/* * Ruby library that wraps the Sleepycat Berkeley DB. * * Developed against 4.3/4.4. No support for prior versions. * */ #include #include #define LMEMFLAG 0 #define NOFLAGS 0 #ifdef HAVE_STDARG_PROTOTYPES #include #define va_init_list(a,b) va_start(a,b) #else #include #define va_init_list(a,b) va_start(a) #endif VALUE mBdb; /* Top level module */ VALUE cDb; /* DBT class */ VALUE cDbStat; /* db status class, not specialized for DBTYPE */ VALUE cEnv; /* Environment class */ VALUE cTxn; /* Transaction class */ VALUE cCursor; /* Cursors */ VALUE cTxnStat; /* Transaction Status class */ VALUE cTxnStatActive; /* Active Transaction Status class */ VALUE eDbError; static ID fv_call, fv_err_new,fv_err_code,fv_err_msg; /* * Document-class: Bdb::DbError * * Errors generated by methods under the Bdb hierarchy will be * of this class unless Ruby itself raises the error. * */ static void #ifdef HAVE_STDARG_PROTOTYPES raise_error(int code, const char *fmt, ...) #else raise_error(code,fmt,va_alist) int code; const char *fmt; va_dcl #endif { va_list args; char buf[1024]; VALUE exc; VALUE argv[2]; va_init_list(args,fmt); vsnprintf(buf,1024,fmt,args); va_end(args); argv[0]=rb_str_new2(buf); argv[1]=INT2NUM(code); exc=rb_class_new_instance(2,argv,eDbError); rb_exc_raise(exc); } /* * An error can only be generated internally */ VALUE err_initialize(VALUE obj, VALUE message, VALUE code) { VALUE args[1]; args[0]=message; rb_call_super(1,args); rb_ivar_set(obj,fv_err_code,code); } /* * call-seq: * err.code() -> Bdb error code integer * */ VALUE err_code(VALUE obj) { return rb_ivar_get(obj,fv_err_code); } static void db_free(t_dbh *dbh) { #ifdef DEBUG_DB if ( RTEST(ruby_debug) ) fprintf(stderr,"%s/%d %s 0x%x\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,"db_free cleanup!",p); #endif if ( dbh ) { if ( dbh->db && dbh->filename[0]!=0 ) { dbh->db->close(dbh->db,NOFLAGS); } free(dbh); } } static void db_mark(t_dbh *dbh) { if ( ! NIL_P(dbh->aproc) ) rb_gc_mark(dbh->aproc); if ( dbh->env ) rb_gc_mark(dbh->env->self); if ( ! NIL_P(dbh->adbc) ) rb_gc_mark(dbh->adbc); } static void dbc_mark(t_dbch *dbch) { if (dbch->db) rb_gc_mark(dbch->db->self); } static void dbc_free(void *p) { t_dbch *dbch; dbch=(t_dbch *)p; #ifdef DEBUG_DB if ( RTEST(ruby_debug) ) fprintf(stderr,"%s/%d %s 0x%x\n",__FILE__,__LINE__, "dbc_free cleanup!",p); #endif if ( dbch ) { if ( dbch->dbc ) { dbch->dbc->c_close(dbch->dbc); if ( RTEST(ruby_debug) ) fprintf(stderr,"%s/%d %s 0x%x %s\n",__FILE__,__LINE__, "dbc_free cursor was still open!",p,dbch->filename); } free(p); } } VALUE db_alloc(VALUE klass) { return Data_Wrap_Struct(klass,db_mark,db_free,0); } VALUE db_init_aux(VALUE obj,t_envh * eh) { DB *db; t_dbh *dbh; int rv; /* This excludes possible use of X/Open Transaction Mgr */ rv = db_create(&db,(eh)?eh->env:NULL,NOFLAGS); if (rv != 0) { raise_error(rv, "db_new failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } #ifdef DEBUG_DB dbh->db->set_errfile(dbh->db,stderr); #endif dbh=ALLOC(t_dbh); db_free(DATA_PTR(obj)); DATA_PTR(obj)=dbh; dbh->db=db; dbh->self=obj; dbh->env=eh; dbh->aproc=Qnil; memset(&(dbh->filename),0,FNLEN+1); if (eh) { rb_ary_push(eh->adb,obj); } dbh->adbc=Qnil; return obj; } /* * Document-class: Bdb::Db * */ VALUE db_initialize(VALUE obj) { return db_init_aux(obj,NULL); } /* * call-seq: * db.open(txn_object,disk_file,logical_db,db_type,flags,mode) -> value * * open a database. disk file is file path. logical_db is * a named database within that file, which will be created under * conditions noted by DB. * * db_type is one of the constants: * Bdb::DB::BTREE * Bdb::DB::HASH * Bdb::DB::RECNO * Bdb::DB::QUEUE * Bdb::DB::UNKNOWN * * unknown will open an already existing db in the mode created */ VALUE db_open(VALUE obj, VALUE vtxn, VALUE vdisk_file, VALUE vlogical_db, VALUE vdbtype, VALUE vflags, VALUE vmode) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; t_txnh *txn=NOTXN; u_int32_t flags=0; DBTYPE dbtype=DB_UNKNOWN; char *logical_db=NULL; long len; int mode=0; if ( ! NIL_P(vflags) ) flags=NUM2INT(vflags); if ( ! NIL_P(vtxn) ) Data_Get_Struct(vtxn,t_txnh,txn); if ( TYPE(vlogical_db)==T_STRING && RSTRING(vlogical_db)->len > 0 ) logical_db=StringValueCStr(vlogical_db); if ( FIXNUM_P(vdbtype) ) { dbtype=NUM2INT(vdbtype); if ( dbtype < DB_BTREE || dbtype > DB_UNKNOWN ) { raise_error(0,"db_open Bad access type: %d",dbtype); return Qnil; } } if ( TYPE(vdisk_file)!=T_STRING || RSTRING(vdisk_file)->len < 1 ) { raise_error(0,"db_open Bad disk file name"); return Qnil; } if ( ! NIL_P(vmode) ) mode=NUM2INT(vmode); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); if ( ! NIL_P(dbh->adbc) ) raise_error(0,"db handle already opened"); rv = dbh->db->open(dbh->db,txn?txn->txn:NULL, StringValueCStr(vdisk_file), logical_db, dbtype,flags,mode); if (rv != 0) { raise_error(rv,"db_open failure: %s(%d)",db_strerror(rv),rv); } filename_copy(dbh->filename,vdisk_file) dbh->adbc=rb_ary_new(); return obj; } /* * call-seq: * db.flags=value * * set database flags based on DB constants. * see http://www.sleepycat.com/docs/api_c/db_set_flags.html * */ VALUE db_flags_set(VALUE obj, VALUE vflags) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; u_int32_t flags; flags=NUM2INT(vflags); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); rv = dbh->db->set_flags(dbh->db,flags); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "db_flag_set failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return vflags; } /* * call-seq: * db.pagesize=value * * set database flags based on DB constants. * see http://www.sleepycat.com/docs/api_c/db_set_flags.html * */ VALUE db_pagesize_set(VALUE obj, VALUE vpagesize) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; u_int32_t pagesize; pagesize=NUM2INT(vpagesize); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); rv = dbh->db->set_pagesize(dbh->db,pagesize); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "db_pagesize_set failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return vpagesize; } /* * call-seq: * db.pagesize * * set database flags based on DB constants. * see http://www.sleepycat.com/docs/api_c/db_set_flags.html * */ VALUE db_pagesize(VALUE obj) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; u_int32_t pagesize; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); rv = dbh->db->get_pagesize(dbh->db,&pagesize); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "db_pagesize_get failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return INT2NUM(pagesize); } /* * call-seq: * db.h_ffactor=value * * get hash db fill factor * formula: * (pagesize - 32) / (average_key_size + average_data_size + 8) * */ VALUE db_h_ffactor_set(VALUE obj, VALUE vint) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; u_int32_t cint; cint=NUM2INT(vint); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); rv = dbh->db->set_h_ffactor(dbh->db,cint); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "db_h_ffactor_set failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return vint; } /* * call-seq: * db.h_ffactor * * get hash db fill factor * formula: * (pagesize - 32) / (average_key_size + average_data_size + 8) * see http://www.sleepycat.com/docs/api_c/db_set_flags.html * */ VALUE db_h_ffactor(VALUE obj) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; u_int32_t cint; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); rv = dbh->db->get_h_ffactor(dbh->db,&cint); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "db_h_ffactor failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return INT2NUM(cint); } /* * call-seq: * db.h_nelem=value * * set estimate number of elements in hash table * see http://www.sleepycat.com/docs/api_c/db_set_flags.html * */ VALUE db_h_nelem_set(VALUE obj, VALUE vint) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; u_int32_t cint; cint=NUM2INT(vint); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); rv = dbh->db->set_h_nelem(dbh->db,cint); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "db_h_nelem_set failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return vint; } /* * call-seq: * db.h_nelem * * get estimate number of element in the hash table * see http://www.sleepycat.com/docs/api_c/db_set_flags.html * */ VALUE db_h_nelem(VALUE obj) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; u_int32_t nelem; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); rv = dbh->db->get_h_nelem(dbh->db,&nelem); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "db_h_nelem failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return INT2NUM(nelem); } VALUE dbc_close(VALUE); /* call-seq: * db.close(flags) -> value * * close a database handle. Will close open cursors. */ VALUE db_close(VALUE obj, VALUE vflags) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; u_int32_t flags; VALUE cur; flags=NUM2INT(vflags); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); if ( dbh->db==NULL || strlen(dbh->filename)==0 ) return Qnil; if (! NIL_P(dbh->adbc) && RARRAY(dbh->adbc)->len > 0 ) { rb_warning("%s/%d %s",__FILE__,__LINE__, "cursor handles still open"); while ( (cur=rb_ary_pop(dbh->adbc)) != Qnil ) { dbc_close(cur); } } if ( RTEST(ruby_debug) ) rb_warning("%s/%d %s 0x%x %s",__FILE__,__LINE__,"db_close!",dbh, dbh->filename); rv = dbh->db->close(dbh->db,flags); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "db_close failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } dbh->db=NULL; dbh->aproc=Qnil; if ( dbh->env ) { rb_ary_delete(dbh->env->adb,obj); } return obj; } /* * call-seq: * db.put(txn,key,data,flags) -> self * * put a key/data pair into the database. returns db. Will * raise an error on DB_KEYEXIST but error.code will indicate * so it can be easily caught. */ VALUE db_put(VALUE obj, VALUE vtxn, VALUE vkey, VALUE vdata, VALUE vflags) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; u_int32_t flags=0; DBT key,data; t_txnh *txn=NULL; memset(&key,0,sizeof(DBT)); memset(&data,0,sizeof(DBT)); if ( ! NIL_P(vtxn) ) Data_Get_Struct(vtxn,t_txnh,txn); if ( ! NIL_P(vflags) ) flags=NUM2INT(vflags); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); StringValue(vkey); key.data = RSTRING(vkey)->ptr; key.size = RSTRING(vkey)->len; key.flags = LMEMFLAG; StringValue(vdata); data.data = RSTRING(vdata)->ptr; data.size = RSTRING(vdata)->len; data.flags = LMEMFLAG; rv = dbh->db->put(dbh->db,txn?txn->txn:NULL,&key,&data,flags); /* if (rv == DB_KEYEXIST) return Qnil; */ if (rv != 0) { raise_error(rv, "db_put fails: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return obj; } /* * call-seq: * db.get(txn,key,data,flags) -> String(data) * * get a key/data pair from database. data as a string. * */ VALUE db_get(VALUE obj, VALUE vtxn, VALUE vkey, VALUE vdata, VALUE vflags) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; u_int32_t flags=0; DBT key,data; VALUE str; t_txnh *txn=NULL; memset(&key,0,sizeof(DBT)); memset(&data,0,sizeof(DBT)); if ( ! NIL_P(vtxn) ) Data_Get_Struct(vtxn,t_txnh,txn); if ( ! NIL_P(vflags) ) { rb_warning("flags nil"); flags=NUM2INT(vflags); } Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); StringValue(vkey); key.data = RSTRING(vkey)->ptr; key.size = RSTRING(vkey)->len; key.flags = LMEMFLAG; if ( ! NIL_P(vdata) ) { StringValue(vdata); data.data = RSTRING(vdata)->ptr; data.size = RSTRING(vdata)->len; data.flags = LMEMFLAG; } rv = dbh->db->get(dbh->db,txn?txn->txn:NULL,&key,&data,flags); if ( rv == 0 ) { return rb_str_new(data.data,data.size); } else if (rv == DB_NOTFOUND) { return Qnil; } else { raise_error(rv, "db_get failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * db.pget(txn,key,data,flags) -> [pkey,data] * * get a key/data pair from database using a secondary index. * returns an array with a primary key and the data element. * */ VALUE db_pget(VALUE obj, VALUE vtxn, VALUE vkey, VALUE vdata, VALUE vflags) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; u_int32_t flags=0; DBT key,data,pkey; VALUE str; t_txnh *txn=NULL; memset(&key,0,sizeof(DBT)); memset(&data,0,sizeof(DBT)); memset(&pkey,0,sizeof(DBT)); if ( ! NIL_P(vtxn) ) Data_Get_Struct(vtxn,t_txnh,txn); if ( ! NIL_P(vflags) ) { rb_warning("flags nil"); flags=NUM2INT(vflags); } Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); StringValue(vkey); key.data = RSTRING(vkey)->ptr; key.size = RSTRING(vkey)->len; key.flags = LMEMFLAG; if ( ! NIL_P(vdata) ) { StringValue(vdata); data.data = RSTRING(vdata)->ptr; data.size = RSTRING(vdata)->len; data.flags = LMEMFLAG; } rv = dbh->db->pget(dbh->db,txn?txn->txn:NULL,&key,&pkey,&data,flags); if ( rv == 0 ) { return rb_ary_new3(2, rb_str_new(pkey.data,pkey.size), rb_str_new(data.data,data.size)); } else if (rv == DB_NOTFOUND) { return Qnil; } else { raise_error(rv, "db_pget failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * db[key] -> data * * array ref style data retrieval * */ VALUE db_aget(VALUE obj, VALUE vkey) { return db_get(obj,Qnil,vkey,Qnil,Qnil); } /* * call-seq: * db[key]=data * * array ref style data storage */ VALUE db_aset(VALUE obj, VALUE vkey, VALUE vdata) { return db_put(obj,Qnil,vkey,vdata,Qnil); } /* * call-seq: * db.join([cursors],flags) -> join_cursor * * create a join cursor from an array of cursors. * The input cursors will usually