Michael Deal eda6edbed7 grunt
2013-01-11 18:06:05 -08:00

4536 lines
132 KiB

Color Space : 1.2 : 2012.11.06
RGBA <-> HSLA <-> W3
RGBA <-> HEX24 <-> W3
RGBA <-> HEX32
RGBA <-> W3
Color.Space(0x99ff0000, "HEX32>RGBA>HSLA>W3"); // outputs "hsla(60,100%,17%,0.6)"
Color.Space(0xFF0000, "HEX24>RGB>HSL"); // convert hex24 to HSL object.
W3 values
hsl(120, 100%, 50%)
hsla(120, 100%, 50%, 1)
if (typeof(Color) === "undefined") var Color = {};
if (typeof(Color.Space) === "undefined") Color.Space = {};
(function () { "use strict";
var useEval = false; // caches functions for quicker access.
var functions = {
// holds generated cached conversion functions.
var shortcuts = {
var root = Color.Space = function(color, route) {
if (shortcuts[route]) { // shortcut available
route = shortcuts[route];
var r = route.split(">");
// check whether color is an [], if so, convert to {}
if (typeof(color) === "object" && color[0] >= 0) { // array
var type = r[0];
var tmp = {};
for(var i = 0; i < type.length; i ++) {
var str = type.substr(i, 1);
tmp[str] = color[i];
color = tmp;
if (functions[route]) { // cached function available
return functions[route](color);
var f = "color";
for (var pos = 1, key = r[0]; pos < r.length; pos ++) {
if (pos > 1) { // recycle previous
key = key.substr(key.indexOf("_") + 1);
key += (pos === 0 ? "" : "_") + r[pos];
color = root[key](color);
if (useEval) {
f = "Color.Space."+key+"("+f+")";
if (useEval) {
functions[route] = eval("(function(color) { return "+f+" })");
return color;
// W3C - RGB + RGBA
root.RGB_W3 = function(o) {
return "rgb(" + (o.R >> 0) + "," + (o.G >> 0) + "," + (o.B >> 0) + ")";
root.RGBA_W3 = function(o) {
var alpha = typeof(o.A) === "number" ? o.A / 255 : 1;
return "rgba(" + (o.R >> 0) + "," + (o.G >> 0) + "," + (o.B >> 0) + "," + alpha + ")";
root.W3_RGB = function(o) {
var o = o.substr(4, o.length - 5).split(",");
return {
R: parseInt(o[0]),
G: parseInt(o[1]),
B: parseInt(o[2])
root.W3_RGBA = function(o) {
var o = o.substr(5, o.length - 6).split(",");
return {
R: parseInt(o[0]),
G: parseInt(o[1]),
B: parseInt(o[2]),
A: parseFloat(o[3]) * 255
// W3C - HSL + HSLA
root.HSL_W3 = function(o) {
return "hsl(" + ((o.H + 0.5) >> 0) + "," + ((o.S + 0.5) >> 0) + "%," + ((o.L + 0.5) >> 0) + "%)";
root.HSLA_W3 = function(o) {
var alpha = typeof(o.A) === "number" ? o.A / 255 : 1;
return "hsla(" + ((o.H + 0.5) >> 0) + "," + ((o.S + 0.5) >> 0) + "%," + ((o.L + 0.5) >> 0) + "%," + alpha + ")";
root.W3_HSL = function(o) {
var o = o.substr(4, o.length - 5).split(",");
return {
H: parseInt(o[0]),
S: parseInt(o[1]),
L: parseInt(o[2])
root.W3_HSLA = function(o) {
var o = o.substr(5, o.length - 6).split(",");
return {
H: parseInt(o[0]),
S: parseInt(o[1]),
L: parseInt(o[2]),
A: parseFloat(o[3]) * 255
root.W3_HEX =
root.W3_HEX24 = function (o) {
if (o.substr(0, 1) === "#") o = o.substr(1);
if (o.length === 3) o = o[0] + o[0] + o[1] + o[1] + o[2] + o[2];
return parseInt("0x" + o);
root.W3_HEX32 = function (o) {
if (o.substr(0, 1) === "#") o = o.substr(1);
if (o.length === 6) {
return parseInt("0xFF" + o);
} else {
return parseInt("0x" + o);
// HEX = 0x000000 -> 0xFFFFFF
root.HEX_W3 =
root.HEX24_W3 = function (o, maxLength) {
if (!maxLength) maxLength = 6;
if (!o) o = 0;
var z = o.toString(16);
// when string is lesser than maxLength
var n = z.length;
while (n < maxLength) {
z = "0" + z;
// when string is greater than maxLength
var n = z.length;
while (n > maxLength) {
z = z.substr(1);
return "#" + z;
root.HEX32_W3 = function(o) {
return root.HEX_W3(o, 8);
root.HEX_RGB =
root.HEX24_RGB = function (o) {
return {
R: (o >> 16),
G: (o >> 8) & 0xFF,
B: o & 0xFF
// HEX32 = 0x00000000 -> 0xFFFFFFFF
root.HEX32_RGBA = function (o) {
return {
R: o >>> 16 & 0xFF,
G: o >>> 8 & 0xFF,
B: o & 0xFF,
A: o >>> 24
// RGBA = R: Red / G: Green / B: Blue / A: Alpha
root.RGBA_HEX32 = function (o) {
return (o.A << 24 | o.R << 16 | o.G << 8 | o.B) >>> 0;
// RGB = R: Red / G: Green / B: Blue
root.RGB_HEX24 =
root.RGB_HEX = function (o) {
if (o.R < 0) o.R = 0;
if (o.G < 0) o.G = 0;
if (o.B < 0) o.B = 0;
if (o.R > 255) o.R = 255;
if (o.G > 255) o.G = 255;
if (o.B > 255) o.B = 255;
return o.R << 16 | o.G << 8 | o.B;
root.RGB_CMY = function (o) {
return {
C: 1 - (o.R / 255),
M: 1 - (o.G / 255),
Y: 1 - (o.B / 255)
root.RGBA_HSLA =
root.RGB_HSL = function (o) { // RGB from 0 to 1
var _R = o.R / 255,
_G = o.G / 255,
_B = o.B / 255,
min = Math.min(_R, _G, _B),
max = Math.max(_R, _G, _B),
D = max - min,
L = (max + min) / 2;
if (D === 0) { // No chroma
H = 0;
S = 0;
} else { // Chromatic data
if (L < 0.5) S = D / (max + min);
else S = D / (2 - max - min);
var DR = (((max - _R) / 6) + (D / 2)) / D;
var DG = (((max - _G) / 6) + (D / 2)) / D;
var DB = (((max - _B) / 6) + (D / 2)) / D;
if (_R === max) H = DB - DG;
else if (_G === max) H = (1 / 3) + DR - DB;
else if (_B === max) H = (2 / 3) + DG - DR;
if (H < 0) H += 1;
if (H > 1) H -= 1;
return {
H: H * 360,
S: S * 100,
L: L * 100,
A: o.A
root.RGBA_HSVA =
root.RGB_HSV = function (o) { //- RGB from 0 to 255
var _R = o.R / 255,
_G = o.G / 255,
_B = o.B / 255,
min = Math.min(_R, _G, _B),
max = Math.max(_R, _G, _B),
D = max - min,
V = max;
if (D === 0) { // No chroma
H = 0;
S = 0;
} else { // Chromatic data
S = D / max;
var DR = (((max - _R) / 6) + (D / 2)) / D;
var DG = (((max - _G) / 6) + (D / 2)) / D;
var DB = (((max - _B) / 6) + (D / 2)) / D;
if (_R === max) H = DB - DG;
else if (_G === max) H = (1 / 3) + DR - DB;
else if (_B === max) H = (2 / 3) + DG - DR;
if (H < 0) H += 1;
if (H > 1) H -= 1;
return {
H: H * 360,
S: S * 100,
V: V * 100,
A: o.A
// CMY = C: Cyan / M: Magenta / Y: Yellow
root.CMY_RGB = function (o) {
return {
R: Math.max(0, (1 - o.C) * 255),
G: Math.max(0, (1 - o.M) * 255),
B: Math.max(0, (1 - o.Y) * 255)
root.CMY_CMYK = function (o) {
var C = o.C;
var M = o.M;
var Y = o.Y;
var K = Math.min(Y, Math.min(M, Math.min(C, 1)));
C = Math.round((C - K) / (1 - K) * 100);
M = Math.round((M - K) / (1 - K) * 100);
Y = Math.round((Y - K) / (1 - K) * 100);
K = Math.round(K * 100);
return {
C: C,
M: M,
Y: Y,
K: K
// CMYK = C: Cyan / M: Magenta / Y: Yellow / K: Key (black)
root.CMYK_CMY = function (o) {
return {
C: (o.C * (1 - o.K) + o.K),
M: (o.M * (1 - o.K) + o.K),
Y: (o.Y * (1 - o.K) + o.K)
// HSL (1978) = H: Hue / S: Saturation / L: Lightess
// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV
root.HSLA_RGBA =
root.HSL_RGB = function (o) {
var H = o.H / 360;
var S = o.S / 100;
var L = o.L / 100;
var R, G, B;
var temp1, temp2, temp3;
if (S === 0) {
R = G = B = L;
} else {
if (L < 0.5) temp2 = L * (1 + S);
else temp2 = (L + S) - (S * L);
temp1 = 2 * L - temp2;
// calculate red
temp3 = H + (1 / 3);
if (temp3 < 0) temp3 += 1;
if (temp3 > 1) temp3 -= 1;
if ((6 * temp3) < 1) R = temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * 6 * temp3;
else if ((2 * temp3) < 1) R = temp2;
else if ((3 * temp3) < 2) R = temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * ((2 / 3) - temp3) * 6;
else R = temp1;
// calculate green
temp3 = H;
if (temp3 < 0) temp3 += 1;
if (temp3 > 1) temp3 -= 1;
if ((6 * temp3) < 1) G = temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * 6 * temp3;
else if ((2 * temp3) < 1) G = temp2;
else if ((3 * temp3) < 2) G = temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * ((2 / 3) - temp3) * 6;
else G = temp1;
// calculate blue
temp3 = H - (1 / 3);
if (temp3 < 0) temp3 += 1;
if (temp3 > 1) temp3 -= 1;
if ((6 * temp3) < 1) B = temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * 6 * temp3;
else if ((2 * temp3) < 1) B = temp2;
else if ((3 * temp3) < 2) B = temp1 + (temp2 - temp1) * ((2 / 3) - temp3) * 6;
else B = temp1;
return {
R: R * 255,
G: G * 255,
B: B * 255,
A: o.A
// HSV (1978) = H: Hue / S: Saturation / V: Value
// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV
root.HSVA_RGBA =
root.HSV_RGB = function (o) {
var H = o.H / 360;
var S = o.S / 100;
var V = o.V / 100;
var R, G, B, D, A, C;
if (S === 0) {
R = G = B = Math.round(V * 255);
} else {
if (H >= 1) H = 0;
H = 6 * H;
D = H - Math.floor(H);
A = Math.round(255 * V * (1 - S));
B = Math.round(255 * V * (1 - (S * D)));
C = Math.round(255 * V * (1 - (S * (1 - D))));
V = Math.round(255 * V);
switch (Math.floor(H)) {
case 0:
R = V;
G = C;
B = A;
case 1:
R = B;
G = V;
B = A;
case 2:
R = A;
G = V;
B = C;
case 3:
R = A;
G = B;
B = V;
case 4:
R = C;
G = A;
B = V;
case 5:
R = V;
G = A;
B = B;
return {
R: R,
G: G,
B: B,
A: o.A
MIDI.audioDetect : 0.3
Probably, Maybe, No... Absolutely!
Test to see what types of <audio> MIME types are playable by the browser.
if (typeof(MIDI) === "undefined") var MIDI = {};
(function() { "use strict";
var supports = {};
var canPlayThrough = function (src) {
var audio = new Audio();
var mime = src.split(";")[0];
audio.id = "audio";
audio.setAttribute("preload", "auto");
audio.setAttribute("audiobuffer", true);
audio.addEventListener("canplaythrough", function() {
supports[mime] = true;
}, false);
audio.src = "data:" + src;
MIDI.audioDetect = function(callback) {
// check whether <audio> tag is supported
if (typeof(Audio) === "undefined") return callback({});
// check whether canPlayType is supported
var audio = new Audio();
if (typeof(audio.canPlayType) === "undefined") return callback(supports);
// see what we can learn from the browser
var vorbis = audio.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"');
vorbis = (vorbis === "probably" || vorbis === "maybe");
var mpeg = audio.canPlayType('audio/mpeg');
mpeg = (mpeg === "probably" || mpeg === "maybe");
// maybe nothing is supported
if (!vorbis && !mpeg) {
// or maybe something is supported
if (vorbis) canPlayThrough("audio/ogg;base64,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");
if (mpeg) canPlayThrough("audio/mpeg;base64,/+MYxAAAAANIAUAAAASEEB/jwOFM/0MM/90b/+RhST//w4NFwOjf///PZu////9lns5GFDv//l9GlUIEEIAAAgIg8Ir/JGq3/+MYxDsLIj5QMYcoAP0dv9HIjUcH//yYSg+CIbkGP//8w0bLVjUP///3Z0x5QCAv/yLjwtGKTEFNRTMuOTeqqqqqqqqqqqqq/+MYxEkNmdJkUYc4AKqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq");
// lets find out!
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
var interval = window.setInterval(function() {
for (var key in supports) {}
var now = (new Date()).getTime();
var maxExecution = now - time > 5000;
if (key || maxExecution) {
}, 1);
MIDI.loadPlugin : 0.1 : 11/20/2012
instrument: "acoustic_grand_piano", // or 1 (default)
instruments: [ "acoustic_grand_piano", "acoustic_guitar_nylon" ], // or multiple instruments
callback: function() { }
if (typeof (MIDI) === "undefined") var MIDI = {};
if (typeof (MIDI.Soundfont) === "undefined") MIDI.Soundfont = {};
(function() { "use strict";
MIDI.loadPlugin = function(conf) {
if (typeof(conf) === "function") conf = { callback: conf };
/// Get the instrument name.
var instruments = conf.instruments || conf.instrument || "acoustic_grand_piano";
if (typeof(instruments) !== "object") instruments = [ instruments ];
instruments.map(function(data) {
if (typeof(data) === "number") data = MIDI.GeneralMIDI.byId[data];
MIDI.Soundfont[data] = true;
return data;
MIDI.soundfontUrl = conf.soundfontUrl || MIDI.soundfontUrl || "./soundfont/";
/// Detect the best type of audio to use.
