); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.results_build = function() { - var content, data, startTime, _i, _len, _ref; - startTime = new Date(); - this.parsing = true; - this.results_data = SelectParser.select_to_array(this.form_field); - if (this.is_multiple && this.choices > 0) { -"").invoke("remove"); - this.choices = 0; - } else if (!this.is_multiple) { - this.selected_item.down("span").update(this.default_text); - } - content = ''; - _ref = this.results_data; - for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { - data = _ref[_i]; - if ( { - content += this.result_add_group(data); - } else if (!data.empty) { - content += this.result_add_option(data); - if (data.selected && this.is_multiple) { - this.choice_build(data); - } else if (data.selected && !this.is_multiple) { - this.selected_item.down("span").update(data.text); - } - } - } - this.show_search_field_default(); - this.search_results.update(content); - return this.parsing = false; - }; - Chosen.prototype.result_add_group = function(group) { - if (!group.disabled) { - group.dom_id = + "chzn_g_" + group.array_index; - return '
  • ' + group.label.escapeHTML() + '
  • '; - } else { - return ""; - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.result_add_option = function(option) { - var classes; - if (!option.disabled) { - option.dom_id = + "chzn_o_" + option.array_index; - classes = option.selected && this.is_multiple ? [] : ["active-result"]; - if (option.selected) { - classes.push("result-selected"); - } - if (option.group_array_index != null) { - classes.push("group-option"); - } - return '
  • ' + option.text.escapeHTML() + '
  • '; - } else { - return ""; - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.results_update_field = function() { - this.result_clear_highlight(); - this.result_single_selected = null; - return this.results_build(); - }; - Chosen.prototype.result_do_highlight = function(el) { - var high_bottom, high_top, maxHeight, visible_bottom, visible_top; - this.result_clear_highlight(); - this.result_highlight = el; - this.result_highlight.addClassName("highlighted"); - maxHeight = parseInt(this.search_results.getStyle('maxHeight'), 10); - visible_top = this.search_results.scrollTop; - visible_bottom = maxHeight + visible_top; - high_top = this.result_highlight.positionedOffset().top; - high_bottom = high_top + this.result_highlight.getHeight(); - if (high_bottom >= visible_bottom) { - return this.search_results.scrollTop = (high_bottom - maxHeight) > 0 ? high_bottom - maxHeight : 0; - } else if (high_top < visible_top) { - return this.search_results.scrollTop = high_top; - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.result_clear_highlight = function() { - if (this.result_highlight) { - this.result_highlight.removeClassName('highlighted'); - } - return this.result_highlight = null; - }; - Chosen.prototype.results_toggle = function() { - if (this.results_showing) { - return this.results_hide(); - } else { - return this.results_show(); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.results_show = function() { - var dd_top; - if (!this.is_multiple) { - this.selected_item.addClassName('chzn-single-with-drop'); - if (this.result_single_selected) { - this.result_do_highlight(this.result_single_selected); - } - } - dd_top = this.is_multiple ? this.container.getHeight() : this.container.getHeight() - 1; - this.dropdown.setStyle({ - "top": dd_top + "px", - "left": 0 - }); - this.results_showing = true; - this.search_field.focus(); - this.search_field.value = this.search_field.value; - return this.winnow_results(); - }; - Chosen.prototype.results_hide = function() { - if (!this.is_multiple) { - this.selected_item.removeClassName('chzn-single-with-drop'); - } - this.result_clear_highlight(); - this.dropdown.setStyle({ - "left": "-9000px" - }); - return this.results_showing = false; - }; - Chosen.prototype.set_tab_index = function(el) { - var ti; - if (this.form_field.tabIndex) { - ti = this.form_field.tabIndex; - this.form_field.tabIndex = -1; - if (this.is_multiple) { - return this.search_field.tabIndex = ti; - } else { - this.selected_item.tabIndex = ti; - return this.search_field.tabIndex = -1; - } - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.show_search_field_default = function() { - if (this.is_multiple && this.choices < 1 && !this.active_field) { - this.search_field.value = this.default_text; - return