2012-02-22 13:30:59 +01:00

4462 lines
145 KiB

var _CSGDEBUG=false;
## License
Copyright (c) 2012 Joost Nieuwenhuijse ( under MIT license
Based on original CSG.js:
Copyright (c) 2011 Evan Wallace under MIT license
## Overview
For an overview of the CSG process see the original csg.js code:
CSG operations through BSP trees suffer from one problem: heavy fragmentation
of polygons. If two CSG solids of n polygons are unified, the resulting solid may have
in the order of n*n polygons, because each polygon is split by the planes of all other
polygons. After a few operations the number of polygons explodes.
This version of CSG.js solves the problem in 3 ways:
1. Every polygon split is recorded in a tree (CSG.PolygonTreeNode). This is a separate
tree, not to be confused with the CSG tree. If a polygon is split into two parts but in
the end both fragments have not been discarded by the CSG operation, we can retrieve
the original unsplit polygon from the tree, instead of the two fragments.
This does not completely solve the issue though: if a polygon is split multiple times
the number of fragments depends on the order of subsequent splits, and we might still
end up with unncessary splits:
Suppose a polygon is first split into A and B, and then into A1, B1, A2, B2. Suppose B2 is
discarded. We will end up with 2 polygons: A and B1. Depending on the actual split boundaries
we could still have joined A and B1 into one polygon. Therefore a second approach is used as well:
2. After CSG operations all coplanar polygon fragments are joined by a retesselating
operation. See CSG.reTesselated(). Retesselation is done through a
linear sweep over the polygon surface. The sweep line passes over the y coordinates
of all vertices in the polygon. Polygons are split at each sweep line, and the fragments
are joined horizontally and vertically into larger polygons (making sure that we
will end up with convex polygons).
This still doesn't solve the problem completely: due to floating point imprecisions
we may end up with small gaps between polygons, and polygons may not be exactly coplanar
anymore, and as a result the retesselation algorithm may fail to join those polygons.
3. A canonicalization algorithm is implemented: it looks for vertices that have
approximately the same coordinates (with a certain tolerance, say 1e-5) and replaces
them with the same vertex. If polygons share a vertex they will actually point to the
same CSG.Vertex instance. The same is done for polygon planes. See CSG.canonicalized().
Performance improvements to the original CSG.js:
Replaced the flip() and invert() methods by flipped() and inverted() which don't
modify the source object. This allows to get rid of all clone() calls, so that
multiple polygons can refer to the same CSG.Plane instance etc.
The original union() used an extra invert(), clipTo(), invert() sequence just to remove the
coplanar front faces from b; this is now combined in a single b.clipTo(a, true) call.
Detection whether a polygon is in front or in back of a plane: for each polygon
we are caching the coordinates of the bounding sphere. If the bounding sphere is
in front or in back of the plane we don't have to check the individual vertices
Other additions to the original CSG.js:
CSG.Vector class has been renamed into CSG.Vector3D
Classes for 3D lines, 2D vectors, 2D lines, and methods to find the intersection of
a line and a plane etc.
Transformations: CSG.transform(), CSG.translate(), CSG.rotate(), CSG.scale()
Extrusion of 2D polygons (CSG.Polygon2D.extrude())
Expanding or contracting a solid: CSG.expand() and CSG.contract(). Creates nice
smooth corners.
The vertex normal has been removed since it complicates retesselation. It's not needed
for solid CAD anyway.
// # class CSG
// Holds a binary space partition tree representing a 3D solid. Two solids can
// be combined using the `union()`, `subtract()`, and `intersect()` methods.
CSG = function() {
this.polygons = []; = new CSG.Properties();
this.isCanonicalized = true;
this.isRetesselated = true;
// Construct a CSG solid from a list of `CSG.Polygon` instances.
CSG.fromPolygons = function(polygons) {
var csg = new CSG();
csg.polygons = polygons;
csg.isCanonicalized = false;
csg.isRetesselated = false;
return csg;
// create from an untyped object with identical property names:
CSG.fromObject = function(obj) {
var polygons = function(p) {
return CSG.Polygon.fromObject(p);
var csg = CSG.fromPolygons(polygons);
csg = csg.canonicalized();
return csg;
// Reconstruct a CSG from the output of toCompactBinary()
CSG.fromCompactBinary = function(bin) {
var planes = [];
var planeData = bin.planeData;
var numplanes = planeData.length / 4;
var arrayindex = 0;
for(var planeindex = 0; planeindex < numplanes; planeindex++)
var x = planeData[arrayindex++];
var y = planeData[arrayindex++];
var z = planeData[arrayindex++];
var w = planeData[arrayindex++];
var normal = new CSG.Vector3D(x,y,z);
var plane = new CSG.Plane(normal, w);
var vertices = [];
var vertexData = bin.vertexData;
var numvertices = vertexData.length / 3;
arrayindex = 0;
for(var vertexindex = 0; vertexindex < numvertices; vertexindex++)
var x = vertexData[arrayindex++];
var y = vertexData[arrayindex++];
var z = vertexData[arrayindex++];
var pos = new CSG.Vector3D(x,y,z);
var vertex = new CSG.Vertex(pos);
var shareds ={
return CSG.Polygon.Shared.fromObject(shared);
var polygons = [];
var numpolygons = bin.numPolygons;
var numVerticesPerPolygon = bin.numVerticesPerPolygon;
var polygonVertices = bin.polygonVertices;
var polygonPlaneIndexes = bin.polygonPlaneIndexes;
var polygonSharedIndexes = bin.polygonSharedIndexes;
arrayindex = 0;
for(var polygonindex = 0; polygonindex < numpolygons; polygonindex++)
var numpolygonvertices = numVerticesPerPolygon[polygonindex];
var polygonvertices = [];
for(var i = 0; i < numpolygonvertices; i++)
var plane = planes[polygonPlaneIndexes[polygonindex]];
var shared = shareds[polygonSharedIndexes[polygonindex]];
var polygon = new CSG.Polygon(polygonvertices, shared, plane);
var csg = CSG.fromPolygons(polygons);
csg.isCanonicalized = true;
csg.isRetesselated = true;
return csg;
CSG.prototype = {
toPolygons: function() {
return this.polygons;
// Return a new CSG solid representing space in either this solid or in the
// solid `csg`. Neither this solid nor the solid `csg` are modified.
// A.union(B)
// +-------+ +-------+
// | | | |
// | A | | |
// | +--+----+ = | +----+
// +----+--+ | +----+ |
// | B | | |
// | | | |
// +-------+ +-------+
union: function(csg) {
return this.unionSub(csg, true, true);
unionSub: function(csg, retesselate, canonicalize) {
if(! this.mayOverlap(csg))
return this.unionForNonIntersecting(csg);
var a = new CSG.Tree(this.polygons);
var b = new CSG.Tree(csg.polygons);
a.clipTo(b, false);
b.clipTo(a, true);
var newpolygons = a.allPolygons().concat(b.allPolygons());
var result = CSG.fromPolygons(newpolygons); =;
if(retesselate) result = result.reTesselated();
if(canonicalize) result = result.canonicalized();
return result;
// Like union, but when we know that the two solids are not intersecting
// Do not use if you are not completely sure that the solids do not intersect!
unionForNonIntersecting: function(csg) {
var newpolygons = this.polygons.concat(csg.polygons);
var result = CSG.fromPolygons(newpolygons); =;
result.isCanonicalized = this.isCanonicalized && csg.isCanonicalized;
result.isRetesselated = this.isRetesselated && csg.isRetesselated;
return result;
// Return a new CSG solid representing space in this solid but not in the
// solid `csg`. Neither this solid nor the solid `csg` are modified.
// A.subtract(B)
// +-------+ +-------+
// | | | |
// | A | | |
// | +--+----+ = | +--+
// +----+--+ | +----+
// | B |
// | |
// +-------+
subtract: function(csg) {
return this.subtractSub(csg, true, true);
subtractSub: function(csg, retesselate, canonicalize) {
var a = new CSG.Tree(this.polygons);
var b = new CSG.Tree(csg.polygons);
b.clipTo(a, true);
var result = CSG.fromPolygons(a.allPolygons()); =;
if(retesselate) result = result.reTesselated();
if(canonicalize) result = result.canonicalized();
return result;
// Return a new CSG solid representing space both this solid and in the
// solid `csg`. Neither this solid nor the solid `csg` are modified.
// A.intersect(B)
// +-------+
// | |
// | A |
// | +--+----+ = +--+
// +----+--+ | +--+
// | B |
// | |
// +-------+
intersect: function(csg) {
return this.intersectSub(csg, true, true);
intersectSub: function(csg, retesselate, canonicalize) {
var a = new CSG.Tree(this.polygons);
var b = new CSG.Tree(csg.polygons);
var result = CSG.fromPolygons(a.allPolygons()); =;
if(retesselate) result = result.reTesselated();
if(canonicalize) result = result.canonicalized();
return result;
// Return a new CSG solid with solid and empty space switched. This solid is
// not modified.
inverse: function() {
var flippedpolygons = { return p.flipped(); });
return CSG.fromPolygons(flippedpolygons);
// TODO: flip properties
// Affine transformation of CSG object. Returns a new CSG object
transform1: function(matrix4x4) {
var newpolygons = { return p.transform(matrix4x4); } );
var result=CSG.fromPolygons(newpolygons); =;
result.isRetesselated = this.isRetesselated;
return result;
transform: function(matrix4x4) {
var scalefactor = matrix4x4.elements[0] * matrix4x4.elements[5] * matrix4x4.elements[10];
var ismirror = (scalefactor < 0);
var transformedvertices = {};
var transformedplanes = {};
var newpolygons = {
var newplane;
var plane = p.plane;
var planetag = plane.getTag();
if(planetag in transformedplanes)
newplane = transformedplanes[planetag];
newplane = plane.transform(matrix4x4);
transformedplanes[planetag] = newplane;
var newvertices = {
var newvertex;
var vertextag = v.getTag();
if(vertextag in transformedvertices)
newvertex = transformedvertices[vertextag];
newvertex = v.transform(matrix4x4);
transformedvertices[vertextag] = newvertex;
return newvertex;
if(ismirror) newvertices.reverse();
return new CSG.Polygon(newvertices, p.shared, newplane);
var result=CSG.fromPolygons(newpolygons); =;
result.isRetesselated = this.isRetesselated;
result.isCanonicalized = this.isCanonicalized;
return result;
mirrored: function(plane) {
return this.transform(CSG.Matrix4x4.mirroring(plane));
mirroredX: function() {
var plane = new CSG.Plane(new CSG.Vector3D(1,0,0), 0);
return this.mirrored(plane);
mirroredY: function() {
var plane = new CSG.Plane(new CSG.Vector3D(0,1,0), 0);
return this.mirrored(plane);
mirroredZ: function() {
var plane = new CSG.Plane(new CSG.Vector3D(0,0,1), 0);
return this.mirrored(plane);
translate: function(v) {
return this.transform(CSG.Matrix4x4.translation(v));
scale: function(f) {
return this.transform(CSG.Matrix4x4.scaling(f));
rotateX: function(deg) {
return this.transform(CSG.Matrix4x4.rotationX(deg));
rotateY: function(deg) {
return this.transform(CSG.Matrix4x4.rotationY(deg));
rotateZ: function(deg) {
return this.transform(CSG.Matrix4x4.rotationZ(deg));
toStlString: function() {
var result="solid csg.js\n";{ result += p.toStlString(); });
result += "endsolid csg.js\n";
return result;
toString: function() {
var result = "CSG solid:\n";{ result += p.toString(); });
return result;
// Expand the solid
// resolution: number of points per 360 degree for the rounded corners
expand: function(radius, resolution) {
var result = this.expandedShell(radius, resolution, true);
result = result.reTesselated(); =; // keep original properties
return result;
// Contract the solid
// resolution: number of points per 360 degree for the rounded corners
contract: function(radius, resolution) {
var expandedshell = this.expandedShell(radius, resolution, false);
var result = this.subtract(expandedshell);
result = result.reTesselated(); =; // keep original properties
return result;
// Create the expanded shell of the solid:
// All faces are extruded to get a thickness of 2*radius
// Cylinders are constructed around every side
// Spheres are placed on every vertex
// unionWithThis: if true, the resulting solid will be united with 'this' solid;
// the result is a true expansion of the solid
// If false, returns only the shell
expandedShell: function(radius, resolution, unionWithThis) {
var csg = this.reTesselated();
var result;
result = csg;
result = new CSG();
// first extrude all polygons:{
var extrudevector=polygon.plane.normal.unit().times(2*radius);
var translatedpolygon = polygon.translate(extrudevector.times(-0.5));
var extrudedface = translatedpolygon.extrude(extrudevector);
result=result.unionSub(extrudedface, false, false);
// Make a list of all unique vertex pairs (i.e. all sides of the solid)
// For each vertex pair we collect the following:
// v1: first coordinate
// v2: second coordinate
// planenormals: array of normal vectors of all planes touching this side
var vertexpairs = {}; // map of 'vertex pair tag' to {v1, v2, planenormals}{
var numvertices = polygon.vertices.length;
var prevvertex = polygon.vertices[numvertices-1];
var prevvertextag = prevvertex.getTag();
for(var i = 0; i < numvertices; i++)
var vertex = polygon.vertices[i];
var vertextag = vertex.getTag();
var vertextagpair;
if(vertextag < prevvertextag)
vertextagpair = vertextag+"-"+prevvertextag;
vertextagpair = prevvertextag+"-"+vertextag;
var obj;
if(vertextagpair in vertexpairs)
obj = vertexpairs[vertextagpair];
obj = {
v1: prevvertex,
v2: vertex,
planenormals: [],
vertexpairs[vertextagpair] = obj;
prevvertextag = vertextag;
prevvertex = vertex;
// now construct a cylinder on every side
// The cylinder is always an approximation of a true cylinder: it will have <resolution> polygons
// around the sides. We will make sure though that the cylinder will have an edge at every
// face that touches this side. This ensures that we will get a smooth fill even
// if two edges are at, say, 10 degrees and the resolution is low.
// Note: the result is not retesselated yet but it really should be!
for(vertextagpair in vertexpairs)
var vertexpair = vertexpairs[vertextagpair];
var startpoint = vertexpair.v1.pos;
var endpoint = vertexpair.v2.pos;
// our x,y and z vectors:
var zbase = endpoint.minus(startpoint).unit();
var xbase = vertexpair.planenormals[0].unit();
var ybase = xbase.cross(zbase);
// make a list of angles that the cylinder should traverse:
var angles = [];
// first of all equally spaced around the cylinder:
for(var i = 0; i < resolution; i++)
var angle = i * Math.PI * 2 / resolution;
// and also at every normal of all touching planes:{
var si =;
var co =;
var angle = Math.atan2(si,co);
if(angle < 0) angle += Math.PI*2;
angle = Math.atan2(-si,-co);
if(angle < 0) angle += Math.PI*2;
// this will result in some duplicate angles but we will get rid of those later.
