require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper') require "ar-extensions/import/mysql" describe "#import with :on_duplicate_key_update option (mysql specific functionality)" do macro(:perform_import){ raise "supply your own #perform_import in a context below" } assertion(:should_not_update_fields_not_mentioned) do assert_equal "John Doe", @topic.reload.author_name end assertion(:should_update_fields_mentioned) do perform_import assert_equal "Book - 2nd Edition", @topic.reload.title assert_equal "", @topic.reload.author_email_address end assertion(:should_update_fields_mentioned_with_hash_mappings) do perform_import assert_equal "", @topic.reload.title assert_equal "Book - 2nd Edition", @topic.reload.author_email_address end assertion(:should_update_foreign_keys) do perform_import assert_equal 57, @topic.reload.parent_id end context "given columns and values with :validation checks turned off" do let(:columns){ %w( id title author_name author_email_address parent_id ) } let(:values){ [ [ 99, "Book", "John Doe", "", 17 ] ] } let(:updated_values){ [ [ 99, "Book - 2nd Edition", "Author Should Not Change", "", 57 ] ] } macro(:perform_import) do Topic.import columns, updated_values, :on_duplicate_key_update => update_columns, :validate => false end setup do Topic.import columns, values, :validate => false @topic = Topic.find 99 end context "using string column names" do let(:update_columns){ [ "title", "author_email_address", "parent_id" ] } should_not_update_fields_not_mentioned should_update_fields_mentioned should_update_foreign_keys end context "using symbol column names" do let(:update_columns){ [ :title, :author_email_address, :parent_id ] } should_not_update_fields_not_mentioned should_update_fields_mentioned should_update_foreign_keys end context "using string hash map" do let(:update_columns){ { "title" => "title", "author_email_address" => "author_email_address", "parent_id" => "parent_id" } } should_not_update_fields_not_mentioned should_update_fields_mentioned should_update_foreign_keys end context "using string hash map, but specifying column mismatches" do let(:update_columns){ { "title" => "author_email_address", "author_email_address" => "title", "parent_id" => "parent_id" } } should_not_update_fields_not_mentioned should_update_fields_mentioned_with_hash_mappings should_update_foreign_keys end context "using symbol hash map" do let(:update_columns){ { :title => :title, :author_email_address => :author_email_address, :parent_id => :parent_id } } should_not_update_fields_not_mentioned should_update_fields_mentioned should_update_foreign_keys end context "using symbol hash map, but specifying column mismatches" do let(:update_columns){ { :title => :author_email_address, :author_email_address => :title, :parent_id => :parent_id } } should_not_update_fields_not_mentioned should_update_fields_mentioned_with_hash_mappings should_update_foreign_keys end end context "given array of model instances with :validation checks turned off" do macro(:perform_import) do @topic.title = "Book - 2nd Edition" @topic.author_name = "Author Should Not Change" @topic.author_email_address = "" @topic.parent_id = 57 Topic.import [@topic], :on_duplicate_key_update => update_columns, :validate => false end setup do @topic = Generate(:topic, :id => 99, :author_name => "John Doe", :parent_id => 17) end context "using string column names" do let(:update_columns){ [ "title", "author_email_address", "parent_id" ] } should_not_update_fields_not_mentioned should_update_fields_mentioned should_update_foreign_keys end context "using symbol column names" do let(:update_columns){ [ :title, :author_email_address, :parent_id ] } should_not_update_fields_not_mentioned should_update_fields_mentioned should_update_foreign_keys end context "using string hash map" do let(:update_columns){ { "title" => "title", "author_email_address" => "author_email_address", "parent_id" => "parent_id" } } should_not_update_fields_not_mentioned should_update_fields_mentioned should_update_foreign_keys end context "using string hash map, but specifying column mismatches" do let(:update_columns){ { "title" => "author_email_address", "author_email_address" => "title", "parent_id" => "parent_id" } } should_not_update_fields_not_mentioned should_update_fields_mentioned_with_hash_mappings should_update_foreign_keys end context "using symbol hash map" do let(:update_columns){ { :title => :title, :author_email_address => :author_email_address, :parent_id => :parent_id } } should_not_update_fields_not_mentioned should_update_fields_mentioned should_update_foreign_keys end context "using symbol hash map, but specifying column mismatches" do let(:update_columns){ { :title => :author_email_address, :author_email_address => :title, :parent_id => :parent_id } } should_not_update_fields_not_mentioned should_update_fields_mentioned_with_hash_mappings should_update_foreign_keys end end end