this.search_field.addClassName("default"); - } else { - this.search_field.value = ""; - return this.search_field.removeClassName("default"); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.search_results_click = function(evt) { - var target; - target ="active-result") ? :".active-result"); - if (target) { - this.result_highlight = target; - return this.result_select(); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.search_results_mouseover = function(evt) { - var target; - target ="active-result") ? :".active-result"); - if (target) { - return this.result_do_highlight(target); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.search_results_mouseout = function(evt) { - if ('active-result') ||'.active-result')) { - return this.result_clear_highlight(); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.choices_click = function(evt) { - evt.preventDefault(); - if (this.active_field && !('search-choice') ||'.search-choice')) && !this.results_showing) { - return this.results_show(); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.choice_build = function(item) { - var choice_id, link; - choice_id = + "_chzn_c_" + item.array_index; - this.choices += 1; - this.search_container.insert({ - before: this.choice_temp.evaluate({ - "id": choice_id, - "choice": item.text, - "position": item.array_index - }) - }); - link = $(choice_id).down('a'); - return link.observe("click", __bind(function(evt) { - return this.choice_destroy_link_click(evt); - }, this)); - }; - Chosen.prototype.choice_destroy_link_click = function(evt) { - evt.preventDefault(); - this.pending_destroy_click = true; - return this.choice_destroy(; - }; - Chosen.prototype.choice_destroy = function(link) { - this.choices -= 1; - this.show_search_field_default(); - if (this.is_multiple && this.choices > 0 && this.search_field.value.length < 1) { - this.results_hide(); - } - this.result_deselect(link.readAttribute("rel")); - return link.up('li').remove(); - }; - Chosen.prototype.result_select = function() { - var high, item, position; - if (this.result_highlight) { - high = this.result_highlight; - this.result_clear_highlight(); - high.addClassName("result-selected"); - if (this.is_multiple) { - this.result_deactivate(high); - } else { - this.result_single_selected = high; - } - position ="_") + 1); - item = this.results_data[position]; - item.selected = true; - this.form_field.options[item.options_index].selected = true; - if (this.is_multiple) { - this.choice_build(item); - } else { - this.selected_item.down("span").update(item.text); - } - this.results_hide(); - this.search_field.value = ""; - if (typeof Event.simulate === 'function') { - this.form_field.simulate("change"); - } - return this.search_field_scale(); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.result_activate = function(el) { - return el.addClassName("active-result").show(); - }; - Chosen.prototype.result_deactivate = function(el) { - return el.removeClassName("active-result").hide(); - }; - Chosen.prototype.result_deselect = function(pos) { - var result, result_data; - result_data = this.results_data[pos]; - result_data.selected = false; - this.form_field.options[result_data.options_index].selected = false; - result = $( + "chzn_o_" + pos); - result.removeClassName("result-selected").addClassName("active-result").show(); - this.result_clear_highlight(); - this.winnow_results(); - if (typeof Event.simulate === 'function') { - this.form_field.simulate("change"); - } - return this.search_field_scale(); - }; - Chosen.prototype.results_search = function(evt) { - if (this.results_showing) { - return this.winnow_results(); - } else { - return this.results_show(); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.winnow_results = function() { - var found, option, part, parts, regex, result_id, results, searchText, startTime, startpos, text, zregex, _i, _j, _len, _len2, _ref; - startTime = new Date(); - this.no_results_clear(); - results = 0; - searchText = this.search_field.value === this.default_text ? "" : this.search_field.value.strip(); - regex = new RegExp('^' + searchText.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"), 'i'); - zregex = new RegExp(searchText.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&"), 'i'); - _ref = this.results_data; - for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { - option = _ref[_i]; - if (!option.disabled && !option.empty) { - if ( { - $(option.dom_id).hide(); - } else if (!