Flexible static sites generator suitable even for big and complex sites with dynamically generated pages such as pages for each tag etc (not on the fly obviously as it just produces HTML).
in haml template use %thumbnail{src: "/images/image.png"} or with defined thumbnail size %thumbnail{src: "/images/image.png", size: "20x30"} |
bin | ||
example | ||
lib | ||
project_generator | ||
.gitignore | ||
ace.gemspec | ||
ace.pre.gemspec | ||
README.textile | ||
simple-templater.scope | ||
h1. About Ace is a static page generator like "Nanoc":http://nanoc.stoneship.org, "Jekyll":https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll or "Webby":http://webby.rubyforge.org/tutorial. How is it different? Well, it's better :) ! I really like Nanoc and I used it for quite a while, but it's not flexible enough. If you need to generate a lot of pages on the fly, it's a hassle. It provides helpers, but helpers are – let's face it – programming style we used to use years back when we yet believed that PHP is actually a really nice language. Also, last but not least, Ace has a real template inheritance. Layouts are for kids, real men use template inheritance! What's the advantage? It's incredibly flexible. Check "Ace: Static Sites Generator":http://blog.101ideas.cz/posts/ace-static-site-generator.html for more information or you can take a look at "sources":https://github.com/botanicus/blog.101ideas.cz of "my blog":http://blog.101ideas.cz to have something to play with!