MIDI.audioDetect(function(types) {
var type = "";
// use the most appropriate plugin if not specified
if (typeof(type) === 'undefined') {
if (plugins[window.location.hash]) {
type = window.location.hash.substr(1);
} else { //
type = "";
if (type === "") {
if (window.webkitAudioContext) { // Chrome
type = "webaudio";
} else if (window.Audio) { // Firefox
type = "audiotag";
} else { // Internet Explorer
type = "flash";
if (!connect[type]) return;
// use audio/ogg when supported
var filetype = types["audio/ogg"] ? "ogg" : "mp3";
// load the specified plugin
connect[type](filetype, instruments, conf.callback);
var connect = {};
connect.java = function(filetype, instruments, callback) {
// works well cross-browser, and fully featured, but has delay when Java machine starts.
if (MIDI.loader) MIDI.loader.message("Java API...");
connect.flash = function(filetype, instruments, callback) {
// fairly quick, but requires loading of individual MP3s (more http requests).
if (MIDI.loader) MIDI.loader.message("Flash API...");
src: "./inc/SoundManager2/script/soundmanager2.js",
verify: "SoundManager",
callback: function () {
connect.audiotag = function(filetype, instruments, callback) {
if (MIDI.loader) MIDI.loader.message("HTML5 Audio API...");
// works ok, kinda like a drunken tuna fish, across the board.
var queue = createQueue({
items: instruments,
getNext: function(instrumentId) {
url: MIDI.soundfontUrl + instrumentId + "-" + filetype + ".js",
onprogress: getPercent,
onload: function (response) {
MIDI.Soundfont[instrumentId] = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
if (MIDI.loader) MIDI.loader.update(null, "Downloading", 100);
onComplete: function() {
connect.webaudio = function(filetype, instruments, callback) {
if (MIDI.loader) MIDI.loader.message("Web Audio API...");
// works awesome! safari and chrome support
var queue = createQueue({
items: instruments,
getNext: function(instrumentId) {
url: MIDI.soundfontUrl + instrumentId + "-" + filetype + ".js",
onprogress: getPercent,
onload: function(response) {
MIDI.Soundfont[instrumentId] = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
if (MIDI.loader) MIDI.loader.update(null, "Downloading...", 100);
onComplete: function() {
/// Helpers
var plugins = {
"#webaudio": true,
"#audiotag": true,
"#java": true,
"#flash": true
var getPercent = function(event) {
if (!this.totalSize) {
if (this.getResponseHeader("Content-Length-Raw")) {
this.totalSize = parseInt(this.getResponseHeader("Content-Length-Raw"));
} else {
this.totalSize = event.total;
var percent = this.totalSize ? Math.round(event.loaded / this.totalSize * 100) : "";
if (MIDI.loader) MIDI.loader.update(null, "Downloading...", percent);
var createQueue = function(conf) {
var self = {};
self.queue = [];
for (var key in conf.items) {
self.getNext = function() {
if (!self.queue.length) return conf.onComplete();
setTimeout(self.getNext, 1);
return self;
MIDI.Player : 0.3
if (typeof (MIDI) === "undefined") var MIDI = {};
if (typeof (MIDI.Player) === "undefined") MIDI.Player = {};
(function() { "use strict";
var root = MIDI.Player;
root.callback = undefined; // your custom callback goes here!
root.currentTime = 0;
root.endTime = 0;
root.restart = 0;
root.playing = false;
root.timeWarp = 1;
root.start =
root.resume = function () {
if (root.currentTime < -1) root.currentTime = -1;
root.pause = function () {
var tmp = root.restart;
root.restart = tmp;
root.stop = function () {
root.restart = 0;
root.currentTime = 0;
root.addListener = function(callback) {
onMidiEvent = callback;
root.removeListener = function() {
onMidiEvent = undefined;
root.clearAnimation = function() {
if (root.interval) {
root.setAnimation = function(config) {
var callback = (typeof(config) === "function") ? config : config.callback;
var interval = config.interval || 30;
var currentTime = 0;
var tOurTime = 0;
var tTheirTime = 0;
root.interval = window.setInterval(function () {
if (root.endTime === 0) return;
if (root.playing) {
currentTime = (tTheirTime === root.currentTime) ? tOurTime - (new Date).getTime() : 0;
if (root.currentTime === 0) {
currentTime = 0;
} else {
currentTime = root.currentTime - currentTime;
if (tTheirTime !== root.currentTime) {
tOurTime = (new Date).getTime();
tTheirTime = root.currentTime;
} else { // paused
currentTime = root.currentTime;
var endTime = root.endTime;
var percent = currentTime / endTime;
var total = currentTime / 1000;
var minutes = total / 60;
var seconds = total - (minutes * 60);
var t1 = minutes * 60 + seconds;
var t2 = (endTime / 1000);
if (t2 - t1 < -1) return;
now: t1,
end: t2,
events: noteRegistrar
}, interval);
// helpers
root.loadMidiFile = function() { // reads midi into javascript array of events
root.replayer = new Replayer(MidiFile(root.currentData), root.timeWarp);
root.data = root.replayer.getData();
root.endTime = getLength();
root.loadFile = function (file, callback) {
if (file.indexOf("base64,") !== -1) {
var data = window.atob(file.split(",")[1]);
root.currentData = data;
if (callback) callback(data);
var title = file.split(" - ")[1] || file;
document.getElementById("playback-title").innerHTML = title.replace(".mid","");
var fetch = new XMLHttpRequest();
fetch.open('GET', file);
fetch.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined");
fetch.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 200) {
var t = this.responseText || "";
var ff = [];
var mx = t.length;
var scc = String.fromCharCode;
for (var z = 0; z < mx; z++) {
ff[z] = scc(t.charCodeAt(z) & 255);
var data = ff.join("");
root.currentData = data;
if (callback) callback(data);
// Playing the audio
var eventQueue = []; // hold events to be triggered
var queuedTime; //
var startTime = 0; // to measure time elapse
var noteRegistrar = {}; // get event for requested note
var onMidiEvent = undefined; // listener callback
var scheduleTracking = function (channel, note, currentTime, offset, message, velocity) {
var interval = window.setTimeout(function () {
var data = {
channel: channel,
note: note,
now: currentTime,
end: root.endTime,
message: message,
velocity: velocity
if (message === 128) {
delete noteRegistrar[note];
} else {
noteRegistrar[note] = data;
if (onMidiEvent) {
root.currentTime = currentTime;
if (root.currentTime === queuedTime && queuedTime < root.endTime) { // grab next sequence
startAudio(queuedTime, true);
}, currentTime - offset);
return interval;
var getContext = function() {
if (MIDI.lang === 'WebAudioAPI') {
return MIDI.Player.ctx;
} else if (!root.ctx) {
root.ctx = { currentTime: 0 };
return root.ctx;
var getLength = function() {
var data = root.data;
var length = data.length;
var totalTime = 0.5;
for (var n = 0; n < length; n++) {
totalTime += data[n][1];
return totalTime;
var startAudio = function (currentTime, fromCache) {
if (!root.replayer) return;
if (!fromCache) {
if (typeof (currentTime) === "undefined") currentTime = root.restart;
if (root.playing) stopAudio();
root.playing = true;
root.data = root.replayer.getData();
root.endTime = getLength();
var note;
var offset = 0;
var messages = 0;
var data = root.data;
var ctx = getContext();
var length = data.length;
queuedTime = 0.5;
startTime = ctx.currentTime;
for (var n = 0; n < length && messages < 100; n++) {
queuedTime += data[n][1];
if (queuedTime <= currentTime) {
offset = queuedTime;
currentTime = queuedTime - offset;
var event = data[n][0].event;
if (event.type !== "channel") continue;
var channel = event.channel;
switch (event.subtype) {
case 'noteOn':
if (MIDI.channels[channel].mute) break;
note = event.noteNumber - (root.MIDIOffset || 0);
event: event,
source: MIDI.noteOn(channel, event.noteNumber, event.velocity, currentTime / 1000 + ctx.currentTime),
interval: scheduleTracking(channel, note, queuedTime, offset, 144, event.velocity)
messages ++;
case 'noteOff':
if (MIDI.channels[channel].mute) break;
note = event.noteNumber - (root.MIDIOffset || 0);
event: event,
source: MIDI.noteOff(channel, event.noteNumber, currentTime / 1000 + ctx.currentTime),
interval: scheduleTracking(channel, note, queuedTime, offset - 10, 128)
var stopAudio = function () {
var ctx = getContext();
root.playing = false;
root.restart += (ctx.currentTime - startTime) * 1000;
// stop the audio, and intervals
while (eventQueue.length) {
var o = eventQueue.pop();
if (!o.source) continue; // is not webaudio
if (typeof(o.source) === "number") {
} else { // webaudio
var source = o.source;
// run callback to cancel any notes still playing
for (var key in noteRegistrar) {
var o = noteRegistrar[key]
if (noteRegistrar[key].message === 144 && onMidiEvent) {
channel: o.channel,
note: o.note,
now: o.now,
end: o.end,
message: 128,
velocity: o.velocity
// reset noteRegistrar
noteRegistrar = {};
MIDI.Plugin : 0.3 : 11/20/2012
if (typeof (MIDI) === "undefined") var MIDI = {};
if (typeof (MIDI.Plugin) === "undefined") MIDI.Plugin = {};
(function() { "use strict";
Web Audio API - OGG or MPEG Soundbank
if (typeof (MIDI.WebAudioAPI) === "undefined") MIDI.WebAudioAPI = {};
if (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext) (function () {
var AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var root = MIDI.WebAudioAPI;
var ctx;
var sources = {};
var masterVolume = 1;
var audioBuffers = {};
var audioLoader = function (instrument, urlList, index, bufferList, callback) {
var synth = MIDI.GeneralMIDI.byName[instrument];
var instrumentId = synth.number;
var url = urlList[index];
var base64 = MIDI.Soundfont[instrument][url].split(",")[1];
var buffer = Base64Binary.decodeArrayBuffer(base64);
ctx.decodeAudioData(buffer, function (buffer) {
var msg = url;
while (msg.length < 3) msg += "&nbsp;";
if (typeof (MIDI.loader) !== "undefined") {
MIDI.loader.update(null, synth.instrument + "<br>Processing: " + (index / 87 * 100 >> 0) + "%<br>" + msg);
buffer.id = url;
bufferList[index] = buffer;
if (bufferList.length === urlList.length) {
while (bufferList.length) {
buffer = bufferList.pop();
if (!buffer) continue;
var nodeId = MIDI.keyToNote[buffer.id];
audioBuffers[instrumentId + "" + nodeId] = buffer;
root.setVolume = function (n) {
masterVolume = n;
root.programChange = function (channel, program) {
MIDI.channels[channel].instrument = program;
root.noteOn = function (channel, note, velocity, delay) {
/// check whether the note exists
if (!MIDI.channels[channel]) return;
var instrument = MIDI.channels[channel].instrument;
if (!audioBuffers[instrument + "" + note]) return;
/// convert relative delay to absolute delay
if (delay < ctx.currentTime) delay += ctx.currentTime;
/// crate audio buffer
var source = ctx.createBufferSource();
sources[channel + "" + note] = source;
source.buffer = audioBuffers[instrument + "" + note];
var gainNode = ctx.createGainNode();
var value = -0.5 + (velocity / 100) * 2;
var minus = (1 - masterVolume) * 2;
gainNode.gain.value = Math.max(-1, value - minus);
source.noteOn(delay || 0);
return source;
root.chordOn = function (channel, chord, velocity, delay) {
var ret = {}, note;
for (var n = 0, length = chord.length; n < length; n++) {
ret[note = chord[n]] = root.noteOn(channel, note, velocity, delay);
return ret;
// FIX: needs some way to fade out smoothly..
