#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'mkmf' if CONFIG['INSTALL'] =~ %r{./install-sh} CONFIG.delete("INSTALL") end mj,mi,rv=RUBY_VERSION.split('.').collect {|s| s.to_i} ri=(((mj*1000)+mi)*1000)+rv if ri < 1008004 $stderr.puts("Version 1.8.4 minimum required") exit(3) end inc_dir,lib_dir = dir_config('bdb2') $stderr.puts("lib_dir=#{lib_dir} inc_dir=#{inc_dir}") #case Config::CONFIG["arch"] #when /solaris2/ # $DLDFLAGS ||= "" # $DLDFLAGS += " -R#{lib_dir}" #end versions=%w(db-4.3 db-4.2) locations=%w(/usr/local/lib /opt/local/lib /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.2/lib /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.3/lib) until versions.empty? (lib_ok=find_library(this_version=versions.shift,'db_create',*locations)) && break end h_locations=%w(/usr/local/include /opt/local/include /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.2/include /usr/local/BerkeleyDB.4.3/include) h_headers=%w(db4/db.h db.h) until h_headers.empty? (inc_ok=find_header(this_h=h_headers.shift,*h_locations)) && break end puts "db header is #{this_h} #{inc_ok} #$INCFLAGS" if this_h == "db4/db.h" $defs << "-DINC_DB4" else $defs << "-UINC_DB4" end puts "defs: "+$defs.inspect # Find db.h, not sure this will work everywhere, gcc is ok src=create_tmpsrc("#include <#{this_h}>") cmd=cpp_command("-M") r=`#{cmd}` header_loc=r.split.collect {|k| k if k =~ %r{^/.*db.h} }.compact[0] message("header is #{header_loc}\n") inc="#include <#{this_h}>" n=0 message("Writing bdb_aux.c (defines), this takes a while") defines=[] File.open(header_loc) {|fd| File.open("bdb_aux._c","w") {|hd| hd.puts("/* This file automatically generated by extconf.rb */\n") fd.each_line {|l| if l =~ %r{^#define\s+(DBC?_\w*)\s+(\"?)} and macro_defined?($1,inc) if $2 == '\"' hd.print(%Q{ cs(mBdb,%s);\n}%[$1]) else hd.print(%Q{ ci(mBdb,%s);\n}%[$1]) end message(".") n+=1 end } } } unless File.exist?("bdb_aux._c") message("\nwrote #{n} defines\n") $defs << $INCFLAGS if lib_ok and inc_ok create_header create_makefile('bdb2') else $stderr.puts("cannot create Makefile") end