OpenJsCad = function() { }; OpenJsCad.log = function(txt) { var timeInMs =; var prevtime = OpenJsCad.log.prevLogTime; if(!prevtime) prevtime = timeInMs; var deltatime = timeInMs - prevtime; OpenJsCad.log.prevLogTime = timeInMs; var timefmt = (deltatime*0.001).toFixed(3); txt = "["+timefmt+"] "+txt; if( (typeof(console) == "object") && (typeof(console.log) == "function") ) { console.log(txt); } else if( (typeof(self) == "object") && (typeof(self.postMessage) == "function") ) { self.postMessage({cmd: 'log', txt: txt}); } else throw new Error("Cannot log"); }; // A viewer is a WebGL canvas that lets the user view a mesh. The user can // tumble it around by dragging the mouse. OpenJsCad.Viewer = function(containerelement, width, height, initialdepth) { var gl = GL.create(); = gl; this.angleX = 0; this.angleY = 0; this.viewpointX = 0; this.viewpointY = 0; this.viewpointZ = initialdepth; // Draw triangle lines: this.drawLines = false; // Set to true so lines don't use the depth buffer this.lineOverlay = false; // Set up the viewport gl.canvas.width = width; gl.canvas.height = height; gl.viewport(0, 0, width, height); gl.matrixMode(gl.PROJECTION); gl.loadIdentity(); gl.perspective(45, width / height, 0.5, 1000); gl.matrixMode(gl.MODELVIEW); // Set up WebGL state gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); gl.clearColor(0.93, 0.93, 0.93, 1); gl.enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST); gl.enable(gl.CULL_FACE); gl.polygonOffset(1, 1); // Black shader for wireframe this.blackShader = new GL.Shader('\ void main() {\ gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;\ }\ ', '\ void main() {\ gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1);\ }\ '); // Shader with diffuse and specular lighting this.lightingShader = new GL.Shader('\ varying vec3 color;\ varying vec3 normal;\ varying vec3 light;\ void main() {\ const vec3 lightDir = vec3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) / 3.741657386773941;\ light = lightDir;\ color = gl_Color.rgb;\ normal = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal;\ gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;\ }\ ', '\ varying vec3 color;\ varying vec3 normal;\ varying vec3 light;\ void main() {\ vec3 n = normalize(normal);\ float diffuse = max(0.0, dot(light, n));\ float specular = pow(max(0.0, -reflect(light, n).z), 10.0) * sqrt(diffuse);\ gl_FragColor = vec4(mix(color * (0.3 + 0.7 * diffuse), vec3(1.0), specular), 1.0);\ }\ '); containerelement.appendChild(gl.canvas); var _this=this; gl.onmousemove = function(e) { _this.onMouseMove(e); }; gl.onmousewheel = function(e) { _this.onMouseWheel(e); } gl.ondraw = function() { _this.onDraw(); }; this.clear(); }; OpenJsCad.Viewer.prototype = { setCsg: function(csg) { this.mesh = OpenJsCad.Viewer.csgToMesh(csg); this.onDraw(); }, clear: function() { // empty mesh: this.mesh = new GL.Mesh(); this.onDraw(); }, supported: function() { return !!; }, onMouseWheel: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); console.log( 'mousewheel', e); var factor = 1e-2; this.viewpointZ *= Math.pow(2,factor * e.wheelDeltaY); this.onDraw(); return false; }, onMouseMove: function(e) { if (e.dragging) { e.preventDefault(); if(e.altKey||e.ctrlKey||e.metaKey) { var factor = 1e-2; this.viewpointZ *= Math.pow(2,factor * e.deltaY); } else if(e.shiftKey) { var factor = 5e-3; this.viewpointX += factor * e.deltaX * this.viewpointZ; this.viewpointY -= factor * e.deltaY * this.viewpointZ; } else { this.angleY += e.deltaX * 2; this.angleX += e.deltaY * 2; this.angleX = Math.max(-90, Math.min(90, this.angleX)); } this.onDraw(); } }, onDraw: function(e) { var gl =; gl.makeCurrent(); gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); gl.loadIdentity(); gl.translate(this.viewpointX, this.viewpointY, -this.viewpointZ); gl.rotate(this.angleX, 1, 0, 0); gl.rotate(this.angleY, 0, 1, 0); if (!this.lineOverlay) gl.enable(gl.