// POSSIBLE FIX: fade out smoothly using gain and ramping to value
root.noteOff = function (channel, note, delay) {
delay = delay || 0;
var source = sources[channel + "" + note];
if (!source) return;
source.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(1, delay);
source.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0, delay + 0.75);
source.noteOff(delay + 0.75);
return source;
root.chordOff = function (channel, chord, delay) {
var ret = {}, note;
for (var n = 0, length = chord.length; n < length; n++) {
ret[note = chord[n]] = root.noteOff(channel, note, delay);
return ret;
root.connect = function (callback) {
MIDI.lang = 'WebAudioAPI';
MIDI.setVolume = root.setVolume;
MIDI.programChange = root.programChange;
MIDI.noteOn = root.noteOn;
MIDI.noteOff = root.noteOff;
MIDI.chordOn = root.chordOn;
MIDI.chordOff = root.chordOff;
MIDI.Player.ctx = ctx = new AudioContext();
var urlList = [];
var keyToNote = MIDI.keyToNote;
for (var key in keyToNote) urlList.push(key);
var bufferList = [];
var pending = {};
var oncomplete = function(instrument) {
delete pending[instrument];
for (var key in pending) break;
if (!key) callback();
for (var instrument in MIDI.Soundfont) {
pending[instrument] = true;
for (var i = 0; i < urlList.length; i++) {
audioLoader(instrument, urlList, i, bufferList, oncomplete);
AudioTag <audio> - OGG or MPEG Soundbank
if (window.Audio) (function () {
var root = MIDI.AudioTag = {};
var note2id = {};
var volume = 1; // floating point
var channel_nid = -1; // current channel
var channels = []; // the audio channels
var notes = {}; // the piano keys
for (var nid = 0; nid < 12; nid++) {
channels[nid] = new Audio();
var playChannel = function (channel, note) {
if (!MIDI.channels[channel]) return;
var instrument = MIDI.channels[channel].instrument;
var id = MIDI.GeneralMIDI.byId[instrument].id;
var note = notes[note];
if (!note) return;
var nid = (channel_nid + 1) % channels.length;
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
var audio = channels[nid];
audio.src = MIDI.Soundfont[id][note.id];
audio.volume = volume;
channel_nid = nid;
root.programChange = function (channel, program) {
MIDI.channels[channel].instrument = program;
root.setVolume = function (n) {
volume = n;
root.noteOn = function (channel, note, velocity, delay) {
var id = note2id[note];
if (!notes[id]) return;
if (delay) {
var interval = window.setTimeout(function () {
playChannel(channel, id);
}, delay * 1000);
return interval;
} else {
playChannel(channel, id);
root.noteOff = function (channel, note, delay) {
root.chordOn = function (channel, chord, velocity, delay) {
for (var key in chord) {
var n = chord[key];
var id = note2id[n];
if (!notes[id]) continue;
playChannel(channel, id);
root.chordOff = function (channel, chord, delay) {
root.stopAllNotes = function () {
for (var nid = 0, length = channels.length; nid < length; nid++) {
root.connect = function (callback) {
var loading = {};
for (var key in MIDI.keyToNote) {
note2id[MIDI.keyToNote[key]] = key;
notes[key] = {
id: key
MIDI.lang = 'AudioTag';
MIDI.setVolume = root.setVolume;
MIDI.programChange = root.programChange;
MIDI.noteOn = root.noteOn;
MIDI.noteOff = root.noteOff;
MIDI.chordOn = root.chordOn;
MIDI.chordOff = root.chordOff;
if (callback) callback();
Flash - MP3 Soundbank
(function () {
var root = MIDI.Flash = {};
var noteReverse = {};
var notes = {};
root.programChange = function (channel, program) {
MIDI.channels[channel].instrument = program;
root.setVolume = function (channel, note) {
root.noteOn = function (channel, note, velocity, delay) {
if (!MIDI.channels[channel]) return;
var instrument = MIDI.channels[channel].instrument;
var id = MIDI.GeneralMIDI.byId[instrument].number;
note = id + "" + noteReverse[note];
if (!notes[note]) return;
if (delay) {
var interval = window.setTimeout(function() {
notes[note].play({ volume: velocity * 2 });
}, delay * 1000);
return interval;
} else {
notes[note].play({ volume: velocity * 2 });
root.noteOff = function (channel, note, delay) {
root.chordOn = function (channel, chord, velocity, delay) {
if (!MIDI.channels[channel]) return;
var instrument = MIDI.channels[channel].instrument;
var id = MIDI.GeneralMIDI.byId[instrument].number;
for (var key in chord) {
var n = chord[key];
var note = id + "" + noteReverse[n];
if (notes[note]) {
notes[note].play({ volume: velocity * 2 });
root.chordOff = function (channel, chord, delay) {
root.stopAllNotes = function () {
root.connect = function (callback) {
soundManager.flashVersion = 9;
soundManager.useHTML5Audio = true;
soundManager.url = '../inc/SoundManager2/swf/';
soundManager.useHighPerformance = true;
soundManager.wmode = 'transparent';
soundManager.flashPollingInterval = 1;
soundManager.debugMode = false;
soundManager.onload = function () {
var createBuffer = function(instrument, id, onload) {
var synth = MIDI.GeneralMIDI.byName[instrument];
var instrumentId = synth.number;
notes[instrumentId+""+id] = soundManager.createSound({
id: id,
url: MIDI.soundfontUrl + instrument + "-mp3/" + id + ".mp3",
multiShot: true,
autoLoad: true,
onload: onload
for (var instrument in MIDI.Soundfont) {
var loaded = [];
var onload = function () {
if (typeof (MIDI.loader) === "undefined") return;
MIDI.loader.update(null, "Processing: " + this.sID);
for (var i = 0; i < 88; i++) {
var id = noteReverse[i + 21];
createBuffer(instrument, id, onload);
MIDI.lang = 'Flash';
MIDI.setVolume = root.setVolume;
MIDI.programChange = root.programChange;
MIDI.noteOn = root.noteOn;
MIDI.noteOff = root.noteOff;
MIDI.chordOn = root.chordOn;
MIDI.chordOff = root.chordOff;
var interval = window.setInterval(function () {
if (loaded.length !== 88) return;
if (callback) callback();
}, 25);
soundManager.onerror = function () {
for (var key in MIDI.keyToNote) {
noteReverse[MIDI.keyToNote[key]] = key;
Java - Native Soundbank
(function () {
var root = MIDI.Java = {};
root.connect = function (callback) {
// deferred loading of <applet>
MIDI.Plugin = false;
if (!window.navigator.javaEnabled()) {
MIDI.Java.callback = callback;
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.name = 'MIDIFrame';
iframe.src = 'inc/midibridge/index.html';
iframe.width = 1;
iframe.height = 1;
root.confirm = function (plugin) {
MIDI.programChange = function (channel, program) {
plugin.sendMidiEvent(0xC0, channel, program, 0);
MIDI.setVolume = function (n) {
MIDI.noteOn = function (channel, note, velocity, delay) {
if (delay) {
var interval = window.setTimeout(function() {
plugin.sendMidiEvent(0x90, channel, note, velocity);
}, delay * 1000);
return interval;
} else {
plugin.sendMidiEvent(0x90, channel, note, velocity);
MIDI.noteOff = function (channel, note, delay) {
if (delay) {
var interval = window.setTimeout(function() {
plugin.sendMidiEvent(0x80, channel, note, 0);
}, delay * 1000);
return interval;
} else {
plugin.sendMidiEvent(0x80, channel, note, 0);
MIDI.chordOn = function (channel, chord, velocity, delay) {
for (var key in chord) {
var n = chord[key];
plugin.sendMidiEvent(0x90, channel, n, 100);
MIDI.chordOff = function (channel, chord, delay) {
for (var key in chord) {
var n = chord[key];
plugin.sendMidiEvent(0x80, channel, n, 100);
MIDI.stopAllNotes = function () {
MIDI.getInstruments = function() {
return [];
if (plugin.ready) {
MIDI.lang = "Java";
if (MIDI.Java.callback) {
} else {
helper functions
// instrument-tracker
MIDI.GeneralMIDI = (function (arr) {
var clean = function(v) {
return v.replace(/[^a-z0-9 ]/gi, "").replace(/[ ]/g, "_").toLowerCase();
var ret = {
byName: {},
byId: {},
byCategory: {}
for (var key in arr) {
var list = arr[key];
for (var n = 0, length = list.length; n < length; n++) {
var instrument = list[n];
if (!instrument) continue;
var num = parseInt(instrument.substr(0, instrument.indexOf(" ")), 10);
instrument = instrument.replace(num + " ", "");
ret.byId[--num] =
ret.byName[clean(instrument)] =
ret.byCategory[clean(key)] = {
id: clean(instrument),
instrument: instrument,
number: num,
category: key
return ret;
'Piano': ['1 Acoustic Grand Piano', '2 Bright Acoustic Piano', '3 Electric Grand Piano', '4 Honky-tonk Piano', '5 Electric Piano 1', '6 Electric Piano 2', '7 Harpsichord', '8 Clavinet'],
'Chromatic Percussion': ['9 Celesta', '10 Glockenspiel', '11 Music Box', '12 Vibraphone', '13 Marimba', '14 Xylophone', '15 Tubular Bells', '16 Dulcimer'],
'Organ': ['17 Drawbar Organ', '18 Percussive Organ', '19 Rock Organ', '20 Church Organ', '21 Reed Organ', '22 Accordion', '23 Harmonica', '24 Tango Accordion'],
'Guitar': ['25 Acoustic Guitar (nylon)', '26 Acoustic Guitar (steel)', '27 Electric Guitar (jazz)', '28 Electric Guitar (clean)', '29 Electric Guitar (muted)', '30 Overdriven Guitar', '31 Distortion Guitar', '32 Guitar Harmonics'],
'Bass': ['33 Acoustic Bass', '34 Electric Bass (finger)', '35 Electric Bass (pick)', '36 Fretless Bass', '37 Slap Bass 1', '38 Slap Bass 2', '39 Synth Bass 1', '40 Synth Bass 2'],
'Strings': ['41 Violin', '42 Viola', '43 Cello', '44 Contrabass', '45 Tremolo Strings', '46 Pizzicato Strings', '47 Orchestral Harp', '48 Timpani'],
'Ensemble': ['49 String Ensemble 1', '50 String Ensemble 2', '51 Synth Strings 1', '52 Synth Strings 2', '53 Choir Aahs', '54 Voice Oohs', '55 Synth Choir', '56 Orchestra Hit'],
'Brass': ['57 Trumpet', '58 Trombone', '59 Tuba', '60 Muted Trumpet', '61 French Horn', '62 Brass Section', '63 Synth Brass 1', '64 Synth Brass 2'],
'Reed': ['65 Soprano Sax', '66 Alto Sax', '67 Tenor Sax', '68 Baritone Sax', '69 Oboe', '70 English Horn', '71 Bassoon', '72 Clarinet'],
'Pipe': ['73 Piccolo', '74 Flute', '75 Recorder', '76 Pan Flute', '77 Blown Bottle', '78 Shakuhachi', '79 Whistle', '80 Ocarina'],
'Synth Lead': ['81 Lead 1 (square)', '82 Lead 2 (sawtooth)', '83 Lead 3 (calliope)', '84 Lead 4 (chiff)', '85 Lead 5 (charang)', '86 Lead 6 (voice)', '87 Lead 7 (fifths)', '88 Lead 8 (bass + lead)'],
'Synth Pad': ['89 Pad 1 (new age)', '90 Pad 2 (warm)', '91 Pad 3 (polysynth)', '92 Pad 4 (choir)', '93 Pad 5 (bowed)', '94 Pad 6 (metallic)', '95 Pad 7 (halo)', '96 Pad 8 (sweep)'],
'Synth Effects': ['97 FX 1 (rain)', '98 FX 2 (soundtrack)', '99 FX 3 (crystal)', '100 FX 4 (atmosphere)', '101 FX 5 (brightness)', '102 FX 6 (goblins)', '103 FX 7 (echoes)', '104 FX 8 (sci-fi)'],
'Ethnic': ['105 Sitar', '106 Banjo', '107 Shamisen', '108 Koto', '109 Kalimba', '110 Bagpipe', '111 Fiddle', '112 Shanai'],
'Percussive': ['113 Tinkle Bell', '114 Agogo', '115 Steel Drums', '116 Woodblock', '117 Taiko Drum', '118 Melodic Tom', '119 Synth Drum'],
'Sound effects': ['120 Reverse Cymbal', '121 Guitar Fret Noise', '122 Breath Noise', '123 Seashore', '124 Bird Tweet', '125 Telephone Ring', '126 Helicopter', '127 Applause', '128 Gunshot']
// channel-tracker
MIDI.channels = (function () { // 0 - 15 channels
var channels = {};
for (var n = 0; n < 16; n++) {
channels[n] = { // default values
instrument: 0,
// Acoustic Grand Piano
mute: false,
mono: false,
omni: false,
solo: false
return channels;
MIDI.pianoKeyOffset = 21;
// note conversions
MIDI.keyToNote = {}; // C8 == 108
MIDI.noteToKey = {}; // 108 == C8
(function () {
var A0 = 0x15; // first note
var C8 = 0x6C; // last note
var number2key = ["C", "Db", "D", "Eb", "E", "F", "Gb", "G", "Ab", "A", "Bb", "B"];
for (var n = A0; n <= C8; n++) {
var octave = (n - 12) / 12 >> 0;
var name = number2key[n % 12] + octave;
MIDI.keyToNote[name] = n;
MIDI.noteToKey[n] = name;
var invertObject = function (o) {
if (o.length) {
var ret = {};
for (var key = 0; key < o.length; key ++) {
ret[o[key]] = key;
} else {
var ret = {};
for (var key in o) {
ret[o[key]] = key;
return ret;
if (typeof(MusicTheory) === "undefined") MusicTheory = {};
(function() {
var root = MusicTheory;
root.key2number = {
'A': 0,
'A#': 1,
'Bb': 1,
'B': 2,
'C': 3,
'C#': 4,
'Db': 4,
'D': 5,
'D#': 6,
'Eb': 6,
'E': 7,
'F': 8,
'F#': 9,
'Gb': 9,
'G': 10,
'G#': 11,
'Ab': 11
root.number2float = {
0: 0,
1: 0.5,
2: 1,
3: 2,
4: 2.5,
5: 3,
6: 3.5,
7: 4,
8: 5,
9: 5.5,
10: 6,
11: 6.5,
12: 7
root.number2key = invertObject(root.key2number);
root.float2number = invertObject(root.number2float);
root.getKeySignature = function (key) {
var keys = [ 'A', 'AB', 'B', 'C', 'CD', 'D', 'DE', 'E', 'F', 'FG', 'G', 'GA' ];
var accidental = [ 'F', 'C', 'G', 'D', 'A', 'E', 'B' ];
var signature = { // key signatures
'Fb': -8,
'Cb': -7,
'Gb': -6,
'Db': -5,
'Ab': -4,
'Eb': -3,
'Bb': -2,
'F': -1,
'C': 0,
'G': 1,
'D': 2,
'A': 3,
'E': 4,
'B': 5,
'F#': 6,
'C#': 7,
'G#': 8,
'D#': 9,
'A#': 10,
'E#': 11,
'B#': 12
if(signature < 0) { // flat
accidental = accidental.splice(7 + signature, -signature).reverse().join('');
} else { // sharp
accidental = accidental.splice(0, signature).join('');
for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i ++) {
if (keys[i].length > 1) {
if (accidental.indexOf(keys[i][0]) != -1 || accidental.indexOf(keys[i][1]) != -1) {
if (signature > 0) {
keys[i] = keys[i][0] + '#';
} else {
keys[i] = keys[i][1] + 'b';
} else {
keys[i] = keys[i][0] + '#';
Piano.keySignature = keys;
//// TEMPO
root.tempoFromTap = function(that) {
function getName(v) {
var tempo = { // wikipedia
200: 'Prestissimo',
168: 'Presto',
140: 'Vivace',
120: 'Allegro',
112: 'Allegretto',
101: 'Moderato',
76: 'Andante',
66: 'Adagio',
60: 'Larghetto',
40: 'Lento',
0: 'Larghissimo'
for (var n = 0, name = ""; n < 250; n ++) {
if (tempo[n]) name = tempo[n];
if (v < n) return name;
return 'Prestissimo';
if (that.tap) {
var diff = (new Date()).getTime() - that.tap;
var c = 1 / (diff / 1000) * 60;
Piano.tempo = c;
console.log(getName(c), c, diff)
document.getElementById("taptap").value = (c>>0) +"bmp " + getName(c);
that.tap = (new Date()).getTime();
root.findChord = function(r) {
function rewrite(o) {
var z = {};
for (var i in o) {
var r = {};
for (var ii in o[i]) {
r[o[i][ii]] = 1;
z[i] = r;
return z;
var test = {};
var values = "0 3".split(' ');
var chords = rewrite(Piano.chords);
for (var key in chords) {
for (var n = 0, length = values.length; n < length; n ++) {
if (isNaN(chords[key][values[n]])) {
test[key] = 1;
var results = [];
for (var key in chords) {
if (!test[key]) results.push(key);
document.getElementById("find").value = results;
return results;
root.scaleInfo = function(o) {
var intervalNames = [ 'r', 'b2', '2', 'b3', '3', '4', 'b5', '5', '&#X266F;5', '6', 'b7', '7', '8', 'b9', '9', '&#X266F;9', '10', '11', 'b12', '12', '&#X266F;12', '13' ]; // Interval numbers
var notes = '',
intervals = '',
gaps = '',
solfege = '',
// colors = '',
keys = '';
for (var i in o) {
if (o[i] > 0) {
gaps += '-' + (o[i] - key);
var key = o[i];
var note = Piano.calculateNote(key) % 12;
var noteName = Piano.keySignature[note];
var color = Piano.Color[Piano.HSL].english[note];
solfege += ', ' + MusicTheory.Solfege[noteName].syllable;
// colors += ', ' + (color[0] ? color[0].toUpperCase() + color.substr(1) : 'Undefined');
keys += ', ' + key;
notes += ', ' + noteName;
intervals += ', ' + intervalNames[key];
'<b>notes:</b> ' + notes.substr(2) + '<br>' +
'<b>solfege:</b> ' + solfege.substr(2) + '<br>' +
'<b>intervals:</b> ' + intervals.substr(2) + '<br>' +
'<b>keys:</b> ' + keys.substr(2) + '<br>' +
'<b>gaps:</b> ' + gaps.substr(1)
MusicTheory.Synesthesia : 0.3
Peacock: “Instruments to perform color-music: Two centuries of technological experimentation,” Leonardo, 21 (1988), 397-406.
Gerstner: Karl Gerstner, The Forms of Color 1986
Klein: Colour-Music: The art of light, London: Crosby Lockwood and Son, 1927.
Jameson: “Visual music in a visual programming language,” IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages, 1999, 111-118.
