OpenJsCad parser

Please note: OpenJsCad currently only runs reliably on Google Chrome!

Drop your .jscad file here


Create a new file in your favorite text editor. To get started enter the following text:
var cube = CSG.roundedCube({radius: 10, roundradius: 2, resolution: 16});
var sphere = CSG.sphere({radius: 10, resolution: 16}).translate([5, 5, 5]);
return cube.union(sphere);
Save this to a file on your desktop with .jscad extension. Then drag & drop the file from your desktop to the box above (marked with 'drop your .jscad file here).

The 3d model should now appear. You can continue to make changes to your .jscad file. Just press Reload to parse the changes, you do not need to drag & drop the file again.

When finished press Get STL to generate the STL file. Copy & paste the STL text to a file with .stl extension.

For more information about OpenJsCad see the introduction.