(this.is_multiple && option.selected)) { - found = false; - result_id = option.dom_id; - if (regex.test(option.text)) { - found = true; - results += 1; - } else if (option.text.indexOf(" ") >= 0 || option.text.indexOf("[") === 0) { - parts = option.text.replace(/\[|\]/g, "").split(" "); - if (parts.length) { - for (_j = 0, _len2 = parts.length; _j < _len2; _j++) { - part = parts[_j]; - if (regex.test(part)) { - found = true; - results += 1; - } - } - } - } - if (found) { - if (searchText.length) { - startpos =; - text = option.text.substr(0, startpos + searchText.length) + '' + option.text.substr(startpos + searchText.length); - text = text.substr(0, startpos) + '' + text.substr(startpos); - } else { - text = option.text; - } - if ($(result_id).innerHTML !== text) { - $(result_id).update(text); - } - this.result_activate($(result_id)); - if (option.group_array_index != null) { - $(this.results_data[option.group_array_index].dom_id).show(); - } - } else { - if ($(result_id) === this.result_highlight) { - this.result_clear_highlight(); - } - this.result_deactivate($(result_id)); - } - } - } - } - if (results < 1 && searchText.length) { - return this.no_results(searchText); - } else { - return this.winnow_results_set_highlight(); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.winnow_results_clear = function() { - var li, lis, _i, _len, _results; - this.search_field.clear(); - lis ="li"); - _results = []; - for (_i = 0, _len = lis.length; _i < _len; _i++) { - li = lis[_i]; - _results.push(li.hasClassName("group-result") ? : !this.is_multiple || !li.hasClassName("result-selected") ? this.result_activate(li) : void 0); - } - return _results; - }; - Chosen.prototype.winnow_results_set_highlight = function() { - var do_high; - if (!this.result_highlight) { - do_high = this.search_results.down(".active-result"); - if (do_high) { - return this.result_do_highlight(do_high); - } - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.no_results = function(terms) { - return this.search_results.insert(this.no_results_temp.evaluate({ - "terms": terms.escapeHTML() - })); - }; - Chosen.prototype.no_results_clear = function() { - var nr, _results; - nr = null; - _results = []; - while (nr = this.search_results.down(".no-results")) { - _results.push(nr.remove()); - } - return _results; - }; - Chosen.prototype.keydown_arrow = function() { - var actives, nexts, sibs; - actives =""); - if (actives.length) { - if (!this.result_highlight) { - this.result_do_highlight(actives.first()); - } else if (this.results_showing) { - sibs = this.result_highlight.nextSiblings(); - nexts = sibs.intersect(actives); - if (nexts.length) { - this.result_do_highlight(nexts.first()); - } - } - if (!this.results_showing) { - return this.results_show(); - } - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.keyup_arrow = function() { - var actives, prevs, sibs; - if (!this.results_showing && !this.is_multiple) { - return this.results_show(); - } else if (this.result_highlight) { - sibs = this.result_highlight.previousSiblings(); - actives =""); - prevs = sibs.intersect(actives); - if (prevs.length) { - return this.result_do_highlight(prevs.first()); - } else { - if (this.choices > 0) { - this.results_hide(); - } - return this.result_clear_highlight(); - } - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.keydown_backstroke = function() { - if (this.pending_backstroke) { - this.choice_destroy(this.pending_backstroke.down("a")); - return this.clear_backstroke(); - } else { - this.pending_backstroke = this.search_container.siblings("").last(); - return this.pending_backstroke.addClassName("search-choice-focus"); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.clear_backstroke = function() { - if (this.pending_backstroke) { - this.pending_backstroke.removeClassName("search-choice-focus"); - } - return this.pending_backstroke = null; - }; - Chosen.prototype.keyup_checker = function(evt) { - var stroke, _ref; - stroke = (_ref = evt.which) != null ? _ref : evt.keyCode; - this.search_field_scale(); - switch (stroke) { - case 8: - if (this.is_multiple && this.backstroke_length < 1 && this.choices > 0) { - return this.keydown_backstroke(); - } else if (!this.pending_backstroke) { - this.result_clear_highlight(); - return this.results_search(); - } - break; - case 13: - evt.preventDefault(); - if (this.results_showing) { - return this.result_select(); - } - break; - case 9: - case 13: - case 38: - case 40: - case 16: - break; - default: - return this.results_search(); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.keydown_checker = function(evt) { - var stroke, _ref; - stroke = (_ref = evt.which) != null ? _ref : evt.keyCode; - this.search_field_scale(); - if (stroke !