Helmholtz: Treatise on Physiological Optics, New York: Dover Books, 1962
Jones: The art of light & color, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1972
Reference: http://rhythmiclight.com/archives/ideas/colorscales.html
if (typeof(MusicTheory) === "undefined") var MusicTheory = {};
if (typeof(MusicTheory.Synesthesia) === "undefined") MusicTheory.Synesthesia = {};
(function(root) {
root.data = {
'Isaac Newton (1704)': {
ref: "Gerstner, p.167",
english: ['red',null,'orange',null,'yellow','green',null,'blue',null,'indigo',null,'violet'],
0: [ 0, 96, 51 ], // C
1: [ 0, 0, 0 ], // C#
2: [ 29, 94, 52 ], // D
3: [ 0, 0, 0 ], // D#
4: [ 60, 90, 60 ], // E
5: [ 135, 76, 32 ], // F
6: [ 0, 0, 0 ], // F#
7: [ 248, 82, 28 ], // G
8: [ 0, 0, 0 ], // G#
9: [ 302, 88, 26 ], // A
10: [ 0, 0, 0 ], // A#
11: [ 325, 84, 46 ] // B
'Louis Bertrand Castel (1734)': {
ref: 'Peacock, p.400',
english: ['blue','blue-green','green','olive green','yellow','yellow-orange','orange','red','crimson','violet','agate','indigo'],
0: [ 248, 82, 28 ],
1: [ 172, 68, 34 ],
2: [ 135, 76, 32 ],
3: [ 79, 59, 36 ],
4: [ 60, 90, 60 ],
5: [ 49, 90, 60 ],
6: [ 29, 94, 52 ],
7: [ 360, 96, 51 ],
8: [ 1, 89, 33 ],
9: [ 325, 84, 46 ],
10: [ 273, 80, 27 ],
11: [ 302, 88, 26 ]
'George Field (1816)': {
ref: 'Klein, p.69',
english: ['blue',null,'purple',null,'red','orange',null,'yellow',null,'yellow green',null,'green'],
0: [ 248, 82, 28 ],
1: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
2: [ 302, 88, 26 ],
3: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
4: [ 360, 96, 51 ],
5: [ 29, 94, 52 ],
6: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
7: [ 60, 90, 60 ],
8: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
9: [ 79, 59, 36 ],
10: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
11: [ 135, 76, 32 ]
'D. D. Jameson (1844)': {
ref: 'Jameson, p.12',
english: ['red','red-orange','orange','orange-yellow','yellow','green','green-blue','blue','blue-purple','purple','purple-violet','violet'],
0: [ 360, 96, 51 ],
1: [ 14, 91, 51 ],
2: [ 29, 94, 52 ],
3: [ 49, 90, 60 ],
4: [ 60, 90, 60 ],
5: [ 135, 76, 32 ],
6: [ 172, 68, 34 ],
7: [ 248, 82, 28 ],
8: [ 273, 80, 27 ],
9: [ 302, 88, 26 ],
10: [ 313, 78, 37 ],
11: [ 325, 84, 46 ]
'Theodor Seemann (1881)': {
ref: 'Klein, p.86',
english: ['carmine','scarlet','orange','yellow-orange','yellow','green','green blue','blue','indigo','violet','brown','black'],
0: [ 0, 58, 26 ],
1: [ 360, 96, 51 ],
2: [ 29, 94, 52 ],
3: [ 49, 90, 60 ],
4: [ 60, 90, 60 ],
5: [ 135, 76, 32 ],
6: [ 172, 68, 34 ],
7: [ 248, 82, 28 ],
8: [ 302, 88, 26 ],
9: [ 325, 84, 46 ],
10: [ 0, 58, 26 ],
11: [ 0, 0, 3 ]
'A. Wallace Rimington (1893)': {
ref: 'Peacock, p.402',
english: ['deep red','crimson','orange-crimson','orange','yellow','yellow-green','green','blueish green','blue-green','indigo','deep blue','violet'],
0: [ 360, 96, 51 ],
1: [ 1, 89, 33 ],
2: [ 14, 91, 51 ],
3: [ 29, 94, 52 ],
4: [ 60, 90, 60 ],
5: [ 79, 59, 36 ],
6: [ 135, 76, 32 ],
7: [ 163, 62, 40 ],
8: [ 172, 68, 34 ],
9: [ 302, 88, 26 ],
10: [ 248, 82, 28 ],
11: [ 325, 84, 46 ]
'Bainbridge Bishop (1893)': {
ref: 'Bishop, p.11',
english: ['red','orange-red or scarlet','orange','gold or yellow-orange','yellow or green-gold','yellow-green','green','greenish-blue or aquamarine','blue','indigo or violet-blue','violet','violet-red','red'],
0: [ 360, 96, 51 ],
1: [ 1, 89, 33 ],
2: [ 29, 94, 52 ],
3: [ 50, 93, 52 ],
4: [ 60, 90, 60 ],
5: [ 73, 73, 55 ],
6: [ 135, 76, 32 ],
7: [ 163, 62, 40 ],
8: [ 302, 88, 26 ],
9: [ 325, 84, 46 ],
10: [ 343, 79, 47 ],
11: [ 360, 96, 51 ]
'H. von Helmholtz (1910)': {
ref: 'Helmholtz, p.22',
english: ['yellow','green','greenish blue','cayan-blue','indigo blue','violet','end of red','red','red','red','red orange','orange'],
0: [ 60, 90, 60 ],
1: [ 135, 76, 32 ],
2: [ 172, 68, 34 ],
3: [ 211, 70, 37 ],
4: [ 302, 88, 26 ],
5: [ 325, 84, 46 ],
6: [ 330, 84, 34 ],
7: [ 360, 96, 51 ],
8: [ 10, 91, 43 ],
9: [ 10, 91, 43 ],
10: [ 8, 93, 51 ],
11: [ 28, 89, 50 ]
'Alexander Scriabin (1911)': {
ref: 'Jones, p.104',
english: ['red','violet','yellow','steely with the glint of metal','pearly blue the shimmer of moonshine','dark red','bright blue','rosy orange','purple','green','steely with a glint of metal','pearly blue the shimmer of moonshine'],
0: [ 360, 96, 51 ],
1: [ 325, 84, 46 ],
2: [ 60, 90, 60 ],
3: [ 245, 21, 43 ],
4: [ 211, 70, 37 ],
5: [ 1, 89, 33 ],
6: [ 248, 82, 28 ],
7: [ 29, 94, 52 ],
8: [ 302, 88, 26 ],
9: [ 135, 76, 32 ],
10: [ 245, 21, 43 ],
11: [ 211, 70, 37 ]
'Adrian Bernard Klein (1930)': {
ref: 'Klein, p.209',
english: ['dark red','red','red orange','orange','yellow','yellow green','green','blue-green','blue','blue violet','violet','dark violet'],
0: [ 0, 91, 40 ],
1: [ 360, 96, 51 ],
2: [ 14, 91, 51 ],
3: [ 29, 94, 52 ],
4: [ 60, 90, 60 ],
5: [ 73, 73, 55 ],
6: [ 135, 76, 32 ],
7: [ 172, 68, 34 ],
8: [ 248, 82, 28 ],
9: [ 292, 70, 31 ],
10: [ 325, 84, 46 ],
11: [ 330, 84, 34 ]
'August Aeppli (1940)': {
ref: 'Gerstner, p.169',
english: ['red',null,'orange',null,'yellow',null,'green','blue-green',null,'ultramarine blue','violet','purple'],
0: [ 0, 96, 51 ],
1: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
2: [ 29, 94, 52 ],
3: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
4: [ 60, 90, 60 ],
5: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
6: [ 135, 76, 32 ],
7: [ 172, 68, 34 ],
8: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
9: [ 211, 70, 37 ],
10: [ 273, 80, 27 ],
11: [ 302, 88, 26 ]
'I. J. Belmont (1944)': {
ref: 'Belmont, p.226',
english: ['red','red-orange','orange','yellow-orange','yellow','yellow-green','green','blue-green','blue','blue-violet','violet','red-violet'],
0: [ 360, 96, 51 ],
1: [ 14, 91, 51 ],
2: [ 29, 94, 52 ],
3: [ 50, 93, 52 ],
4: [ 60, 90, 60 ],
5: [ 73, 73, 55 ],
6: [ 135, 76, 32 ],
7: [ 172, 68, 34 ],
8: [ 248, 82, 28 ],
9: [ 313, 78, 37 ],
10: [ 325, 84, 46 ],
11: [ 338, 85, 37 ]
'Steve Zieverink (2004)': {
ref: 'Cincinnati Contemporary Art Center',
english: ['yellow-green','green','blue-green','blue','indigo','violet','ultra violet','infra red','red','orange','yellow-white','yellow'],
0: [ 73, 73, 55 ],
1: [ 135, 76, 32 ],
2: [ 172, 68, 34 ],
3: [ 248, 82, 28 ],
4: [ 302, 88, 26 ],
5: [ 325, 84, 46 ],
6: [ 326, 79, 24 ],
7: [ 1, 89, 33 ],
8: [ 360, 96, 51 ],
9: [ 29, 94, 52 ],
10: [ 62, 78, 74 ],
11: [ 60, 90, 60 ]
'Circle of Fifths (2012)': {
ref: "Stuart Wheatman", // http://www.valleysfamilychurch.org/
english: [],
data: ['#122400', '#2E002E', '#002914', '#470000', '#002142', '#2E2E00', '#290052', '#003D00', '#520029', '#003D3D', '#522900', '#000080', '#244700', '#570057', '#004D26', '#7A0000', '#003B75', '#4C4D00', '#47008F', '#006100', '#850042', '#005C5C', '#804000', '#0000C7', '#366B00', '#80007F', '#00753B', '#B80000', '#0057AD', '#6B6B00', '#6600CC', '#008A00', '#B8005C', '#007F80', '#B35900', '#2424FF', '#478F00', '#AD00AD', '#00994D', '#F00000', '#0073E6', '#8F8F00', '#8A14FF', '#00AD00', '#EB0075', '#00A3A3', '#E07000', '#6B6BFF', '#5CB800', '#DB00DB', '#00C261', '#FF5757', '#3399FF', '#ADAD00', '#B56BFF', '#00D600', '#FF57AB', '#00C7C7', '#FF9124', '#9999FF', '#6EDB00', '#FF29FF', '#00E070', '#FF9999', '#7ABDFF', '#D1D100', '#D1A3FF', '#00FA00', '#FFA3D1', '#00E5E6', '#FFC285', '#C2C2FF', '#80FF00', '#FFA8FF', '#00E070', '#FFCCCC', '#C2E0FF', '#F0F000', '#EBD6FF', '#ADFFAD', '#FFD6EB', '#8AFFFF', '#FFEBD6', '#EBEBFF', '#E0FFC2', '#FFEBFF', '#E5FFF2', '#FFF5F5'] }
root.map = function(type) {
var data = {};
var blend = function(a, b) {
return [ // blend two colors and round results
(a[0] * 0.5 + b[0] * 0.5 + 0.5) >> 0,
(a[1] * 0.5 + b[1] * 0.5 + 0.5) >> 0,
(a[2] * 0.5 + b[2] * 0.5 + 0.5) >> 0
var syn = root.data;
var colors = syn[type] || syn["D. D. Jameson (1844)"];
for (var note = 0; note <= 88; note ++) { // creates mapping for 88 notes
if (colors.data) {
data[note] = {
hsl: colors.data[note],
hex: colors.data[note]
} else {
var clr = colors[(note + 9) % 12];
var H = clr.H || clr[0];
var S = clr.S || clr[1];
var L = clr.L || clr[2];
if (H == S && S == L) {
clr = blend(parray, colors[(note + 10) % 12]);
var amount = L / 10;
var octave = note / 12 >> 0;
var octaveLum = L + amount * octave - 3 * amount; // map luminance to octave
data[note] = {
hsl: 'hsla(' + H + ',' + S + '%,' + octaveLum + '%, 1)',
hex: Color.Space({H:H, S:S, L:octaveLum}, "HSL>RGB>HEX>W3")
var parray = clr;
return data;
// http://ntt.cc/2008/01/19/base64-encoder-decoder-with-javascript.html
// window.atob and window.btoa
(function (window) {
var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
window.btoa || (window.btoa = function encode64(input) {
input = escape(input);
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3 = "";
var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4 = "";
var i = 0;
do {
chr1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
chr3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
enc1 = chr1 >> 2;
enc2 = ((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
enc3 = ((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
enc4 = chr3 & 63;
if (isNaN(chr2)) {
enc3 = enc4 = 64;
} else if (isNaN(chr3)) {
enc4 = 64;
output = output + keyStr.charAt(enc1) + keyStr.charAt(enc2) + keyStr.charAt(enc3) + keyStr.charAt(enc4);
chr1 = chr2 = chr3 = "";
enc1 = enc2 = enc3 = enc4 = "";
} while (i < input.length);
return output;
window.atob || (window.atob = function(input) {
var output = "";
var chr1, chr2, chr3 = "";
var enc1, enc2, enc3, enc4 = "";
var i = 0;
// remove all characters that are not A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /, or =
var base64test = /[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g;
if (base64test.exec(input)) {
alert("There were invalid base64 characters in the input text.\n" + "Valid base64 characters are A-Z, a-z, 0-9, '+', '/',and '='\n" + "Expect errors in decoding.");
input = input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
do {
enc1 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc2 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc3 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
enc4 = keyStr.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
chr1 = (enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
chr2 = ((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
chr3 = ((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr1);
if (enc3 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr2);
if (enc4 != 64) {
output = output + String.fromCharCode(chr3);
chr1 = chr2 = chr3 = "";
enc1 = enc2 = enc3 = enc4 = "";
} while (i < input.length);
return unescape(output);
Loader.js : 0.4.2 : 2012/11/09
/// Simple setup.
var loader = new widgets.Loader;
/// More complex setup.
var loader = new widgets.Loader({
id: "loader",
bars: 12,
radius: 0,
lineWidth: 20,
lineHeight: 70,
timeout: 30, // maximum timeout in seconds.
background: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)",
container: document.body,
oncomplete: function() {
// call function once loader has completed
onstart: function() {
// call function once loader has started
/// Add a new message to the queue.
var loaderId = loader.add({
message: "test",
getProgress: function() { // sends progress to loader.js
return progress; // value between 1-100
/// Remove a specific loader message.
