class Bdb::ResultSet class LimitReached < Exception; end def initialize(opts, &block) @block = block @count = 0 @limit = opts[:limit] || opts[:per_page] @limit = @limit.to_i if @limit @offset = opts[:offset] || (opts[:page] ? @limit * (opts[:page] - 1) : 0) @offset = @offset.to_i if @offset if @group = opts[:group] raise 'block not supported with group' if @block @results = else @results = [] end end attr_reader :count, :group, :limit, :offset, :results def hash_class @hash_class ||= defined?(ActiveSupport::OrderedHash) ? ActiveSupport::OrderedHash : Hash end def <<(item) @count += 1 return if count <= offset raise LimitReached if limit and count > limit + offset if group key = item.bdb_locator_key group_key = group.is_a?(Fixnum) ? key[0,group] : key (results[group_key] ||= []) << item elsif @block else results << item end end end