// Sort:
angles = angles.sort(function(a,b){return a-b;});
// Now construct the cylinder by traversing all angles:
var numangles = angles.length;
var prevp1, prevp2;
var startfacevertices = [], endfacevertices = [];
var polygons = [];
var prevangle;
for(var i = -1; i < numangles; i++)
var angle = angles[(i < 0)?(i+numangles):i];
var si = Math.sin(angle);
var co = Math.cos(angle);
var p = xbase.times(co * radius).plus(ybase.times(si * radius));
var p1 =;
var p2 =;
var skip = false;
if(i >= 0)
if(p1.distanceTo(prevp1) < 1e-5)
skip = true;
if(i >= 0)
startfacevertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(p1));
endfacevertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(p2));
var polygonvertices = [
new CSG.Vertex(prevp2),
new CSG.Vertex(p2),
new CSG.Vertex(p1),
new CSG.Vertex(prevp1),
var polygon = new CSG.Polygon(polygonvertices);
prevp1 = p1;
prevp2 = p2;
polygons.push(new CSG.Polygon(startfacevertices));
polygons.push(new CSG.Polygon(endfacevertices));
var cylinder = CSG.fromPolygons(polygons);
result = result.unionSub(cylinder, false, false);
// make a list of all unique vertices
// For each vertex we also collect the list of normals of the planes touching the vertices
var vertexmap = {};{{
var vertextag = vertex.getTag();
var obj;
if(vertextag in vertexmap)
obj = vertexmap[vertextag];
obj = {
pos: vertex.pos,
normals: [],
vertexmap[vertextag] = obj;
// and build spheres at each vertex
// We will try to set the x and z axis to the normals of 2 planes
// This will ensure that our sphere tesselation somewhat matches 2 planes
for(vertextag in vertexmap)
var vertexobj = vertexmap[vertextag];
// use the first normal to be the x axis of our sphere:
var xaxis = vertexobj.normals[0].unit();
// and find a suitable z axis. We will use the normal which is most perpendicular to the x axis:
var bestzaxis = null;
var bestzaxisorthogonality = 0;
for(var i = 1; i < vertexobj.normals.length; i++)
var normal = vertexobj.normals[i].unit();
var cross = xaxis.cross(normal);
var crosslength = cross.length();
if(crosslength > 0.05)
if(crosslength > bestzaxisorthogonality)
bestzaxisorthogonality = crosslength;
bestzaxis = normal;
if(! bestzaxis)
bestzaxis = xaxis.randomNonParallelVector();
var yaxis = xaxis.cross(bestzaxis).unit();
var zaxis = yaxis.cross(xaxis);
var sphere = CSG.sphere({
center: vertexobj.pos,
radius: radius,
resolution: resolution,
axes: [xaxis, yaxis, zaxis]});
result = result.unionSub(sphere, false, false);
return result;
canonicalized: function () {
return this;
var factory = new CSG.fuzzyCSGFactory();
var result = factory.getCSG(this);
result.isCanonicalized = true;
result.isRetesselated = this.isRetesselated; =; // keep original properties
return result;
reTesselated: function () {
return this;
var csg=this.canonicalized();
var polygonsPerPlane = {}; {
var planetag = polygon.plane.getTag();
var sharedtag = polygon.shared.getTag();
planetag += "/"+sharedtag;
if(! (planetag in polygonsPerPlane) )
polygonsPerPlane[planetag] = [];
var destpolygons = [];
for(planetag in polygonsPerPlane)
var sourcepolygons = polygonsPerPlane[planetag];
if(sourcepolygons.length < 2)
destpolygons = destpolygons.concat(sourcepolygons);
var retesselayedpolygons = [];
CSG.reTesselateCoplanarPolygons(sourcepolygons, retesselayedpolygons);
destpolygons = destpolygons.concat(retesselayedpolygons);
var result = CSG.fromPolygons(destpolygons);
result.isRetesselated = true;
// result.isCanonicalized = true; =; // keep original properties
return result;
// returns an array of two CSG.Vector3Ds (minimum coordinates and maximum coordinates)
getBounds: function() {
var minpoint = new CSG.Vector3D(0,0,0);
var maxpoint = new CSG.Vector3D(0,0,0);
var polygons = this.polygons;
var numpolygons = polygons.length;
for(var i=0; i < numpolygons; i++)
var polygon = polygons[i];
var bounds = polygon.boundingBox();
if(i == 0)
minpoint = bounds[0];
maxpoint = bounds[1];
minpoint = minpoint.min(bounds[0]);
maxpoint = maxpoint.max(bounds[1]);
this.cachedBoundingBox = [minpoint, maxpoint];
return this.cachedBoundingBox;
// returns true if there is a possibility that the two solids overlap
// returns false if we can be sure that they do not overlap
mayOverlap: function(csg) {
if( (this.polygons.length == 0) || (csg.polygons.length == 0) )
return false;
var mybounds = this.getBounds();
var otherbounds = csg.getBounds();
if(mybounds[1].x < otherbounds[0].x) return false;
if(mybounds[0].x > otherbounds[1].x) return false;
if(mybounds[1].y < otherbounds[0].y) return false;
if(mybounds[0].y > otherbounds[1].y) return false;
if(mybounds[1].z < otherbounds[0].z) return false;
if(mybounds[0].z > otherbounds[1].z) return false;
return true;
// Cut the solid by a plane. Returns the solid on the back side of the plane
cutByPlane: function(plane) {
// Ideally we would like to do an intersection with a polygon of inifinite size
// but this is not supported by our implementation. As a workaround, we will create
// a cube, with one face on the plane, and a size larger enough so that the entire
// solid fits in the cube.
// find the max distance of any vertex to the center of the plane:
var planecenter = plane.normal.times(plane.w);
var maxdistance = 0;{{
var distance = vertex.pos.distanceToSquared(planecenter);
if(distance > maxdistance) maxdistance = distance;
maxdistance = Math.sqrt(maxdistance);
maxdistance *= 1.01; // make sure it's really larger
// Now build a polygon on the plane, at any point farther than maxdistance from the plane center:
var vertices = [];
var orthobasis = new CSG.OrthoNormalBasis(plane);
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(orthobasis.to3D(new CSG.Vector2D(maxdistance,maxdistance))));
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(orthobasis.to3D(new CSG.Vector2D(-maxdistance,maxdistance))));
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(orthobasis.to3D(new CSG.Vector2D(-maxdistance,-maxdistance))));
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(orthobasis.to3D(new CSG.Vector2D(maxdistance,-maxdistance))));
var polygon = new CSG.Polygon(vertices, null, plane.flipped());
// and extrude the polygon into a cube, backwards of the plane:
var cube = polygon.extrude(plane.normal.times(-maxdistance));
// Now we can do the intersection:
var result = this.intersect(cube); =; // keep original properties
return result;
// Connect a solid to another solid, such that two CSG.Connectors become connected
// myConnector: a CSG.Connector of this solid
// otherConnector: a CSG.Connector to which myConnector should be connected
// mirror: false: the 'axis' vectors of the connectors should point in the same direction
// true: the 'axis' vectors of the connectors should point in opposite direction
// normalrotation: degrees of rotation between the 'normal' vectors of the two
// connectors
connectTo: function(myConnector, otherConnector, mirror, normalrotation) {
var matrix = myConnector.getTransformationTo(otherConnector, mirror, normalrotation);
return this.transform(matrix);
// set the .shared property of all polygons
// Returns a new CSG solid, the original is unmodified!
setShared: function(shared) {
var polygons = function(p) {
return new CSG.Polygon(p.vertices, shared, p.plane);
var result = CSG.fromPolygons(polygons); =; // keep original properties
result.isRetesselated = this.isRetesselated;
result.isCanonicalized = this.isCanonicalized;
return result;
setColor: function(red,green,blue) {
var newshared = new CSG.Polygon.Shared([red, green, blue]);
return this.setShared(newshared);
toCompactBinary: function() {
var csg = this.canonicalized();
var numpolygons = csg.polygons.length;
var numpolygonvertices = 0;
var numvertices = 0;
var vertexmap = {};
var vertices = [];
var numplanes = 0;
var planemap = {};
var polygonindex = 0;
var planes = [];
var shareds = [];
var sharedmap = {};
var numshared = 0;{{
var vertextag = v.getTag();
if(! (vertextag in vertexmap))
vertexmap[vertextag] = numvertices++;
var planetag = p.plane.getTag();
if(! (planetag in planemap))
planemap[planetag] = numplanes++;
var sharedtag = p.shared.getTag();
if(! (sharedtag in sharedmap))
sharedmap[sharedtag] = numshared++;
var numVerticesPerPolygon = new Uint32Array(numpolygons);
var polygonSharedIndexes = new Uint32Array(numpolygons);
var polygonVertices = new Uint32Array(numpolygonvertices);
var polygonPlaneIndexes = new Uint32Array(numpolygons);
var vertexData = new Float64Array(numvertices * 3);
var planeData = new Float64Array(numplanes * 4);
var polygonVerticesIndex = 0;
for(var polygonindex = 0; polygonindex < numpolygons; ++polygonindex)
var p = csg.polygons[polygonindex];
numVerticesPerPolygon[polygonindex] = p.vertices.length;{
var vertextag = v.getTag();
var vertexindex = vertexmap[vertextag];
polygonVertices[polygonVerticesIndex++] = vertexindex;
var planetag = p.plane.getTag();
var planeindex = planemap[planetag];
polygonPlaneIndexes[polygonindex] = planeindex;
var sharedtag = p.shared.getTag();
var sharedindex = sharedmap[sharedtag];
polygonSharedIndexes[polygonindex] = sharedindex;
var verticesArrayIndex = 0;{
var pos = v.pos;
vertexData[verticesArrayIndex++] = pos._x;
vertexData[verticesArrayIndex++] = pos._y;
vertexData[verticesArrayIndex++] = pos._z;
var planesArrayIndex = 0;{
var normal = p.normal;
planeData[planesArrayIndex++] = normal._x;
planeData[planesArrayIndex++] = normal._y;
planeData[planesArrayIndex++] = normal._z;
planeData[planesArrayIndex++] = p.w;
var result = {
numPolygons: numpolygons,
numVerticesPerPolygon: numVerticesPerPolygon,
polygonPlaneIndexes: polygonPlaneIndexes,
polygonSharedIndexes: polygonSharedIndexes,
polygonVertices: polygonVertices,
vertexData: vertexData,
planeData: planeData,
shared: shareds,
return result;
// For debugging
// Creates a new solid with a tiny cube at every vertex of the source solid
toPointCloud: function(cuberadius) {
var csg = this.reTesselated();
var result = new CSG();
// make a list of all unique vertices
// For each vertex we also collect the list of normals of the planes touching the vertices
var vertexmap = {};{{
vertexmap[vertex.getTag()] = vertex.pos;
for(vertextag in vertexmap)
var pos = vertexmap[vertextag];
var cube = CSG.cube({center: pos, radius: cuberadius});
result = result.unionSub(cube, false, false);
result = result.reTesselated();
return result;
// Parse an option from the options object
// If the option is not present, return the default value
CSG.parseOption = function(options, optionname, defaultvalue) {
var result = defaultvalue;
if(optionname in options)
result = options[optionname];
return result;
// Parse an option and force into a CSG.Vector3D. If a scalar is passed it is converted
// into a vector with equal x,y,z
CSG.parseOptionAs3DVector = function(options, optionname, defaultvalue) {
var result = CSG.parseOption(options, optionname, defaultvalue);
result = new CSG.Vector3D(result);
return result;
// Parse an option and force into a CSG.Vector2D. If a scalar is passed it is converted
// into a vector with equal x,y
CSG.parseOptionAs2DVector = function(options, optionname, defaultvalue) {
var result = CSG.parseOption(options, optionname, defaultvalue);
result = new CSG.Vector2D(result);
return result;
CSG.parseOptionAsFloat = function(options, optionname, defaultvalue) {
var result = CSG.parseOption(options, optionname, defaultvalue);
if(typeof(result) == "string")
result = Number(result);
else if(typeof(result) != "number")
throw new Error("Parameter "+optionname+" should be a number");
return result;
CSG.parseOptionAsInt = function(options, optionname, defaultvalue) {
var result = CSG.parseOption(options, optionname, defaultvalue);
return Number(Math.floor(result));
CSG.parseOptionAsBool = function(options, optionname, defaultvalue) {
var result = CSG.parseOption(options, optionname, defaultvalue);
if(typeof(result) == "string")
if(result == "true") result = true;
if(result == "false") result = false;
if(result == 0) result = false;
result = !!result;
return result;
// Construct an axis-aligned solid cuboid.
// Parameters:
// center: center of cube (default [0,0,0])
// radius: radius of cube (default [1,1,1]), can be specified as scalar or as 3D vector
// Example code:
// var cube = CSG.cube({
// center: [0, 0, 0],
// radius: 1
// });
CSG.cube = function(options) {
var c = CSG.parseOptionAs3DVector(options, "center", [0,0,0]);
var r = CSG.parseOptionAs3DVector(options, "radius", [1,1,1]);
var result = CSG.fromPolygons([
[[0, 4, 6, 2], [-1, 0, 0]],
[[1, 3, 7, 5], [+1, 0, 0]],
[[0, 1, 5, 4], [0, -1, 0]],
[[2, 6, 7, 3], [0, +1, 0]],
[[0, 2, 3, 1], [0, 0, -1]],
[[4, 5, 7, 6], [0, 0, +1]]
].map(function(info) {
var normal = new CSG.Vector3D(info[1]);
//var plane = new CSG.Plane(normal, 1);
var vertices = info[0].map(function(i) {
var pos = new CSG.Vector3D(
c.x + r.x * (2 * !!(i & 1) - 1),
c.y + r.y * (2 * !!(i & 2) - 1),
c.z + r.z * (2 * !!(i & 4) - 1)
return new CSG.Vertex(pos);
return new CSG.Polygon(vertices, null /* , plane */);
})); = new CSG.Properties(); = new CSG.Vector3D(c);
// add 6 connectors, at the centers of each face: = [
new CSG.Connector(new CSG.Vector3D([r.x, 0, 0]).plus(c), [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]),
new CSG.Connector(new CSG.Vector3D([-r.x, 0, 0]).plus(c), [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]),
new CSG.Connector(new CSG.Vector3D([0, r.y, 0]).plus(c), [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]),
new CSG.Connector(new CSG.Vector3D([0, -r.y, 0]).plus(c), [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 1]),
new CSG.Connector(new CSG.Vector3D([0, 0, r.z]).plus(c), [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]),
new CSG.Connector(new CSG.Vector3D([0, 0, -r.z]).plus(c), [0, 0, -1], [1, 0, 0]),
return result;
// Construct a solid sphere
// Parameters:
// center: center of sphere (default [0,0,0])
// radius: radius of sphere (default 1), must be a scalar
// resolution: determines the number of polygons per 360 degree revolution (default 12)
// axes: (optional) an array with 3 vectors for the x, y and z base vectors
// Example usage:
// var sphere = CSG.sphere({
// center: [0, 0, 0],
// radius: 2,
// resolution: 32,
// });
CSG.sphere = function(options) {
options = options || {};
var center = CSG.parseOptionAs3DVector(options, "center", [0,0,0]);
var radius = CSG.parseOptionAsFloat(options, "radius", 1);
var resolution = CSG.parseOptionAsInt(options, "resolution", 12);
var xvector, yvector, zvector;
if('axes' in options)
xvector = options.axes[0].unit().times(radius);
yvector = options.axes[1].unit().times(radius);
zvector = options.axes[2].unit().times(radius);
xvector = new CSG.Vector3D([1,0,0]).times(radius);
yvector = new CSG.Vector3D([0,-1,0]).times(radius);
zvector = new CSG.Vector3D([0,0,1]).times(radius);
if(resolution < 4) resolution = 4;
var qresolution = Math.round(resolution / 4);
var prevcylinderpoint;
var polygons = [];
for(var slice1 = 0; slice1 <= resolution; slice1++)
var angle = Math.PI * 2.0 * slice1 / resolution;
var cylinderpoint = xvector.times(Math.cos(angle)).plus(yvector.times(Math.sin(angle)));
if(slice1 > 0)
// cylinder vertices:
var vertices = [];
var prevcospitch, prevsinpitch;
for(var slice2 = 0; slice2 <= qresolution; slice2++)
var pitch = 0.5 * Math.PI * slice2 / qresolution;
var cospitch = Math.cos(pitch);
var sinpitch = Math.sin(pitch);
if(slice2 > 0)
vertices = [];
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
if(slice2 < qresolution)
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
polygons.push(new CSG.Polygon(vertices));
vertices = [];
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
if(slice2 < qresolution)
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
polygons.push(new CSG.Polygon(vertices));
prevcospitch = cospitch;
prevsinpitch = sinpitch;
prevcylinderpoint = cylinderpoint;
var result = CSG.fromPolygons(polygons); = new CSG.Properties(); = new CSG.Vector3D(center); =;
return result;
// Construct a solid cylinder.
