/* MusicTheory.Synesthesia : 0.3 ------------------------------------------------------------ Peacock: “Instruments to perform color-music: Two centuries of technological experimentation,” Leonardo, 21 (1988), 397-406. Gerstner: Karl Gerstner, The Forms of Color 1986 Klein: Colour-Music: The art of light, London: Crosby Lockwood and Son, 1927. Jameson: “Visual music in a visual programming language,” IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages, 1999, 111-118. Helmholtz: Treatise on Physiological Optics, New York: Dover Books, 1962 Jones: The art of light & color, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1972 ------------------------------------------------------------ Reference: http://rhythmiclight.com/archives/ideas/colorscales.html */ if (typeof(MusicTheory) === "undefined") var MusicTheory = {}; if (typeof(MusicTheory.Synesthesia) === "undefined") MusicTheory.Synesthesia = {}; (function(root) { root.data = { 'Isaac Newton (1704)': { ref: "Gerstner, p.167", english: ['red',null,'orange',null,'yellow','green',null,'blue',null,'indigo',null,'violet'], 0: [ 0, 96, 51 ], // C 1: [ 0, 0, 0 ], // C# 2: [ 29, 94, 52 ], // D 3: [ 0, 0, 0 ], // D# 4: [ 60, 90, 60 ], // E 5: [ 135, 76, 32 ], // F 6: [ 0, 0, 0 ], // F# 7: [ 248, 82, 28 ], // G 8: [ 0, 0, 0 ], // G# 9: [ 302, 88, 26 ], // A 10: [ 0, 0, 0 ], // A# 11: [ 325, 84, 46 ] // B }, 'Louis Bertrand Castel (1734)': { ref: 'Peacock, p.400', english: ['blue','blue-green','green','olive green','yellow','yellow-orange','orange','red','crimson','violet','agate','indigo'], 0: [ 248, 82, 28 ], 1: [ 172, 68, 34 ], 2: [ 135, 76, 32 ], 3: [ 79, 59, 36 ], 4: [ 60, 90, 60 ], 5: [ 49, 90, 60 ], 6: [ 29, 94, 52 ], 7: [ 360, 96, 51 ], 8: [ 1, 89, 33 ], 9: [ 325, 84, 46 ], 10: [ 273, 80, 27 ], 11: [ 302, 88, 26 ] }, 'George Field (1816)': { ref: 'Klein, p.69', english: ['blue',null,'purple',null,'red','orange',null,'yellow',null,'yellow green',null,'green'], 0: [ 248, 82, 28 ], 1: [ 0, 0, 0 ], 2: [ 302, 88, 26 ], 3: [ 0, 0, 0 ], 4: [ 360, 96, 51 ], 5: [ 29, 94, 52 ], 6: [ 0, 0, 0 ], 7: [ 60, 90, 60 ], 8: [ 0, 0, 0 ], 9: [ 79, 59, 36 ], 10: [ 0, 0, 0 ], 11: [ 135, 76, 32 ] }, 'D. D. Jameson (1844)': { ref: 'Jameson, p.12', english: ['red','red-orange','orange','orange-yellow','yellow','green','green-blue','blue','blue-purple','purple','purple-violet','violet'], 0: [ 360, 96, 51 ], 1: [ 14, 91, 51 ], 2: [ 29, 94, 52 ], 3: [ 49, 90, 60 ], 4: [ 60, 90, 60 ], 5: [ 135, 76, 32 ], 6: [ 172, 68, 34 ], 7: [ 248, 82, 28 ], 8: [ 273, 80, 27 ], 9: [ 302, 88, 26 ], 10: [ 313, 78, 37 ], 11: [ 325, 84, 46 ] }, 'Theodor Seemann (1881)': { ref: 'Klein, p.86', english: ['carmine','scarlet','orange','yellow-orange','yellow','green','green blue','blue','indigo','violet','brown','black'], 0: [ 0, 58, 26 ], 1: [ 360, 96, 51 ], 2: [ 29, 94, 52 ], 3: [ 49, 90, 60 ], 4: [ 60, 90, 60 ], 5: [ 135, 76, 32 ], 6: [ 172, 68, 34 ], 7: [ 248, 82, 28 ], 8: [ 302, 88, 26 ], 9: [ 325, 84, 46 ], 10: [ 0, 58, 26 ], 11: [ 0, 0, 3 ] }, 'A. Wallace Rimington (1893)': { ref: 'Peacock, p.402', english: ['deep red','crimson','orange-crimson','orange','yellow','yellow-green','green','blueish green','blue-green','indigo','deep blue','violet'], 0: [ 360, 96, 51 ], 1: [ 1, 89, 33 ], 2: [ 14, 91, 51 ], 3: [ 29, 94, 52 ], 4: [ 60, 90, 60 ], 5: [ 79, 59, 36 ], 6: [ 135, 76, 32 ], 7: [ 163, 62, 40 ], 8: [ 172, 68, 34 ], 9: [ 302, 88, 26 ], 10: [ 248, 82, 28 ], 11: [ 325, 84, 46 ] }, 'Bainbridge Bishop (1893)': { ref: 'Bishop, p.11', english: ['red','orange-red or scarlet','orange','gold or yellow-orange','yellow or green-gold','yellow-green','green','greenish-blue or aquamarine','blue','indigo or violet-blue','violet','violet-red','red'], 0: [ 360, 96, 51 ], 1: [ 