be set_range and, if duplicate * data items are allowed the should be DUP_SORT or the performance * will be abysmal. */ VALUE db_join(VALUE obj, VALUE vacurs, VALUE vflags) { t_dbh *dbh; t_dbch *dbch; int flags; DBC **curs; int i,rv; VALUE jcurs; flags=NUM2INT(vflags); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); curs = ALLOCA_N(DBC *,RARRAY(vacurs)->len); for (i=0; ilen; i++) { Data_Get_Struct(RARRAY(vacurs)->ptr[i],t_dbch,dbch); curs[i]=dbch->dbc; } curs[i]=NULL; jcurs=Data_Make_Struct(cCursor,t_dbch,dbc_mark,dbc_free,dbch); rv = dbh->db->join(dbh->db,curs,&(dbch->dbc),flags); if (rv) { raise_error(rv, "db_join: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } dbch->db=dbh; rb_ary_push(dbch->db->adbc,jcurs); rb_obj_call_init(jcurs,0,NULL); return jcurs; } #if DB_VERSION_MINOR > 3 /* * call-seq: * db.compact(txn,start_key,stop_key,compact_opts,flags) -> end_key * * compact the database (4.4 an up). start and stop keys limit the * range of compaction in BTREE types. compact_opts is currently * ignored. Call returns the last key compacted (could be fed into * a subsequent call as the start_key). * */ VALUE db_compact(VALUE obj, VALUE vtxn, VALUE vstart_key, VALUE vstop_key, VALUE db_compact, VALUE vflags) { t_dbh *dbh; int flags; t_txnh *txn=NULL; DBT start_key, stop_key, end_key; int rv; flags=NUM2INT(vflags); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); memset(&start_key,0,sizeof(DBT)); memset(&stop_key,0,sizeof(DBT)); memset(&end_key,0,sizeof(DBT)); if ( ! NIL_P(vstart_key) ) { StringValue(vstart_key); start_key.data=RSTRING(vstart_key)->ptr; start_key.size=RSTRING(vstart_key)->len; start_key.flags= LMEMFLAG; } if ( ! NIL_P(vstop_key) ) { StringValue(vstop_key); stop_key.data=RSTRING(vstop_key)->ptr; stop_key.size=RSTRING(vstop_key)->len; stop_key.flags= LMEMFLAG; } if ( ! NIL_P(vtxn) ) Data_Get_Struct(vtxn,t_txnh,txn); rv=dbh->db->compact(dbh->db,txn?txn->txn:NULL, &start_key, &stop_key, NULL, flags, &end_key); if (rv) raise_error(rv,"db_compact failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return rb_str_new(end_key.data,end_key.size); } #endif /* * call-seq: * db.get_byteswapped -> true/false * * true if database is running in swapped mode. This happens when * the db is created on a machine with a different endian. */ VALUE db_get_byteswapped(VALUE obj) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; int is_swapped; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); rv=dbh->db->get_byteswapped(dbh->db,&is_swapped); if (rv) raise_error(rv,"db_get_byteswapped failed: %s",db_strerror(rv)); if (is_swapped) return Qtrue; else return Qfalse; } /* * call-seq: * db.get_type -> Fixnum(type) * * an integer indicating the type of db (BTREE, HASH, etc). */ VALUE db_get_type(VALUE obj) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; DBTYPE dbtype; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); rv=dbh->db->get_type(dbh->db,&dbtype); if (rv) raise_error(rv,"db_get_type failed: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return INT2FIX(dbtype); } /* * call-seq: * db.remove(disk_file,logical_db,flags) -> true * * removes a whole database file, or just a logical_db within * that file, i.e. if file and logical are both specified, only * the logical will be removed. the Bdb::Db instance cannot have * been previously used for anything and cannot be used after. */ VALUE db_remove(VALUE obj, VALUE vdisk_file, VALUE vlogical_db, VALUE vflags) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; u_int32_t flags=0; char *logical_db=NULL; if ( ! NIL_P(vflags) ) flags=NUM2INT(vflags); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); rv=dbh->db->remove(dbh->db, NIL_P(vdisk_file)?NULL:StringValueCStr(vdisk_file), NIL_P(vlogical_db)?NULL:StringValueCStr(vlogical_db), flags); if (rv) raise_error(rv,"db_remove failed: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return Qtrue; } /* * call-seq: * db.rename(file,logical,newname,flags) -> true * * rename a file or logical db to newname. */ VALUE db_rename(VALUE obj, VALUE vdisk_file, VALUE vlogical_db, VALUE newname, VALUE vflags) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; u_int32_t flags=0; char *disk_file=NULL; char *logical_db=NULL; if ( ! NIL_P(vflags) ) flags=NUM2INT(vflags); if ( NIL_P(newname) ) raise_error(0,"db_rename newname must be specified"); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); rv=dbh->db->rename(dbh->db, NIL_P(vdisk_file)?NULL:StringValueCStr(vdisk_file), NIL_P(vlogical_db)?NULL:StringValueCStr(vlogical_db), StringValueCStr(newname), flags); if (rv) raise_error(rv,"db_rename failed: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return Qtrue; } /* * call-seq: * db.sync -> true * * sync the database out to storage. */ VALUE db_sync(VALUE obj) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); rv=dbh->db->sync(dbh->db,NOFLAGS); if (rv) raise_error(rv,"db_sync failed: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return Qtrue; } /* * call-seq: * db.truncate(txn) -> Fixnum(record_count) * * truncate, i.e. remove all records, purge, trash. * */ VALUE db_truncate(VALUE obj, VALUE vtxn) { t_dbh *dbh; t_txnh *txn=NULL; int rv; VALUE result; u_int32_t count; if ( ! NIL_P(vtxn) ) Data_Get_Struct(vtxn,t_txnh,txn); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); rv=dbh->db->truncate(dbh->db,txn?txn->txn:NULL,&count,NOFLAGS); if (rv) raise_error(rv,"db_truncate: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return INT2FIX(count); } /* * call-seq: * db.key_range(txn,vkey,flags) -> [#less,#same,#greater] * * calculate position of key within database. returns the counts * of keys less, same and greater than the given key as an * array of Fixnum-s */ VALUE db_key_range(VALUE obj, VALUE vtxn, VALUE vkey, VALUE vflags) { t_dbh *dbh; t_txnh *txn=NULL; DBT key; u_int32_t flags; int rv; DB_KEY_RANGE key_range; VALUE result; if ( ! NIL_P(vtxn) ) Data_Get_Struct(vtxn,t_txnh,txn); if ( ! NIL_P(vflags) ) flags=NUM2INT(vflags); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); memset(&key,0,sizeof(DBT)); StringValue(vkey); key.data = RSTRING(vkey)->ptr; key.size = RSTRING(vkey)->len; key.flags = LMEMFLAG; rv=dbh->db->key_range(dbh->db,txn?txn->txn:NULL,&key, &key_range,flags); if (rv) raise_error(rv,"db_key_range: %s",db_strerror(rv)); result=rb_ary_new3(3, rb_float_new(key_range.less), rb_float_new(key_range.equal), rb_float_new(key_range.greater)); return result; } /* * call-seq: * db.del(txn,key,flags) -> true/nil * * delete records with the key given. DUP values will removed * as a group. true if deleted extant records. NIL if the * operation resulted in DB indicating DB_NOTFOUND. * */ VALUE db_del(VALUE obj, VALUE vtxn, VALUE vkey, VALUE vflags) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; u_int32_t flags; DBT key; VALUE str; t_txnh *txn=NULL; memset(&key,0,sizeof(DBT)); if ( ! NIL_P(vtxn) ) Data_Get_Struct(vtxn,t_txnh,txn); flags=NUM2INT(vflags); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); StringValue(vkey); key.data = RSTRING(vkey)->ptr; key.size = RSTRING(vkey)->len; key.flags = LMEMFLAG; rv = dbh->db->del(dbh->db,txn?txn->txn:NULL,&key,flags); if ( rv == DB_NOTFOUND ) { return Qnil; } else if (rv != 0) { raise_error(rv, "db_del failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return Qtrue; } t_dbh *dbassoc[LMAXFD]; VALUE assoc_callback2(VALUE *args) { rb_funcall(args[0],fv_call,3,args[1],args[2],args[3]); } int assoc_callback(DB *secdb,const DBT* key, const DBT* data, DBT* result) { t_dbh *dbh; VALUE proc; int fdp,status; VALUE retv; VALUE args[4]; memset(result,0,sizeof(DBT)); secdb->fd(secdb,&fdp); dbh=dbassoc[fdp]; args[0]=dbh->aproc; args[1]=dbh->self; args[2]=rb_str_new(key->data,key->size); args[3]=rb_str_new(data->data,data->size); retv=rb_protect((VALUE(*)_((VALUE)))assoc_callback2,(VALUE)args,&status); if (status) return 99999; if ( NIL_P(retv) ) return DB_DONOTINDEX; if ( TYPE(retv) != T_STRING ) rb_warning("return from assoc callback not a string!"); StringValue(retv); result->data=RSTRING(retv)->ptr; result->size=RSTRING(retv)->len; result->flags=LMEMFLAG; return 0; } /* * call-seq: * db.associate(txn,sec_db,flags,proc) * * associate a secondary index(database) with this (primary) * database. The proc can be nil if the database is only opened * DB_RDONLY. Only +one+ proc can be assigned to a given database * according to the file-descriptor number of the secondary within * a single ruby process. This is typcially not an issue since * the proc should always be the same (it would corrupt the * secondary otherwise). But this does limit use of nil if the * db is openend DB_RDONLY and writeable in the same process. * (although, opening the same db more than once has not been * tested) * * call back proc has signature: * proc(secdb,key,value) */ VALUE db_associate(VALUE obj, VALUE vtxn, VALUE osecdb, VALUE vflags, VALUE cb_proc) { t_dbh *sdbh,*pdbh; int rv; u_int32_t flags,flagsp,flagss; int fdp; t_txnh *txn=NOTXN; flags=NUM2INT(vflags); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,pdbh); Data_Get_Struct(osecdb,t_dbh,sdbh); if ( ! NIL_P(vtxn) ) Data_Get_Struct(vtxn,t_txnh,txn); if ( cb_proc == Qnil ) { rb_warning("db_associate: no association may be applied"); pdbh->db->get_open_flags(pdbh->db,&flagsp); sdbh->db->get_open_flags(sdbh->db,&flagss); if ( flagsp & DB_RDONLY & flagss ) { rv=pdbh->db->associate(pdbh->db,txn?txn->txn:NULL, sdbh->db,NULL,flags); if (rv) raise_error(rv,"db_associate: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return Qtrue; } else { raise_error(0,"db_associate empty associate only available when both DBs opened with DB_RDONLY"); } } else if ( rb_obj_is_instance_of(cb_proc,rb_cProc) != Qtrue ) { raise_error(0, "db_associate proc required"); } sdbh->db->fd(sdbh->db,&fdp); sdbh->aproc=cb_proc; /* No register is needed since this is just a way to * get back to a real object */ dbassoc[fdp]=sdbh; rv=pdbh->db->associate(pdbh->db,txn?txn->txn:NULL,sdbh->db,assoc_callback,flags); #ifdef DEBUG_DB fprintf(stderr,"file is %d\n",fdp); fprintf(stderr,"assoc done 0x%x 0x%x\n",sdbh,dbassoc[fdp]); #endif if (rv != 0) { raise_error(rv, "db_associate failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return Qtrue; } /* * call-seq: * db.cursor(txn,flags) * * open a cursor */ VALUE db_cursor(VALUE obj, VALUE vtxn, VALUE vflags) { t_dbh *dbh; int rv; u_int32_t flags; DBC *dbc; t_txnh *txn=NOTXN; VALUE c_obj; t_dbch *dbch; flags=NUM2INT(vflags); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); c_obj=Data_Make_Struct(cCursor, t_dbch, dbc_mark, dbc_free, dbch); if ( ! NIL_P(vtxn) ) Data_Get_Struct(vtxn,t_txnh,txn); rv=dbh->db->cursor(dbh->db,txn?txn->txn:NULL,&(dbch->dbc),flags); if (rv) raise_error(rv,"db_cursor: %s",db_strerror(rv)); filename_dup(dbch->filename,dbh->filename); dbch->db=dbh; rb_ary_push(dbch->db->adbc,c_obj); rb_obj_call_init(c_obj,0,NULL); return c_obj; } /* * call-seq: * dbc.close -> nil * * close an open cursor */ VALUE dbc_close(VALUE obj) { t_dbch *dbch; int rv; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbch,dbch); if ( dbch->dbc ) { rv=dbch->dbc->c_close(dbch->dbc); if (rv) raise_error(rv,"dbc_close: %s",db_strerror(rv)); rb_ary_delete(dbch->db->adbc,obj); dbch->db=NULL; dbch->dbc=NULL; } return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * dbc.get(key,data,flags) -> [key,data] * * get data by key or key and data. returns array of key,data */ VALUE dbc_get(VALUE obj, VALUE vkey, VALUE vdata, VALUE vflags) { t_dbch *dbch; u_int32_t flags; DBT key,data; VALUE rar; int rv; flags=NUM2INT(vflags); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbch,dbch); memset(&key,0,sizeof(DBT)); memset(&data,0,sizeof(DBT)); if ( ! NIL_P(vkey) ) { StringValue(vkey); key.data = RSTRING(vkey)->ptr; key.size = RSTRING(vkey)->len; key.flags = LMEMFLAG; } if ( ! NIL_P(vdata) ) { StringValue(vdata); data.data = RSTRING(vdata)->ptr; data.size = RSTRING(vdata)->len; data.flags = LMEMFLAG; } rv = dbch->dbc->c_get(dbch->dbc,&key,&data,flags); if ( rv == 0 ) { rar = rb_ary_new3(2,rb_str_new(key.data,key.size), rb_str_new(data.data,data.size)); return rar; } else if (rv == DB_NOTFOUND) { return Qnil; } else { raise_error(rv, "dbc_get %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * dbc.pget(key,data,flags) -> [key,pkey,data] * * cursor pget, returns array(key, primary key, data) */ VALUE dbc_pget(VALUE obj, VALUE vkey, VALUE vdata, VALUE vflags) { t_dbch *dbch; u_int32_t flags; DBT key,data,pkey; VALUE rar; int rv; flags=NUM2INT(vflags); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbch,dbch); memset(&key,0,sizeof(DBT)); memset(&data,0,sizeof(DBT)); memset(&pkey,0,sizeof(DBT)); if ( ! NIL_P(vkey) ) { StringValue(vkey); key.data = RSTRING(vkey)->ptr; key.size = RSTRING(vkey)->len; key.flags = LMEMFLAG; } if ( ! NIL_P(vdata) ) { StringValue(vdata); data.data = RSTRING(vdata)->ptr; data.size = RSTRING(vdata)->len; data.flags = LMEMFLAG; } rv = dbch->dbc->c_pget(dbch->dbc,&key,&pkey,&data,flags); if ( rv == 0 ) { rar = rb_ary_new3(3, rb_str_new(key.data,key.size), rb_str_new(pkey.data,pkey.size), rb_str_new(data.data,data.size)); return rar; } else if (rv == DB_NOTFOUND) { return Qnil; } else { raise_error(rv, "dbc_pget %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return Qnil; } /* * call-seq: * dbc.put(key,data,flags) -> data * * cursor put key/data */ VALUE dbc_put(VALUE obj, VALUE vkey, VALUE vdata, VALUE vflags) { t_dbch *dbch; u_int32_t flags; DBT key,data; int rv; if ( NIL_P(vdata) ) raise_error(0,"data element is required for put"); flags=NUM2INT(vflags); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbch,dbch); memset(&key,0,sizeof(DBT)); memset(&data,0,sizeof(DBT)); if ( ! NIL_P(vkey) ) { StringValue(vkey); key.data = RSTRING(vkey)->ptr; key.size = RSTRING(vkey)->len; key.flags = LMEMFLAG; } StringValue(vdata); data.data = RSTRING(vdata)->ptr; data.size = RSTRING(vdata)->len; data.flags = LMEMFLAG; rv = dbch->dbc->c_put(dbch->dbc,&key,&data,flags); if (rv != 0) raise_error(rv,"dbc_put failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return vdata; } /* * call-seq: * dbc.del -> true|nil * * delete tuple at current cursor position. returns true if * something was deleted, nil otherwise (DB_KEYEMPTY) * */ VALUE dbc_del(VALUE obj) { t_dbch *dbch; int rv; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbch,dbch); rv = dbch->dbc->c_del(dbch->dbc,NOFLAGS); if (rv == DB_KEYEMPTY) return Qnil; else if (rv != 0) { raise_error(rv, "dbc_del failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return Qtrue; } /* * call-seq: * dbc.count -> Fixnum(count) * * returns cursor count as per DB. */ VALUE dbc_count(VALUE obj) { t_dbch *dbch; int rv; db_recno_t count; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbch,dbch); rv = dbch->dbc->c_count(dbch->dbc,&count,NOFLAGS); if (rv != 0) raise_error(rv, "db_count failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return INT2FIX(count); } static void env_free(void *p) { t_envh *eh; eh=(t_envh *)p; #ifdef DEBUG_DB if ( RTEST(ruby_debug) ) fprintf(stderr,"%s/%d %s 0x%x\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,"env_free cleanup!",p); #endif if ( eh ) { if ( eh->env ) { eh->env->close(eh->env,NOFLAGS); } free(p); } } static void env_mark(t_envh *eh) { rb_gc_mark(eh->adb); rb_gc_mark(eh->atxn); } /* * Document-class: Bdb::Env * * Encapsulated DB environment. Create by simple new (with * flags as neede), then open. Database handles created with * env.db -> Bdb::Db object. */ /* * call-seq: * new(flags) -> object * * */ VALUE env_new(VALUE class, VALUE vflags) { t_envh *eh; int rv; u_int32_t flags=0; VALUE obj; if ( ! NIL_P(vflags) ) flags=NUM2INT(vflags); obj=Data_Make_Struct(class,t_envh,env_mark,env_free,eh); rv=db_env_create(&(eh->env),flags); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv,"env_new: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return Qnil; } eh->self=obj; eh->adb = rb_ary_new(); eh->atxn = rb_ary_new(); rb_obj_call_init(obj,0,NULL); return obj; } /* * call-seq: * env.open(homedir,flags,mode) -> self * * open an environment */ VALUE env_open(VALUE obj, VALUE vhome, VALUE vflags, VALUE vmode) { t_envh *eh; int rv; u_int32_t flags=0; int mode=0; if ( ! NIL_P(vflags) ) flags=NUM2INT(vflags); if ( ! NIL_P(vmode) ) mode=NUM2INT(vmode); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); if ( NIL_P(eh->adb) ) raise_error(0,"env handle already used and closed"); rv = eh->env->open(eh->env,StringValueCStr(vhome),flags,mode); if (rv != 0) { raise_error(rv, "env_open failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return obj; } VALUE txn_abort(VALUE); /* * call-seq: * env.close -> self * * close an environment. Do not use it after you close it. * The close process will automatically abort any open transactions * and close open databases (which also closes open cursors). * But this is just an effort to keep your dbs and envs from * becoming corrupted due to ruby errors that exit * unintentionally. However, to make this at all worth anything * use ObjectSpace.define_finalizer which calls env.close to * approach some assurance of it happening. * */ VALUE env_close(VALUE obj) { t_envh *eh; VALUE db; int rv; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); if ( eh->env==NULL ) return Qnil; if (RARRAY(eh->adb)->len > 0) { rb_warning("%s/%d %s",__FILE__,__LINE__, "database handles still open"); while ( (db=rb_ary_pop(eh->adb)) != Qnil ) { db_close(db,INT2FIX(0)); } } if (RARRAY(eh->atxn)->len > 0) { rb_warning("%s/%d %s",__FILE__,__LINE__, "database transactions still open"); while ( (db=rb_ary_pop(eh->atxn)) != Qnil ) { txn_abort(db); } } if ( RTEST(ruby_debug) ) rb_warning("%s/%d %s 0x%x",__FILE__,__LINE__,"env_close!",eh); rv = eh->env->close(eh->env,NOFLAGS); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "env_close failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return Qnil; } eh->env=NULL; eh->adb=Qnil; eh->atxn=Qnil; return obj; } /* * call-seq: * env.db -> Bdb::Db instance * * create a db associated with an environment */ VALUE env_db(VALUE obj) { t_envh *eh; VALUE dbo; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); dbo = Data_Wrap_Struct(cDb,db_mark,db_free,0); return db_init_aux(dbo,eh); } /* * call-seq: * env.cachesize=Fixnum|Bignum * * set the environment cache size. If it is a Bignum then it * will populate the bytes and gbytes part of the DB struct. * Fixnums will only populate bytes (which is still pretty big). */ VALUE env_set_cachesize(VALUE obj, VALUE size) { t_envh *eh; unsigned long long ln; u_int32_t bytes=0,gbytes=0; int rv; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); if ( TYPE(size) == T_BIGNUM ) { ln = rb_big2ull(size); bytes = (u_int32_t) ln; gbytes = (u_int32_t) (ln >> sizeof(u_int32_t)); } else if (FIXNUM_P(size) ) { bytes=NUM2INT(size); } else { raise_error(0,"set_cachesize requires number"); return Qnil; } rb_warning("setting cache size %d %d %d",gbytes,bytes,1); rv=eh->env->set_cachesize(eh->env,gbytes,bytes,1); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "set_cachesize failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return Qnil; } return Qtrue; } VALUE env_set_flags(VALUE obj, VALUE vflags, int onoff) { t_envh *eh; int rv; u_int32_t flags; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); if ( ! NIL_P(vflags) ) { flags=NUM2INT(vflags); rv=eh->env->set_flags(eh->env,flags,onoff); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "set_flags failure: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return Qnil; } } return Qtrue; } /* * call-seq: * env.flags_on=flags * * set the 'flags' on. An or'ed set of flags will be set on. * Only included flags will be affected. Serialized calls * will only affect flags indicated (leaving others, default or * set as they were). */ VALUE env_set_flags_on(VALUE obj, VALUE