// Parameters:
// start: start point of cylinder (default [0, -1, 0])
// end: end point of cylinder (default [0, 1, 0])
// radius: radius of cylinder (default 1), must be a scalar
// resolution: determines the number of polygons per 360 degree revolution (default 12)
// Example usage:
// var cylinder = CSG.cylinder({
// start: [0, -1, 0],
// end: [0, 1, 0],
// radius: 1,
// resolution: 16
// });
CSG.cylinder = function(options) {
var s = CSG.parseOptionAs3DVector(options, "start", [0, -1, 0]);
var e = CSG.parseOptionAs3DVector(options, "end", [0, 1, 0]);
var r = CSG.parseOptionAsFloat(options, "radius", 1);
var slices = CSG.parseOptionAsFloat(options, "resolution", 12);
var ray = e.minus(s);
var axisZ = ray.unit(), isY = (Math.abs(axisZ.y) > 0.5);
var axisX = new CSG.Vector3D(isY, !isY, 0).cross(axisZ).unit();
var axisY = axisX.cross(axisZ).unit();
var start = new CSG.Vertex(s);
var end = new CSG.Vertex(e);
var polygons = [];
function point(stack, slice, normalBlend) {
var angle = slice * Math.PI * 2;
var out = axisX.times(Math.cos(angle)).plus(axisY.times(Math.sin(angle)));
var pos =;
var normal = out.times(1 - Math.abs(normalBlend)).plus(axisZ.times(normalBlend));
return new CSG.Vertex(pos);
for (var i = 0; i < slices; i++) {
var t0 = i / slices, t1 = (i + 1) / slices;
polygons.push(new CSG.Polygon([start, point(0, t0, -1), point(0, t1, -1)]));
polygons.push(new CSG.Polygon([point(0, t1, 0), point(0, t0, 0), point(1, t0, 0), point(1, t1, 0)]));
polygons.push(new CSG.Polygon([end, point(1, t1, 1), point(1, t0, 1)]));
var result = CSG.fromPolygons(polygons); = new CSG.Properties(); = new CSG.Connector(s, axisZ.negated(), axisX); = new CSG.Connector(e, axisZ, axisX); =;
return result;
// Like a cylinder, but with rounded ends instead of flat
// Parameters:
// start: start point of cylinder (default [0, -1, 0])
// end: end point of cylinder (default [0, 1, 0])
// radius: radius of cylinder (default 1), must be a scalar
// resolution: determines the number of polygons per 360 degree revolution (default 12)
// normal: a vector determining the starting angle for tesselation. Should be non-parallel to start.minus(end)
// Example usage:
// var cylinder = CSG.roundedCylinder({
// start: [0, -1, 0],
// end: [0, 1, 0],
// radius: 1,
// resolution: 16
// });
CSG.roundedCylinder = function(options) {
var p1 = CSG.parseOptionAs3DVector(options, "start", [0, -1, 0]);
var p2 = CSG.parseOptionAs3DVector(options, "end", [0, 1, 0]);
var radius = CSG.parseOptionAsFloat(options, "radius", 1);
var direction = p2.minus(p1);
var defaultnormal;
if(Math.abs(direction.x) > Math.abs(direction.y))
defaultnormal = new CSG.Vector3D(0,1,0);
defaultnormal = new CSG.Vector3D(1,0,0);
var normal = CSG.parseOptionAs3DVector(options, "normal", defaultnormal);
var resolution = CSG.parseOptionAsFloat(options, "resolution", 12);
if(resolution < 4) resolution = 4;
var polygons = [];
var qresolution = Math.floor(0.25*resolution);
var length = direction.length();
if(length < 1e-10)
return CSG.sphere({center: p1, radius: radius, resolution: resolution});
var zvector = direction.unit().times(radius);
var xvector = zvector.cross(normal).unit().times(radius);
var yvector = xvector.cross(zvector).unit().times(radius);
var prevcylinderpoint;
for(var slice1 = 0; slice1 <= resolution; slice1++)
var angle = Math.PI * 2.0 * slice1 / resolution;
var cylinderpoint = xvector.times(Math.cos(angle)).plus(yvector.times(Math.sin(angle)));
if(slice1 > 0)
// cylinder vertices:
var vertices = [];
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
polygons.push(new CSG.Polygon(vertices));
var prevcospitch, prevsinpitch;
for(var slice2 = 0; slice2 <= qresolution; slice2++)
var pitch = 0.5 * Math.PI * slice2 / qresolution;
//var pitch = Math.asin(slice2/qresolution);
var cospitch = Math.cos(pitch);
var sinpitch = Math.sin(pitch);
if(slice2 > 0)
vertices = [];
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
if(slice2 < qresolution)
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
polygons.push(new CSG.Polygon(vertices));
vertices = [];
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
if(slice2 < qresolution)
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
vertices.push(new CSG.Vertex(;
polygons.push(new CSG.Polygon(vertices));
prevcospitch = cospitch;
prevsinpitch = sinpitch;
prevcylinderpoint = cylinderpoint;
var result = CSG.fromPolygons(polygons);
var ray = zvector.unit();
var axisX = xvector.unit(); = new CSG.Properties(); = new CSG.Connector(p1, ray.negated(), axisX); = new CSG.Connector(p2, ray, axisX); =;
return result;
// Construct an axis-aligned solid rounded cuboid.
// Parameters:
// center: center of cube (default [0,0,0])
// radius: radius of cube (default [1,1,1]), can be specified as scalar or as 3D vector
// roundradius: radius of rounded corners (default 0.2), must be a scalar
// resolution: determines the number of polygons per 360 degree revolution (default 8)
// Example code:
// var cube = CSG.roundedCube({
// center: [0, 0, 0],
// radius: 1,
// roundradius: 0.2,
// resolution: 8,
// });
CSG.roundedCube = function(options) {
var center = CSG.parseOptionAs3DVector(options, "center", [0,0,0]);
var cuberadius = CSG.parseOptionAs3DVector(options, "radius", [1,1,1]);
var resolution = CSG.parseOptionAsFloat(options, "resolution", 8);
if(resolution < 4) resolution = 4;
var roundradius = CSG.parseOptionAsFloat(options, "roundradius", 0.2);
var innercuberadius=cuberadius;
innercuberadius = innercuberadius.minus(new CSG.Vector3D(roundradius));
var result = CSG.cube({center: center, radius: [cuberadius.x, innercuberadius.y, innercuberadius.z]});
result = result.unionSub( CSG.cube({center: center, radius: [innercuberadius.x, cuberadius.y, innercuberadius.z]}),false,false);
result = result.unionSub( CSG.cube({center: center, radius: [innercuberadius.x, innercuberadius.y, cuberadius.z]}),false,false);
for(var level=0; level < 2; level++)
var z = innercuberadius.z;
if(level == 1) z = -z;
var p1 = new CSG.Vector3D(innercuberadius.x, innercuberadius.y, z).plus(center);
var p2 = new CSG.Vector3D(innercuberadius.x, -innercuberadius.y, z).plus(center);
var p3 = new CSG.Vector3D(-innercuberadius.x, -innercuberadius.y, z).plus(center);
var p4 = new CSG.Vector3D(-innercuberadius.x, innercuberadius.y, z).plus(center);
var sphere = CSG.sphere({center: p1, radius: roundradius, resolution: resolution});
result = result.unionSub(sphere,false,false);
sphere = CSG.sphere({center: p2, radius: roundradius, resolution: resolution});
result = result.unionSub(sphere,false,false);
sphere = CSG.sphere({center: p3, radius: roundradius, resolution: resolution});
result = result.unionSub(sphere,false,false);
sphere = CSG.sphere({center: p4, radius: roundradius, resolution: resolution});
result = result.unionSub(sphere,false,true);
var cylinder = CSG.cylinder({start:p1, end: p2, radius: roundradius, resolution: resolution});
result = result.unionSub(cylinder,false,false);
cylinder = CSG.cylinder({start:p2, end: p3, radius: roundradius, resolution: resolution});
result = result.unionSub(cylinder,false,false);
cylinder = CSG.cylinder({start:p3, end: p4, radius: roundradius, resolution: resolution});
result = result.unionSub(cylinder,false,false);
cylinder = CSG.cylinder({start:p4, end: p1, radius: roundradius, resolution: resolution});
result = result.unionSub(cylinder,false,false);
if(level == 0) {
var d = new CSG.Vector3D(0, 0, -2*z);
cylinder = CSG.cylinder({start:p1, end:, radius: roundradius, resolution: resolution});
result = result.unionSub(cylinder);
cylinder = CSG.cylinder({start:p2, end:, radius: roundradius, resolution: resolution});
result = result.unionSub(cylinder);
cylinder = CSG.cylinder({start:p3, end:, radius: roundradius, resolution: resolution});
result = result.unionSub(cylinder);
cylinder = CSG.cylinder({start:p4, end:, radius: roundradius, resolution: resolution});
result = result.unionSub(cylinder,false,true);
result = result.reTesselated(); = new CSG.Properties(); = new CSG.Vertex(center); = [
new CSG.Connector(new CSG.Vector3D([cuberadius.x, 0, 0]).plus(center), [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]),
new CSG.Connector(new CSG.Vector3D([-cuberadius.x, 0, 0]).plus(center), [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]),
new CSG.Connector(new CSG.Vector3D([0, cuberadius.y, 0]).plus(center), [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]),
new CSG.Connector(new CSG.Vector3D([0, -cuberadius.y, 0]).plus(center), [0, -1, 0], [0, 0, 1]),
new CSG.Connector(new CSG.Vector3D([0, 0, cuberadius.z]).plus(center), [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]),
new CSG.Connector(new CSG.Vector3D([0, 0, -cuberadius.z]).plus(center), [0, 0, -1], [1, 0, 0]),
return result;
// # class Vector3D
// Represents a 3D vector.
// Example usage:
// new CSG.Vector3D(1, 2, 3);
// new CSG.Vector3D([1, 2, 3]);
// new CSG.Vector3D({ x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 });
CSG.Vector3D = function(x, y, z) {
if (arguments.length == 3)
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
this._z = z;
var ok = true;
if (arguments.length == 1)
if(typeof(x) == "object")
if(x instanceof CSG.Vector3D)
this._x = x._x;
this._y = x._y;
this._z = x._z;
else if(x instanceof Array)
this._x = x[0];
this._y = x[1];
this._z = x[2];
else if( ('x' in x) && ('y' in x) && ('z' in x) )
this._x = x.x;
this._y = x.y;
this._z = x.z;
else ok = false;
var v = Number(x);
this._x = v;
this._y = v;
this._z = v;
else ok = false;
throw new Error("wrong arguments");
CSG.Vector3D.prototype = {
get x() {
return this._x;
get y() {
return this._y;
get z() {
return this._z;
set x(v) {
throw new Error("Vector3D is immutable");
set y(v) {
throw new Error("Vector3D is immutable");
set z(v) {
throw new Error("Vector3D is immutable");
clone: function() {
return new CSG.Vector3D(this);
negated: function() {
return new CSG.Vector3D(-this._x, -this._y, -this._z);
abs: function() {
return new CSG.Vector3D(Math.abs(this._x), Math.abs(this._y), Math.abs(this._z));
plus: function(a) {
return new CSG.Vector3D(this._x + a._x, this._y + a._y, this._z + a._z);
minus: function(a) {
return new CSG.Vector3D(this._x - a._x, this._y - a._y, this._z - a._z);
times: function(a) {
return new CSG.Vector3D(this._x * a, this._y * a, this._z * a);
dividedBy: function(a) {
return new CSG.Vector3D(this._x / a, this._y / a, this._z / a);
dot: function(a) {
return this._x * a._x + this._y * a._y + this._z * a._z;
lerp: function(a, t) {
lengthSquared: function() {
length: function() {
return Math.sqrt(this.lengthSquared());
unit: function() {
return this.dividedBy(this.length());
cross: function(a) {
return new CSG.Vector3D(
this._y * a._z - this._z * a._y,
this._z * a._x - this._x * a._z,
this._x * a._y - this._y * a._x
distanceTo: function(a) {
return this.minus(a).length();
distanceToSquared: function(a) {
return this.minus(a).lengthSquared();
equals: function(a) {
return (this._x == a._x) && (this._y == a._y) && (this._z == a._z);
// Right multiply by a 4x4 matrix (the vector is interpreted as a row vector)
// Returns a new CSG.Vector3D
multiply4x4: function(matrix4x4) {
return matrix4x4.leftMultiply1x3Vector(this);
transform: function(matrix4x4) {
return matrix4x4.leftMultiply1x3Vector(this);
toStlString: function() {
return this._x+" "+this._y+" "+this._z;
toString: function() {
return "("+this._x+", "+this._y+", "+this._z+")";
// find a vector that is somewhat perpendicular to this one
randomNonParallelVector: function() {
var abs = this.abs();
if( (abs._x <= abs._y) && (abs._x <= abs._z) )
return new CSG.Vector3D(1,0,0);
else if( (abs._y <= abs._x) && (abs._y <= abs._z) )
return new CSG.Vector3D(0,1,0);
return new CSG.Vector3D(0,0,1);
min: function(p) {
return new CSG.Vector3D(
Math.min(this._x, p._x),
Math.min(this._y, p._y),
Math.min(this._z, p._z)
max: function(p) {
return new CSG.Vector3D(
Math.max(this._x, p._x),
Math.max(this._y, p._y),
Math.max(this._z, p._z)
// # class Vertex
// Represents a vertex of a polygon. Use your own vertex class instead of this
// one to provide additional features like texture coordinates and vertex
// colors. Custom vertex classes need to provide a `pos` property
// `flipped()`, and `interpolate()` methods that behave analogous to the ones
// defined by `CSG.Vertex`.
CSG.Vertex = function(pos) {
this.pos = pos;
// create from an untyped object with identical property names:
CSG.Vertex.fromObject = function(obj) {
var pos = new CSG.Vector3D(obj.pos);
return new CSG.Vertex(pos);
CSG.Vertex.prototype = {
// Return a vertex with all orientation-specific data (e.g. vertex normal) flipped. Called when the
// orientation of a polygon is flipped.
flipped: function() {
return this;
getTag: function() {
var result = this.tag;
result = CSG.getTag();
this.tag = result;
return result;
// Create a new vertex between this vertex and `other` by linearly
// interpolating all properties using a parameter of `t`. Subclasses should
// override this to interpolate additional properties.
interpolate: function(other, t) {
var newpos = this.pos.lerp(other.pos, t);
return new CSG.Vertex(newpos);
// Affine transformation of vertex. Returns a new CSG.Vertex
transform: function(matrix4x4) {
var newpos = this.pos.multiply4x4(matrix4x4);
return new CSG.Vertex(newpos);
toStlString: function() {
return "vertex "+this.pos.toStlString()+"\n";
toString: function() {
return this.pos.toString();
// # class Plane
// Represents a plane in 3D space.
