require "pathname" this_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) require this_dir.join('boot') # Parse the options passed in via the command line options = BenchmarkOptionParser.parse( ARGV ) # The support directory where we use to load our connections and models for the # benchmarks. SUPPORT_DIR = this_dir.join('../test') # Load the database adapter adapter = options.adapter # load the library LIB_DIR = this_dir.join("../lib") require LIB_DIR.join("activerecord-import/#{adapter}") ActiveRecord::Base.logger ="log/test.log") ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG ActiveRecord::Base.configurations["test"] = YAML.load(SUPPORT_DIR.join("database.yml").open)[adapter] ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection "test" ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe(/active_record.sql/) do |event, _, _, _, hsh| hsh[:sql] end adapter_schema = SUPPORT_DIR.join("schema/#{adapter}_schema.rb") require adapter_schema if File.exists?(adapter_schema) Dir[this_dir.join("models/*.rb")].each{ |file| require file } # Load databse specific benchmarks require File.join( File.dirname( __FILE__ ), 'lib', "#{adapter}_benchmark" ) # TODO implement method/table-type selection table_types = nil if options.benchmark_all_types table_types = [ "all" ] else table_types = options.table_types.keys end puts letter = options.adapter[0].chr clazz_str = letter.upcase + options.adapter[1..-1].downcase clazz = Object.const_get( clazz_str + "Benchmark" ) benchmarks = [] options.number_of_objects.each do |num| benchmarks << (benchmark = benchmark.send( "benchmark", table_types, num ) end options.outputs.each do |output| format = output.format.downcase output_module = Object.const_get( "OutputTo#{format.upcase}" ) benchmarks.each do |benchmark| output_module.output_results( output.filename, benchmark.results ) end end puts puts "Done with benchmark!"