vflags) { return env_set_flags(obj,vflags,1); } /* * call-seq: * env.flags_off=flags * * set the 'flags' off. An or'ed set of flags will be set off. * Only included flags will be affected. Serialized calls * will only affect flags indicated (leaving others, default or * set as they were). */ VALUE env_set_flags_off(VALUE obj, VALUE vflags) { return env_set_flags(obj,vflags,0); } /* * call-seq: * env.list_dbs -> [Bdb::Db array] * * return 0 or more open databases within the receiver environment. * If 0, will return [], not nil. */ VALUE env_list_dbs(VALUE obj) { t_envh *eh; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); return eh->adb; } static void txn_mark(t_txnh *txn) { if (txn->env) rb_gc_mark(txn->env->self); } static void txn_free(t_txnh *txn) { if ( RTEST(ruby_debug) ) fprintf(stderr,"%s/%d %s 0x%x\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,"txn_free",txn); if (txn && txn->txn) { if (txn->txn) txn->txn->abort(txn->txn); txn->txn=NULL; rb_ary_delete(txn->env->atxn,txn->self); txn->env=NULL; } } /* * call-seq: * env.txn_begin(txn_parent,flags) -> Bdb::Txn * * start a root transaction or embedded (via txn_parent). */ VALUE env_txn_begin(VALUE obj, VALUE vtxn_parent, VALUE vflags) { t_txnh *parent=NULL, *txn=NULL; u_int32_t flags=0; int rv; t_envh *eh; VALUE t_obj; if ( ! NIL_P(vflags)) flags=NUM2INT(vflags); if ( ! NIL_P(vtxn_parent) ) Data_Get_Struct(vtxn_parent,t_txnh,parent); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); t_obj=Data_Make_Struct(cTxn,t_txnh,txn_mark,txn_free,txn); rv=eh->env->txn_begin(eh->env,parent?parent->txn:NULL, &(txn->txn),flags); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "env_txn_begin: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return Qnil; } txn->env=eh; txn->self=t_obj; rb_ary_push(eh->atxn,t_obj); /* Once we get this working, we'll have to track transactions */ rb_obj_call_init(t_obj,0,NULL); return t_obj; } /* * call-seq: * env.txn_checkpoint -> true * * Cause env transaction state to be checkpointed. */ VALUE env_txn_checkpoint(VALUE obj, VALUE vkbyte, VALUE vmin, VALUE vflags) { u_int32_t flags=0; int rv; t_envh *eh; u_int32_t kbyte=0, min=0; if ( ! NIL_P(vflags)) flags=NUM2INT(vflags); if ( FIXNUM_P(vkbyte) ) kbyte=FIX2UINT(vkbyte); if ( FIXNUM_P(vmin) ) min=FIX2UINT(vmin); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); rv=eh->env->txn_checkpoint(eh->env,kbyte,min,flags); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "env_txn_checkpoint: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return Qnil; } return Qtrue; } VALUE env_txn_stat_active(DB_TXN_ACTIVE *t) { VALUE ao; ao=rb_class_new_instance(0,NULL,cTxnStatActive); rb_iv_set(ao,"@txnid",INT2FIX(t->txnid)); rb_iv_set(ao,"@parentid",INT2FIX(t->parentid)); /* rb_iv_set(ao,"@thread_id",INT2FIX(t->thread_id)); */ rb_iv_set(ao,"@lsn",rb_ary_new3(2, INT2FIX(t->lsn.file), INT2FIX(t->lsn.offset))); /* XA status is currently excluded */ return ao; } /* * call-seq: * db.stat(txn,flags) -> Bdb::Db::Stat * * get database status. Returns a Bdb::Db::Stat object that * is specialized to the db_type and only responds to [] to * retrieve status values. All values are stored in instance * variables, so singleton classes can be created and instance_eval * will work. */ VALUE db_stat(VALUE obj, VALUE vtxn, VALUE vflags) { u_int32_t flags=0; int rv; t_dbh *dbh; t_txnh *txn=NULL; DBTYPE dbtype; union { void *stat; DB_HASH_STAT *hstat; DB_BTREE_STAT *bstat; DB_QUEUE_STAT *qstat; } su; VALUE s_obj; if ( ! NIL_P(vflags) ) flags=NUM2INT(vflags); if ( ! NIL_P(vtxn) ) Data_Get_Struct(vtxn,t_txnh,txn); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_dbh,dbh); rv=dbh->db->get_type(dbh->db,&dbtype); if (rv) raise_error(rv,"db_stat %s",db_strerror(rv)); #if DB_VERSION_MINOR > 2 rv=dbh->db->stat(dbh->db,txn?txn->txn:NULL,&(su.stat),flags); #else rv=dbh->db->stat(dbh->db,&(su.stat),flags); #endif if (rv) raise_error(rv,"db_stat %s",db_strerror(rv)); s_obj=rb_class_new_instance(0,NULL,cDbStat); rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@dbtype",INT2FIX(dbtype)); switch(dbtype) { #define hs_int(field) \ rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@" #field,INT2FIX(su.hstat->field)) case DB_HASH: hs_int(hash_magic); hs_int(hash_version); /* Version number. */ hs_int(hash_metaflags); /* Metadata flags. */ hs_int(hash_nkeys); /* Number of unique keys. */ hs_int(hash_ndata); /* Number of data items. */ hs_int(hash_pagesize); /* Page size. */ hs_int(hash_ffactor); /* Fill factor specified at create. */ hs_int(hash_buckets); /* Number of hash buckets. */ hs_int(hash_free); /* Pages on the free list. */ hs_int(hash_bfree); /* Bytes free on bucket pages. */ hs_int(hash_bigpages); /* Number of big key/data pages. */ hs_int(hash_big_bfree); /* Bytes free on big item pages. */ hs_int(hash_overflows); /* Number of overflow pages. */ hs_int(hash_ovfl_free); /* Bytes free on ovfl pages. */ hs_int(hash_dup); /* Number of dup pages. */ hs_int(hash_dup_free); /* Bytes free on duplicate pages. */ break; #define bs_int(field) \ rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@" #field,INT2FIX(su.bstat->field)) case DB_BTREE: case DB_RECNO: bs_int(bt_magic); /* Magic number. */ bs_int(bt_version); /* Version number. */ bs_int(bt_metaflags); /* Metadata flags. */ bs_int(bt_nkeys); /* Number of unique keys. */ bs_int(bt_ndata); /* Number of data items. */ bs_int(bt_pagesize); /* Page size. */ #if DB_VERSION_MINOR < 4 bs_int(bt_maxkey); /* Maxkey value. */ #endif bs_int(bt_minkey); /* Minkey value. */ bs_int(bt_re_len); /* Fixed-length record length. */ bs_int(bt_re_pad); /* Fixed-length record pad. */ bs_int(bt_levels); /* Tree levels. */ bs_int(bt_int_pg); /* Internal pages. */ bs_int(bt_leaf_pg); /* Leaf pages. */ bs_int(bt_dup_pg); /* Duplicate pages. */ bs_int(bt_over_pg); /* Overflow pages. */ #if DB_VERSION_MINOR > 2 bs_int(bt_empty_pg); /* Empty pages. */ #endif bs_int(bt_free); /* Pages on the free list. */ bs_int(bt_int_pgfree); /* Bytes free in internal pages. */ bs_int(bt_leaf_pgfree); /* Bytes free in leaf pages. */ bs_int(bt_dup_pgfree); /* Bytes free in duplicate pages. */ bs_int(bt_over_pgfree); /* Bytes free in overflow pages. */ break; #define qs_int(field) \ rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@" #field,INT2FIX(su.qstat->field)) case DB_QUEUE: qs_int(qs_magic); /* Magic number. */ qs_int(qs_version); /* Version number. */ qs_int(qs_metaflags); /* Metadata flags. */ qs_int(qs_nkeys); /* Number of unique keys. */ qs_int(qs_ndata); /* Number of data items. */ qs_int(qs_pagesize); /* Page size. */ qs_int(qs_extentsize); /* Pages per