/* ------------------------------------- MIDI.Player : 0.3 ------------------------------------- https://github.com/mudcube/MIDI.js ------------------------------------- #jasmid ------------------------------------- */ if (typeof (MIDI) === "undefined") var MIDI = {}; if (typeof (MIDI.Player) === "undefined") MIDI.Player = {}; (function() { "use strict"; var root = MIDI.Player; root.callback = undefined; // your custom callback goes here! root.currentTime = 0; root.endTime = 0; root.restart = 0; root.playing = false; root.timeWarp = 1; // root.start = root.resume = function () { if (root.currentTime < -1) root.currentTime = -1; startAudio(root.currentTime); }; root.pause = function () { var tmp = root.restart; stopAudio(); root.restart = tmp; }; root.stop = function () { stopAudio(); root.restart = 0; root.currentTime = 0; }; root.addListener = function(callback) { onMidiEvent = callback; }; root.removeListener = function() { onMidiEvent = undefined; }; root.clearAnimation = function() { if (root.interval) { window.clearInterval(root.interval); } }; root.setAnimation = function(config) { var callback = (typeof(config) === "function") ? config : config.callback; var interval = config.interval || 30; var currentTime = 0; var tOurTime = 0; var tTheirTime = 0; // root.clearAnimation(); root.interval = window.setInterval(function () { if (root.endTime === 0) return; if (root.playing) { currentTime = (tTheirTime === root.currentTime) ? tOurTime - (new Date).getTime() : 0; if (root.currentTime === 0) { currentTime = 0; } else { currentTime = root.currentTime - currentTime; } if (tTheirTime !== root.currentTime) { tOurTime = (new Date).getTime(); tTheirTime = root.currentTime; } } else { // paused currentTime = root.currentTime; } var endTime = root.endTime; var percent = currentTime / endTime; var total = currentTime / 1000; var minutes = total / 60; var seconds = total - (minutes * 60); var t1 = minutes * 60 + seconds; var t2 = (endTime / 1000); if (t2 - t1 < -1) return; callback({ now: t1, end: t2, events: noteRegistrar }); }, interval); }; // helpers root.loadMidiFile = function() { // reads midi into javascript array of events root.replayer = new Replayer(MidiFile(root.currentData), root.timeWarp); root.data = root.replayer.getData(); root.endTime = getLength(); }; root.loadFile = function (file, callback) { root.stop(); if (file.indexOf("base64,") !== -1) { var data = window.atob(file.split(",")[1]); root.currentData = data; root.loadMidiFile(); if (callback) callback(data); return; } /// var title = file.split(" - ")[1] || file; document.getElementById("playback-title").innerHTML = title.replace(".mid",""); /// var fetch = new XMLHttpRequest(); fetch.open('GET', file); fetch.overrideMimeType("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"); fetch.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState === 4 && this.status === 200) { var t = this.responseText || ""; var ff = []; var mx = t.length; var scc = String.fromCharCode; for (var z = 0; z < mx; z++) { ff[z] = scc(t.charCodeAt(z) & 255); } var data = ff.join(""); root.currentData = data; root.loadMidiFile(); if (callback) callback(data); } }; fetch.send(); }; // Playing the audio var eventQueue = []; // hold events to be triggered var queuedTime; // var startTime = 0; // to measure time elapse var noteRegistrar = {}; // get event for requested note var onMidiEvent = undefined; // listener callback var scheduleTracking = function (channel, note, currentTime, offset, message, velocity) { var interval = window.setTimeout(function () { var data = { channel: channel, note: note, now: currentTime, end: root.endTime, message: message, velocity: velocity }; // if (message === 128) { delete noteRegistrar[note]; } else { noteRegistrar[note] = data; } if (onMidiEvent) { onMidiEvent(data); } root.currentTime = currentTime; if (root.currentTime === queuedTime && queuedTime < root.endTime) { // grab next sequence startAudio(queuedTime, true); } }, currentTime - offset); return interval; }; var getContext = function() { if (MIDI.lang === 'WebAudioAPI') { return MIDI.Player.ctx; } else if (!root.ctx) { root.ctx = { currentTime: 0 }; } return root.ctx; }; var getLength = function() { var data = root.data; var length = data.length; var totalTime = 0.5; for (var n = 0; n < length; n++) { totalTime += data[n][1]; } return totalTime; }; var startAudio = function (currentTime, fromCache) { if (!root.replayer) return; if (!fromCache) { if (typeof (currentTime) === "undefined") currentTime = root.restart; if (root.playing) stopAudio(); root.playing = true; root.data = root.replayer.getData(); root.endTime = getLength(); } var note; var offset = 0; var messages = 0; var data = root.data; var ctx = getContext(); var length = data.length; // queuedTime = 0.5; startTime = ctx.currentTime; // for (var n = 0; n < length && messages < 100; n++) { queuedTime += data[n][1]; if (queuedTime < currentTime) { offset = queuedTime; continue; } currentTime = queuedTime - offset; var event = data[n][0].event; if (event.type !== "channel") continue; var channel = event.channel; switch (event.subtype) { case 'noteOn': if (MIDI.channels[channel].mute) break; note = event.noteNumber - (root.MIDIOffset || 0); eventQueue.push({ event: event, source: MIDI.noteOn(channel, event.noteNumber, event.velocity, currentTime / 1000 + ctx.currentTime), interval: scheduleTracking(channel, note, queuedTime, offset, 144, event.velocity) }); messages ++; break; case 'noteOff': if (MIDI.channels[channel].mute) break; note = event.noteNumber - (root.MIDIOffset || 0); eventQueue.push({ event: event, source: MIDI.noteOff(channel, event.noteNumber, currentTime / 1000 + ctx.currentTime), interval: scheduleTracking(channel, note, queuedTime, offset - 10, 128) }); break; default: break; } } }; var stopAudio = function () { var ctx = getContext(); root.playing = false; root.restart += (ctx.currentTime - startTime) * 1000; // stop the audio, and intervals while (eventQueue.length) { var o = eventQueue.pop(); window.clearInterval(o.interval); if (!o.source) continue; // is not webaudio if (typeof(o.source) === "number") { window.clearTimeout(o.source); } else { // webaudio var source = o.source; source.disconnect(0); source.noteOff(0); } } // run callback to cancel any notes still playing for (var key in noteRegistrar) { var o = noteRegistrar[key] if (noteRegistrar[key].message === 144 && onMidiEvent) { onMidiEvent({ channel: o.channel, note: o.note, now: o.now, end: o.end, message: 128, velocity: o.velocity }); } } // reset noteRegistrar noteRegistrar = {}; }; })();