CSG.Plane = function(normal, w) {
this.normal = normal;
this.w = w;
// create from an untyped object with identical property names:
CSG.Plane.fromObject = function(obj) {
var normal = new CSG.Vector3D(obj.normal);
var w = parseFloat(obj.w);
return new CSG.Plane(normal, w);
// `CSG.Plane.EPSILON` is the tolerance used by `splitPolygon()` to decide if a
// point is on the plane.
CSG.Plane.EPSILON = 1e-5;
CSG.Plane.fromVector3Ds = function(a, b, c) {
var n = b.minus(a).cross(c.minus(a)).unit();
return new CSG.Plane(n,;
// like fromVector3Ds, but allow the vectors to be on one point or one line
// in such a case a random plane through the given points is constructed
CSG.Plane.anyPlaneFromVector3Ds = function(a, b, c) {
var v1 = b.minus(a);
var v2 = c.minus(a);
if(v1.length() < 1e-5)
v1 = v2.randomNonParallelVector();
if(v2.length() < 1e-5)
v2 = v1.randomNonParallelVector();
var normal = v1.cross(v2);
if(normal.length() < 1e-5)
// this would mean that v1 == v2.negated()
v2 = v1.randomNonParallelVector();
normal = v1.cross(v2);
normal = normal.unit();
return new CSG.Plane(normal,;
CSG.Plane.fromPoints = function(a, b, c) {
a = new CSG.Vector3D(a);
b = new CSG.Vector3D(b);
c = new CSG.Vector3D(c);
return CSG.Plane.fromVector3Ds(a, b, c);
CSG.Plane.fromNormalAndPoint = function(normal, point) {
normal = new CSG.Vector3D(normal);
point = new CSG.Vector3D(point);
normal = normal.unit();
var w =;
return new CSG.Plane(normal, w);
CSG.Plane.prototype = {
flipped: function() {
return new CSG.Plane(this.normal.negated(), -this.w);
getTag: function() {
var result = this.tag;
result = CSG.getTag();
this.tag = result;
return result;
equals: function(n) {
return this.normal.equals(n.normal) && this.w == n.w;
transform: function(matrix4x4) {
var origin = new CSG.Vector3D(0,0,0);
var pointOnPlane = this.normal.times(this.w);
var neworigin = origin.multiply4x4(matrix4x4);
var neworiginPlusNormal = this.normal.multiply4x4(matrix4x4);
var newnormal = neworiginPlusNormal.minus(neworigin);
var newpointOnPlane = pointOnPlane.multiply4x4(matrix4x4);
var neww =;
return new CSG.Plane(newnormal, neww);
// Returns object:
// .type:
// 0: coplanar-front
// 1: coplanar-back
// 2: front
// 3: back
// 4: spanning
// In case the polygon is spanning, returns:
// .front: a CSG.Polygon of the front part
// .back: a CSG.Polygon of the back part
splitPolygon: function(polygon) {
var result = {
type: null,
front: null,
back: null,
// cache in local vars (speedup):
var planenormal = this.normal;
var vertices = polygon.vertices;
var numvertices = vertices.length;
result.type = 0;
var EPS = CSG.Plane.EPSILON;
var thisw = this.w;
var hasfront = false;
var hasback = false;
var vertexIsBack = [];
var MINEPS = -EPS;
for (var i = 0; i < numvertices; i++) {
var t =[i].pos) - thisw;
var isback = (t < 0);
if(t > EPS) hasfront = true;
if(t < MINEPS) hasback = true;
if( (!hasfront) && (!hasback) )
// all points coplanar
var t =;
result.type = (t >= 0)? 0:1;
else if(!hasback)
result.type = 2;
else if(!hasfront)
result.type = 3;
// spanning
result.type = 4;
var frontvertices = [], backvertices = [];
var isback = vertexIsBack[0];
for(var vertexindex = 0; vertexindex < numvertices; vertexindex++)
var vertex = vertices[vertexindex];
var nextvertexindex = vertexindex + 1;
if(nextvertexindex >= numvertices) nextvertexindex = 0;
var nextisback = vertexIsBack[nextvertexindex];
if(isback == nextisback)
// line segment is on one side of the plane:
// line segment intersects plane:
var point = vertex.pos;
var nextpoint = vertices[nextvertexindex].pos;
var line = CSG.Line3D.fromPoints(point, nextpoint);
var intersectionpoint = this.intersectWithLine(line);
var intersectionvertex = new CSG.Vertex(intersectionpoint);
isback = nextisback;
} // for vertexindex
// remove duplicate vertices:
if(backvertices.length >= 3)
var prevvertex = backvertices[backvertices.length - 1];
for(var vertexindex = 0; vertexindex < backvertices.length; vertexindex++)
var vertex = backvertices[vertexindex];
if(vertex.pos.distanceToSquared(prevvertex.pos) < EPS_SQUARED)
prevvertex = vertex;
if(frontvertices.length >= 3)
var prevvertex = frontvertices[frontvertices.length - 1];
for(var vertexindex = 0; vertexindex < frontvertices.length; vertexindex++)
var vertex = frontvertices[vertexindex];
if(vertex.pos.distanceToSquared(prevvertex.pos) < EPS_SQUARED)
prevvertex = vertex;
if (frontvertices.length >= 3)
result.front = new CSG.Polygon(frontvertices, polygon.shared, polygon.plane);
if (backvertices.length >= 3)
result.back = new CSG.Polygon(backvertices, polygon.shared, polygon.plane);
return result;
// returns CSG.Vector3D
intersectWithLine: function(line3d) {
return line3d.intersectWithPlane(this);
// intersection of two planes
intersectWithPlane: function(plane) {
return CSG.Line3D.fromPlanes(this, plane);
signedDistanceToPoint: function(point) {
var t = - this.w;
return t;
toString: function() {
return "[normal: "+this.normal.toString()+", w: "+this.w+"]";
mirrorPoint: function(point3d) {
var distance = this.signedDistanceToPoint(point3d);
var mirrored = point3d.minus(this.normal.times(distance * 2.0));
return mirrored;
// # class Polygon
// Represents a convex polygon. The vertices used to initialize a polygon must
// be coplanar and form a convex loop. They do not have to be `CSG.Vertex`
// instances but they must behave similarly (duck typing can be used for
// customization).
// Each convex polygon has a `shared` property, which is shared between all
// polygons that are clones of each other or were split from the same polygon.
// This can be used to define per-polygon properties (such as surface color).
// The plane of the polygon is calculated from the vertex coordinates
// To avoid unnecessary recalculation, the plane can alternatively be
// passed as the third argument
CSG.Polygon = function(vertices, shared, plane) {
this.vertices = vertices;
if(!shared) shared = CSG.Polygon.defaultShared;
this.shared = shared;
var numvertices = vertices.length;
if(arguments.length >= 3)
this.plane = plane;
this.plane = CSG.Plane.fromVector3Ds(vertices[0].pos, vertices[1].pos, vertices[2].pos);
// create from an untyped object with identical property names:
CSG.Polygon.fromObject = function(obj) {
var vertices = {
return CSG.Vertex.fromObject(v);
var shared = CSG.Polygon.Shared.fromObject(obj.shared);
var plane = CSG.Plane.fromObject(obj.plane);
return new CSG.Polygon(vertices, shared, plane);
CSG.Polygon.prototype = {
// check whether the polygon is convex (it should be, otherwise we will get unexpected results)
checkIfConvex: function() {
if(! CSG.Polygon.verticesConvex(this.vertices, this.plane.normal))
throw new Error("Not convex!");
// Extrude a polygon into the direction offsetvector
// Returns a CSG object
extrude: function(offsetvector) {
var newpolygons = [];
var polygon1=this;
var direction =;
if(direction > 0)
polygon1 = polygon1.flipped();
var polygon2=polygon1.translate(offsetvector);
var numvertices=this.vertices.length;
for(var i=0; i < numvertices; i++)
var sidefacepoints = [];
var nexti = (i < (numvertices-1))? i+1:0;
var sidefacepolygon=CSG.Polygon.createFromPoints(sidefacepoints, this.shared);
polygon2 = polygon2.flipped();
return CSG.fromPolygons(newpolygons);
translate: function(offset) {
return this.transform(CSG.Matrix4x4.translation(offset));
// returns an array with a CSG.Vector3D (center point) and a radius
boundingSphere: function() {
var box = this.boundingBox();
var middle = box[0].plus(box[1]).times(0.5);
var radius3 = box[1].minus(middle);
var radius = radius3.length();
this.cachedBoundingSphere = [middle, radius];
return this.cachedBoundingSphere;
// returns an array of two CSG.Vector3Ds (minimum coordinates and maximum coordinates)
boundingBox: function() {
var minpoint, maxpoint;
var vertices = this.vertices;
var numvertices = vertices.length;
if(numvertices == 0)
minpoint=new CSG.Vector3D(0,0,0);
for(var i=1; i < numvertices; i++)
var point = vertices[i].pos;
minpoint = minpoint.min(point);
maxpoint = maxpoint.max(point);
this.cachedBoundingBox = [minpoint, maxpoint];
return this.cachedBoundingBox;
flipped: function() {
var newvertices = { return v.flipped(); });
var newplane = this.plane.flipped();
return new CSG.Polygon(newvertices, this.shared, newplane);
// Affine transformation of polygon. Returns a new CSG.Polygon
transform: function(matrix4x4) {
var newvertices = { return v.transform(matrix4x4); } );
var newplane = this.plane.transform(matrix4x4);
var scalefactor = matrix4x4.elements[0] * matrix4x4.elements[5] * matrix4x4.elements[10];
if(scalefactor < 0)
// the transformation includes mirroring. We need to reverse the vertex order
// in order to preserve the inside/outside orientation:
return new CSG.Polygon(newvertices, this.shared, newplane);
toStlString: function() {
var result="";
if(this.vertices.length >= 3) // should be!
// STL requires triangular polygons. If our polygon has more vertices, create
// multiple triangles:
var firstVertexStl = this.vertices[0].toStlString();
for(var i=0; i < this.vertices.length-2; i++)
result += "facet normal "+this.plane.normal.toStlString()+"\nouter loop\n";
result += firstVertexStl;
result += this.vertices[i+1].toStlString();
result += this.vertices[i+2].toStlString();
result += "endloop\nendfacet\n";
return result;
toString: function() {
var result = "Polygon plane: "+this.plane.toString()+"\n"; {
result += " "+vertex.toString()+"\n";
return result;
CSG.Polygon.verticesConvex = function(vertices, planenormal) {
var numvertices = vertices.length;
if(numvertices > 2)
var prevprevpos=vertices[numvertices-2].pos;
var prevpos=vertices[numvertices-1].pos;
for(var i=0; i < numvertices; i++)
var pos=vertices[i].pos;
if(!CSG.Polygon.isConvexPoint(prevprevpos, prevpos, pos, planenormal))
return false;
return true;
// Create a polygon from the given points
CSG.Polygon.createFromPoints = function(points, shared, plane) {
var normal;
if(arguments.length < 3)
// initially set a dummy vertex normal:
normal = new CSG.Vector3D(0, 0, 0);
normal = plane.normal;
var vertices = []; function(p) {
var vec = new CSG.Vector3D(p);
var vertex = new CSG.Vertex(vec);
var polygon;
if(arguments.length < 3)
polygon = new CSG.Polygon(vertices, shared);
polygon = new CSG.Polygon(vertices, shared, plane);
return polygon;
// calculate whether three points form a convex corner
// prevpoint, point, nextpoint: the 3 coordinates (CSG.Vector3D instances)
// normal: the normal vector of the plane
CSG.Polygon.isConvexPoint = function(prevpoint, point, nextpoint, normal) {
var crossproduct=point.minus(prevpoint).cross(nextpoint.minus(point));
return (crossdotnormal >= 0);
CSG.Polygon.isStrictlyConvexPoint = function(prevpoint, point, nextpoint, normal) {
var crossproduct=point.minus(prevpoint).cross(nextpoint.minus(point));
return (crossdotnormal >= 1e-5);
// # class CSG.Polygon.Shared
// Holds the shared properties for each polygon (currently only color)
CSG.Polygon.Shared = function(color) {
this.color = color;
CSG.Polygon.Shared.fromObject = function(obj) {
return new CSG.Polygon.Shared(obj.color);
CSG.Polygon.Shared.prototype = {
getTag: function() {
var result = this.tag;
result = CSG.getTag();
this.tag = result;
return result;
// get a string uniquely identifying this object
getHash: function() {
if(!this.color) return "null";
return ""+this.color[0]+"/"+this.color[1]+"/"+this.color[2];
CSG.Polygon.defaultShared = new CSG.Polygon.Shared(null);
// # class PolygonTreeNode
// This class manages hierarchical splits of polygons
// At the top is a root node which doesn hold a polygon, only child PolygonTreeNodes
// Below that are zero or more 'top' nodes; each holds a polygon. The polygons can be in different planes
// splitByPlane() splits a node by a plane. If the plane intersects the polygon, two new child nodes
// are created holding the splitted polygon.
// getPolygons() retrieves the polygon from the tree. If for PolygonTreeNode the polygon is split but
// the two split parts (child nodes) are still intact, then the unsplit polygon is returned.
// This ensures that we can safely split a polygon into many fragments. If the fragments are untouched,
// getPolygons() will return the original unsplit polygon instead of the fragments.
// remove() removes a polygon from the tree. Once a polygon is removed, the parent polygons are invalidated
// since they are no longer intact.