/// Recenter the loader within container (run onresize)
/// Stop all loader instances.
if (typeof (widgets) === "undefined") var widgets = {};
(function() { "use strict";
var PI = Math.PI;
var noCanvas = !document.createElement("canvas").getContext;
var fadeOutSpeed = 400;
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bars: 12,
radius: 0,
lineWidth: 20,
lineHeight: 70,
timeout: 0,
display: true
widgets.Loader = function (configure) {
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if (typeof (configure) === "boolean") configure = { display: false };
if (typeof (configure) === "undefined") configure = {};
configure.container = configure.container || document.body;
if (!configure.container) return;
/// Mixin the default configurations.
for (var key in defaultConfig) {
if (typeof (configure[key]) === "undefined") {
configure[key] = defaultConfig[key];
/// Setup element
var canvas = document.getElementById(configure.id);
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var div = document.createElement("div");
var span = document.createElement("span");
span.className = "message";
div.className = defaultConfig.id;
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canvas.id = configure.id;
canvas.style.cssText = "opacity: 1; position: absolute; z-index: 10000;";
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/// Configure
var delay = configure.delay;
var bars = configure.bars;
var radius = configure.radius;
var max = configure.lineHeight + 20;
var size = max * 2 + configure.radius * 2;
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var height = windowSize.height - size;
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canvas.width = size * deviceRatio;
canvas.height = size * deviceRatio;
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ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "lighter";
ctx.shadowOffsetX = 1;
ctx.shadowOffsetY = 1;
ctx.shadowBlur = 1;
ctx.shadowColor = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)";
/// Public functions.
this.messages = {};
this.message = function (message, onstart) {
if (!this.interval) return this.start(onstart, message);
return this.add({
message: message,
onstart: onstart
this.update = function(id, message, percent) {
if (!id) for (var id in this.messages);
var item = this.messages[id];
item.message = message;
if (typeof(percent) === "number") item.span.innerHTML = percent + "%";
if (message.substr(-3) === "...") { // animated dots
item._message = message.substr(0, message.length - 3);
item.messageAnimate = [".&nbsp;&nbsp;", "..&nbsp;", "..."].reverse();
} else { // normal
item._message = message;
item.messageAnimate = false;
item.element.innerHTML = message;
this.add = function (conf) {
if (typeof(conf) === "string") conf = { message: conf };
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canvas.parentNode.style.opacity = 1;
canvas.parentNode.style.display = "block";
if (configure.background) this.div.style.background = configure.backgrond;
var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
var seed = Math.abs(timestamp * Math.random() >> 0);
var message = conf.message;
var container = document.createElement("div");
container.style.cssText = transitionCSS("opacity", 500);
var span = document.createElement("span");
span.style.cssText = "float: right; width: 50px;";
var node = document.createElement("span");
node.innerHTML = message;
var item = this.messages[seed] = {
seed: seed,
container: container,
element: node,
span: span,
message: message,
timeout: (conf.timeout || configure.timeout) * 1000,
timestamp: timestamp,
getProgress: conf.getProgress
this.span.style.display = "block";
this.update(item.seed, message);
/// Escape event loop.
if (conf.onstart) {
window.setTimeout(conf.onstart, 50);
if (!this.interval) {
if (!conf.delay) renderAnimation();
this.interval = window.setInterval(renderAnimation, 30);
/// Return identifier.
return seed;
this.remove = function (seed) {
iteration += 0.07;
var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
if (typeof(seed) === "object") seed = seed.join(":");
if (seed) seed = ":" + seed + ":";
/// Remove element.
for (var key in this.messages) {
var item = this.messages[key];
if (!seed || seed.indexOf(":" + item.seed + ":") !== -1) {
delete this.messages[item.seed];
item.container.style.color = "#99ff88";
if (item.getProgress) item.span.innerHTML = "100%";
this.start = function (onstart, message) {
if (!(message || configure.message)) return;
return this.add({
message: message || configure.message,
onstart: onstart
this.stop = function () {
delete this.interval;
if (configure.oncomplete) configure.oncomplete();
if (canvas && canvas.style) {
div.style.cssText += "pointer-events: none;";
window.setTimeout(function() {
that.div.style.opacity = 0;
}, 1);
window.setTimeout(function () {
if (that.interval) return;
that.stopPropagation = false;
canvas.parentNode.style.display = "none";
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, size, size);
}, fadeOutSpeed * 1000);
this.center = function() {
var windowSize = getWindowSize(configure.container);
var width = windowSize.width - size;
var height = windowSize.height - size;
/// Center the animation within the content.
canvas.style.left = (width / 2) + "px";
canvas.style.top = (height / 2) + "px";
canvas.style.width = (size) + "px";
canvas.style.height = (size) + "px";
that.span.style.top = (height / 2 + size - 10) + "px";
var style = document.createElement("style");
style.innerHTML = '\
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.loader span.message div { border-bottom: 1px solid #222; padding: 5px 10px; clear: both; text-align: left; opacity: 1; }\
.loader span.message div:last-child { border-bottom: none; }\
/// Private functions.
var removeChild = function(item) {
window.setTimeout(function() { // timeout in case within same event loop.
item.container.style.opacity = 0;
}, 1);
window.setTimeout(function() { // wait for opacity=0 before removing the element.
}, 250);
var renderAnimation = function () {
var timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
for (var key in that.messages) {
var item = that.messages[key];
var nid = iteration / 0.07 >> 0;
if (nid % 5 === 0 && item.getProgress) {
if (item.timeout && item.timestamp && timestamp - item.timestamp > item.timeout) {
var progress = item.getProgress();
if (progress >= 100) {
item.span.innerHTML = (progress >> 0) + "%";
if (nid % 10 === 0) {
if (item.messageAnimate) {
var length = item.messageAnimate.length;
var n = nid / 10 % length;
var text = item._message + item.messageAnimate[n];
item.element.innerHTML = text;
if (!key) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, size * deviceRatio, size * deviceRatio);
ctx.scale(deviceRatio, deviceRatio);
ctx.translate(size / 2, size / 2);
var hues = 360 - 360 / bars;
for (var i = 0; i < bars; i++) {
var angle = (i / bars * 2 * PI) + iteration;
ctx.translate(radius * Math.sin(-angle), radius * Math.cos(-angle));
// round-rect properties
var x = -configure.lineWidth / 2;
var y = 0;
var width = configure.lineWidth;
var height = configure.lineHeight;
var curve = width / 2;
// round-rect path
ctx.moveTo(x + curve, y);
ctx.lineTo(x + width - curve, y);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y, x + width, y + curve);
ctx.lineTo(x + width, y + height - curve);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + width, y + height, x + width - curve, y + height);
ctx.lineTo(x + curve, y + height);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + height, x, y + height - curve);
ctx.lineTo(x, y + curve);
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + curve, y);
// round-rect fill
var hue = ((i / (bars - 1)) * hues);
ctx.fillStyle = "hsla(" + hue + ", 100%, 50%, 0.85)";
iteration += 0.07;
if (configure.display === false) return this;
return this;
var transitionCSS = function(type, ms) {
return '\
-webkit-transition-property: '+type+';\
-webkit-transition-duration: '+ms+'ms;\
-moz-transition-property: '+type+';\
-moz-transition-duration: '+ms+'ms;\
-o-transition-property: '+type+';\
-o-transition-duration: '+ms+'ms;\
-ms-transition-property: '+type+';\
-ms-transition-duration: '+ms+'ms;';
var getWindowSize = function (element) {
if (window.innerWidth && window.innerHeight) {
var width = window.innerWidth;
var height = window.innerHeight;
} else if (document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat" && document.documentElement && document.documentElement.offsetWidth) {
var width = document.documentElement.offsetWidth;
var height = document.documentElement.offsetHeight;
} else if (document.body && document.body.offsetWidth) {
var width = document.body.offsetWidth;
var height = document.body.offsetHeight;
if (element) {
var width = element.offsetWidth;
return {
width: width,
height: height
DOMLoader.script.js : 0.1.2 : 2012/09/08 : http://mudcu.be
Copyright 2011-2012 Mudcube. All rights reserved.
/// No verification
/// Strict loading order and verification.
strictOrder: true,
srcs: [
src: "../js/jszip/jszip.js",
verify: "JSZip",
callback: function() {
src: "../inc/downloadify/js/swfobject.js",
verify: "swfobject",
callback: function() {
callback: function() {
/// Just verification.
src: "../js/jszip/jszip.js",
verify: "JSZip",
callback: function() {
if (typeof(DOMLoader) === "undefined") var DOMLoader = {};
(function() { "use strict";
DOMLoader.script = function() {
this.loaded = {};
this.loading = {};
return this;
DOMLoader.script.prototype.add = function(config) {
var that = this;
if (typeof(config) === "string") {
config = { src: config };
var srcs = config.srcs;
if (typeof(srcs) === "undefined") {
srcs = [{
src: config.src,
verify: config.verify
/// adding the elements to the head
var doc = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var testElement = function(element, test) {
if (that.loaded[element.src]) return;
if (test && typeof(window[test]) === "undefined") return;
that.loaded[element.src] = true;
if (that.loading[element.src]) that.loading[element.src]();
delete that.loading[element.src];
if (element.callback) element.callback();
if (typeof(getNext) !== "undefined") getNext();
var batchTest = [];
var addElement = function(element) {
if (typeof(element) === "string") {
element = {
src: element,
verify: config.verify
if (/([\w\d.])$/.test(element.verify)) { // check whether its a variable reference
element.test = element.verify;
if (typeof(element.test) === "object") {
for (var key in element.test) {
} else {
if (that.loaded[element.src]) return;
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState !== "loaded" && this.readyState !== "complete") return;
script.onload = function() {
script.onerror = function() {
script.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
script.setAttribute("src", element.src);
that.loading[element.src] = function() {};
/// checking to see whether everything loaded properly
var onLoad = function(element) {
if (element) {
testElement(element, element.test);
} else {
for (var n = 0; n < srcs.length; n ++) {
testElement(srcs[n], srcs[n].test);
var istrue = true;
for (var n = 0; n < batchTest.length; n ++) {
var test = batchTest[n];
if (test && test.indexOf(".") !== -1) {
test = test.split(".");
var level0 = window[test[0]];
if (typeof(level0) === "undefined") continue;
if (test.length === 2) { //- this is a bit messy and could handle more cases
if (typeof(level0[test[1]]) === "undefined") {
istrue = false;
} else if (test.length === 3) {
if (typeof(level0[test[1]][test[2]]) === "undefined") {
istrue = false;
} else {
if (typeof(window[test]) === "undefined") {
istrue = false;
if (!config.strictOrder && istrue) { // finished loading all the requested scripts
if (config.callback) config.callback();
} else { // keep calling back the function
setTimeout(function() { //- should get slower over time?
}, 10);
/// loading methods; strict ordering or loose ordering
if (config.strictOrder) {
var ID = -1;
var getNext = function() {
ID ++;
if (!srcs[ID]) { // all elements are loaded
if (config.callback) config.callback();
} else { // loading new script
var element = srcs[ID];
var src = element.src;
if (that.loading[src]) { // already loading from another call (attach to event)
that.loading[src] = function() {
if (element.callback) element.callback();
} else if (!that.loaded[src]) { // create script element
} else { // it's already been successfully loaded
} else { // loose ordering
for (var ID = 0; ID < srcs.length; ID ++) {
DOMLoader.script = (new DOMLoader.script());
url: "./dir/something.extension",
data: "test!",
onerror: function(event) {
onload: function(response) {
onprogress: function (event) {
var percent = event.loaded / event.total * 100 >> 0;
loader.message("loading: " + percent + "%");
if (typeof(DOMLoader) === "undefined") var DOMLoader = {};
// Add XMLHttpRequest when not available
if (typeof (XMLHttpRequest) === "undefined") {
var XMLHttpRequest;
(function () { // find equivalent for IE
var factories = [
function () {
return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
}, function () {
return new ActiveXObject("Msxml3.XMLHTTP")
}, function () {
return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
for (var i = 0; i < factories.length; i++) {
try {
} catch (e) {
XMLHttpRequest = factories[i];
if (typeof ((new XMLHttpRequest()).responseText) === "undefined") {
// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1919972/how-do-i-access-xhr-responsebody-for-binary-data-from-javascript-in-ie
var IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Script =
"<!-- IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr -->\r\n"+
"<script type='text/vbscript'>\r\n"+
"Function IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr(Binary)\r\n"+
" IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr = CStr(Binary)\r\n"+
"End Function\r\n"+
"Function IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last(Binary)\r\n"+
" Dim lastIndex\r\n"+
" lastIndex = LenB(Binary)\r\n"+
" if lastIndex mod 2 Then\r\n"+
" IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last = Chr( AscB( MidB( Binary, lastIndex, 1 ) ) )\r\n"+
" Else\r\n"+
" IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last = "+'""'+"\r\n"+
" End If\r\n"+
"End Function\r\n"+
// inject VBScript
DOMLoader.sendRequest = function(conf) {
// helper to convert from responseBody to a "responseText" like thing
function getResponseText(binary) {
var byteMapping = {};
for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
byteMapping[String.fromCharCode(i + j * 256)] = String.fromCharCode(i) + String.fromCharCode(j);
// call into VBScript utility fns
var rawBytes = IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr(binary);
var lastChr = IEBinaryToArray_ByteStr_Last(binary);
return rawBytes.replace(/[\s\S]/g, function (match) {
return byteMapping[match];
}) + lastChr;
var req = XMLHttpRequest();
req.open("GET", conf.url, true);
if (conf.responseType) req.responseType = conf.responseType;
if (conf.onerror) req.onerror = conf.onerror;
if (conf.onprogress) req.onprogress = conf.onprogress;
req.onreadystatechange = function (event) {
if (req.readyState === 4) {
if (req.status === 200) {
req.responseText = getResponseText(req.responseBody);
} else {
req = false;
if (conf.onload) conf.onload(req);
req.setRequestHeader("Accept-Charset", "x-user-defined");
return req;
} else {
DOMLoader.sendRequest = function(conf) {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.open(conf.data ? "POST" : "GET", conf.url, true);
if (req.overrideMimeType) req.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined");
if (conf.data) req.setRequestHeader('Content-type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
if (conf.responseType) req.responseType = conf.responseType;
if (conf.onerror) req.onerror = conf.onerror;
if (conf.onprogress) req.onprogress = conf.onprogress;
req.onreadystatechange = function (event) {
if (req.readyState === 4) {
if (req.status !== 200 && req.status != 304) {
if (conf.onerror) conf.onerror(event, false);
if (conf.onload) {
return req;
Event.js : 1.1.1 : 2012/11/19 : MIT License
1 : click, dblclick, dbltap
1+ : tap, longpress, drag, swipe
2+ : pinch, rotate
: mousewheel, devicemotion, shake
* switch configuration to 4th argument on addEventListener
* bbox calculation for elements scaled with transform.
* When using other libraries that may have built in "Event" namespace,
i.e. Typescript, you can use "eventjs" instead of "Event" for all example calls.
REQUIREMENTS: querySelector, querySelectorAll
* There are two ways to add/remove events with this library.
// Retains "this" attribute as target, and overrides native addEventListener.
target.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
target.removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
// Attempts to perform as fast as possible.
Event.add(type, listener, configure);
Event.remove(type, listener, configure);
* You can turn prototyping on/off for individual features.
Event.modifyEventListener = true; // add custom *EventListener commands to HTMLElements.
Event.modifySelectors = true; // add bulk *EventListener commands on NodeLists from querySelectorAll and others.
* Example of setting up a single listener with a custom configuration.
// optional configuration.
var configure = {
fingers: 2, // listen for specifically two fingers.
snap: 90 // snap to 90 degree intervals.
// adding with addEventListener()
target.addEventListener("swipe", function(event) {
// additional variables can be found on the event object.
console.log(event.velocity, event.angle, event.fingers);
}, configure);
// adding with Event.add()
Event.add("swipe", function(event, self) {
// additional variables can be found on the self object.
console.log(self.velocity, self.angle, self.fingers);
}, configure);
* Multiple listeners glued together.
// adding with addEventListener()
target.addEventListener("click swipe", function(event) { });
// adding with Event.add()
Event.add(target, "click swipe", function(event, self) { });
* Use query selectors to create an event (querySelectorAll)
// adding events to NodeList from querySelectorAll()
document.querySelectorAll("#element a.link").addEventListener("click", callback);
// adding with Event.add()
Event.add("#element a.link", "click", callback);
* Listen for selector to become available (querySelector)
Event.add("body", "ready", callback);
// or...
target: "body",
type: "ready",
timeout: 10000, // set a timeout to stop checking.
interval: 30, // set how often to check for element.
listener: callback
* Multiple listeners bound to one callback w/ single configuration.
var bindings = Event.add({
target: target,
type: "click swipe",
snap: 90, // snap to 90 degree intervals.
minFingers: 2, // minimum required fingers to start event.
maxFingers: 4, // maximum fingers in one event.
listener: function(event, self) {
console.log(self.gesture); // will be click or swipe.
console.log(self.fingers); // somewhere between "2" and "4".
self.pause(); // disable event.
self.resume(); // enable event.
self.remove(); // remove event.