== 8 && this.pending_backstroke) { - this.clear_backstroke(); - } - switch (stroke) { - case 8: - return this.backstroke_length = this.search_field.value.length; - case 9: - return this.mouse_on_container = false; - case 13: - return evt.preventDefault(); - case 38: - evt.preventDefault(); - return this.keyup_arrow(); - case 40: - return this.keydown_arrow(); - } - }; - Chosen.prototype.search_field_scale = function() { - var dd_top, div, h, style, style_block, styles, w, _i, _len; - if (this.is_multiple) { - h = 0; - w = 0; - style_block = "position:absolute; left: -1000px; top: -1000px; display:none;"; - styles = ['font-size', 'font-style', 'font-weight', 'font-family', 'line-height', 'text-transform', 'letter-spacing']; - for (_i = 0, _len = styles.length; _i < _len; _i++) { - style = styles[_i]; - style_block += style + ":" + this.search_field.getStyle(style) + ";"; - } - div = new Element('div', { - 'style': style_block - }).update(this.search_field.value); - document.body.appendChild(div); - w = Element.measure(div, 'width') + 25; - div.remove(); - if (w > this.f_width - 10) { - w = this.f_width - 10; - } - this.search_field.setStyle({ - 'width': w + 'px' - }); - dd_top = this.container.getHeight(); - return this.dropdown.setStyle({ - "top": dd_top + "px" - }); - } - }; - return Chosen; - })(); - root.Chosen = Chosen; - document.observe('dom:loaded', function(evt) { - var select, selects, _i, _len, _results; - selects = $$(".chzn-select"); - _results = []; - for (_i = 0, _len = selects.length; _i < _len; _i++) { - select = selects[_i]; - _results.push(new Chosen(select)); - } - return _results; - }); - get_side_border_padding = function(elmt) { - var layout, side_border_padding; - layout = new Element.Layout(elmt); - return side_border_padding = layout.get("border-left") + layout.get("border-right") + layout.get("padding-left") + layout.get("padding-right"); - }; - root.get_side_border_padding = get_side_border_padding; - root = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? exports : this; - SelectParser = (function() { - function SelectParser() { - this.options_index = 0; - this.parsed = []; - } - SelectParser.prototype.add_node = function(child) { - if (child.nodeName === "OPTGROUP") { - return this.add_group(child); - } else { - return this.add_option(child); - } - }; - SelectParser.prototype.add_group = function(group) { - var group_position, option, _i, _len, _ref, _results; - group_position = this.parsed.length; - this.parsed.push({ - array_index: group_position, - group: true, - label: group.label, - children: 0, - disabled: group.disabled - }); - _ref = group.childNodes; - _results = []; - for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { - option = _ref[_i]; - _results.push(this.add_option(option, group_position, group.disabled)); - } - return _results; - }; - SelectParser.prototype.add_option = function(option, group_position, group_disabled) { - var _ref; - if (option.nodeName === "OPTION") { - if (option.text !== "") { - if (group_position != null) { - this.parsed[group_position].children += 1; - } - this.parsed.push({ - array_index: this.parsed.length, - options_index: this.options_index, - value: option.value, - text: option.text, - selected: option.selected, - disabled: (_ref = group_disabled === true) != null ? _ref : { - group_disabled: option.disabled - }, - group_array_index: group_position - }); - } else { - this.parsed.push({ - array_index: this.parsed.length, - options_index: this.options_index, - empty: true - }); - } - return this.options_index += 1; - } - }; - return SelectParser; - })(); - SelectParser.select_to_array = function(select) { - var child, parser, _i, _len, _ref; - parser = new SelectParser(); - _ref = select.childNodes; - for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) { - child = _ref[_i]; - parser.add_node(child); - } - return parser.parsed; - }; - root.SelectParser = SelectParser; -}).call(this); diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index e2ad969..05e7533 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -1196,7 +1196,7 @@ - +