Role Name ========= ____ Gitea - Git with a cup of tea A painless self-hosted Git service. Gitea is a community managed lightweight code hosting solution written in Go. It is published under the MIT license. ____ It installs nginx, postgresql and gitea for you git-service. Requirements ------------ You need to have debian (or compatible, like ubuntu) or alpine already installed. * sshd It will install all dependencies on host-machine: * Postgresql * nginx * gitea - itself It expects for TLS a PKI in `/etc/nginx/tls/`, where you have to place `**hostname**.key`, `**hostname**.crt`. Role Variables -------------- gitea_version:: You need to define it, it cannot determine newest version, yet. gitea_download_uri:: The URI to the binary. You need to define it, it cannot determine newest version, yet. gitea_fqdn:: Full qualified domain name for the webserver. gitea_root_uri:: The Link to your gitea service. Default `https://{{gitea_fqdn}}/`. Example Playbook ---------------- This determines the newest version of gitea automatically. So it defines `gitea_version` and `gitea_download_uri`. ---- --- # vim: set expandtab tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2: - hosts: gitea remote_user: root become: false tasks: - delegate_to: local run_once: true remote_user: root become: false gem: user_install: false name: '{{item}}' with_items: - oga - httpclient - name: determine newest provided version delegate_to: local become: false run_once: true shell: | ruby -roga -rhttpclient <