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); this.lightingShader.draw(this.mesh, gl.TRIANGLES); if (!this.lineOverlay) gl.disable(gl.POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); if(this.drawLines) { if (this.lineOverlay) gl.disable(gl.DEPTH_TEST); gl.enable(gl.BLEND); this.blackShader.draw(this.mesh, gl.LINES); gl.disable(gl.BLEND); if (this.lineOverlay) gl.enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST); } }, } // Convert from CSG solid to GL.Mesh object OpenJsCad.Viewer.csgToMesh = function(csg) { var csg = csg.canonicalized(); var mesh = new GL.Mesh({ normals: true, colors: true }); var vertexTag2Index = {}; var vertices = []; var colors = []; var triangles = []; // set to true if we want to use interpolated vertex normals // this creates nice round spheres but does not represent the shape of // the actual model var smoothlighting = false; var polygons = csg.toPolygons(); var numpolygons = polygons.length; for(var polygonindex = 0; polygonindex < numpolygons; polygonindex++) { var polygon = polygons[polygonindex]; var color = [0,0,1]; if(polygon.shared && polygon.shared.color) { color = polygon.shared.color; } var indices = { var vertextag = vertex.getTag(); var vertexindex; if(smoothlighting && (vertextag in vertexTag2Index)) { vertexindex = vertexTag2Index[vertextag]; } else { vertexindex = vertices.length; vertexTag2Index[vertextag] = vertexindex; vertices.push([vertex.pos.x, vertex.pos.y, vertex.pos.z]); colors.push(color); } return vertexindex; }); for (var i = 2; i < indices.length; i++) { triangles.push([indices[0], indices[i - 1], indices[i]]); } } mesh.triangles = triangles; mesh.vertices = vertices; mesh.colors = colors; mesh.computeWireframe(); mesh.computeNormals(); return mesh; }; // this is a bit of a hack; doesn't properly supports urls that start with '/' // but does handle relative urls containing ../ OpenJsCad.makeAbsoluteUrl = function(url, baseurl) { if(!url.match(/^[a-z]+\:/i)) { var basecomps = baseurl.split("/"); if(basecomps.length > 0) { basecomps.splice(basecomps.length - 1, 1); } var urlcomps = url.split("/"); var comps = basecomps.concat(urlcomps); var comps2 = []; { if(c == "..") { if(comps2.length > 0) { comps2.splice(comps2.length - 1, 1); } } else { comps2.push(c); } }); url = ""; for(var i = 0; i < comps2.length; i++) { if(i > 0) url += "/"; url += comps2[i]; } } return url; }; OpenJsCad.isChrome = function() { return ("Chrome") >= 0); }; // This is called from within the web worker. Execute the main() function of the supplied script // and post a message to the calling thread when finished OpenJsCad.runMainInWorker = function(mainParameters) { try { if(typeof(main) != 'function') throw new Error('Your jscad file should contain a function main() which returns a CSG solid.'); OpenJsCad.log.prevLogTime =; var csg = main(mainParameters); if( (typeof(csg) != "object") || (!(csg instanceof CSG)) ) { throw new Error("Your main() function should return a CSG solid."); } var csg_bin = csg.toCompactBinary(); csg = null; // not needed anymore self.postMessage({cmd: 'rendered', csg: csg_bin}); } catch(e) { var errtxt = e.stack; if(!errtxt) { errtxt = e.toString(); } self.postMessage({cmd: 'error', err: errtxt}); } }; OpenJsCad.javaScriptToSolidSync = function(script, mainParameters, debugging) { var workerscript = ""; workerscript += script; if(debugging) { workerscript += "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; workerscript += "OpenJsCad debugging\n\nAssuming you are running Chrome:\nF10 steps over an instruction\nF11 steps into an instruction\n"; workerscript += "F8 continues running\nPress the (||) button at the bottom to enable pausing whenever an error occurs\n"; workerscript += "Click on a line number to set or clear a breakpoint\n"; workerscript += "For more information see:\n\n"; workerscript += "------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n"; workerscript += "\n\n// Now press F11 twice to enter your main() function:\n\n"; workerscript += "debugger;\n"; } workerscript += "return main("+JSON.stringify(mainParameters)+");"; var f = new Function(workerscript); OpenJsCad.log.prevLogTime =; var csg = f(); return csg; }; // callback: should be function(error, csg) OpenJsCad.javaScriptToSolidASync = function(script, mainParameters, callback) { var baselibraries = [ "csg.js", "openjscad.js" ]; var baseurl = document.location + ''; var base = document.getElementsByTagName('base'); if( base) { base = base.getAttribute('href'); if( base) baseurl = OpenJsCad.makeAbsoluteUrl(baseurl, base); } var workerscript = ""; workerscript += script; workerscript += "\n\n\n\n//// The following code is added by OpenJsCad:\n"; workerscript += "var _csg_libraries=" + JSON.stringify(baselibraries)+";\n"; workerscript += "var _csg_baseurl=" + JSON.stringify(baseurl)+";\n"; workerscript += "var _csg_makeAbsoluteURL=" + OpenJsCad.makeAbsoluteUrl.toString()+";\n"; // workerscript += "if(typeof(libs) == 'function') _csg_libraries = _csg_libraries.concat(libs());\n"; workerscript += "_csg_libraries ={return _csg_makeAbsoluteURL(l,_csg_baseurl);});\n"; workerscript += "{importScripts(l)});\n"; workerscript += "self.addEventListener('message', function(e) {if( && == 'render'){"; workerscript += " OpenJsCad.runMainInWorker("+JSON.stringify(mainParameters)+");"; // workerscript += " if(typeof(main) != 'function') throw new Error('Your jscad file should contain a function main() which returns a CSG solid.');\n"; // workerscript += " var csg; try {csg = main("+JSON.stringify(mainParameters)+"); self.postMessage({cmd: 'rendered', csg: csg});}"; // workerscript += " catch(e) {var errtxt = e.stack; self.postMessage({cmd: 'error', err: errtxt});}"; workerscript += "}},false);\n"; var blobURL = OpenJsCad.textToBlobUrl(workerscript); if(!window.Worker) throw new Error("Your browser doesn't support Web Workers. Please try the Chrome browser instead."); var worker = new Worker(blobURL); worker.onmessage = function(e) { if( { if( == 'rendered') { //var csg = CSG.fromObject(; var csg = CSG.fromCompactBinary(; callback(null, csg); } else if( == "error") { // var errtxt = "Error in line "": "; callback(, null); } else if( == "log") { console.log(; } } }; worker.onerror = function(e) { var errtxt = "Error in line "+e.lineno+": "+e.message; callback(errtxt, null); }; worker.postMessage({ cmd: "render" }); // Start the worker. return worker; }; OpenJsCad.textToBlobUrl = function(txt) { var bb; if(window.BlobBuilder) bb = new window.BlobBuilder() else if(window.WebKitBlobBuilder) bb = new window.WebKitBlobBuilder() else if(window.MozBlobBuilder) bb = new window.MozBlobBuilder() else throw new Error("Your browser doesn't support BlobBuilder"); bb.append(txt); var blob = bb.getBlob(); var blobURL; if(window.URL) blobURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob) else if(window.webkitURL) blobURL = window.webkitURL.createObjectURL(blob) else throw new Error("Your browser doesn't support window.URL"); if(!blobURL) throw new Error("createObjectURL() failed"); return blobURL; }; OpenJsCad.revokeBlobUrl = function(url) { if(window.URL) window.URL.revokeObjectURL(url) else if(window.webkitURL) window.webkitURL.revokeObjectURL(url) else throw new Error("Your browser doesn't support window.URL"); }; OpenJsCad.FileSystemApiErrorHandler = function(fileError, operation) { var errormap = { 1: 'NOT_FOUND_ERR', 2: 'SECURITY_ERR', 3: 'ABORT_ERR', 4: 'NOT_READABLE_ERR', 5: 'ENCODING_ERR', 6: 'NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR', 7: 'INVALID_STATE_ERR', 8: 'SYNTAX_ERR', 9: 'INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR', 10: 'QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR', 11: 'TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR', 12: 'PATH_EXISTS_ERR', }; var errname; if(fileError.code in errormap) { errname = errormap[fileError.code]; } else { errname = "Error #"+fileError.code; } var errtxt = "FileSystem API error: "+operation+" returned error "+errname; throw new Error(errtxt); }; OpenJsCad.AlertUserOfUncaughtExceptions = function() { window.onerror = function(message, url, line) { message = message.replace(/^Uncaught /i, ""); alert(message+"\n\n("+url+" line "+line+")"); }; }; // parse the jscad script to get the parameter definitions OpenJsCad.getParamDefinitions = function(script) { var scriptisvalid = true; try { // first try to execute the script itself // this will catch any syntax errors var f = new Function(script); f(); } catch(e) { scriptisvalid = false; } var params = []; if(scriptisvalid) { var script1 = "if(typeof(getParameterDefinitions) == 'function') {return getParameterDefinitions();} else {return [];} "; script1 += script; var f = new Function(script1); params = f(); if( (typeof(params) != "object") || (typeof(params.length) != "number") ) { throw new Error("The getParameterDefinitions() function should return an array with the parameter definitions"); } } return params; }; OpenJsCad.Processor = function(containerdiv, onchange) { this.containerdiv = containerdiv; this.onchange = onchange; this.viewerdiv = null; this.viewer = null; this.viewerwidth = 800; this.viewerheight = 600; this.initialViewerDistance = 50; this.processing = false; this.solid = null; this.validcsg = false; this.hasstl = false; this.worker = null; this.paramDefinitions = []; this.paramControls = []; this.script = null; this.hasError = false; this.debugging = false; this.createElements(); }; OpenJsCad.Processor.prototype = { createElements: function() { while(this.containerdiv.children.length > 0) { this.containerdiv.removeChild(0); } if(!OpenJsCad.isChrome() ) { var div = document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = "Please note: OpenJsCad currently only runs reliably on Google Chrome!"; this.containerdiv.appendChild(div); } var viewerdiv = document.createElement("div"); viewerdiv.className = "viewer"; = this.viewerwidth + "px"; = this.viewerheight + "px"; = "rgb(200,200,200)"; this.containerdiv.appendChild(viewerdiv); this.viewerdiv = viewerdiv; try { this.viewer = new OpenJsCad.Viewer(this.viewerdiv, this.viewerwidth, this.viewerheight, this.initialViewerDistance); } catch (e) { // this.viewer = null; this.viewerdiv.innerHTML = "

Error: "+e.toString()+"

OpenJsCad currently requires Google Chrome with WebGL enabled"; // this.viewerdiv.innerHTML = e.toString(); } this.errordiv = document.createElement("div"); this.errorpre = document.createElement("pre"); this.errordiv.appendChild(this.errorpre); this.statusdiv = document.createElement("div"); this.statusdiv.className = "statusdiv"; // = this.viewerwidth + "px"; this.statusspan = document.createElement("span"); this.statusbuttons = document.createElement("div"); = "right"; this.statusdiv.appendChild(this.statusspan); this.statusdiv.appendChild(this.statusbuttons); this.abortbutton = document.createElement("button"); this.abortbutton.innerHTML = "Abort"; var that = this; this.abortbutton.onclick = function(e) { that.abort(); }; this.statusbuttons.appendChild(this.abortbutton); this.generateStlButton = document.createElement("button"); this.generateStlButton.innerHTML = "Generate STL"; this.generateStlButton.onclick = function(e) { that.generateStl(); }; this.statusbuttons.appendChild(this.generateStlButton); this.downloadStlLink = document.createElement("a"); this.downloadStlLink.innerHTML = "Download STL"; this.statusbuttons.appendChild(this.downloadStlLink); this.parametersdiv = document.createElement("div"); this.parametersdiv.className = "parametersdiv"; var headerdiv = document.createElement("div"); headerdiv.innerText = "Parameters:"; headerdiv.className = "header"; this.parametersdiv.appendChild(headerdiv); this.parameterstable = document.createElement("table"); this.parameterstable.className = "parameterstable"; this.parametersdiv.appendChild(this.parameterstable); var parseParametersButton = document.createElement("button"); parseParametersButton.innerHTML = "Update"; parseParametersButton.onclick = function(e) { that.rebuildSolid(); }; this.parametersdiv.appendChild(parseParametersButton); this.enableItems(); this.containerdiv.appendChild(this.statusdiv); this.containerdiv.appendChild(this.errordiv); this.containerdiv.appendChild(this.parametersdiv); this.clearViewer(); }, clearViewer: function() { this.clearStl(); this.solid = new CSG(); if(this.viewer) { this.viewer.setCsg(this.solid); } this.validcsg = false; this.enableItems(); }, abort: function() { if(this.processing) { //todo: abort this.processing=false; this.statusspan.innerHTML = "Aborted."; this.worker.terminate(); this.enableItems(); if(this.onchange) this.onchange(); } }, enableItems: function() { = this.processing? "inline":"none"; = ((!this.hasstl)&&(this.validcsg))? "inline":"none"; = this.hasstl? "inline":"none"; = (this.paramControls.length > 0)? "block":"none"; = this.hasError? "block":"none"; = this.hasError? "none":"block"; }, setError: function(txt) { this.hasError = (txt != ""); this.errorpre.innerText = txt; this.enableItems(); }, setDebugging: function(debugging) { this.debugging = debugging; }, // script: javascript code // filename: optional, the name of the .jscad file setJsCad: function(script, filename) { if(!filename) filename = "openjscad.jscad"; filename = filename.replace(/\.jscad$/i, ""); this.abort(); this.clearViewer(); this.paramDefinitions = []; this.paramControls = []; this.script = null; this.setError(""); var scripthaserrors = false; try { this.paramDefinitions = OpenJsCad.getParamDefinitions(script); this.createParamControls(); } catch(e) { this.setError(e.toString()); this.statusspan.innerHTML = "Error."; scripthaserrors = true; } if(!scripthaserrors) { this.script = script; this.filename = filename; this.rebuildSolid(); } else { this.enableItems(); if(this.onchange) this.onchange(); } }, getParamValues: function() { var paramValues = {}; for(var i = 0; i < this.paramDefinitions.length; i++) { var paramdef = this.paramDefinitions[i]; var type = "text"; if('type' in paramdef) { type = paramdef.type; } var control = this.paramControls[i]; var value; if( (type == "text") || (type == "float") || (type == "int") ) { value = control.value; if( (type == "float") || (type == "int") ) { var isnumber = !isNaN(parseFloat(value)) && isFinite(value); if(!isnumber) { throw new Error("Not a number: "+value); } if(type == "int") { value = parseInt(value); } else { value = parseFloat(value); } } } else if(type == "choice") { value = control.options[control.selectedIndex].value; } paramValues[] = value; } return paramValues; }, rebuildSolid: function() { this.abort(); this.setError(""); this.clearViewer(); this.processing = true; this.statusspan.innerHTML = "Processing, please wait..."; this.enableItems(); var that = this; var paramValues = this.getParamValues(); var useSync = this.debugging; if(!useSync) { try { this.worker = OpenJsCad.javaScriptToSolidASync(this.script, paramValues, function(err, csg) { that.processing = false; that.worker = null; if(err) { that.setError(err); that.statusspan.innerHTML = "Error."; } else { that.solid = csg; if(that.viewer) that.viewer.setCsg(csg); that.validcsg = true; that.statusspan.innerHTML = "Ready."; } that.enableItems(); if(that.onchange) that.onchange(); }); } catch(e) { useSync = true; } } if(useSync) { try { var csg = OpenJsCad.javaScriptToSolidSync(this.script, paramValues, this.debugging); that.processing = false; that.solid = csg; if(that.viewer) that.viewer.setCsg(csg); that.validcsg = true; that.statusspan.innerHTML = "Ready."; } catch(e) { that.processing = false; var errtxt = e.stack; if(!errtxt) { errtxt = e.toString(); } that.setError(errtxt); that.statusspan.innerHTML = "Error."; } that.enableItems(); if(that.onchange) that.onchange(); } }, hasSolid: function() { return this.validcsg; }, isProcessing: function() { return this.processing; }, /* clearStl1: function() { if(this.hasstl) { this.hasstl = false; OpenJsCad.revokeBlobUrl(this.stlBlobUrl); this.stlBlobUrl = null; this.enableItems(); if(this.onchange) this.onchange(); } }, */ clearStl: function() { if(this.hasstl) { this.hasstl = false; if(this.stlDirEntry) { this.stlDirEntry.removeRecursively(function(){}); this.stlDirEntry=null; } if(this.stlBlobUrl) { OpenJsCad.revokeBlobUrl(this.stlBlobUrl); this.stlBlobUrl = null; } this.enableItems(); if(this.onchange) this.onchange(); } }, generateStl: function() { this.clearStl(); if(this.validcsg) { try { this.generateStlFileSystem(); } catch(e) { this.generateStlBlobUrl(); } } }, generateStlBlobUrl: function() { var stltxt = this.solid.toStlString(); this.stlBlobUrl = OpenJsCad.textToBlobUrl(stltxt); this.hasstl = true; this.downloadStlLink.href = this.stlBlobUrl; this.enableItems(); if(this.onchange) this.onchange(); }, generateStlFileSystem: function() { var stltxt = this.solid.toStlString(); window.requestFileSystem = window.requestFileSystem || window.webkitRequestFileSystem; window.BlobBuilder = window.BlobBuilder || window.WebKitBlobBuilder || window.MozBlobBuilder; if(!window.requestFileSystem) { throw new Error("Your browser does not support the HTML5 FileSystem API. Please try the Chrome browser instead."); } if(!window.BlobBuilder) { throw new Error("Your browser does not support the HTML5 BlobBuilder API. Please try the Chrome browser instead."); } // create a random directory name: var dirname = "OpenJsCadStlOutput1_"+parseInt(Math.random()*1000000000, 10)+".stl"; var filename = this.filename+".stl"; var that = this; window.requestFileSystem(TEMPORARY, 20*1024*1024, function(fs){ fs.root.getDirectory(dirname, {create: true, exclusive: true}, function(dirEntry) { that.stlDirEntry = dirEntry; dirEntry.getFile(filename, {create: true, exclusive: true}, function(fileEntry) { fileEntry.createWriter(function(fileWriter) { fileWriter.onwriteend = function(e) { that.hasstl = true; that.downloadStlLink.href = fileEntry.toURL(); that.enableItems(); if(that.onchange) that.onchange(); }; fileWriter.onerror = function(e) { throw new Error('Write failed: ' + e.toString()); }; // Create a new Blob and write it to log.txt. var bb = new window.BlobBuilder(); // Note: window.WebKitBlobBuilder in Chrome 12. bb.append(stltxt); fileWriter.write(bb.getBlob()); }, function(fileerror){OpenJsCad.FileSystemApiErrorHandler(fileerror, "createWriter");} ); }, function(fileerror){OpenJsCad.FileSystemApiErrorHandler(fileerror, "getFile('"+filename+"')");} ); }, function(fileerror){OpenJsCad.FileSystemApiErrorHandler(fileerror, "getDirectory('"+dirname+"')");} ); }, function(fileerror){OpenJsCad.FileSystemApiErrorHandler(fileerror, "requestFileSystem");} ); }, createParamControls: function() { this.parameterstable.innerHTML = ""; this.paramControls = []; var paramControls = []; var tablerows = []; for(var i = 0; i < this.paramDefinitions.length; i++) { var errorprefix = "Error in parameter definition #"+(i+1)+": "; var paramdef = this.paramDefinitions[i]; if(!('name' in paramdef)) { throw new Error(errorprefix + "Should include a 'name' parameter"); } var type = "text"; if('type' in paramdef) { type = paramdef.type; } if( (type !== "text") && (type !== "int") && (type !== "float") && (type !== "choice") ) { throw new Error(errorprefix + "Unknown parameter type '"+type+"'"); } var control; if( (type == "text") || (type == "int") || (type == "float") ) { control = document.createElement("input"); control.type = "text"; if('default' in paramdef) { control.value = paramdef.default; } else { if( (type == "int") || (type == "float") ) { control.value = "0"; } else { control.value = ""; } } } else if(type == "choice") { if(!('values' in paramdef)) { throw new Error(errorprefix + "Should include a 'values' parameter"); } control = document.createElement("select"); var values = paramdef.values; var captions; if('captions' in paramdef) { captions = paramdef.captions; if(captions.length != values.length) { throw new Error(errorprefix + "'captions' and 'values' should have the same number of items"); } } else { captions = values; } var selectedindex = 0; for(var valueindex = 0; valueindex < values.length; valueindex++) { var option = document.createElement("option"); option.value = values[valueindex]; option.text = captions[valueindex]; control.add(option); if('default' in paramdef) { if(paramdef.default == values[valueindex]) { selectedindex = valueindex; } } } if(values.length > 0) { control.selectedIndex = selectedindex; } } paramControls.push(control); var tr = document.createElement("tr"); var td = document.createElement("td"); var label = + ":"; if('caption' in paramdef) { label = paramdef.caption; } td.innerHTML = label; tr.appendChild(td); td = document.createElement("td"); td.appendChild(control); tr.appendChild(td); tablerows.push(tr); } var that = this;{ that.parameterstable.appendChild(tr); }); this.paramControls = paramControls; }, };