// constructor creates the root node:
CSG.PolygonTreeNode = function() {
this.parent = null;
this.children = [];
this.polygon = null;
this.removed = false;
CSG.PolygonTreeNode.prototype = {
// fill the tree with polygons. Should be called on the root node only; child nodes must
// always be a derivate (split) of the parent node.
addPolygons: function(polygons) {
if(!this.isRootNode()) throw new Error("Assertion failed"); // new polygons can only be added to root node; children can only be splitted polygons
var _this = this; {
// remove a node
// - the siblings become toplevel nodes
// - the parent is removed recursively
remove: function() {
if(this.isRootNode()) throw new Error("Assertion failed"); // can't remove root node
if(this.children.length) throw new Error("Assertion failed"); // we shouldn't remove nodes with children
// remove ourselves from the parent's children list:
var parentschildren = this.parent.children;
var i = parentschildren.indexOf(this);
if(i < 0) throw new Error("Assertion failed");
// invalidate the parent's polygon, and of all parents above it:
isRemoved: function() {
return this.removed;
isRootNode: function() {
return !this.parent;
// invert all polygons in the tree. Call on the root node
invert: function() {
if(!this.isRootNode()) throw new Error("Assertion failed"); // can only call this on the root node
getPolygon: function () {
if(!this.polygon) throw new Error("Assertion failed"); // doesn't have a polygon, which means that it has been broken down
return this.polygon;
getPolygons: function (result) {
// the polygon hasn't been broken yet. We can ignore the children and return our polygon:
// our polygon has been split up and broken, so gather all subpolygons from the children:
var childpolygons = []; {
}); {
// split the node by a plane; add the resulting nodes to the frontnodes and backnodes array
// If the plane doesn't intersect the polygon, the 'this' object is added to one of the arrays
// If the plane does intersect the polygon, two new child nodes are created for the front and back fragments,
// and added to both arrays.
splitByPlane: function(plane, coplanarfrontnodes, coplanarbacknodes, frontnodes, backnodes) {
var children = this.children;
var numchildren = children.length;
if(numchildren > 0)
// if we have children, split the children
for(var i = 0; i < numchildren; i++)
children[i].splitByPlane(plane, coplanarfrontnodes, coplanarbacknodes, frontnodes, backnodes);
// no children. Split the polygon:
var polygon = this.polygon;
var bound = polygon.boundingSphere();
var sphereradius = bound[1] + 1e-4;
var planenormal = plane.normal;
var spherecenter = bound[0];
var d = - plane.w;
if(d > sphereradius)
else if(d < -sphereradius)
var splitresult = plane.splitPolygon(polygon);
case 0: // coplanar front:
case 1: // coplanar back:
case 2: // front:
case 3: // back:
case 4: // spanning:
var frontnode = this.addChild(splitresult.front);
var backnode = this.addChild(splitresult.back);
// PRIVATE methods from here:
// add child to a node
// this should be called whenever the polygon is split
// a child should be created for every fragment of the split polygon
// returns the newly created child
addChild: function(polygon) {
var newchild = new CSG.PolygonTreeNode();
newchild.parent = this;
newchild.polygon = polygon;
return newchild;
invertSub: function() {
this.polygon = this.polygon.flipped();
} {
recursivelyInvalidatePolygon: function() {
this.polygon = null;
// # class Tree
// This is the root of a BSP tree
// We are using this separate class for the root of the tree, to hold the PolygonTreeNode root
// The actual tree is kept in this.rootnode
CSG.Tree = function(polygons) {
this.polygonTree = new CSG.PolygonTreeNode();
this.rootnode = new CSG.Node(null);
if (polygons) this.addPolygons(polygons);
CSG.Tree.prototype = {
invert: function() {
// Remove all polygons in this BSP tree that are inside the other BSP tree
// `tree`.
clipTo: function(tree, alsoRemovecoplanarFront) {
alsoRemovecoplanarFront = alsoRemovecoplanarFront? true:false;
this.rootnode.clipTo(tree, alsoRemovecoplanarFront);
allPolygons: function() {
var result = [];
return result;
addPolygons: function(polygons) {
var _this = this;
var polygontreenodes = {
return _this.polygonTree.addChild(p);
// # class Node
// Holds a node in a BSP tree. A BSP tree is built from a collection of polygons
// by picking a polygon to split along.
// Polygons are not stored directly in the tree, but in PolygonTreeNodes, stored in
// this.polygontreenodes. Those PolygonTreeNodes are children of the owning
// CSG.Tree.polygonTree
// This is not a leafy BSP tree since there is
// no distinction between internal and leaf nodes.
CSG.Node = function(parent) {
this.plane = null;
this.front = null;
this.back = null;
this.polygontreenodes = [];
this.parent = parent;
CSG.Node.prototype = {
// Convert solid space to empty space and empty space to solid space.
invert: function() {
if (this.plane) this.plane = this.plane.flipped();
if (this.front) this.front.invert();
if (this.back) this.back.invert();
var temp = this.front;
this.front = this.back;
this.back = temp;
// clip polygontreenodes to our plane
// calls remove() for all clipped PolygonTreeNodes
clipPolygons: function(polygontreenodes, alsoRemovecoplanarFront) {
var backnodes = [];
var frontnodes = [];
var coplanarfrontnodes = alsoRemovecoplanarFront? backnodes:frontnodes;
var plane = this.plane;
var numpolygontreenodes = polygontreenodes.length;
for(i=0; i < numpolygontreenodes; i++)
var node = polygontreenodes[i];
if(!node.isRemoved() )
node.splitByPlane(plane, coplanarfrontnodes, backnodes, frontnodes, backnodes);
if(this.front && (frontnodes.length > 0) )
this.front.clipPolygons(frontnodes, alsoRemovecoplanarFront);
var numbacknodes = backnodes.length;
if(this.back && (numbacknodes > 0) )
this.back.clipPolygons(backnodes, alsoRemovecoplanarFront);
// there's nothing behind this plane. Delete the nodes behind this plane:
for(i=0; i < numbacknodes; i++)
// Remove all polygons in this BSP tree that are inside the other BSP tree
// `tree`.
clipTo: function(tree, alsoRemovecoplanarFront) {
if(this.polygontreenodes.length > 0)
tree.rootnode.clipPolygons(this.polygontreenodes, alsoRemovecoplanarFront);
if (this.front) this.front.clipTo(tree, alsoRemovecoplanarFront);
if (this.back) this.back.clipTo(tree, alsoRemovecoplanarFront);
addPolygonTreeNodes: function(polygontreenodes) {
if(polygontreenodes.length == 0) return;
var _this = this;
var bestplane = polygontreenodes[0].getPolygon().plane;
var parentnormals = [];
this.getParentPlaneNormals(parentnormals, 6);
//parentnormals = [];
var numparentnormals = parentnormals.length;
var minmaxnormal = 1.0;{
var plane = polygontreenodes[0].getPolygon().plane;
var planenormal = plane.normal;
var maxnormaldot = -1.0;{
var dot =;
if(dot > maxnormaldot) maxnormaldot = dot;
if(maxnormaldot < minmaxnormal)
minmaxnormal = maxnormaldot;
bestplane = plane;
this.plane = bestplane;
var frontnodes = [];
var backnodes = [];{
polygontreenode.splitByPlane(_this.plane, _this.polygontreenodes, _this.polygontreenodes, frontnodes, backnodes);
if(frontnodes.length > 0)
if (!this.front) this.front = new CSG.Node(this);
if(backnodes.length > 0)
if (!this.back) this.back = new CSG.Node(this);
getParentPlaneNormals: function(normals, maxdepth) {
if(maxdepth > 0)
// # class Matrix4x4:
// Represents a 4x4 matrix. Elements are specified in row order
CSG.Matrix4x4 = function(elements) {
if (arguments.length >= 1) {
// if no arguments passed: create unity matrix
this.elements=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
CSG.Matrix4x4.prototype = {
plus: function(m) {
var r=[];
for(var i=0; i < 16; i++)
return new CSG.Matrix4x4(r);
minus: function(m) {
var r=[];
for(var i=0; i < 16; i++)
return new CSG.Matrix4x4(r);
// right multiply by another 4x4 matrix:
multiply: function(m) {
// cache elements in local variables, for speedup:
var this0=this.elements[0];
var this1=this.elements[1];
var this2=this.elements[2];
var this3=this.elements[3];
var this4=this.elements[4];
var this5=this.elements[5];
var this6=this.elements[6];
var this7=this.elements[7];
var this8=this.elements[8];
var this9=this.elements[9];
var this10=this.elements[10];
var this11=this.elements[11];
var this12=this.elements[12];
var this13=this.elements[13];
var this14=this.elements[14];
var this15=this.elements[15];
var m0=m.elements[0];
var m1=m.elements[1];
var m2=m.elements[2];
var m3=m.elements[3];
var m4=m.elements[4];
var m5=m.elements[5];
var m6=m.elements[6];
var m7=m.elements[7];
var m8=m.elements[8];
var m9=m.elements[9];
var m10=m.elements[10];
var m11=m.elements[11];
var m12=m.elements[12];
var m13=m.elements[13];
var m14=m.elements[14];
var m15=m.elements[15];
var result=[];
result[0] = this0*m0 + this1*m4 + this2*m8 + this3*m12;
result[1] = this0*m1 + this1*m5 + this2*m9 + this3*m13;
result[2] = this0*m2 + this1*m6 + this2*m10 + this3*m14;
result[3] = this0*m3 + this1*m7 + this2*m11 + this3*m15;
result[4] = this4*m0 + this5*m4 + this6*m8 + this7*m12;
result[5] = this4*m1 + this5*m5 + this6*m9 + this7*m13;
result[6] = this4*m2 + this5*m6 + this6*m10 + this7*m14;
result[7] = this4*m3 + this5*m7 + this6*m11 + this7*m15;
result[8] = this8*m0 + this9*m4 + this10*m8 + this11*m12;
result[9] = this8*m1 + this9*m5 + this10*m9 + this11*m13;
result[10] = this8*m2 + this9*m6 + this10*m10 + this11*m14;
result[11] = this8*m3 + this9*m7 + this10*m11 + this11*m15;
result[12] = this12*m0 + this13*m4 + this14*m8 + this15*m12;
result[13] = this12*m1 + this13*m5 + this14*m9 + this15*m13;
result[14] = this12*m2 + this13*m6 + this14*m10 + this15*m14;
result[15] = this12*m3 + this13*m7 + this14*m11 + this15*m15;
return new CSG.Matrix4x4(result);
clone: function() {
var elements = { return p; });
return new CSG.Matrix4x4(elements);
// Right multiply the matrix by a CSG.Vector3D (interpreted as 3 row, 1 column)
// (result = M*v)
// Fourth element is taken as 1
rightMultiply1x3Vector: function(v) {
var v0 = v._x;
var v1 = v._y;
var v2 = v._z;
var v3 = 1;
var x = v0*this.elements[0] + v1*this.elements[1] + v2*this.elements[2] + v3*this.elements[3];
var y = v0*this.elements[4] + v1*this.elements[5] + v2*this.elements[6] + v3*this.elements[7];
var z = v0*this.elements[8] + v1*this.elements[9] + v2*this.elements[10] + v3*this.elements[11];
var w = v0*this.elements[12] + v1*this.elements[13] + v2*this.elements[14] + v3*this.elements[15];
// scale such that fourth element becomes 1:
if(w != 1)
var invw=1.0/w;
x *= invw;
y *= invw;
z *= invw;
return new CSG.Vector3D(x,y,z);
// Multiply a CSG.Vector3D (interpreted as 3 column, 1 row) by this matrix
// (result = v*M)
// Fourth element is taken as 1
leftMultiply1x3Vector: function(v) {
var v0 = v._x;
var v1 = v._y;
var v2 = v._z;
var v3 = 1;
var x = v0*this.elements[0] + v1*this.elements[4] + v2*this.elements[8] + v3*this.elements[12];
var y = v0*this.elements[1] + v1*this.elements[5] + v2*this.elements[9] + v3*this.elements[13];
var z = v0*this.elements[2] + v1*this.elements[6] + v2*this.elements[10] + v3*this.elements[14];
var w = v0*this.elements[3] + v1*this.elements[7] + v2*this.elements[11] + v3*this.elements[15];
// scale such that fourth element becomes 1:
if(w != 1)
var invw=1.0/w;
x *= invw;
y *= invw;
z *= invw;
return new CSG.Vector3D(x,y,z);
// Right multiply the matrix by a CSG.Vector2D (interpreted as 2 row, 1 column)
// (result = M*v)
// Fourth element is taken as 1
rightMultiply1x2Vector: function(v) {
var v0 = v.x;
var v1 = v.y;
var v2 = 0;
var v3 = 1;
var x = v0*this.elements[0] + v1*this.elements[1] + v2*this.elements[2] + v3*this.elements[3];
var y = v0*this.elements[4] + v1*this.elements[5] + v2*this.elements[6] + v3*this.elements[7];
var z = v0*this.elements[8] + v1*this.elements[9] + v2*this.elements[10] + v3*this.elements[11];
var w = v0*this.elements[12] + v1*this.elements[13] + v2*this.elements[14] + v3*this.elements[15];
// scale such that fourth element becomes 1:
if(w != 1)
var invw=1.0/w;
x *= invw;
y *= invw;
z *= invw;
return new CSG.Vector2D(x,y);
// Multiply a CSG.Vector2D (interpreted as 2 column, 1 row) by this matrix
// (result = v*M)
// Fourth element is taken as 1
leftMultiply1x2Vector: function(v) {
var v0 = v.x;
var v1 = v.y;
var v2 = 0;
var v3 = 1;
var x = v0*this.elements[0] + v1*this.elements[4] + v2*this.elements[8] + v3*this.elements[12];
var y = v0*this.elements[1] + v1*this.elements[5] + v2*this.elements[9] + v3*this.elements[13];
var z = v0*this.elements[2] + v1*this.elements[6] + v2*this.elements[10] + v3*this.elements[14];
var w = v0*this.elements[3] + v1*this.elements[7] + v2*this.elements[11] + v3*this.elements[15];
// scale such that fourth element becomes 1:
if(w != 1)
var invw=1.0/w;
x *= invw;
y *= invw;
z *= invw;
return new CSG.Vector2D(x,y);
// return the unity matrix
CSG.Matrix4x4.unity = function() {
return new CSG.Matrix4x4();
// Create a rotation matrix for rotating around the x axis
CSG.Matrix4x4.rotationX = function(degrees) {
var radians = degrees * Math.PI * (1.0/180.0);
var cos = Math.cos(radians);
var sin = Math.sin(radians);
var els = [
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, cos, sin, 0,
0, -sin, cos, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
return new CSG.Matrix4x4(els);
// Create a rotation matrix for rotating around the y axis
CSG.Matrix4x4.rotationY = function(degrees) {
var radians = degrees * Math.PI * (1.0/180.0);
var cos = Math.cos(radians);
var sin = Math.sin(radians);
var els = [
cos, 0, -sin, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
sin, 0, cos, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
return new CSG.Matrix4x4(els);
