module ActiveRecord::Extensions::ConnectionAdapters::MysqlAdapter # :nodoc: include ActiveRecord::Extensions::Import::ImportSupport include ActiveRecord::Extensions::Import::OnDuplicateKeyUpdateSupport # Returns a generated ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement given the passed # in +args+. def sql_for_on_duplicate_key_update( table_name, *args ) # :nodoc: sql = ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' arg = args.first if arg.is_a?( Array ) sql << sql_for_on_duplicate_key_update_as_array( table_name, arg ) elsif arg.is_a?( Hash ) sql << sql_for_on_duplicate_key_update_as_hash( table_name, arg ) elsif arg.is_a?( String ) sql << arg else raise "Expected Array or Hash" ) end sql end def sql_for_on_duplicate_key_update_as_array( table_name, arr ) # :nodoc: results = do |column| qc = quote_column_name( column ) "#{table_name}.#{qc}=VALUES(#{qc})" end results.join( ',' ) end def sql_for_on_duplicate_key_update_as_hash( table_name, hsh ) # :nodoc: sql = ' ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ' results = do |column1, column2| qc1 = quote_column_name( column1 ) qc2 = quote_column_name( column2 ) "#{table_name}.#{qc1}=VALUES( #{qc2} )" end results.join( ',') end #return true if the statement is a duplicate key record error def duplicate_key_update_error?(exception)# :nodoc: exception.is_a?(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) && exception.to_s.include?('Duplicate entry') end end ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MysqlAdapter.class_eval do include ActiveRecord::Extensions::ConnectionAdapters::MysqlAdapter end