require File.expand_path('../test_helper', __FILE__) describe ".synchronize" do let(:topics){ Generate(3, :topics) } let(:titles){ %w(one two three) } setup do # update records outside of ActiveRecord knowing about it Topic.connection.execute( "UPDATE #{Topic.table_name} SET title='#{titles[0]}_haha' WHERE id=#{topics[0].id}", "Updating record 1 without ActiveRecord" ) Topic.connection.execute( "UPDATE #{Topic.table_name} SET title='#{titles[1]}_haha' WHERE id=#{topics[1].id}", "Updating record 2 without ActiveRecord" ) Topic.connection.execute( "UPDATE #{Topic.table_name} SET title='#{titles[2]}_haha' WHERE id=#{topics[2].id}", "Updating record 3 without ActiveRecord" ) end it "reloads data for the specified records" do Book.synchronize topics actual_titles = assert_equal "#{titles[0]}_haha", actual_titles[0], "the first record was not correctly updated" assert_equal "#{titles[1]}_haha", actual_titles[1], "the second record was not correctly updated" assert_equal "#{titles[2]}_haha", actual_titles[2], "the third record was not correctly updated" end end