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2020-09-15 16:43:53 +02:00
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Role Name

Gitea - Git with a cup of tea
A painless self-hosted Git service.
Gitea is a community managed lightweight code hosting solution written in Go. It is published under the MIT license.

It installs nginx, postgresql and gitea for you git-service.


You need to have debian (or compatible, like ubuntu) or alpine already installed.

* sshd

It will install all dependencies on host-machine:

* Postgresql
* nginx
* gitea - itself

It expects for TLS a PKI in `/etc/nginx/tls/`,
where you have to place `**hostname**.key`, `**hostname**.crt`.

Role Variables

You need to define it, it cannot determine newest version, yet.

The URI to the binary.
You need to define it, it cannot determine newest version, yet.

Full qualified domain name for the webserver.

The Link to your gitea service.  Default `https://{{gitea_fqdn}}/`.

Example Playbook

This determines the newest version of gitea automatically.
So it defines `gitea_version` and `gitea_download_uri`.

# vim: set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2:

- hosts: gitea
  remote_user: root
  become: false

  - delegate_to: local
    run_once: true
    remote_user: root
    become: false
      user_install: false
      name: '{{item}}'
    - oga
    - httpclient
  - name: determine newest provided version
    delegate_to: local
    become: false
    run_once: true
    shell: |
      ruby -roga -rhttpclient <<EOF
      puts Oga.parse_html( HTTPClient.get_content( "https://dl.gitea.io/gitea/")).
        css( "tr.file a[href] .name").
        map {|a| a.text.chomp.split ?. }.
        select {|v| v.grep( /\D/).empty? }.
        map {|v| v.map &:to_i }.
        join( ?.)
    register: det_gitea_ver
  - set_fact:
      gitea_version: '{{gitea.version | default(det_gitea_ver.stdout)}}'
  - set_fact:
      gitea_download_uri: '{{gitea.uri | default("https://dl.gitea.io/gitea/"+gitea_version+"/gitea-"+gitea_version+"-linux-"+gitea_architectures_map[ansible_architecture])}}'                
  - import_role:
      name: gitea



Author Information

Denis Knauf - https://git.denkn.at/deac/ansible-role-gitea