1, 89, 33 ], 2: [ 29, 94, 52 ], 3: [ 50, 93, 52 ], 4: [ 60, 90, 60 ], 5: [ 73, 73, 55 ], 6: [ 135, 76, 32 ], 7: [ 163, 62, 40 ], 8: [ 302, 88, 26 ], 9: [ 325, 84, 46 ], 10: [ 343, 79, 47 ], 11: [ 360, 96, 51 ] }, 'H. von Helmholtz (1910)': { ref: 'Helmholtz, p.22', english: ['yellow','green','greenish blue','cayan-blue','indigo blue','violet','end of red','red','red','red','red orange','orange'], 0: [ 60, 90, 60 ], 1: [ 135, 76, 32 ], 2: [ 172, 68, 34 ], 3: [ 211, 70, 37 ], 4: [ 302, 88, 26 ], 5: [ 325, 84, 46 ], 6: [ 330, 84, 34 ], 7: [ 360, 96, 51 ], 8: [ 10, 91, 43 ], 9: [ 10, 91, 43 ], 10: [ 8, 93, 51 ], 11: [ 28, 89, 50 ] }, 'Alexander Scriabin (1911)': { ref: 'Jones, p.104', english: ['red','violet','yellow','steely with the glint of metal','pearly blue the shimmer of moonshine','dark red','bright blue','rosy orange','purple','green','steely with a glint of metal','pearly blue the shimmer of moonshine'], 0: [ 360, 96, 51 ], 1: [ 325, 84, 46 ], 2: [ 60, 90, 60 ], 3: [ 245, 21, 43 ], 4: [ 211, 70, 37 ], 5: [ 1, 89, 33 ], 6: [ 248, 82, 28 ], 7: [ 29, 94, 52 ], 8: [ 302, 88, 26 ], 9: [ 135, 76, 32 ], 10: [ 245, 21, 43 ], 11: [ 211, 70, 37 ] }, 'Adrian Bernard Klein (1930)': { ref: 'Klein, p.209', english: ['dark red','red','red orange','orange','yellow','yellow green','green','blue-green','blue','blue violet','violet','dark violet'], 0: [ 0, 91, 40 ], 1: [ 360, 96, 51 ], 2: [ 14, 91, 51 ], 3: [ 29, 94, 52 ], 4: [ 60, 90, 60 ], 5: [ 73, 73, 55 ], 6: [ 135, 76, 32 ], 7: [ 172, 68, 34 ], 8: [ 248, 82, 28 ], 9: [ 292, 70, 31 ], 10: [ 325, 84, 46 ], 11: [ 330, 84, 34 ] }, 'August Aeppli (1940)': { ref: 'Gerstner, p.169', english: ['red',null,'orange',null,'yellow',null,'green','blue-green',null,'ultramarine blue','violet','purple'], 0: [ 0, 96, 51 ], 1: [ 0, 0, 0 ], 2: [ 29, 94, 52 ], 3: [ 0, 0, 0 ], 4: [ 60, 90, 60 ], 5: [ 0, 0, 0 ], 6: [ 135, 76, 32 ], 7: [ 172, 68, 34 ], 8: [ 0, 0, 0 ], 9: [ 211, 70, 37 ], 10: [ 273, 80, 27 ], 11: [ 302, 88, 26 ] }, 'I. J. Belmont (1944)': { ref: 'Belmont, p.226', english: ['red','red-orange','orange','yellow-orange','yellow','yellow-green','green','blue-green','blue','blue-violet','violet','red-violet'], 0: [ 360, 96, 51 ], 1: [ 14, 91, 51 ], 2: [ 29, 94, 52 ], 3: [ 50, 93, 52 ], 4: [ 60, 90, 60 ], 5: [ 73, 73, 55 ], 6: [ 135, 76, 32 ], 7: [ 172, 68, 34 ], 8: [ 248, 82, 28 ], 9: [ 313, 78, 37 ], 10: [ 325, 84, 46 ], 11: [ 338, 85, 37 ] }, 'Steve Zieverink (2004)': { ref: 'Cincinnati Contemporary Art Center', english: ['yellow-green','green','blue-green','blue','indigo','violet','ultra violet','infra red','red','orange','yellow-white','yellow'], 0: [ 73, 73, 55 ], 1: [ 135, 76, 32 ], 2: [ 172, 68, 34 ], 3: [ 248, 82, 28 ], 4: [ 302, 88, 26 ], 5: [ 325, 84, 46 ], 6: [ 326, 79, 24 ], 7: [ 1, 89, 33 ], 8: [ 360, 96, 51 ], 9: [ 29, 94, 52 ], 10: [ 62, 78, 74 ], 11: [ 60, 90, 60 ] } }; root.map = function(type) { var data = {}; var blend = function(a, b) { return [ // blend two colors and round results (a[0] * 0.5 + b[0] * 0.5 + 0.5) >> 0, (a[1] * 0.5 + b[1] * 0.5 + 0.5) >> 0, (a[2] * 0.5 + b[2] * 0.5 + 0.5) >> 0 ]; }; var syn = root.data; var colors = syn[type] || syn["D. D. Jameson (1844)"]; for (var note = 0; note <= 88; note ++) { // creates mapping for 88 notes var clr = colors[(note + 9) % 12]; if (clr[0] == clr[1] && clr[1] == clr[2]) { clr = blend(parray, colors[(note + 10) % 12]); } var amount = clr[2] / 10; var octave = note / 12 >> 0; var octaveLum = clr[2] + amount * octave - 3 * amount; // map luminance to octave data[note] = { hsl: 'hsla(' + clr[0] + ',' + clr[1] + '%,' + octaveLum + '%, 1)', hex: Color.Space({H:clr[0], S:clr[1], L:octaveLum}, "HSL>RGB>HEX>STRING") }; var parray = clr; } return data; }; })(MusicTheory.Synesthesia);