// Create a rotation matrix for rotating around the z axis
CSG.Matrix4x4.rotationZ = function(degrees) {
var radians = degrees * Math.PI * (1.0/180.0);
var cos = Math.cos(radians);
var sin = Math.sin(radians);
var els = [
cos, sin, 0, 0,
-sin, cos, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
return new CSG.Matrix4x4(els);
// Matrix for rotation about arbitrary point and axis
CSG.Matrix4x4.rotation = function(rotationCenter, rotationAxis, degrees) {
var rotationPlane = CSG.Plane.fromNormalAndPoint(rotationAxis, rotationCenter);
var orthobasis = new CSG.OrthoNormalBasis(rotationPlane);
var transformation = CSG.Matrix4x4.translation(rotationCenter.negated());
transformation = transformation.multiply(orthobasis.getProjectionMatrix());
transformation = transformation.multiply(CSG.Matrix4x4.rotationZ(degrees));
transformation = transformation.multiply(orthobasis.getInverseProjectionMatrix());
transformation = transformation.multiply(CSG.Matrix4x4.translation(rotationCenter));
return transformation;
// Create an affine matrix for translation:
CSG.Matrix4x4.translation = function(v) {
// parse as CSG.Vector3D, so we can pass an array or a CSG.Vector3D
var vec = new CSG.Vector3D(v);
var els = [
1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
vec.x, vec.y, vec.z, 1
return new CSG.Matrix4x4(els);
// Create an affine matrix for mirroring into an arbitrary plane:
CSG.Matrix4x4.mirroring = function(plane) {
var nx = plane.normal.x;
var ny = plane.normal.y;
var nz = plane.normal.z;
var w = plane.w;
var els = [
(1.0-2.0*nx*nx), (-2.0*ny*nx), (-2.0*nz*nx), 0,
(-2.0*nx*ny), (1.0-2.0*ny*ny), (-2.0*nz*ny), 0,
(-2.0*nx*nz), (-2.0*ny*nz), (1.0-2.0*nz*nz), 0,
(-2.0*nx*w), (-2.0*ny*w), (-2.0*nz*w), 1
return new CSG.Matrix4x4(els);
// Create an affine matrix for scaling:
CSG.Matrix4x4.scaling = function(v) {
// parse as CSG.Vector3D, so we can pass an array or a CSG.Vector3D
var vec = new CSG.Vector3D(v);
var els = [
vec.x, 0, 0, 0,
0, vec.y, 0, 0,
0, 0, vec.z, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
return new CSG.Matrix4x4(els);
// # class Vector2D:
// Represents a 2 element vector
CSG.Vector2D = function(x, y) {
var ok = true;
if (arguments.length == 1)
if(typeof(x) == "object")
if(x instanceof Array)
this.x = x[0];
this.y = x[1];
else if( ('x' in x) && ('y' in x) )
this.x = x.x;
this.y = x.y;
else ok = false;
var v = Number(x);
this.x = v;
this.y = v;
else if (arguments.length == 2)
this.x = Number(x);
this.y = Number(y);
else ok = false;
throw new Error("wrong arguments");
CSG.Vector2D.fromAngle = function(radians) {
return CSG.Vector2D.fromAngleRadians(radians);
CSG.Vector2D.fromAngleDegrees = function(degrees) {
var radians = Math.PI * degrees / 180;
return CSG.Vector2D.fromAngleRadians(radians);
CSG.Vector2D.fromAngleRadians = function(radians) {
return new CSG.Vector2D(Math.cos(radians), Math.sin(radians));
CSG.Vector2D.prototype = {
// extend to a 3D vector by adding a z coordinate:
toVector3D: function(z) {
return new CSG.Vector3D(this.x, this.y, z);
equals: function(a) {
return (this.x == a.x) && (this.y == a.y);
clone: function() {
return new CSG.Vector2D(this.x, this.y);
negated: function() {
return new CSG.Vector2D(-this.x, -this.y);
plus: function(a) {
return new CSG.Vector2D(this.x + a.x, this.y + a.y);
minus: function(a) {
return new CSG.Vector2D(this.x - a.x, this.y - a.y);
times: function(a) {
return new CSG.Vector2D(this.x * a, this.y * a);
dividedBy: function(a) {
return new CSG.Vector2D(this.x / a, this.y / a);
dot: function(a) {
return this.x * a.x + this.y * a.y;
lerp: function(a, t) {
length: function() {
return Math.sqrt(;
distanceTo: function(a) {
return this.minus(a).length();
unit: function() {
return this.dividedBy(this.length());
// returns the vector rotated by 90 degrees clockwise
normal: function() {
return new CSG.Vector2D(this.y, -this.x);
// Right multiply by a 4x4 matrix (the vector is interpreted as a row vector)
// Returns a new CSG.Vector2D
multiply4x4: function(matrix4x4) {
return matrix4x4.leftMultiply1x2Vector(this);
angle: function() {
return this.angleRadians();
angleDegrees: function() {
var radians = this.angleRadians();
return 180 * radians / Math.PI;
angleRadians: function() {
// y=sin, x=cos
return Math.atan2(this.y, this.x);
// A polygon in 2D space:
CSG.Polygon2D = function(points, shared) {
var vectors = [];
if(arguments.length >= 1) { function(p) {
vectors.push(new CSG.Vector2D(p) );
this.points = vectors;
this.shared = shared;
CSG.Polygon2D.prototype = {
// Matrix transformation of polygon. Returns a new CSG.Polygon2D
transform: function(matrix4x4) {
var newpoints = { return p.multiply4x4(matrix4x4); } );
return new CSG.Polygon2D(newpoints, this.shared);
translate: function(v) {
v=new CSG.Vector2D(v);
return this.transform(CSG.Matrix4x4.translation(v.toVector3D(0)));
scale: function(f) {
f=new CSG.Vector2D(f);
return this.transform(CSG.Matrix4x4.scaling(f.toVector3D(1)));
rotate: function(deg) {
return this.transform(CSG.Matrix4x4.rotationZ(deg));
// convert into a CSG.Polygon; set z coordinate to the given value
toPolygon3D: function(z) {
var points3d=[]; function(p) {
var vec3d = p.toVector3D(z);
var polygon = CSG.Polygon.createFromPoints(points3d, this.shared);
return polygon;
// extruded=shape2d.extrude({offset: [0,0,10], twistangle: 360, twiststeps: 100});
// linear extrusion of 2D polygon, with optional twist
// The 2d polygon is placed in in z=0 plane and extruded into direction <offset> (a CSG.Vector3D)
// The final face is rotated <twistangle> degrees. Rotation is done around the origin of the 2d shape (i.e. x=0, y=0)
// twiststeps determines the resolution of the twist (should be >= 1)
// returns a CSG object
extrude: function(options) {
var offsetvector = CSG.parseOptionAs3DVector(options, "offset", [0,0,1]);
var twistangle = CSG.parseOptionAsFloat(options, "twistangle", 0);
var twiststeps = CSG.parseOptionAsInt(options, "twiststeps", 10);
if(twistangle == 0) twiststeps = 1;
if(twiststeps < 1) twiststeps = 1;
// create the polygons:
var newpolygons = [];
// bottom face polygon:
var bottomfacepolygon = this.toPolygon3D(0);
var direction =;
if(direction > 0)
bottomfacepolygon = bottomfacepolygon.flipped();
var getTwistedPolygon = function(twiststep) {
var fraction = (twiststep + 1) / twiststeps;
var rotation = twistangle * fraction;
var offset = offsetvector.times(fraction);
var transformmatrix = CSG.Matrix4x4.rotationZ(rotation).multiply( CSG.Matrix4x4.translation(offset) );
var polygon = bottomfacepolygon.transform(transformmatrix);
return polygon;
// create the side face polygons:
var numvertices = bottomfacepolygon.vertices.length;
var prevlevelpolygon = bottomfacepolygon;
for(var twiststep=0; twiststep < twiststeps; ++twiststep)
var levelpolygon = getTwistedPolygon(twiststep);
for(var i=0; i < numvertices; i++)
var sidefacepoints = [];
var nexti = (i < (numvertices-1))? i+1:0;
var sidefacepolygon=CSG.Polygon.createFromPoints(sidefacepoints, this.shared);
if(twiststep == (twiststeps -1) )
// last level; add the top face polygon:
levelpolygon = levelpolygon.flipped(); // flip so that the normal points outwards
prevlevelpolygon = levelpolygon;
return CSG.fromPolygons(newpolygons);
// # class Line2D
// Represents a directional line in 2D space
// A line is parametrized by its normal vector (perpendicular to the line, rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise)
// and w. The line passes through the point <normal>.times(w).
// normal must be a unit vector!
// Equation: p is on line if
CSG.Line2D = function(normal, w) {
this.normal = normal;
this.w = w;
CSG.Line2D.fromPoints = function(p1, p2) {
var direction = p2.minus(p1);
var normal = direction.normal().negated().unit();
var w =;
return new CSG.Line2D(normal, w);
CSG.Line2D.prototype = {
// same line but opposite direction:
inverse: function() {
return new CSG.Line2D(this.normal.negated(), -this.w);
equals: function(l) {
return (l.normal.equals(this.normal) && (l.w == this.w));
origin: function() {
return this.normal.times(this.w);
direction: function() {
return this.normal.normal();
xAtY: function(y) {
// (py == y) && (normal * p == w)
// -> px = (w - normal.y * y) / normal.x
var x = (this.w - this.normal.y * y) / this.normal.x;
return x;
absDistanceToPoint: function(point) {
var point_projected =;
var distance = Math.abs(point_projected - this.w);
return distance;
closestPoint: function(point) {
var vector =;
// # class Line3D
// Represents a line in 3D space
// direction must be a unit vector
// point is a random point on the line
CSG.Line3D = function(point, direction) {
this.point = point;
this.direction = direction;
CSG.Line3D.fromPoints = function(p1, p2) {
var direction = p2.minus(p1).unit();
return new CSG.Line3D(p1, direction);
CSG.Line3D.fromPlanes = function(p1, p2) {
var direction = p1.normal.cross(p2.normal);
var l=direction.length();
if(l < 1e-10)
throw new Error("Parallel planes");
direction = direction.times(1.0/l);
var mabsx = Math.abs(direction.x);
var mabsy = Math.abs(direction.y);
var mabsz = Math.abs(direction.z);
var origin;
if( (mabsx >= mabsy) && (mabsx >= mabsz) )
// direction vector is mostly pointing towards x
// find a point p for which x is zero:
var r = CSG.Line3D.Solve2Linear(p1.normal.y, p1.normal.z, p2.normal.y, p2.normal.z, p1.w, p2.w);
origin = new CSG.Vector3D(0, r[0], r[1]);
else if( (mabsy >= mabsx) && (mabsy >= mabsz) )
// find a point p for which y is zero:
var r = CSG.Line3D.Solve2Linear(p1.normal.x, p1.normal.z, p2.normal.x, p2.normal.z, p1.w, p2.w);
origin = new CSG.Vector3D(r[0], 0, r[1]);
// find a point p for which z is zero:
var r = CSG.Line3D.Solve2Linear(p1.normal.x, p1.normal.y, p2.normal.x, p2.normal.y, p1.w, p2.w);
origin = new CSG.Vector3D(r[0], r[1], 0);
return new CSG.Line3D(origin, direction);
// solve
// [ab][x] = [u]
// [cd][y] [v]
CSG.Line3D.Solve2Linear = function(a,b,c,d,u,v) {
var det = a*d - b*c;
var invdet = 1.0/det;
var x = u*d - b*v;
var y = -u*c + a*v;
x *= invdet;
y *= invdet;
return [x,y];
CSG.Line3D.prototype = {
intersectWithPlane: function(plane) {
// plane: plane.normal * p = plane.w
// line: p=line.point + labda * line.direction
var labda = (plane.w - /;
var point =;
return point;
clone: function(line) {
return new CSG.Line3D(this.point.clone(), this.direction.clone());
reverse: function() {
return new CSG.Line3D(this.point.clone(), this.direction.negated());
transform: function(matrix4x4) {
var newpoint = this.point.multiply4x4(matrix4x4);
var pointPlusDirection =;
var newPointPlusDirection = pointPlusDirection.multiply4x4(matrix4x4);
var newdirection = newPointPlusDirection.minus(newpoint);
return new CSG.Line3D(newpoint, newdirection);
closestPointOnLine: function(point) {
var t = point.minus(this.point).dot(this.direction) /;
var closestpoint =;
return closestpoint;
distanceToPoint: function(point) {
var closestpoint = this.closestPointOnLine(point);
var distancevector = point.minus(closestpoint);
var distance = distancevector.length();
return distance;
equals: function(line3d) {
if(!this.direction.equals(line3d.direction)) return false;
var distance = this.distanceToPoint(line3d.point);
if(distance > 1e-8) return false;
return true;
// # class OrthoNormalBasis
// Reprojects points on a 3D plane onto a 2D plane
// or from a 2D plane back onto the 3D plane
CSG.OrthoNormalBasis = function (plane) {
// choose an arbitrary right hand vector, making sure it is somewhat orthogonal to the plane normal:
var rightvector;
if(Math.abs(plane.normal.x) > Math.abs(plane.normal.y))
rightvector = new CSG.Vector3D(0, 1, 0);
rightvector = new CSG.Vector3D(1, 0, 0);
this.v = rightvector.cross(plane.normal).unit();
this.u = plane.normal.cross(this.v);
this.plane = plane;
this.planeorigin = plane.normal.times(plane.w);
CSG.OrthoNormalBasis.prototype = {
getProjectionMatrix: function() {
return new CSG.Matrix4x4([
this.u.x, this.v.x, this.plane.normal.x, 0,
this.u.y, this.v.y, this.plane.normal.y, 0,
this.u.z, this.v.z, this.plane.normal.z, 0,
0, 0, -this.plane.w, 1
getInverseProjectionMatrix: function() {
var wtimesnormal = this.plane.normal.times(this.plane.w);
return new CSG.Matrix4x4([
this.u.x, this.u.y, this.u.z, 0,
this.v.x, this.v.y, this.v.z, 0,
this.plane.normal.x, this.plane.normal.y, this.plane.normal.z, 0,
wtimesnormal.x, wtimesnormal.y, wtimesnormal.z, 1
to2D: function(vec3) {
return new CSG.Vector2D(,;
to3D: function(vec2) {
line3Dto2D: function(line3d) {
var a = line3d.point;
var b =;
var a2d = this.to2D(a);
var b2d = this.to2D(b);
return CSG.Line2D.fromPoints(a2d, b2d);
line2Dto3D: function(line2d) {
var a = line2d.origin();
var b = line2d.direction().plus(a);
var a3d = this.to3D(a);
var b3d = this.to3D(b);
return CSG.Line3D.fromPoints(a3d, b3d);
function insertSorted(array, element, comparefunc) {
var leftbound = 0;
var rightbound = array.length;
while(rightbound > leftbound)
var testindex = Math.floor( (leftbound + rightbound) / 2);
var testelement = array[testindex];
var compareresult = comparefunc(element, testelement);
if(compareresult > 0) // element > testelement
leftbound = testindex + 1;
rightbound = testindex;
// Get the x coordinate of a point with a certain y coordinate, interpolated between two
// points (CSG.Vector2D).
// Interpolation is robust even if the points have the same y coordinate
CSG.interpolateBetween2DPointsForY = function(point1, point2, y) {
var f1 = y - point1.y;
var f2 = point2.y - point1.y;
if(f2 < 0)
f1 = -f1;
f2 = -f2;
var t;
if(f1 <= 0)
t = 0.0;
else if(f1 >= f2)
t = 1.0;
else if(f2 < 1e-10)
t = 0.5;
t = f1 / f2;
var result = point1.x + t * (point2.x - point1.x);
return result;
// Retesselation function for a set of coplanar polygons. See the introduction at the top of
// this file.