* Multiple listeners bound to multiple callbacks w/ single configuration.
var bindings = Event.add({
target: target,
minFingers: 1,
maxFingers: 12,
listeners: {
click: function(event, self) {
self.remove(); // removes this click listener.
swipe: function(event, self) {
binding.remove(); // removes both the click + swipe listeners.
* Multiple listeners bound to multiple callbacks w/ multiple configurations.
var binding = Event.add({
target: target,
listeners: {
longpress: {
fingers: 1,
wait: 500, // milliseconds
listener: function(event, self) {
console.log(self.fingers); // "1" finger.
drag: {
fingers: 3,
position: "relative", // "relative", "absolute", "difference", "move"
listener: function(event, self) {
console.log(self.fingers); // "3" fingers.
console.log(self.x); // coordinate is relative to edge of target.
* Capturing an event and manually forwarding it to a proxy (tiered events).
Event.add(target, "down", function(event, self) {
var x = event.pageX; // local variables that wont change.
var y = event.pageY;
event: event,
target: target,
listener: function(event, self) {
console.log(x - event.pageX); // measure movement.
console.log(y - event.pageY);
* Event proxies.
* type, fingers, state, start, x, y, position, bbox
* rotation, scale, velocity, angle, delay, timeout
// "Click" :: fingers, minFingers, maxFingers.
Event.add(window, "click", function(event, self) {
console.log(self.gesture, self.x, self.y);
// "Double-Click" :: fingers, minFingers, maxFingers.
Event.add(window, "dblclick", function(event, self) {
console.log(self.gesture, self.x, self.y);
// "Drag" :: fingers, maxFingers, position
Event.add(window, "drag", function(event, self) {
console.log(self.gesture, self.fingers, self.state, self.start, self.x, self.y, self.bbox);
// "Gesture" :: fingers, minFingers, maxFingers.
Event.add(window, "gesture", function(event, self) {
console.log(self.gesture, self.fingers, self.state, self.rotation, self.scale);
// "Swipe" :: fingers, minFingers, maxFingers, snap, threshold.
Event.add(window, "swipe", function(event, self) {
console.log(self.gesture, self.fingers, self.velocity, self.angle);
// "Tap" :: fingers, minFingers, maxFingers, timeout.
Event.add(window, "tap", function(event, self) {
console.log(self.gesture, self.fingers);
// "Longpress" :: fingers, minFingers, maxFingers, delay.
Event.add(window, "longpress", function(event, self) {
console.log(self.gesture, self.fingers);
Event.add(window, "shake", function(event, self) {
console.log(self.gesture, self.acceleration, self.accelerationIncludingGravity);
Event.add(window, "devicemotion", function(event, self) {
console.log(self.gesture, self.acceleration, self.accelerationIncludingGravity);
Event.add(window, "wheel", function(event, self) {
console.log(self.gesture, self.state, self.wheelDelta);
* Stop, prevent and cancel.
Event.stop(event); // stop bubble.
Event.prevent(event); // prevent default.
Event.cancel(event); // stop and prevent.
* Track for proper command/control-key for Mac/PC.
Event.add(window, "keyup keydown", Event.proxy.metaTracker);
* Test for event features, in this example Drag & Drop file support.
console.log(Event.supports('dragstart') && Event.supports('drop') && !!window.FileReader);
if (typeof(Event) === "undefined") var Event = {};
if (typeof(eventjs) === "undefined") var eventjs = Event;
Event = (function(root) { "use strict";
// Add custom *EventListener commands to HTMLElements.
root.modifyEventListener = false;
// Add bulk *EventListener commands on NodeLists from querySelectorAll and others.
root.modifySelectors = false;
// Event maintenance.
root.add = function(target, type, listener, configure) {
return eventManager(target, type, listener, configure, "add");
root.remove = function(target, type, listener, configure) {
return eventManager(target, type, listener, configure, "remove");
root.stop = function(event) {
if (event.stopPropagation) event.stopPropagation();
event.cancelBubble = true; // <= IE8
event.bubble = 0;
root.prevent = function(event) {
if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();
event.returnValue = false; // <= IE8
root.cancel = function(event) {
// Check whether event is natively supported (via @kangax)
root.supports = function (target, type) {
if (typeof(target) === "string") {
type = target;
target = window;
type = "on" + type;
if (type in target) return true;
if (!target.setAttribute) target = document.createElement("div");
if (target.setAttribute && target.removeAttribute) {
target.setAttribute(type, "");
var isSupported = typeof target[type] === "function";
if (typeof target[type] !== "undefined") target[type] = null;
return isSupported;
var clone = function (obj) {
if (!obj || typeof (obj) !== 'object') return obj;
var temp = new obj.constructor();
for (var key in obj) {
if (!obj[key] || typeof (obj[key]) !== 'object') {
temp[key] = obj[key];
} else { // clone sub-object
temp[key] = clone(obj[key]);
return temp;
/// Handle custom *EventListener commands.
var eventManager = function(target, type, listener, configure, trigger, fromOverwrite) {
configure = configure || {};
// Check for element to load on interval (before onload).
if (typeof(target) === "string" && type === "ready") {
var time = (new Date()).getTime();
var timeout = configure.timeout;
var ms = configure.interval || 1000 / 60;
var interval = window.setInterval(function() {
if ((new Date()).getTime() - time > timeout) {
if (document.querySelector(target)) {
}, ms);
// Get DOM element from Query Selector.
if (typeof(target) === "string") {
target = document.querySelectorAll(target);
if (target.length === 0) return createError("Missing target on listener!"); // No results.
if (target.length === 1) { // Single target.
target = target[0];
/// Handle multiple targets.
var event;
var events = {};
if (target.length > 0) {
for (var n0 = 0, length0 = target.length; n0 < length0; n0 ++) {
event = eventManager(target[n0], type, listener, clone(configure), trigger);
if (event) events[n0] = event;
return createBatchCommands(events);
// Check for multiple events in one string.
if (type.indexOf && type.indexOf(" ") !== -1) type = type.split(" ");
if (type.indexOf && type.indexOf(",") !== -1) type = type.split(",");
// Attach or remove multiple events associated with a target.
if (typeof(type) !== "string") { // Has multiple events.
if (typeof(type.length) === "number") { // Handle multiple listeners glued together.
for (var n1 = 0, length1 = type.length; n1 < length1; n1 ++) { // Array [type]
event = eventManager(target, type[n1], listener, clone(configure), trigger);
if (event) events[type[n1]] = event;
} else { // Handle multiple listeners.
for (var key in type) { // Object {type}
if (typeof(type[key]) === "function") { // without configuration.
event = eventManager(target, key, type[key], clone(configure), trigger);
} else { // with configuration.
event = eventManager(target, key, type[key].listener, clone(type[key]), trigger);
if (event) events[key] = event;
return createBatchCommands(events);
// Ensure listener is a function.
if (typeof(listener) !== "function") return createError("Listener is not a function!");
// Generate a unique wrapper identifier.
var useCapture = configure.useCapture || false;
var id = normalize(type) + getID(target) + "." + getID(listener) + "." + (useCapture ? 1 : 0);
// Handle the event.
if (root.Gesture && root.Gesture._gestureHandlers[type]) { // Fire custom event.
if (trigger === "remove") { // Remove event listener.
if (!wrappers[id]) return; // Already removed.
delete wrappers[id];
} else if (trigger === "add") { // Attach event listener.
if (wrappers[id]) return wrappers[id]; // Already attached.
// Retains "this" orientation.
if (configure.useCall && !root.modifyEventListener) {
var tmp = listener;
listener = function(event, self) {
for (var key in self) event[key] = self[key];
return tmp.call(target, event);
// Create listener proxy.
configure.gesture = type;
configure.target = target;
configure.listener = listener;
configure.fromOverwrite = fromOverwrite;
// Record wrapper.
wrappers[id] = root.proxy[type](configure);
} else { // Fire native event.
type = normalize(type);
if (trigger === "remove") { // Remove event listener.
if (!wrappers[id]) return; // Already removed.
target[remove](type, listener, useCapture);
delete wrappers[id];
} else if (trigger === "add") { // Attach event listener.
if (wrappers[id]) return wrappers[id]; // Already attached.
target[add](type, listener, useCapture);
// Record wrapper.
wrappers[id] = {
type: type,
target: target,
listener: listener,
remove: function() {
root.remove(target, type, listener, configure);
return wrappers[id];
/// Perform batch actions on multiple events.
var createBatchCommands = function(events) {
return {
remove: function() { // Remove multiple events.
for (var key in events) {
add: function() { // Add multiple events.
for (var key in events) {
/// Display error message in console.
var createError = function(message) {
if (typeof(console) === "undefined") return;
if (typeof(console.error) === "undefined") return;
/// Handle naming discrepancies between platforms.
var normalize = (function() {
var translate = {};
return function(type) {
if (!root.pointerType) {
if (window.navigator.msPointerEnabled) {
root.pointerType = "mspointer";
translate = {
"mousedown": "MSPointerDown",
"mousemove": "MSPointerMove",
"mouseup": "MSPointerUp"
} else if (root.supports("touchstart")) {
root.pointerType = "touch";
translate = {
"mousedown": "touchstart",
"mouseup": "touchend",
"mousemove": "touchmove"
} else {
root.pointerType = "mouse";
if (translate[type]) type = translate[type];
if (!document.addEventListener) { // IE
return "on" + type;
} else {
return type;
/// Event wrappers to keep track of all events placed in the window.
var wrappers = {};
var counter = 0;
var getID = function(object) {
if (object === window) return "#window";
if (object === document) return "#document";
if (!object) return createError("Missing target on listener!");
if (!object.uniqueID) object.uniqueID = "id" + counter ++;
return object.uniqueID;
/// Detect platforms native *EventListener command.
var add = document.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent";
var remove = document.removeEventListener ? "removeEventListener" : "detachEvent";
Modified from; https://github.com/borismus/pointer.js
root.createPointerEvent = function (event, self, preventRecord) {
var eventName = self.gesture;
var target = self.target;
var pts = event.changedTouches || root.proxy.getCoords(event);
if (pts.length) {
var pt = pts[0];
self.pointers = preventRecord ? [] : pts;
self.pageX = pt.pageX;
self.pageY = pt.pageY;
self.x = self.pageX;
self.y = self.pageY;
var newEvent = document.createEvent("Event");
newEvent.initEvent(eventName, true, true);
newEvent.originalEvent = event;
for (var k in self) newEvent[k] = self[k];
/// Allows *EventListener to use custom event proxies.
if (root.modifyEventListener) (function() {
var augmentEventListener = function(proto) {
var recall = function(trigger) { // overwrite native *EventListener's
var handle = trigger + "EventListener";
var handler = proto[handle];
proto[handle] = function (type, listener, useCapture) {
if (root.Gesture && root.Gesture._gestureHandlers[type]) { // capture custom events.
var configure = useCapture;
if (typeof(useCapture) === "object") {
configure.useCall = true;
} else { // convert to configuration object.
configure = {
useCall: true,
useCapture: useCapture
eventManager(this, type, listener, configure, trigger, true);
handler.call(this, type, listener, useCapture);
} else { // use native function.
handler.call(this, normalize(type), listener, useCapture);
// NOTE: overwriting HTMLElement doesn't do anything in Firefox.
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox/)) {
// TODO: fix Firefox for the general case.
} else {
/// Allows querySelectorAll and other NodeLists to perform *EventListener commands in bulk.
if (root.modifySelectors) (function() {
var proto = NodeList.prototype;
proto.removeEventListener = function(type, listener, useCapture) {
for (var n = 0, length = this.length; n < length; n ++) {
this[n].removeEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
proto.addEventListener = function(type, listener, useCapture) {
for (var n = 0, length = this.length; n < length; n ++) {
this[n].addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture);
return root;
Event.proxy : 0.4.2 : 2012/07/29 : MIT License
Pointer Gestures
1 : click, dblclick, dbltap
1+ : tap, taphold, drag, swipe
2+ : pinch, rotate
Gyroscope Gestures
* shake
Fixes issues with
* mousewheel-Firefox uses DOMMouseScroll and does not return wheelDelta.
* devicemotion-Fixes issue where event.acceleration is not returned.
Ideas for the future
* Keyboard, GamePad, and other input abstractions.
* Event batching - i.e. for every x fingers down a new gesture is created.
if (typeof(Event) === "undefined") var Event = {};
if (typeof(Event.proxy) === "undefined") Event.proxy = {};
Event.proxy = (function(root) { "use strict";
Create a new pointer gesture instance.
root.pointerSetup = function(conf, self) {
/// Configure.
conf.doc = conf.target.ownerDocument || conf.target; // Associated document.
conf.minFingers = conf.minFingers || conf.fingers || 1; // Minimum required fingers.
conf.maxFingers = conf.maxFingers || conf.fingers || Infinity; // Maximum allowed fingers.
conf.position = conf.position || "relative"; // Determines what coordinate system points are returned.
/// Convenience data.
self = self || {};
self.gesture = conf.gesture;
self.target = conf.target;
self.pointerType = Event.pointerType;
if (Event.modifyEventListener && conf.fromOverwrite) conf.listener = Event.createPointerEvent;
/// Convenience commands.
var fingers = 0;
var type = self.gesture.indexOf("pointer") === 0 && Event.modifyEventListener ? "pointer" : "mouse";
self.proxy = function(listener) {
self.defaultListener = conf.listener;
conf.listener = listener;
listener(conf.event, self);
self.remove = function() {
if (conf.onPointerDown) Event.remove(conf.target, type + "down", conf.onPointerDown);
if (conf.onPointerMove) Event.remove(conf.doc, type + "move", conf.onPointerMove);
if (conf.onPointerUp) Event.remove(conf.doc, type + "up", conf.onPointerUp);
self.resume = function(opt) {
if (conf.onPointerMove && (!opt || opt.move)) Event.add(conf.doc, type + "move", conf.onPointerMove);
if (conf.onPointerUp && (!opt || opt.move)) Event.add(conf.doc, type + "up", conf.onPointerUp);
conf.fingers = fingers;
self.pause = function(opt) {
fingers = conf.fingers;
if (conf.onPointerMove && (!opt || opt.move)) Event.remove(conf.doc, type + "move", conf.onPointerMove);
if (conf.onPointerUp && (!opt || opt.up)) Event.remove(conf.doc, type + "up", conf.onPointerUp);
conf.fingers = 0;
return self;
Begin proxied pointer command.
root.pointerStart = function(event, self, conf) {
var addTouchStart = function(touch, sid) {
var bbox = conf.bbox;
var pt = track[sid] = {};
switch(conf.position) {
case "absolute": // Absolute from within window.
pt.offsetX = 0;
pt.offsetY = 0;
case "difference": // Relative from origin.
pt.offsetX = touch.pageX;
pt.offsetY = touch.pageY;
case "move": // Move target element.
pt.offsetX = touch.pageX - bbox.x1;
pt.offsetY = touch.pageY - bbox.y1;
default: // Relative from within target.
pt.offsetX = bbox.x1;
pt.offsetY = bbox.y1;
if (conf.position === "relative") {
var x = (touch.pageX + bbox.scrollLeft - pt.offsetX) * bbox.scaleX;
var y = (touch.pageY + bbox.scrollTop - pt.offsetY) * bbox.scaleY;
} else {
var x = (touch.pageX - pt.offsetX);
var y = (touch.pageY - pt.offsetY);
pt.rotation = 0;
pt.scale = 1;
pt.startTime = pt.moveTime = (new Date).getTime();
pt.move = { x: x, y: y };
pt.start = { x: x, y: y };
conf.fingers ++;
conf.event = event;
if (self.defaultListener) {
conf.listener = self.defaultListener;
delete self.defaultListener;
var isTouchStart = !conf.fingers;
var track = conf.tracker;
var touches = event.changedTouches || root.getCoords(event);
var length = touches.length;
// Adding touch events to tracking.
for (var i = 0; i < length; i ++) {
var touch = touches[i];
var sid = touch.identifier || Infinity; // Touch ID.
