System-template =============== Configures the base for all servers for real administrators. Any needed tools (vim, network-tools, progress, zsh, etc-keeper, ...). Removes pains (vim-tiny, snap, ubuntu-adverts, ...). Defines a standard for syslog (everything to `/var/log/%Y-%m-%d`). Requirements ------------ Debian-/Fedora-based distribution and a network-connection. It needs the devices.facts, which cannot be installed by a role, so use the example below. Role Variables -------------- TODO Example Playbook ---------------- ---- --- # vim: set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: - name: ansible facts hosts: all remote_user: root gather_facts: no become: no tasks: - name: ansible-facts directory file: path: /etc/ansible/facts.d state: directory - name: devices.facts copy: content: | #!/usr/bin/env sh check() { v="$1" shift if "$@" >/dev/null then echo -n "\"$v\": true, " else echo -n "\"$v\": false, " fi } echo -n '{' check random dd count=1 of=/dev/null status=none if=/dev/random check urandom dd count=1 of=/dev/null status=none if=/dev/urandom check hwrng dd count=1 of=/dev/null status=none if=/dev/hwrng check hwclock hwclock --test 2>/dev/null echo '"checked": true}' dest: /etc/ansible/facts.d/devices.fact mode: 0755 owner: root group: root - hosts: all remote_user: root become: false tasks: - import_role: name: denkn.system ---- License ------- AGPLv3 Author Information ------------------ Denis Knauf -