CSG.reTesselateCoplanarPolygons = function(sourcepolygons, destpolygons)
var EPS = 1e-5;
var numpolygons = sourcepolygons.length;
if(numpolygons > 0)
var plane = sourcepolygons[0].plane;
var shared = sourcepolygons[0].shared;
var orthobasis = new CSG.OrthoNormalBasis(plane);
var polygonvertices2d = []; // array of array of CSG.Vector2D
var polygontopvertexindexes = []; // array of indexes of topmost vertex per polygon
var topy2polygonindexes = {};
var ycoordinatetopolygonindexes = {};
var xcoordinatebins = {};
var ycoordinatebins = {};
// convert all polygon vertices to 2D
// Make a list of all encountered y coordinates
// And build a map of all polygons that have a vertex at a certain y coordinate:
var ycoordinateBinningFactor = 1.0/EPS * 10;
for(var polygonindex=0; polygonindex < numpolygons; polygonindex++)
var poly3d = sourcepolygons[polygonindex];
var vertices2d = [];
var numvertices = poly3d.vertices.length;
var minindex = -1;
if(numvertices > 0)
var miny, maxy, maxindex;
for(var i=0; i < numvertices; i++)
var pos2d = orthobasis.to2D(poly3d.vertices[i].pos);
// perform binning of y coordinates: If we have multiple vertices very
// close to each other, give them the same y coordinate:
var ycoordinatebin = Math.floor(pos2d.y * ycoordinateBinningFactor);
if(ycoordinatebin in ycoordinatebins)
pos2d.y = ycoordinatebins[ycoordinatebin];
else if(ycoordinatebin+1 in ycoordinatebins)
pos2d.y = ycoordinatebins[ycoordinatebin+1];
else if(ycoordinatebin-1 in ycoordinatebins)
pos2d.y = ycoordinatebins[ycoordinatebin-1];
ycoordinatebins[ycoordinatebin] = pos2d.y;
var y = pos2d.y;
if( (i == 0) || (y < miny) )
miny = y;
minindex = i;
if( (i == 0) || (y > maxy) )
maxy = y;
maxindex = i;
if(! (y in ycoordinatetopolygonindexes))
ycoordinatetopolygonindexes[y] = {};
if(miny >= maxy)
// degenerate polygon, all vertices have same y coordinate. Just ignore it from now:
vertices2d = [];
if(! (miny in topy2polygonindexes))
topy2polygonindexes[miny] = [];
} // if(numvertices > 0)
var ycoordinates = [];
for(var ycoordinate in ycoordinatetopolygonindexes) ycoordinates.push(ycoordinate);
ycoordinates.sort(function(a,b) {return a-b});
// Now we will iterate over all y coordinates, from lowest to highest y coordinate
// activepolygons: source polygons that are 'active', i.e. intersect with our y coordinate
// Is sorted so the polygons are in left to right order
// Each element in activepolygons has these properties:
// polygonindex: the index of the source polygon (i.e. an index into the sourcepolygons and polygonvertices2d arrays)
// leftvertexindex: the index of the vertex at the left side of the polygon (lowest x) that is at or just above the current y coordinate
// rightvertexindex: dito at right hand side of polygon
// topleft, bottomleft: coordinates of the left side of the polygon crossing the current y coordinate
// topright, bottomright: coordinates of the right hand side of the polygon crossing the current y coordinate
var activepolygons = [];
var prevoutpolygonrow = [];
for(var yindex = 0; yindex < ycoordinates.length; yindex++)
var newoutpolygonrow = [];
var ycoordinate_as_string = ycoordinates[yindex];
var ycoordinate = Number(ycoordinate_as_string);
// update activepolygons for this y coordinate:
// - Remove any polygons that end at this y coordinate
// - update leftvertexindex and rightvertexindex (which point to the current vertex index
// at the the left and right side of the polygon
// Iterate over all polygons that have a corner at this y coordinate:
var polygonindexeswithcorner = ycoordinatetopolygonindexes[ycoordinate_as_string];
for(var activepolygonindex = 0; activepolygonindex < activepolygons.length; ++activepolygonindex)
var activepolygon = activepolygons[activepolygonindex];
var polygonindex = activepolygon.polygonindex;
// this active polygon has a corner at this y coordinate:
var vertices2d = polygonvertices2d[polygonindex];
var numvertices = vertices2d.length;
var newleftvertexindex = activepolygon.leftvertexindex;
var newrightvertexindex = activepolygon.rightvertexindex;
// See if we need to increase leftvertexindex or decrease rightvertexindex:
var nextleftvertexindex = newleftvertexindex+1;
if(nextleftvertexindex >= numvertices) nextleftvertexindex = 0;
if(vertices2d[nextleftvertexindex].y != ycoordinate) break;
newleftvertexindex = nextleftvertexindex;
var nextrightvertexindex = newrightvertexindex-1;
if(nextrightvertexindex < 0) nextrightvertexindex = numvertices-1;
if(vertices2d[nextrightvertexindex].y == ycoordinate)
newrightvertexindex = nextrightvertexindex;
if( (newleftvertexindex != activepolygon.leftvertexindex) && (newleftvertexindex == newrightvertexindex) )
// We have increased leftvertexindex or decreased rightvertexindex, and now they point to the same vertex
// This means that this is the bottom point of the polygon. We'll remove it:
activepolygons.splice(activepolygonindex, 1);
activepolygon.leftvertexindex = newleftvertexindex;
activepolygon.rightvertexindex = newrightvertexindex;
activepolygon.topleft = vertices2d[newleftvertexindex];
activepolygon.topright = vertices2d[newrightvertexindex];
var nextleftvertexindex = newleftvertexindex+1;
if(nextleftvertexindex >= numvertices) nextleftvertexindex = 0;
activepolygon.bottomleft = vertices2d[nextleftvertexindex];
var nextrightvertexindex = newrightvertexindex-1;
if(nextrightvertexindex < 0) nextrightvertexindex = numvertices-1;
activepolygon.bottomright = vertices2d[nextrightvertexindex];
} // if polygon has corner here
} // for activepolygonindex
var nextycoordinate;
if(yindex >= ycoordinates.length-1)
// last row, all polygons must be finished here:
activepolygons = [];
nextycoordinate = null;
else // yindex < ycoordinates.length-1
nextycoordinate = Number(ycoordinates[yindex+1]);
var middleycoordinate = 0.5 * (ycoordinate + nextycoordinate);
// update activepolygons by adding any polygons that start here:
var startingpolygonindexes = topy2polygonindexes[ycoordinate_as_string];
for(var polygonindex_key in startingpolygonindexes)
var polygonindex = startingpolygonindexes[polygonindex_key];
var vertices2d = polygonvertices2d[polygonindex];
var numvertices = vertices2d.length;
var topvertexindex = polygontopvertexindexes[polygonindex];
// the top of the polygon may be a horizontal line. In that case topvertexindex can point to any point on this line.
// Find the left and right topmost vertices which have the current y coordinate:
var topleftvertexindex = topvertexindex;
var i = topleftvertexindex + 1;
if(i >= numvertices) i = 0;
if(vertices2d[i].y != ycoordinate) break;
if(i == topvertexindex) break; // should not happen, but just to prevent endless loops
topleftvertexindex = i;
var toprightvertexindex = topvertexindex;
var i = toprightvertexindex - 1;
if(i < 0) i = numvertices - 1;
if(vertices2d[i].y != ycoordinate) break;
if(i == topleftvertexindex) break; // should not happen, but just to prevent endless loops
toprightvertexindex = i;
var nextleftvertexindex = topleftvertexindex+1;
if(nextleftvertexindex >= numvertices) nextleftvertexindex = 0;
var nextrightvertexindex = toprightvertexindex-1;
if(nextrightvertexindex < 0) nextrightvertexindex = numvertices-1;
var newactivepolygon = {
polygonindex: polygonindex,
leftvertexindex: topleftvertexindex,
rightvertexindex: toprightvertexindex,
topleft: vertices2d[topleftvertexindex],
topright: vertices2d[toprightvertexindex],
bottomleft: vertices2d[nextleftvertexindex],
bottomright: vertices2d[nextrightvertexindex],
insertSorted(activepolygons, newactivepolygon, function(el1, el2) {
var x1 = CSG.interpolateBetween2DPointsForY(el1.topleft, el1.bottomleft, middleycoordinate);
var x2 = CSG.interpolateBetween2DPointsForY(el2.topleft, el2.bottomleft, middleycoordinate);
if(x1 > x2) return 1;
if(x1 < x2) return -1;
return 0;
} // for(var polygonindex in startingpolygonindexes)
} // yindex < ycoordinates.length-1
//if( (yindex == ycoordinates.length-1) || (nextycoordinate - ycoordinate > EPS) )
// Now activepolygons is up to date
// Build the output polygons for the next row in newoutpolygonrow:
for(var activepolygon_key in activepolygons)
var activepolygon = activepolygons[activepolygon_key];
var polygonindex = activepolygon.polygonindex;
var vertices2d = polygonvertices2d[polygonindex];
var numvertices = vertices2d.length;
var x = CSG.interpolateBetween2DPointsForY(activepolygon.topleft, activepolygon.bottomleft, ycoordinate);
var topleft=new CSG.Vector2D(x, ycoordinate);
x = CSG.interpolateBetween2DPointsForY(activepolygon.topright, activepolygon.bottomright, ycoordinate);
var topright=new CSG.Vector2D(x, ycoordinate);
x = CSG.interpolateBetween2DPointsForY(activepolygon.topleft, activepolygon.bottomleft, nextycoordinate);
var bottomleft=new CSG.Vector2D(x, nextycoordinate);
x = CSG.interpolateBetween2DPointsForY(activepolygon.topright, activepolygon.bottomright, nextycoordinate);
var bottomright=new CSG.Vector2D(x, nextycoordinate);
var outpolygon = {
topleft: topleft,
topright: topright,
bottomleft: bottomleft,
bottomright: bottomright,
leftline: CSG.Line2D.fromPoints(topleft, bottomleft),
rightline: CSG.Line2D.fromPoints(bottomright, topright),
if(newoutpolygonrow.length > 0)
var prevoutpolygon = newoutpolygonrow[newoutpolygonrow.length - 1];
var d1 = outpolygon.topleft.distanceTo(prevoutpolygon.topright);
var d2 = outpolygon.bottomleft.distanceTo(prevoutpolygon.bottomright);
if( (d1 < EPS) && (d2 < EPS) )
// we can join this polygon with the one to the left:
outpolygon.topleft = prevoutpolygon.topleft;
outpolygon.leftline = prevoutpolygon.leftline;
outpolygon.bottomleft = prevoutpolygon.bottomleft;
newoutpolygonrow.splice(newoutpolygonrow.length - 1, 1);
} // for(activepolygon in activepolygons)
if(yindex > 0)
// try to match the new polygons against the previous row:
var prevcontinuedindexes = {};
var matchedindexes = {};
for(var i = 0; i < newoutpolygonrow.length; i++)
var thispolygon = newoutpolygonrow[i];
for(var ii = 0; ii < prevoutpolygonrow.length; ii++)
if(!matchedindexes[ii]) // not already processed?
// We have a match if the sidelines are equal or if the top coordinates
// are on the sidelines of the previous polygon
var prevpolygon = prevoutpolygonrow[ii];
if(prevpolygon.bottomleft.distanceTo(thispolygon.topleft) < EPS)
if(prevpolygon.bottomright.distanceTo(thispolygon.topright) < EPS)
// Yes, the top of this polygon matches the bottom of the previous:
matchedindexes[ii] = true;
// Now check if the joined polygon would remain convex:
var d1 = thispolygon.leftline.direction().x - prevpolygon.leftline.direction().x;
var d2 = thispolygon.rightline.direction().x - prevpolygon.rightline.direction().x;
var leftlinecontinues = Math.abs(d1) < EPS;
var rightlinecontinues = Math.abs(d2) < EPS;
var leftlineisconvex = leftlinecontinues || (d1 >= 0);
var rightlineisconvex = rightlinecontinues || (d2 >= 0);
if(leftlineisconvex && rightlineisconvex)
// yes, both sides have convex corners:
// This polygon will continue the previous polygon
thispolygon.outpolygon = prevpolygon.outpolygon;
thispolygon.leftlinecontinues = leftlinecontinues;
thispolygon.rightlinecontinues = rightlinecontinues;
prevcontinuedindexes[ii] = true;
} // if(!prevcontinuedindexes[ii])
} // for ii
} // for i
for(var ii = 0; ii < prevoutpolygonrow.length; ii++)
// polygon ends here
// Finish the polygon with the last point(s):
var prevpolygon = prevoutpolygonrow[ii];
if(prevpolygon.bottomright.distanceTo(prevpolygon.bottomleft) > EPS)
// polygon ends with a horizontal line:
// reverse the right half so we get a counterclockwise circle:
var points2d = prevpolygon.outpolygon.leftpoints.concat(prevpolygon.outpolygon.rightpoints);
var vertices3d = []; {
var point3d = orthobasis.to3D(point2d);
var vertex3d = new CSG.Vertex(point3d);
var polygon = new CSG.Polygon(vertices3d, shared, plane);
} // if(yindex > 0)
for(var i = 0; i < newoutpolygonrow.length; i++)
var thispolygon = newoutpolygonrow[i];
// polygon starts here:
thispolygon.outpolygon = {
leftpoints: [],
rightpoints: [],
if(thispolygon.topleft.distanceTo(thispolygon.topright) > EPS)
// we have a horizontal line at the top:
// continuation of a previous row
if(! thispolygon.leftlinecontinues )
if(! thispolygon.rightlinecontinues )
prevoutpolygonrow = newoutpolygonrow;
} // for yindex
} // if(numpolygons > 0)
// ## class fuzzyFactory
// This class acts as a factory for objects. We can search for an object with approximately
// the desired properties (say a rectangle with width 2 and height 1)
// The lookupOrCreate() method looks for an existing object (for example it may find an existing rectangle
// with width 2.0001 and height 0.999. If no object is found, the user supplied callback is
// called, which should generate a new object. The new object is inserted into the database
// so it can be found by future lookupOrCreate() calls.
// Constructor:
// numdimensions: the number of parameters for each object
// for example for a 2D rectangle this would be 2
// tolerance: The maximum difference for each parameter allowed to be considered a match
CSG.fuzzyFactory = function(numdimensions, tolerance) {
var lookuptable = [];
for(var i=0; i < numdimensions; i++)
this.lookuptable = lookuptable;
this.nextElementId = 1;
this.multiplier = 1.0 / tolerance;
this.objectTable = {};
CSG.fuzzyFactory.prototype = {
// var obj = f.lookupOrCreate([el1, el2, el3], function(elements) {/* create the new object */});
// Performs a fuzzy lookup of the object with the specified elements.