// Track the current state of the touches.
if (conf.fingers) {
if (conf.fingers >= conf.maxFingers) {
var ids = [];
for (var sid in conf.tracker) ids.push(sid);
self.identifier = ids.join(",");
return isTouchStart;
var fingers = 0; // Finger ID.
for (var rid in track) {
// Replace removed finger.
if (track[rid].up) {
delete track[rid];
addTouchStart(touch, sid);
conf.cancel = true;
fingers ++;
// Add additional finger.
if (track[sid]) continue;
addTouchStart(touch, sid);
} else { // Start tracking fingers.
track = conf.tracker = {};
self.bbox = conf.bbox = root.getBoundingBox(conf.target);
conf.fingers = 0;
conf.cancel = false;
addTouchStart(touch, sid);
var ids = [];
for (var sid in conf.tracker) ids.push(sid);
self.identifier = ids.join(",");
return isTouchStart;
End proxied pointer command.
root.pointerEnd = function(event, self, conf, onPointerUp) {
// Record changed touches have ended (iOS changedTouches is not reliable).
var touches = event.touches || [];
var length = touches.length;
var exists = {};
for (var i = 0; i < length; i ++) {
var touch = touches[i];
exists[touch.identifier || Infinity] = true;
for (var key in conf.tracker) {
var track = conf.tracker[key];
if (!exists[key] && !track.up) {
if (onPointerUp) { // add changedTouches to mouse.
event.changedTouches = [{
pageX: track.pageX,
pageY: track.pageY,
identifier: key === "Infinity" ? Infinity : key
onPointerUp(event, "up");
conf.tracker[key].up = true;
conf.fingers --;
// This should work but fails in Safari on iOS4 so not using it.
var touches = event.changedTouches || root.getCoords(event);
var length = touches.length;
// Record changed touches have ended (this should work).
for (var i = 0; i < length; i ++) {
var touch = touches[i];
var sid = touch.identifier || Infinity;
if (conf.tracker[sid]) {
conf.tracker[sid].up = true;
conf.fingers --;
// Wait for all fingers to be released.
if (conf.fingers !== 0) return false;
// Record total number of fingers gesture used.
var ids = [];
conf.gestureFingers = 0;
for (var sid in conf.tracker) {
conf.gestureFingers ++;
self.identifier = ids.join(",");
// Our pointer gesture has ended.
return true;
Returns mouse coords in an array to match event.*Touches
var touch = event.changedTouches || root.getCoords(event);
root.getCoords = function(event) {
if (typeof(event.pageX) !== "undefined") { // Desktop browsers.
root.getCoords = function(event) {
return Array({
type: "mouse",
x: event.pageX,
y: event.pageY,
pageX: event.pageX,
pageY: event.pageY,
identifier: Infinity
} else { // Internet Explorer <= 8.0
root.getCoords = function(event) {
event = event || window.event;
return Array({
type: "mouse",
x: event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft,
y: event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop,
pageX: event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft,
pageY: event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop,
identifier: Infinity
return root.getCoords(event);
Returns single coords in an object.
var mouse = root.getCoord(event);
root.getCoord = function(event) {
if ("ontouchstart" in window) { // Mobile browsers.
var pX = 0;
var pY = 0;
root.getCoord = function(event) {
var touches = event.changedTouches;
if (touches.length) { // ontouchstart + ontouchmove
return {
x: pX = touches[0].pageX,
y: pY = touches[0].pageY
} else { // ontouchend
return {
x: pX,
y: pY
} else if(typeof(event.pageX) !== "undefined" && typeof(event.pageY) !== "undefined") { // Desktop browsers.
root.getCoord = function(event) {
return {
x: event.pageX,
y: event.pageY
} else { // Internet Explorer <=8.0
root.getCoord = function(event) {
event = event || window.event;
return {
x: event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft,
y: event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop
return root.getCoord(event);
Get target scale and position in space.
root.getBoundingBox = function(o) {
if (o === window || o === document) o = document.body;
var bbox = {
x1: 0,
y1: 0,
x2: 0,
y2: 0,
scrollLeft: 0,
scrollTop: 0
if (o === document.body) {
bbox.height = window.innerHeight;
bbox.width = window.innerWidth;
} else {
bbox.height = o.offsetHeight;
bbox.width = o.offsetWidth;
/// Get the scale of the element.
bbox.scaleX = o.width / bbox.width || 1;
bbox.scaleY = o.height / bbox.height || 1;
/// Get the offset of element.
var tmp = o;
while (tmp !== null) {
bbox.x1 += tmp.offsetLeft;
bbox.y1 += tmp.offsetTop;
tmp = tmp.offsetParent;
/// Get the scroll of container element.
var tmp = o.parentNode;
while (tmp !== null) {
if (tmp === document.body) break;
if (tmp.scrollTop === undefined) break;
bbox.scrollLeft += tmp.scrollLeft;
bbox.scrollTop += tmp.scrollTop;
tmp = tmp.parentNode;
/// Record the extent of box.
bbox.x2 = bbox.x1 + bbox.width;
bbox.y2 = bbox.y1 + bbox.height;
return bbox;
Keep track of metaKey, the proper ctrlKey for users platform.
(function() {
var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var mac = agent.indexOf("macintosh") !== -1;
if (mac && agent.indexOf("khtml") !== -1) { // chrome, safari.
var watch = { 91: true, 93: true };
} else if (mac && agent.indexOf("firefox") !== -1) { // mac firefox.
var watch = { 224: true };
} else { // windows, linux, or mac opera.
var watch = { 17: true };
root.isMetaKey = function(event) {
return !!watch[event.keyCode];
root.metaTracker = function(event) {
if (watch[event.keyCode]) {
root.metaKey = event.type === "keydown";
return root;
"Click" event proxy.
Event.add(window, "click", function(event, self) {});
if (typeof(Event) === "undefined") var Event = {};
if (typeof(Event.proxy) === "undefined") Event.proxy = {};
Event.proxy = (function(root) { "use strict";
root.click = function(conf) {
conf.maxFingers = conf.maxFingers || conf.fingers || 1;
// Setting up local variables.
var EVENT;
// Tracking the events.
conf.onPointerDown = function (event) {
if (root.pointerStart(event, self, conf)) {
Event.add(conf.doc, "mousemove", conf.onPointerMove).listener(event);
Event.add(conf.doc, "mouseup", conf.onPointerUp);
conf.onPointerMove = function (event) {
EVENT = event;
conf.onPointerUp = function(event) {
if (root.pointerEnd(event, self, conf)) {
Event.remove(conf.doc, "mousemove", conf.onPointerMove);
Event.remove(conf.doc, "mouseup", conf.onPointerUp);
if (EVENT.cancelBubble && ++ EVENT.bubble > 1) return;
var pointers = EVENT.changedTouches || root.getCoords(EVENT);
var pointer = pointers[0];
var bbox = conf.bbox;
var newbbox = root.getBoundingBox(conf.target);
if (conf.position === "relative") {
var ax = (pointer.pageX + bbox.scrollLeft - bbox.x1) * bbox.scaleX;
var ay = (pointer.pageY + bbox.scrollTop - bbox.y1) * bbox.scaleY;
} else {
var ax = (pointer.pageX - bbox.x1);
var ay = (pointer.pageY - bbox.y1);
if (ax > 0 && ax < bbox.width && // Within target coordinates.
ay > 0 && ay < bbox.height &&
bbox.scrollTop === newbbox.scrollTop) {
conf.listener(EVENT, self);
// Generate maintenance commands, and other configurations.
var self = root.pointerSetup(conf);
self.state = "click";
// Attach events.
Event.add(conf.target, "mousedown", conf.onPointerDown);
// Return this object.
return self;
Event.Gesture = Event.Gesture || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers = Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers.click = root.click;
return root;
"Double-Click" aka "Double-Tap" event proxy.
Event.add(window, "dblclick", function(event, self) {});
Touch an target twice for <= 700ms, with less than 25 pixel drift.
if (typeof(Event) === "undefined") var Event = {};
if (typeof(Event.proxy) === "undefined") Event.proxy = {};
Event.proxy = (function(root) { "use strict";
root.dbltap =
root.dblclick = function(conf) {
conf.maxFingers = conf.maxFingers || conf.fingers || 1;
// Setting up local variables.
var delay = 700; // in milliseconds
var time0, time1, timeout;
var pointer0, pointer1;
// Tracking the events.
conf.onPointerDown = function (event) {
var pointers = event.changedTouches || root.getCoords(event);
if (time0 && !time1) { // Click #2
pointer1 = pointers[0];
time1 = (new Date).getTime() - time0;
} else { // Click #1
pointer0 = pointers[0];
time0 = (new Date).getTime();
time1 = 0;
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
time0 = 0;
}, delay);
if (root.pointerStart(event, self, conf)) {
Event.add(conf.doc, "mousemove", conf.onPointerMove).listener(event);
Event.add(conf.doc, "mouseup", conf.onPointerUp);
conf.onPointerMove = function (event) {
if (time0 && !time1) {
var pointers = event.changedTouches || root.getCoords(event);
pointer1 = pointers[0];
var bbox = conf.bbox;
if (conf.position === "relative") {
var ax = (pointer1.pageX + bbox.scrollLeft - bbox.x1) * bbox.scaleX;
var ay = (pointer1.pageY + bbox.scrollTop - bbox.y1) * bbox.scaleY;
} else {
var ax = (pointer1.pageX - bbox.x1);
var ay = (pointer1.pageY - bbox.y1);
if (!(ax > 0 && ax < bbox.width && // Within target coordinates..
ay > 0 && ay < bbox.height &&
Math.abs(pointer1.pageX - pointer0.pageX) <= 25 && // Within drift deviance.
Math.abs(pointer1.pageY - pointer0.pageY) <= 25)) {
// Cancel out this listener.
Event.remove(conf.doc, "mousemove", conf.onPointerMove);
time0 = time1 = 0;
conf.onPointerUp = function(event) {
if (root.pointerEnd(event, self, conf)) {
Event.remove(conf.doc, "mousemove", conf.onPointerMove);
Event.remove(conf.doc, "mouseup", conf.onPointerUp);
if (time0 && time1) {
if (time1 <= delay && !(event.cancelBubble && ++event.bubble > 1)) {
self.state = conf.gesture;
conf.listener(event, self);
time0 = time1 = 0;
// Generate maintenance commands, and other configurations.
var self = root.pointerSetup(conf);
self.state = "dblclick";
// Attach events.
Event.add(conf.target, "mousedown", conf.onPointerDown);
// Return this object.
return self;
Event.Gesture = Event.Gesture || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers = Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers.dbltap = root.dbltap;
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers.dblclick = root.dblclick;
return root;
"Drag" event proxy (1+ fingers).
CONFIGURE: maxFingers, position.
Event.add(window, "drag", function(event, self) {
console.log(self.gesture, self.state, self.start, self.x, self.y, self.bbox);
if (typeof(Event) === "undefined") var Event = {};
if (typeof(Event.proxy) === "undefined") Event.proxy = {};
Event.proxy = (function(root) { "use strict";
root.dragElement = function(that, event) {
event: event,
target: that,
position: "move",
listener: function(event, self) {
that.style.left = self.x + "px";
that.style.top = self.y + "px";
root.drag = function(conf) {
conf.gesture = "drag";
conf.onPointerDown = function (event) {
if (root.pointerStart(event, self, conf)) {
Event.add(conf.doc, "mousemove", conf.onPointerMove);
Event.add(conf.doc, "mouseup", conf.onPointerUp);
// Process event listener.
conf.onPointerMove(event, "down");
conf.onPointerMove = function (event, state) {
var bbox = conf.bbox;
var touches = event.changedTouches || root.getCoords(event);
var length = touches.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i ++) {
var touch = touches[i];
var identifier = touch.identifier || Infinity;
var pt = conf.tracker[identifier];
// Identifier defined outside of listener.
if (!pt) continue;
pt.pageX = touch.pageX;
pt.pageY = touch.pageY;
// Record data.
self.state = state || "move";
self.identifier = identifier;
self.start = pt.start;
self.fingers = 1; // TODO(mud): option to track as single set, or individually.
if (conf.position === "relative") {
self.x = (pt.pageX + bbox.scrollLeft - pt.offsetX) * bbox.scaleX;
self.y = (pt.pageY + bbox.scrollTop - pt.offsetY) * bbox.scaleY;
} else {
self.x = (pt.pageX - pt.offsetX);
self.y = (pt.pageY - pt.offsetY);
conf.listener(event, self);
conf.onPointerUp = function(event) {
// Remove tracking for touch.
if (root.pointerEnd(event, self, conf, conf.onPointerMove)) {
Event.remove(conf.doc, "mousemove", conf.onPointerMove);
Event.remove(conf.doc, "mouseup", conf.onPointerUp);
// Generate maintenance commands, and other configurations.
var self = root.pointerSetup(conf);
// Attach events.
if (conf.event) {
} else {
Event.add(conf.target, "mousedown", conf.onPointerDown);
// Return this object.
return self;
Event.Gesture = Event.Gesture || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers = Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers.drag = root.drag;
return root;
"Gesture" event proxy (2+ fingers).
CONFIGURE: minFingers, maxFingers.