extent. */ qs_int(qs_pages); /* Data pages. */ qs_int(qs_re_len); /* Fixed-length record length. */ qs_int(qs_re_pad); /* Fixed-length record pad. */ qs_int(qs_pgfree); /* Bytes free in data pages. */ qs_int(qs_first_recno); /* First not deleted record. */ qs_int(qs_cur_recno); /* Next available record number. */ break; } free(su.stat); return s_obj; } /* * call-seq: * stat[name] -> value * * return status value */ VALUE stat_aref(VALUE obj, VALUE vname) { rb_iv_get(obj,RSTRING(rb_str_concat(rb_str_new2("@"),vname))->ptr); } /* * call-seq: * env.txn_stat -> Bdb::TxnStat * * get the environment transaction status. Each active * transaction will be contained within a Bdb::TxnStat::Active * class. */ VALUE env_txn_stat(VALUE obj, VALUE vflags) { u_int32_t flags=0; int rv; t_envh *eh; DB_TXN_STAT *statp; VALUE s_obj; VALUE active; int i; if ( ! NIL_P(vflags)) flags=NUM2INT(vflags); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); /* statp will need free() */ rv=eh->env->txn_stat(eh->env,&statp,flags); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "txn_stat: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } s_obj=rb_class_new_instance(0,NULL,cTxnStat); rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@st_last_ckp", rb_ary_new3(2, INT2FIX(statp->st_last_ckp.file), INT2FIX(statp->st_last_ckp.offset)) ); rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@st_time_ckp", rb_time_new(statp->st_time_ckp,0)); rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@st_last_txnid", INT2FIX(statp->st_last_txnid)); rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@st_maxtxns", INT2FIX(statp->st_maxtxns)); rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@st_nactive", INT2FIX(statp->st_nactive)); rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@st_maxnactive", INT2FIX(statp->st_maxnactive)); rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@st_nbegins", INT2FIX(statp->st_nbegins)); rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@st_naborts", INT2FIX(statp->st_naborts)); rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@st_ncommits", INT2FIX(statp->st_ncommits)); rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@st_nrestores", INT2FIX(statp->st_nrestores)); rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@st_regsize", INT2FIX(statp->st_regsize)); rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@st_region_wait", INT2FIX(statp->st_region_wait)); rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@st_region_nowait", INT2FIX(statp->st_region_nowait)); rb_iv_set(s_obj,"@st_txnarray", active=rb_ary_new2(statp->st_nactive)); for (i=0; ist_nactive; i++) { rb_ary_push(active,env_txn_stat_active(&(statp->st_txnarray[i]))); } free(statp); return s_obj; } /* * call-seq: * env.set_timeout(timeout,flags) -> timeout * * set lock and transaction timeout */ VALUE env_set_timeout(VALUE obj, VALUE vtimeout, VALUE vflags) { t_envh *eh; u_int32_t flags=0; db_timeout_t timeout; int rv; if ( ! NIL_P(vflags)) flags=NUM2INT(vflags); timeout=FIX2UINT(vtimeout); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); rv=eh->env->set_timeout(eh->env,timeout,flags); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "env_set_timeout: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return vtimeout; } /* * call-seq: * env.get_timeout(flags) -> Fixnum * * Get current transaction and lock timeout value */ VALUE env_get_timeout(VALUE obj, VALUE vflags) { t_envh *eh; u_int32_t flags=0; db_timeout_t timeout; int rv; if ( ! NIL_P(vflags)) flags=NUM2INT(vflags); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); rv=eh->env->get_timeout(eh->env,&timeout,flags); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "env_get_timeout: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return INT2FIX(timeout); } /* * call-seq: * env.set_tx_max(max) -> max * * Set the maximum number of transactions with the environment */ VALUE env_set_tx_max(VALUE obj, VALUE vmax) { t_envh *eh; u_int32_t max; int rv; max=FIX2UINT(vmax); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); rv=eh->env->set_tx_max(eh->env,max); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "env_set_tx_max: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return vmax; } /* * call-seq * env.get_tx_max -> Fixnum * * Get current maximum number of transactions */ VALUE env_get_tx_max(VALUE obj) { t_envh *eh; u_int32_t max; int rv; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); rv=eh->env->get_tx_max(eh->env,&max); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "env_get_tx_max: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return INT2FIX(max); } /* * call-seq: * env.set_shm_key(key) -> max * * Set the shared memory key base */ VALUE env_set_shm_key(VALUE obj, VALUE vkey) { t_envh *eh; long key; int rv; key=FIX2UINT(vkey); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); rv=eh->env->set_shm_key(eh->env,key); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "env_set_shm_key: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return vkey; } /* * call-seq * env.get_shm_key -> Fixnum * * Get the current shm key base */ VALUE env_get_shm_key(VALUE obj) { t_envh *eh; long key; int rv; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); rv=eh->env->get_shm_key(eh->env,&key); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "env_get_shm_key: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return INT2FIX(key); } /* * call-seq: * env.set_lk_max_locks(max) -> max * * Set the maximum number of locks in the environment */ VALUE env_set_lk_max_locks(VALUE obj, VALUE vmax) { t_envh *eh; u_int32_t max; int rv; max=FIX2UINT(vmax); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); rv=eh->env->set_lk_max_locks(eh->env,max); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "env_set_lk_max_locks: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return vmax; } /* * call-seq: * env.set_lk_max_objects(max) -> max * * Set the maximum number of locks in the environment */ VALUE env_set_lk_max_objects(VALUE obj, VALUE vmax) { t_envh *eh; u_int32_t max; int rv; max=FIX2UINT(vmax); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); rv=eh->env->set_lk_max_objects(eh->env,max); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "env_set_lk_max_objects: %s",db_strerror(rv)); } return vmax; } VALUE env_report_stderr(VALUE obj) { t_envh *eh; u_int32_t max; int rv; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_envh,eh); eh->env->set_errfile(eh->env,stderr); return Qtrue; } static void txn_finish(t_txnh *txn) { if ( RTEST(ruby_debug) ) rb_warning("%s/%d %s 