# activerecord-import activerecord-import is a library for bulk inserting data using ActiveRecord. By default with ActiveRecord, in order to insert multiple records you have to perform individual save operations on each model, like so: 10.times do |i| Book.create! :name => "book #{i}" end This may work fine if all you have is 10 records, but if you have hundreds, thousands, or millions of records it can turn into a nightmare. This is where activerecord-import comes into play. Here's the equivalent behaviour using the #import method: books = [] 10.times{ |i| books << Book.new(:name => "book #{i}") } Book.import books Pretty slick, eh? Maybe, just maybe you're thinking, why do I have do instantiate ActiveRecord objects? Will that perform validations? What if I don't want validations? What if I want to take advantage of features like MySQL's on duplicate key update? Well, activerecord-import handles all of these cases and more! For more documentation on the matter you can refer to two places: 1. activerecord-import github wiki: http://wiki.github.com/zdennis/activerecord-import/ 1. the tests in the code base Note: the tests have been updated since the previous version of ar-extensions to provide better readability and easier maintenance. # LICENSE This is licensed under the ruby license. # Author Zach Dennis (zach.dennis@gmail.com) # Contributor * Blythe Dunham * Gabe da Silveira * Henry Work * James Herdman * Marcus Crafter * Thibaud Guillaume-Gentil * Mark Van Holstyn