// If found, returns the existing object
// If not found, calls the supplied callback function which should create a new object with
// the specified properties. This object is inserted in the lookup database.
lookupOrCreate: function(els, creatorCallback) {
var object;
var key = this.lookupKey(els);
if(key === null)
object = creatorCallback(els);
key = this.nextElementId++;
this.objectTable[key] = object;
for(var dimension = 0; dimension < els.length; dimension++)
var elementLookupTable = this.lookuptable[dimension];
var value = els[dimension];
var valueMultiplied = value * this.multiplier;
var valueQuantized1 = Math.floor(valueMultiplied);
var valueQuantized2 = Math.ceil(valueMultiplied);
CSG.fuzzyFactory.insertKey(key, elementLookupTable, valueQuantized1);
CSG.fuzzyFactory.insertKey(key, elementLookupTable, valueQuantized2);
object = this.objectTable[key];
return object;
// ----------- PRIVATE METHODS:
lookupKey: function(els) {
var keyset = {};
for(var dimension=0; dimension < els.length; dimension++)
var elementLookupTable = this.lookuptable[dimension];
var value = els[dimension];
var valueQuantized = Math.round(value * this.multiplier);
valueQuantized += "";
if(valueQuantized in elementLookupTable)
if(dimension == 0)
keyset = elementLookupTable[valueQuantized];
keyset = CSG.fuzzyFactory.intersectSets(keyset, elementLookupTable[valueQuantized]);
return null;
if(CSG.fuzzyFactory.isEmptySet(keyset)) return null;
// return first matching key:
for(var key in keyset) return key;
return null;
lookupKeySetForDimension: function(dimension, value) {
var result;
var elementLookupTable = this.lookuptable[dimension];
var valueMultiplied = value * this.multiplier;
var valueQuantized = Math.floor(value * this.multiplier);
if(valueQuantized in elementLookupTable)
result = elementLookupTable[valueQuantized];
result = {};
return result;
CSG.fuzzyFactory.insertKey = function(key, lookuptable, quantizedvalue) {
if(quantizedvalue in lookuptable)
lookuptable[quantizedvalue][key] = true;
var newset = {};
newset[key] = true;
lookuptable[quantizedvalue] = newset;
CSG.fuzzyFactory.isEmptySet = function(obj) {
for(var key in obj) return false;
return true;
CSG.fuzzyFactory.intersectSets = function(set1, set2) {
var result = {};
for(var key in set1)
if(key in set2)
result[key] = true;
return result;
CSG.fuzzyFactory.joinSets = function(set1, set2) {
var result = {};
for(var key in set1)
result[key] = true;
for(var key in set2)
result[key] = true;
return result;
CSG.fuzzyCSGFactory = function() {
this.vertexfactory = new CSG.fuzzyFactory(3, 1e-5);
this.planefactory = new CSG.fuzzyFactory(4, 1e-5);
this.polygonsharedfactory = {};
CSG.fuzzyCSGFactory.prototype = {
getPolygonShared: function(sourceshared) {
var hash = sourceshared.getHash();
if(hash in this.polygonsharedfactory)
return this.polygonsharedfactory[hash];
this.polygonsharedfactory[hash] = sourceshared;
return sourceshared;
getVertex: function(sourcevertex) {
var elements = [sourcevertex.pos._x, sourcevertex.pos._y, sourcevertex.pos._z];
var result = this.vertexfactory.lookupOrCreate(elements, function(els) {
return sourcevertex;
return result;
getPlane: function(sourceplane) {
var elements = [sourceplane.normal._x, sourceplane.normal._y, sourceplane.normal._z, sourceplane.w];
var result = this.planefactory.lookupOrCreate(elements, function(els) {
return sourceplane;
return result;
getPolygon: function(sourcepolygon) {
var newplane = this.getPlane(sourcepolygon.plane);
var newshared = this.getPolygonShared(sourcepolygon.shared);
var _this = this;
var newvertices = {
return _this.getVertex(vertex);
return new CSG.Polygon(newvertices, newshared, newplane);
getCSG: function(sourcecsg) {
var _this = this;
var newpolygons = {
return _this.getPolygon(polygon);
return CSG.fromPolygons(newpolygons);
// Tag factory: we can request a unique tag through CSG.getTag()
CSG.staticTag = 1;
CSG.getTag = function () {
return CSG.staticTag++;
// # Class Properties
// This class is used to store properties of a solid
// A property can for example be a CSG.Vertex, a CSG.Plane or a CSG.Line3D
// Whenever an affine transform is applied to the CSG solid, all its properties are
// transformed as well.
// The properties can be stored in a complex nested structure (using arrays and objects)
CSG.Properties = function() {
CSG.Properties.prototype = {
_transform: function(matrix4x4) {
var result = new CSG.Properties();
CSG.Properties.transformObj(this, result, matrix4x4);
return result;
_merge: function(otherproperties) {
var result = new CSG.Properties();
CSG.Properties.cloneObj(this, result);
CSG.Properties.addFrom(result, otherproperties);
return result;
CSG.Properties.transformObj = function(source, result, matrix4x4)
for(var propertyname in source)
if(propertyname == "_transform") continue;
if(propertyname == "_merge") continue;
var propertyvalue = source[propertyname];
var transformed = propertyvalue;
if(typeof(propertyvalue) == "object")
if( ('transform' in propertyvalue) && (typeof(propertyvalue.transform) == "function") )
transformed = propertyvalue.transform(matrix4x4);
else if(propertyvalue instanceof Array)
transformed = [];
CSG.Properties.transformObj(propertyvalue, transformed, matrix4x4);
else if(propertyvalue instanceof CSG.Properties)
transformed = new CSG.Properties();
CSG.Properties.transformObj(propertyvalue, transformed, matrix4x4);
result[propertyname] = transformed;
CSG.Properties.cloneObj = function(source, result)
for(var propertyname in source)
if(propertyname == "_transform") continue;
if(propertyname == "_merge") continue;
var propertyvalue = source[propertyname];
var cloned = propertyvalue;
if(typeof(propertyvalue) == "object")
if(propertyvalue instanceof Array)
cloned = [];
for(var i=0; i < propertyvalue.length; i++)
else if(propertyvalue instanceof CSG.Properties)
cloned = new CSG.Properties();
CSG.Properties.cloneObj(propertyvalue, cloned);
result[propertyname] = cloned;
CSG.Properties.addFrom = function(result, otherproperties)
for(var propertyname in otherproperties)
if(propertyname == "_transform") continue;
if(propertyname == "_merge") continue;
if( (propertyname in result)
&& (typeof(result[propertyname]) == "object")
&& (result[propertyname] instanceof CSG.Properties)
&& (typeof(otherproperties[propertyname]) == "object")
&& (otherproperties[propertyname] instanceof CSG.Properties) )
CSG.Properties.addFrom(result[propertyname], otherproperties[propertyname]);
else if(!(propertyname in result))
result[propertyname] = otherproperties[propertyname];
// # class Connector
// A connector allows to attach two objects at predefined positions
// For example a servo motor and a servo horn:
// Both can have a Connector called 'shaft'
// The horn can be moved and rotated such that the two connectors match
// and the horn is attached to the servo motor at the proper position.
// Connectors are stored in the properties of a CSG solid so they are
// ge the same transformations applied as the solid
CSG.Connector = function(point, axisvector, normalvector) {
this.point = new CSG.Vector3D(point);
this.axisvector = new CSG.Vector3D(axisvector);
this.normalvector = new CSG.Vector3D(normalvector);
CSG.Connector.prototype = {
normalized: function() {
var axisvector = this.axisvector.unit();
// make the normal vector truly normal:
var n = this.normalvector.cross(axisvector).unit();
var normalvector = axisvector.cross(n);
return new CSG.Connector(this.point, axisvector, normalvector);
transform: function(matrix4x4) {
var point = this.point.multiply4x4(matrix4x4);
var axisvector =;
var normalvector =;
return new CSG.Connector(point, axisvector, normalvector);
// Get the transformation matrix to connect this Connector to another connector
// other: a CSG.Connector to which this connector should be connected
// mirror: false: the 'axis' vectors of the connectors should point in the same direction
// true: the 'axis' vectors of the connectors should point in opposite direction
// normalrotation: degrees of rotation between the 'normal' vectors of the two
// connectors
getTransformationTo: function(other, mirror, normalrotation) {
mirror = mirror? true:false;
normalrotation = normalrotation? Number(normalrotation):0;
var us = this.normalized();
other = other.normalized();
// shift to the origin:
var transformation = CSG.Matrix4x4.translation(this.point.negated());
// construct the plane crossing through the origin and the two axes:
var axesplane = CSG.Plane.anyPlaneFromVector3Ds(
new CSG.Vector3D(0,0,0),
var axesbasis = new CSG.OrthoNormalBasis(axesplane);
var angle1 = axesbasis.to2D(us.axisvector).angle();
var angle2 = axesbasis.to2D(other.axisvector).angle();
var rotation = 180.0 * (angle2 - angle1) / Math.PI;
if(mirror) rotation += 180.0;
transformation = transformation.multiply(axesbasis.getProjectionMatrix());
transformation = transformation.multiply(CSG.Matrix4x4.rotationZ(rotation));
transformation = transformation.multiply(axesbasis.getInverseProjectionMatrix());
var usAxesAligned = us.transform(transformation);
// Now we have done the transformation for aligning the axes.
// We still need to align the normals:
var normalsplane = CSG.Plane.fromNormalAndPoint(other.axisvector, new CSG.Vector3D(0,0,0));
var normalsbasis = new CSG.OrthoNormalBasis(normalsplane);
angle1 = normalsbasis.to2D(usAxesAligned.normalvector).angle();
angle2 = normalsbasis.to2D(other.normalvector).angle();
rotation = 180.0 * (angle2 - angle1) / Math.PI;
rotation += normalrotation;
transformation = transformation.multiply(normalsbasis.getProjectionMatrix());
transformation = transformation.multiply(CSG.Matrix4x4.rotationZ(rotation));
transformation = transformation.multiply(normalsbasis.getInverseProjectionMatrix());
// and translate to the destination point:
transformation = transformation.multiply(CSG.Matrix4x4.translation(other.point));
var usAligned = us.transform(transformation);
return transformation;
axisLine: function() {
return new CSG.Line3D(this.point, this.axisvector);
// # Class Path2D
CSG.Path2D = function(points, closed) {
closed = !!closed;
points = points || [];
// re-parse the points into CSG.Vector2D
// and remove any duplicate points
var prevpoint = null;
if(closed && (points.length > 0))
prevpoint = new CSG.Vector2D(points[points.length-1]);
var newpoints = []; {
point = new CSG.Vector2D(point);
var skip = false;
if(prevpoint !== null)
var distance = point.distanceTo(prevpoint);
skip = distance < 1e-5;
if(!skip) newpoints.push(point);
prevpoint = point;
this.points = newpoints;
this.closed = closed;
Construct a (part of a) circle. Parameters: the center point of the arc (CSG.Vector2D or array [x,y])
options.radius: the circle radius (float)
options.startangle: the starting angle of the arc, in degrees
0 degrees corresponds to [1,0]
90 degrees to [0,1]
and so on
options.endangle: the ending angle of the arc, in degrees
options.resolution: number of points per 360 degree of rotation
options.maketangent: adds two extra tiny line segments at both ends of the circle
this ensures that the gradients at the edges are tangent to the circle
Returns a CSG.Path2D. The path is not closed (even if it is a 360 degree arc).
close() the resultin path if you want to create a true circle.
CSG.Path2D.arc = function(options) {
var center = CSG.parseOptionAs2DVector(options, "center", 0);
var radius = CSG.parseOptionAsFloat(options, "radius", 1);
var startangle = CSG.parseOptionAsFloat(options, "startangle", 0);
var endangle = CSG.parseOptionAsFloat(options, "endangle", 360);
var resolution = CSG.parseOptionAsFloat(options, "resolution", 16);
var maketangent =CSG.parseOptionAsBool(options, "maketangent", false);
// no need to make multiple turns:
while(endangle - startangle >= 720)
endangle -= 360;
while(endangle - startangle <= -720)
endangle += 360;
var points = [];
var absangledif = Math.abs(endangle-startangle);
if(absangledif < 1e-5)
var point = CSG.Vector2D.fromAngle(startangle / 180.0 * Math.PI).times(radius);
var numsteps = Math.floor(resolution * absangledif / 360) + 1;
var edgestepsize = numsteps * 0.5 / absangledif; // step size for half a degree
if(edgestepsize > 0.25) edgestepsize = 0.25;
var numsteps_mod = maketangent? (numsteps+2):numsteps;
for(var i = 0; i <= numsteps_mod; i++)
var step = i;
step = (i-1)*(numsteps-2*edgestepsize)/numsteps+edgestepsize;
if(step < 0) step = 0;
if(step > numsteps) step = numsteps;
var angle = startangle + step * (endangle - startangle) / numsteps;
var point = CSG.Vector2D.fromAngle(angle / 180.0 * Math.PI).times(radius);
return new CSG.Path2D(points, false);
CSG.Path2D.prototype = {
concat: function(otherpath) {
if(this.closed || otherpath.closed)
throw new Error("Paths must not be closed");
var newpoints = this.points.concat(otherpath.points);
return new CSG.Path2D(newpoints);
appendPoint: function(point) {
throw new Error("Paths must not be closed");
var newpoints = this.points.concat([point]);
return new CSG.Path2D(newpoints);
close: function() {
return new CSG.Path2D(this.points, true);
// Extrude the path by following it with a rectangle (upright, perpendicular to the path direction)
// Returns a CSG solid
// width: width of the extrusion, in the z=0 plane
// height: height of the extrusion in the z direction
// resolution: number of segments per 360 degrees for the curve in a corner
// roundEnds: if true, the ends of the polygon will be rounded, otherwise they will be flat
rectangularExtrude: function(width, height, resolution, roundEnds) {
var polygon2ds = this.toPolygon2Ds(width/2, resolution, roundEnds);
var result = new CSG();
var offsetvector = [0, 0, height]; {
var csg = polygon.extrude({offset: offsetvector});
result = result.unionSub(csg, false, false);
result = result.reTesselated().canonicalized();
return result;
// expand the path (which is just a line with no width) to a 2D shape with a certain path width
// Returns an array of CSG.Polygon2D. Note that those polygons may overlap.
// pathradius: radius of the path, i.e. half of the diameter of the path
// resolution: number of segments per 360 degrees for the curve in a corner
// roundEnds: if true, the ends of the polygon will be rounded, otherwise they will be flat
toPolygon2Ds: function(pathradius, resolution, roundEnds) {
resolution = resolution || 16;
roundEnds = !!roundEnds;
if(this.closed) roundEnds = false; // a closed curve has no ends
if(resolution < 4) resolution = 4;
var polygons = [];
if(this.points.length >= 1)
for(var i = 0; i < this.points.length; i++)
var previ = i-1;
if(previ < 0)
previ += this.points.length;
if(this.points.length >= 2)
previ = i+1;
previ = i;
var prevpoint = this.points[previ];
var point = this.points[i];
var direction;
if(this.points.length >= 2)
direction = point.minus(prevpoint).unit();
direction = new CSG.Vector2D(1,0); // arbitrary
var normal = direction.normal().times(pathradius);
if(this.points.length >= 2)
if( (this.closed) || (i > 0) )
var segpoints = [
var polygon = new CSG.Polygon2D(segpoints, null);
// make the curved parts between segments and optionally the rounded end:
if(roundEnds || this.closed || ((i > 0)&&(i+1 < this.points.length)))
var nexti = i+1;
if(nexti >= this.points.length)
nexti = 0;
// at the end: go backwards, this will create a rounded end
if(this.points.length >= 2)
nexti = i-1;
nexti = i;
var nextpoint = this.points[nexti];
var nextdirection;
if(this.points.length >= 2)
nextdirection = nextpoint.minus(point).unit();
nextdirection = new CSG.Vector2D(1,0); // arbitrary
var nextnormal = nextdirection.normal().times(pathradius);
var directionangle = direction.angleDegrees();
var nextangle = nextdirection.angleDegrees();
if(nextangle > directionangle+180)
nextangle -= 360;
else if(nextangle <= directionangle-180)
nextangle += 360;
if(this.points.length == 1)
nextangle += 360;
var diffangle = nextangle - directionangle;
var absdiffangle = Math.abs(diffangle);
if(absdiffangle > 1e-5)
var numsteps = Math.floor(resolution * absdiffangle / 360) + 1;
var prevcornerpoint = null;
for(var step = 0; step <= numsteps; step++)
var angle = directionangle + step*diffangle/numsteps;
if(diffangle > 0)
angle -= 90;
angle += 90;
var cornerpoint;
if(step == 0)
// first point of curve. To prevent rounding errors, use the exact point
if(diffangle > 0)
cornerpoint = normal;
cornerpoint = normal.negated();
else if(step == numsteps)
// last point of curve. To prevent rounding errors, use the exact point
if(diffangle > 0)
cornerpoint = nextnormal;
cornerpoint = nextnormal.negated();
cornerpoint = CSG.Vector2D.fromAngleDegrees(angle).times(pathradius);
cornerpoint =;
if(step > 0)
var polygon = new CSG.Polygon2D([point, prevcornerpoint, cornerpoint], null);
prevcornerpoint = cornerpoint;
} // for step
} // if(absdiffangle > 1e-5)
} // if( (i+1 < this.points.length) || roundEnds || this.closed)
} // for i
return polygons;
transform: function(matrix4x4) {
var newpoints = {
return point.multiply4x4(matrix4x4);
return new CSG.Path2D(newpoints, this.closed);