0x%x",__FILE__,__LINE__,"txn_finish",txn); rb_ary_delete(txn->env->atxn,txn->self); txn->txn=NULL; txn->env=NULL; } /* * call-seq: * txn.commit(flags) -> true * * commit a transaction */ VALUE txn_commit(VALUE obj, VALUE vflags) { t_txnh *txn=NULL; u_int32_t flags=0; int rv; if ( ! NIL_P(vflags)) flags=NUM2INT(vflags); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_txnh,txn); rv=txn->txn->commit(txn->txn,flags); txn_finish(txn); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "txn_commit: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return Qnil; } return Qtrue; } /* * call-seq: * txn.abort -> true * * abort a transaction */ VALUE txn_abort(VALUE obj) { t_txnh *txn=NULL; int rv; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_txnh,txn); rv=txn->txn->abort(txn->txn); txn_finish(txn); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "txn_abort: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return Qnil; } return Qtrue; } /* * call-seq: * txn.discard -> true * * discard a transaction. Since prepare is not yet supported, * I don't think this has much value. */ VALUE txn_discard(VALUE obj) { t_txnh *txn=NULL; int rv; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_txnh,txn); rv=txn->txn->discard(txn->txn,NOFLAGS); txn_finish(txn); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "txn_abort: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return Qnil; } return Qtrue; } /* * call-seq: * txn.tid -> Fixnum * * return the transaction id, (named tid to not conflict with * ruby's id method) */ VALUE txn_id(VALUE obj) { t_txnh *txn=NULL; int rv; Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_txnh,txn); if (txn->txn==NULL) raise_error(0,"txn is closed"); rv=txn->txn->id(txn->txn); return INT2FIX(rv); } /* * call-seq: * tx.set_timeout(timeout,flags) -> true * * set transaction lock timeout */ VALUE txn_set_timeout(VALUE obj, VALUE vtimeout, VALUE vflags) { t_txnh *txn=NULL; db_timeout_t timeout; u_int32_t flags=0; int rv; if ( ! NIL_P(vflags)) flags=NUM2INT(vflags); if ( ! FIXNUM_P(vtimeout) ) raise_error(0,"timeout must be a fixed integer"); timeout=FIX2UINT(vtimeout); Data_Get_Struct(obj,t_txnh,txn); rv=txn->txn->set_timeout(txn->txn,timeout,flags); if ( rv != 0 ) { raise_error(rv, "txn_set_timeout: %s",db_strerror(rv)); return Qnil; } return Qtrue; } /* * Document-class: Bdb * * Ruby library that wraps the Sleepycat Berkeley DB. * * Developed against 4.3/4.4. No support for prior versions. */ void Init_bdb2() { fv_call=rb_intern("call"); fv_err_new=rb_intern("new"); fv_err_code=rb_intern("@code"); fv_err_msg=rb_intern("@message"); mBdb = rb_define_module("Bdb"); #include "bdb_aux._c" cDb = rb_define_class_under(mBdb,"Db", rb_cObject); eDbError = rb_define_class_under(mBdb,"DbError",rb_eStandardError); rb_define_method(eDbError,"initialize",err_initialize,2); rb_define_method(eDbError,"code",err_code,0); rb_define_const(cDb,"BTREE",INT2FIX((DBTYPE)(DB_BTREE))); rb_define_const(cDb,"HASH",INT2FIX((DBTYPE)(DB_HASH))); rb_define_const(cDb,"RECNO",INT2FIX((DBTYPE)(DB_RECNO))); rb_define_const(cDb,"QUEUE",INT2FIX((DBTYPE)(DB_QUEUE))); rb_define_const(cDb,"UNKNOWN",INT2FIX((DBTYPE)(DB_UNKNOWN))); rb_define_alloc_func(cDb,db_alloc); rb_define_method(cDb,"initialize",db_initialize,0); rb_define_method(cDb,"put",db_put,4); rb_define_method(cDb,"get",db_get,4); rb_define_method(cDb,"pget",db_pget,4); rb_define_method(cDb,"del",db_del,3); rb_define_method(cDb,"cursor",db_cursor,2); rb_define_method(cDb,"associate",db_associate,4); rb_define_method(cDb,"flags=",db_flags_set,1); rb_define_method(cDb,"open",db_open,6); rb_define_method(cDb,"close",db_close,1); rb_define_method(cDb,"[]",db_aget,1); rb_define_method(cDb,"[]=",db_aset,2); rb_define_method(cDb,"join",db_join,2); rb_define_method(cDb,"get_byteswapped",db_get_byteswapped,0); rb_define_method(cDb,"get_type",db_get_type,0); rb_define_method(cDb,"remove",db_remove,3); rb_define_method(cDb,"key_range",db_key_range,3); rb_define_method(cDb,"rename",db_rename,4); rb_define_method(cDb,"pagesize",db_pagesize,0); rb_define_method(cDb,"pagesize=",db_pagesize_set,1); rb_define_method(cDb,"h_ffactor",db_h_ffactor,0); rb_define_method(cDb,"h_ffactor=",db_h_ffactor_set,1); rb_define_method(cDb,"h_nelem",db_h_nelem,0); rb_define_method(cDb,"h_nelem=",db_h_nelem_set,1); rb_define_method(cDb,"stat",db_stat,2); cDbStat = rb_define_class_under(cDb,"Stat",rb_cObject); rb_define_method(cDbStat,"[]",stat_aref,1); rb_define_method(cDb,"sync",db_sync,0); rb_define_method(cDb,"truncate",db_truncate,1); #if DB_VERSION_MINOR > 3 rb_define_method(cDb,"compact",db_compact,5); #endif cCursor = rb_define_class_under(cDb,"Cursor",rb_cObject); rb_define_method(cCursor,"get",dbc_get,3); rb_define_method(cCursor,"pget",dbc_pget,3); rb_define_method(cCursor,"put",dbc_put,3); rb_define_method(cCursor,"close",dbc_close,0); rb_define_method(cCursor,"del",dbc_del,0); rb_define_method(cCursor,"count",dbc_count,0); cEnv = rb_define_class_under(mBdb,"Env",rb_cObject); rb_define_singleton_method(cEnv,"new",env_new,1); rb_define_method(cEnv,"open",env_open,3); rb_define_method(cEnv,"close",env_close,0); rb_define_method(cEnv,"db",env_db,0); rb_define_method(cEnv,"cachesize=",env_set_cachesize,1); rb_define_method(cEnv,"flags_on=",env_set_flags_on,1); rb_define_method(cEnv,"flags_off=",env_set_flags_off,1); rb_define_method(cEnv,"list_dbs",env_list_dbs,0); rb_define_method(cEnv,"txn_begin",env_txn_begin,2); rb_define_method(cEnv,"txn_checkpoint",env_txn_checkpoint,3); rb_define_method(cEnv,"txn_stat",env_txn_stat,1); rb_define_method(cEnv,"set_timeout",env_set_timeout,2); rb_define_method(cEnv,"get_timeout",env_get_timeout,1); rb_define_method(cEnv,"set_tx_max",env_set_tx_max,1); rb_define_method(cEnv,"get_tx_max",env_get_tx_max,0); rb_define_method(cEnv,"report_stderr",env_report_stderr,0); rb_define_method(cEnv,"set_lk_max_locks",env_set_lk_max_locks,1); rb_define_method(cEnv,"set_lk_max_objects",env_set_lk_max_objects,1); rb_define_method(cEnv,"set_shm_key",env_set_shm_key,1); rb_define_method(cEnv,"get_shm_key",env_get_shm_key,0); cTxnStat = rb_define_class_under(mBdb,"TxnStat",rb_cObject); rb_define_method(cTxnStat,"[]",stat_aref,1); cTxnStatActive = rb_define_class_under(cTxnStat,"Active",rb_cObject); rb_define_method(cTxnStatActive,"[]",stat_aref,1); cTxn = rb_define_class_under(mBdb,"Txn",rb_cObject); rb_define_method(cTxn,"commit",txn_commit,1); rb_define_method(cTxn,"abort",txn_abort,0); rb_define_method(cTxn,"discard",txn_discard,0); rb_define_method(cTxn,"tid",txn_id,0); rb_define_method(cTxn,"set_timeout",txn_set_timeout,2); } void Init_bdb2a() { Init_bdb2(); }