class BenchmarkBase attr_reader :results # The main benchmark method dispatcher. This dispatches the benchmarks # to actual benchmark_xxxx methods. # # == PARAMETERS # * table_types - an array of table types to benchmark # * num - the number of record insertions to test def benchmark( table_types, num ) array_of_cols_and_vals = build_array_of_cols_and_vals( num ) table_types.each do |table_type| self.send( "benchmark_#{table_type}", array_of_cols_and_vals ) end end # Returns an OpenStruct which contains two attritues, +description+ and +tms+ after performing an # actual benchmark. # # == PARAMETERS # * description - the description of the block that is getting benchmarked # * blk - the block of code to benchmark # # == RETURNS # An OpenStruct object with the following attributes: # * description - the description of the benchmark ran # * tms - a Benchmark::Tms containing the results of the benchmark def bm( description, &blk ) tms = nil puts "Benchmarking #{description}" { |x| tms = { } } delete_all failed = false :description=>description, :tms=>tms, :failed=>failed end # Given a model class (ie: Topic), and an array of columns and value sets # this will perform all of the benchmarks necessary for this library. # # == PARAMETERS # * model_clazz - the model class to benchmark (ie: Topic) # * array_of_cols_and_vals - an array of column identifiers and value sets # # == RETURNS # returns true def bm_model( model_clazz, array_of_cols_and_vals ) puts puts "------ Benchmarking #{} -------" cols,vals = array_of_cols_and_vals num_inserts = vals.size # add a new result group for this particular benchmark group = [] @results << group description = "#{}.create (#{num_inserts} records)" group << bm( description ) { vals.each do |values| model_clazz.create create_hash_for_cols_and_vals( cols, values ) end } description = "#{}.import(column, values) for #{num_inserts} records with validations" group << bm( description ) { model_clazz.import cols, vals, :validate=>true } description = "#{}.import(columns, values) for #{num_inserts} records without validations" group << bm( description ) { model_clazz.import cols, vals, :validate=>false } models = [] array_of_attrs = [] vals.each do |arr| array_of_attrs << (attrs={}) arr.each_with_index { |value, i| attrs[cols[i]] = value } end array_of_attrs.each{ |attrs| models << } description = "#{}.import(models) for #{num_inserts} records with validations" group << bm( description ) { model_clazz.import models, :validate=>true } description = "#{}.import(models) for #{num_inserts} records without validations" group << bm( description ) { model_clazz.import models, :validate=>false } true end # Returns a two element array composing of an array of columns and an array of # value sets given the passed +num+. # # === What is a value set? # A value set is an array of arrays. Each child array represents an array of value sets # for a given row of data. # # For example, say we wanted to represent an insertion of two records: # column_names = [ 'id', 'name', 'description' ] # record1 = [ 1, 'John Doe', 'A plumber' ] # record2 = [ 2, 'John Smith', 'A painter' ] # value_set [ record1, record2 ] # # == PARAMETER # * num - the number of records to create def build_array_of_cols_and_vals( num ) cols = [ :my_name, :description ] value_sets = [] num.times { |i| value_sets << [ "My Name #{i}", "My Description #{i}" ] } [ cols, value_sets ] end # Returns a hash of column identifier to value mappings giving the passed in # value array. # # Example: # cols = [ 'id', 'name', 'description' ] # values = [ 1, 'John Doe', 'A plumber' ] # hsh = create_hash_for_cols_and_vals( cols, values ) # # hsh => { 'id'=>1, 'name'=>'John Doe', 'description'=>'A plumber' } def create_hash_for_cols_and_vals( cols, vals ) h = {} vals ){ |col,val| h[col] = val } h end # Deletes all records from all ActiveRecord subclasses def delete_all ActiveRecord::Base.send( :subclasses ).each do |subclass| subclass.delete_all if subclass.respond_to? :delete_all end end def initialize # :nodoc: @results = [] end end