Event.add(window, "gesture", function(event, self) {
console.log(self.rotation, self.scale, self.fingers, self.state);
if (typeof(Event) === "undefined") var Event = {};
if (typeof(Event.proxy) === "undefined") Event.proxy = {};
Event.proxy = (function(root) { "use strict";
var RAD_DEG = Math.PI / 180;
root.gesture = function(conf) {
conf.minFingers = conf.minFingers || conf.fingers || 2;
// Tracking the events.
conf.onPointerDown = function (event) {
var fingers = conf.fingers;
if (root.pointerStart(event, self, conf)) {
Event.add(conf.doc, "mousemove", conf.onPointerMove);
Event.add(conf.doc, "mouseup", conf.onPointerUp);
// Record gesture start.
if (conf.fingers === conf.minFingers && fingers !== conf.fingers) {
self.fingers = conf.minFingers;
self.scale = 1;
self.rotation = 0;
self.state = "start";
var sids = ""; //- FIXME(mud): can generate duplicate IDs.
for (var key in conf.tracker) sids += key;
self.identifier = parseInt(sids);
conf.listener(event, self);
conf.onPointerMove = function (event, state) {
var bbox = conf.bbox;
var points = conf.tracker;
var touches = event.changedTouches || root.getCoords(event);
var length = touches.length;
// Update tracker coordinates.
for (var i = 0; i < length; i ++) {
var touch = touches[i];
var sid = touch.identifier || Infinity;
var pt = points[sid];
// Check whether "pt" is used by another gesture.
if (!pt) continue;
// Find the actual coordinates.
if (conf.position === "relative") {
pt.move.x = (touch.pageX + bbox.scrollLeft - bbox.x1) * bbox.scaleX;
pt.move.y = (touch.pageY + bbox.scrollTop - bbox.y1) * bbox.scaleY;
} else {
pt.move.x = (touch.pageX - bbox.x1);
pt.move.y = (touch.pageY - bbox.y1);
if (conf.fingers < conf.minFingers) return;
var touches = [];
var scale = 0;
var rotation = 0;
/// Calculate centroid of gesture.
var centroidx = 0;
var centroidy = 0;
var length = 0;
for (var sid in points) {
var touch = points[sid];
if (touch.up) continue;
centroidx += touch.move.x;
centroidy += touch.move.y;
length ++;
centroidx /= length;
centroidy /= length;
for (var sid in points) {
var touch = points[sid];
if (touch.up) continue;
var start = touch.start;
if (!start.distance) {
var dx = start.x - centroidx;
var dy = start.y - centroidy;
start.distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
start.angle = Math.atan2(dx, dy) / RAD_DEG;
// Calculate scale.
var dx = touch.move.x - centroidx;
var dy = touch.move.y - centroidy;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
scale += distance / start.distance;
// Calculate rotation.
var angle = Math.atan2(dx, dy) / RAD_DEG;
var rotate = (start.angle - angle + 360) % 360 - 180;
touch.DEG2 = touch.DEG1; // Previous degree.
touch.DEG1 = rotate > 0 ? rotate : -rotate; // Current degree.
if (typeof(touch.DEG2) !== "undefined") {
if (rotate > 0) {
touch.rotation += touch.DEG1 - touch.DEG2;
} else {
touch.rotation -= touch.DEG1 - touch.DEG2;
rotation += touch.rotation;
// Attach current points to self.
self.touches = touches;
self.fingers = conf.fingers;
self.scale = scale / conf.fingers;
self.rotation = rotation / conf.fingers;
self.state = "change";
conf.listener(event, self);
conf.onPointerUp = function(event) {
// Remove tracking for touch.
var fingers = conf.fingers;
if (root.pointerEnd(event, self, conf)) {
Event.remove(conf.doc, "mousemove", conf.onPointerMove);
Event.remove(conf.doc, "mouseup", conf.onPointerUp);
// Check whether fingers has dropped below minFingers.
if (fingers === conf.minFingers && conf.fingers < conf.minFingers) {
self.fingers = conf.fingers;
self.state = "end";
conf.listener(event, self);
// Generate maintenance commands, and other configurations.
var self = root.pointerSetup(conf);
// Attach events.
Event.add(conf.target, "mousedown", conf.onPointerDown);
// Return this object.
return self;
Event.Gesture = Event.Gesture || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers = Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers.gesture = root.gesture;
return root;
"Pointer" event proxy (1+ fingers).
CONFIGURE: minFingers, maxFingers.
Event.add(window, "gesture", function(event, self) {
console.log(self.rotation, self.scale, self.fingers, self.state);
if (typeof(Event) === "undefined") var Event = {};
if (typeof(Event.proxy) === "undefined") Event.proxy = {};
Event.proxy = (function(root) { "use strict";
root.pointerdown =
root.pointermove =
root.pointerup = function(conf) {
if (conf.target.isPointerEmitter) return;
// Tracking the events.
var isDown = true;
conf.onPointerDown = function (event) {
isDown = false;
self.gesture = "pointerdown";
conf.listener(event, self);
conf.onPointerMove = function (event) {
self.gesture = "pointermove";
conf.listener(event, self, isDown);
conf.onPointerUp = function (event) {
isDown = true;
self.gesture = "pointerup";
conf.listener(event, self, true);
// Generate maintenance commands, and other configurations.
var self = root.pointerSetup(conf);
// Attach events.
Event.add(conf.target, "mousedown", conf.onPointerDown);
Event.add(conf.target, "mousemove", conf.onPointerMove);
Event.add(conf.doc, "mouseup", conf.onPointerUp);
// Return this object.
conf.target.isPointerEmitter = true;
return self;
Event.Gesture = Event.Gesture || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers = Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers.pointerdown = root.pointerdown;
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers.pointermove = root.pointermove;
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers.pointerup = root.pointerup;
return root;
"Device Motion" and "Shake" event proxy.
Event.add(window, "shake", function(event, self) {});
Event.add(window, "devicemotion", function(event, self) {
console.log(self.acceleration, self.accelerationIncludingGravity);
if (typeof(Event) === "undefined") var Event = {};
if (typeof(Event.proxy) === "undefined") Event.proxy = {};
Event.proxy = (function(root) { "use strict";
root.shake = function(conf) {
// Externally accessible data.
var self = {
gesture: "devicemotion",
acceleration: {},
accelerationIncludingGravity: {},
target: conf.target,
listener: conf.listener,
remove: function() {
window.removeEventListener('devicemotion', onDeviceMotion, false);
// Setting up local variables.
var threshold = 4; // Gravitational threshold.
var timeout = 1000; // Timeout between shake events.
var timeframe = 200; // Time between shakes.
var shakes = 3; // Minimum shakes to trigger event.
var lastShake = (new Date).getTime();
var gravity = { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0 };
var delta = {
x: { count: 0, value: 0 },
y: { count: 0, value: 0 },
z: { count: 0, value: 0 }
// Tracking the events.
var onDeviceMotion = function(e) {
var alpha = 0.8; // Low pass filter.
var o = e.accelerationIncludingGravity;
gravity.x = alpha * gravity.x + (1 - alpha) * o.x;
gravity.y = alpha * gravity.y + (1 - alpha) * o.y;
gravity.z = alpha * gravity.z + (1 - alpha) * o.z;
self.accelerationIncludingGravity = gravity;
self.acceleration.x = o.x - gravity.x;
self.acceleration.y = o.y - gravity.y;
self.acceleration.z = o.z - gravity.z;
if (conf.gesture === "devicemotion") {
conf.listener(e, self);
var data = "xyz";
var now = (new Date).getTime();
for (var n = 0, length = data.length; n < length; n ++) {
var letter = data[n];
var ACCELERATION = self.acceleration[letter];
var DELTA = delta[letter];
var abs = Math.abs(ACCELERATION);
/// Check whether another shake event was recently registered.
if (now - lastShake < timeout) continue;
/// Check whether delta surpasses threshold.
if (abs > threshold) {
var idx = now * ACCELERATION / abs;
var span = Math.abs(idx + DELTA.value);
// Check whether last delta was registered within timeframe.
if (DELTA.value && span < timeframe) {
DELTA.value = idx;
DELTA.count ++;
// Check whether delta count has enough shakes.
if (DELTA.count === shakes) {
conf.listener(e, self);
// Reset tracking.
lastShake = now;
DELTA.value = 0;
DELTA.count = 0;
} else {
// Track first shake.
DELTA.value = idx;
DELTA.count = 1;
// Attach events.
if (!window.addEventListener) return;
window.addEventListener('devicemotion', onDeviceMotion, false);
// Return this object.
return self;
Event.Gesture = Event.Gesture || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers = Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers.shake = root.shake;
return root;
"Swipe" event proxy (1+ fingers).
CONFIGURE: snap, threshold, maxFingers.
Event.add(window, "swipe", function(event, self) {
console.log(self.velocity, self.angle);
if (typeof(Event) === "undefined") var Event = {};
if (typeof(Event.proxy) === "undefined") Event.proxy = {};
Event.proxy = (function(root) { "use strict";
var RAD_DEG = Math.PI / 180;
root.swipe = function(conf) {
conf.snap = conf.snap || 90; // angle snap.
conf.threshold = conf.threshold || 1; // velocity threshold.
// Tracking the events.
conf.onPointerDown = function (event) {
if (root.pointerStart(event, self, conf)) {
Event.add(conf.doc, "mousemove", conf.onPointerMove).listener(event);
Event.add(conf.doc, "mouseup", conf.onPointerUp);
conf.onPointerMove = function (event) {
var touches = event.changedTouches || root.getCoords(event);
var length = touches.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i ++) {
var touch = touches[i];
var sid = touch.identifier || Infinity;
var o = conf.tracker[sid];
// Identifier defined outside of listener.
if (!o) continue;
o.move.x = touch.pageX;
o.move.y = touch.pageY;
o.moveTime = (new Date).getTime();
conf.onPointerUp = function(event) {
if (root.pointerEnd(event, self, conf)) {
Event.remove(conf.doc, "mousemove", conf.onPointerMove);
Event.remove(conf.doc, "mouseup", conf.onPointerUp);
var velocity1;
var velocity2
var degree1;
var degree2;
/// Calculate centroid of gesture.
var start = { x: 0, y: 0 };
var endx = 0;
var endy = 0;
var length = 0;
for (var sid in conf.tracker) {
var touch = conf.tracker[sid];
var xdist = touch.move.x - touch.start.x;
var ydist = touch.move.y - touch.start.y;
endx += touch.move.x;
endy += touch.move.y;
start.x += touch.start.x;
start.y += touch.start.y;
length ++;
var distance = Math.sqrt(xdist * xdist + ydist * ydist);
var ms = touch.moveTime - touch.startTime;
var degree2 = Math.atan2(xdist, ydist) / RAD_DEG + 180;
var velocity2 = ms ? distance / ms : 0;
if (typeof(degree1) === "undefined") {
degree1 = degree2;
velocity1 = velocity2;
} else if (Math.abs(degree2 - degree1) <= 20) {
degree1 = (degree1 + degree2) / 2;
velocity1 = (velocity1 + velocity2) / 2;
} else {
if (velocity1 > conf.threshold) {
start.x /= length;
start.y /= length;
self.start = start;
self.x = endx / length;
self.y = endy / length;
self.angle = -((((degree1 / conf.snap + 0.5) >> 0) * conf.snap || 360) - 360);
self.velocity = velocity1;
self.fingers = conf.gestureFingers;
self.state = "swipe";
conf.listener(event, self);
// Generate maintenance commands, and other configurations.
var self = root.pointerSetup(conf);
// Attach events.
Event.add(conf.target, "mousedown", conf.onPointerDown);
// Return this object.
return self;
Event.Gesture = Event.Gesture || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers = Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers.swipe = root.swipe;
return root;
"Tap" and "Longpress" event proxy.
CONFIGURE: delay (longpress), timeout (tap).
Event.add(window, "tap", function(event, self) {
multi-finger tap // touch an target for <= 250ms.
multi-finger longpress // touch an target for >= 500ms
if (typeof(Event) === "undefined") var Event = {};
if (typeof(Event.proxy) === "undefined") Event.proxy = {};
Event.proxy = (function(root) { "use strict";
root.tap =
root.longpress = function(conf) {
conf.delay = conf.delay || 500;
conf.timeout = conf.timeout || 250;
// Setting up local variables.
var timestamp, timeout;
// Tracking the events.
conf.onPointerDown = function (event) {
if (root.pointerStart(event, self, conf)) {
timestamp = (new Date).getTime();
// Initialize event listeners.
Event.add(conf.doc, "mousemove", conf.onPointerMove).listener(event);
Event.add(conf.doc, "mouseup", conf.onPointerUp);
// Make sure this is a "longpress" event.
if (conf.gesture !== "longpress") return;
timeout = setTimeout(function() {
if (event.cancelBubble && ++event.bubble > 1) return;
// Make sure no fingers have been changed.
var fingers = 0;
for (var key in conf.tracker) {
if (conf.tracker[key].end === true) return;
if (conf.cancel) return;
fingers ++;
// Send callback.
self.state = "start";
self.fingers = fingers;
conf.listener(event, self);
}, conf.delay);
conf.onPointerMove = function (event) {
var bbox = conf.bbox;
var touches = event.changedTouches || root.getCoords(event);
var length = touches.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i ++) {
var touch = touches[i];
var identifier = touch.identifier || Infinity;
var pt = conf.tracker[identifier];
if (!pt) continue;
if (conf.position === "relative") {
var x = (touch.pageX + bbox.scrollLeft - bbox.x1) * bbox.scaleX;
var y = (touch.pageY + bbox.scrollTop - bbox.y1) * bbox.scaleY;
} else {
var x = (touch.pageX - bbox.x1);
var y = (touch.pageY - bbox.y1);
if (!(x > 0 && x < bbox.width && // Within target coordinates..
y > 0 && y < bbox.height &&
Math.abs(x - pt.start.x) <= 25 && // Within drift deviance.
Math.abs(y - pt.start.y) <= 25)) {
// Cancel out this listener.
Event.remove(conf.doc, "mousemove", conf.onPointerMove);
conf.cancel = true;
conf.onPointerUp = function(event) {
if (root.pointerEnd(event, self, conf)) {
Event.remove(conf.doc, "mousemove", conf.onPointerMove);
Event.remove(conf.doc, "mouseup", conf.onPointerUp);
if (event.cancelBubble && ++event.bubble > 1) return;
// Callback release on longpress.
if (conf.gesture === "longpress") {
if (self.state === "start") {
self.state = "end";
conf.listener(event, self);
// Cancel event due to movement.
if (conf.cancel) return;
// Ensure delay is within margins.
if ((new Date).getTime() - timestamp > conf.timeout) return;
// Send callback.
self.state = "tap";
self.fingers = conf.gestureFingers;
conf.listener(event, self);
// Generate maintenance commands, and other configurations.
var self = root.pointerSetup(conf);
// Attach events.
Event.add(conf.target, "mousedown", conf.onPointerDown);
// Return this object.
return self;
Event.Gesture = Event.Gesture || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers = Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers.tap = root.tap;
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers.longpress = root.longpress;
return root;
"Mouse Wheel" event proxy.
Event.add(window, "wheel", function(event, self) {
console.log(self.state, self.wheelDelta);
if (typeof(Event) === "undefined") var Event = {};
if (typeof(Event.proxy) === "undefined") Event.proxy = {};
Event.proxy = (function(root) { "use strict";
root.wheel = function(conf) {
// Configure event listener.
var interval;
var timeout = conf.timeout || 150;
var count = 0;
// Externally accessible data.
var self = {
gesture: "wheel",
state: "start",
wheelDelta: 0,
target: conf.target,
listener: conf.listener,
remove: function() {
conf.target[remove](type, onMouseWheel, false);
// Tracking the events.
var onMouseWheel = function(event) {
event = event || window.event;
self.state = count++ ? "change" : "start";
self.wheelDelta = event.detail ? event.detail * -20 : event.wheelDelta;
conf.listener(event, self);
interval = setTimeout(function() {
count = 0;
self.state = "end";
self.wheelDelta = 0;
conf.listener(event, self);
}, timeout);
// Attach events.
var add = document.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent";
var remove = document.removeEventListener ? "removeEventListener" : "detachEvent";
var type = Event.supports("mousewheel") ? "mousewheel" : "DOMMouseScroll";
conf.target[add](type, onMouseWheel, false);
// Return this object.
return self;
Event.Gesture = Event.Gesture || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers = Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers || {};
Event.Gesture._gestureHandlers.wheel = root.wheel;
return root;