def Signal.signame s case s when String then s when Symbol then s.to_s when Fixnum then list.invert[s] else raise ArgumentError, "String, Symbol or Fixnum expected, not #{s.class}" end end def Signal.sig s case s when Fixnum then s when String then list[s] when Symbol then list[s.to_s] else raise ArgumentError, "String, Symbol or Fixnum expected, not #{s.class}" end end Signal.list do |n, s| Signal.const_set n, s Signal.const_set "SIG#{n}", s end def Signal.[] s case s when String then list[s] when Symbol then list[s.to_s] when Fixnum then list.invert[s] else raise ArgumentError, "String, Symbol or Fixnum expected, not #{s.class}" end end # Description # =========== # # Counts retries ot something. If the retries are to often in a short time, # you shouldn't retry again. # # Examples # ======== # # Strings aren't Integers and 2*"Text" will raise TypeError. # # retries = 5, 1 # begin # array_of_ints_and_some_strings.each do |i| # puts 2*i # end # rescue TypeError # retries.retry? and retry # raise $! # end # # 10, 30).run( ConnectionLost) do # try_to_connect_to_db # try_query # end class Retries attr_accessor :max, :range attr_reader :count, :last # max: How many retries in range-time are allowed maximal. # range: In which time-range are these retries are allowed def initialize max = nil, range = nil @max, @range, @count, @last = max || 10, range || 10, 0, end # Counts retries on every call. # If these retries are to often - max times in range - it will return false # else true. # Now you can say: "I give up, to many retries, it seems it doesn't work." def retry? @count = @last + @range > ? @count + 1 : 1 @last = @count < @max end # Automatical retrieing on raised exceptions in block. # ex: Your expected Esception you will rescue. Default: Object, so realy everything. # # Example: # 10, 30).run ArgumentError do something_do_which_could_raise_exception ArgumentError end # # This will retry maximal 10 times in 30 seconds to Call this block. But only rescues ArgumentError! # Every other Error it will ignore and throws Exception. No retry. def run ex = nil, &e ex ||= Object begin *args rescue ex retries.retry? and retry end end end # Easy problem-handler for your Server. # # A Server should never crash. # If an Exception raised, which is not rescued, your program will shutdown abnormaly. # Or if a signal tries to "kill" your program, your program will shutdown abnormaly too. # # With RobustServer these errors will be a more unimportant problem and It'll be easier to handle. # # Subclasses should implements *#run*, which will be your main-worker. # For initializing, you can override **#initialize**, but doen't forget to call **super**. class RobustServer attr_reader :signals, :output def self.main *argv *argv).main end def initialize *_ sh = method :signal_handler @sigs = { Signal[:INT] => sh, Signal[:HUP] => nil, Signal[:TERM] => sh, Signal[:KILL] => sh, Signal[:USR1] => nil, Signal[:USR2] => nil } @signals, @output = [], $stderr end def trapping @sigs.each { |s, p| @sigs[s] = trap s, p } if @sigs end def signal_handler s output.puts [:signal, s, Signal[s]].inspect s = s @signals.push s unless @signals.include? s end def main max = nil, range = nil retries = max, range trapping output.puts "Running...." begin rescue SystemExit output.puts "Server interrupted by signal: #$!" raise rescue Interrupt, SignalException output.puts "Server interrupted by signal: #$!" exit 0 rescue Object output.puts [:rescue, $!, $!.class, $!.backtrace].inspect retry if retries.retry? output.print "Too many errors in too short time. Give up: " end ensure output.puts "Disregarded signals: #{[])).join( ', ')}" trapping self.at_exit output.puts "Shutdown." end def run Kernel.loop &method( :loop) end def loop raise Exception, "You must implement #{}#run or #{}#loop." end def at_exit end end